
poolside sesame slaw

I am very excited* to announce the opening day of what we call slaw season at the Smitten Kitchen. There is nothing better than a crunchy, lettuce-free, wilt-resistant salad in the summer, and I don’t just mean cabbage swimming in mayo. It could be broccoli or cauliflower, vegetables fine and pickled on sandwiches and tacos, and honestly, if it’s a vegetable, I feel confident I could slaw it, despite absolutely nobody requesting that I do.

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Last month on vacation in Florida, I ate a salad like this** by a pool (ah, vacation, I miss you so much) and while I swear on a stack of cookbooks that if I’m a guest in your home, anything you make for me is literally the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten, I’m always grateful for it and uncritiquing of it… this doesn’t apply to restaurants. I know I could do it better. So, I came home and started tinkering with a ratio (2:4:1) of cabbage to vegetables to crunchy things auditioned with three different dressings (one more of sesame-peanut sauce, one more of a nuoc cham, and one more of a ginger-scallion herby mixture) and concluded that the very best dressing for this salad already exists — the miso-sesame dressing on this Miso Sweet Potato Broccoli Bowl that I first used on the Sugar Snap Slaw in The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook.

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From here, you can add protein, if you wish. We brushed chicken thigh cutlets with a mix of honey and dark soy sauce and grilled them, then cut them thin, but I think tofu would also be excellent here (either brushed and grilled the same, or raw, as it doesn’t need to be cooked). Like the beach bean salad, this salad has portability in mind as it will hold up for hours, and even days if you keep the dressing separate. It wants to tag along with you on the good life, lounging by a sparkling blue pool this weekend (just tell me what time to arrive) and saving you from concession stand lines — which, according to my own personal rules, are only acceptable for funnel cake.

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* Well: … I *was* excited about the opening day of slaw season, intended for yesterday. But, like millions of other parents in this country, I had to drop my 6 year-old off at elementary school yesterday and today it was any other day and not think about the knot of doom and dread in my stomach at the possibility that she would not return to me later, or my son, away on a school trip he’s been excited about for months. I cannot fathom it and I don’t want to and I shouldn’t have to, nobody should. I don’t need to tell you that we have a problem in America that’s unique to us in its frequency and in our inability to do a damned thing about it. I don’t need to tell you that it’s not okay that we’ve had more mass shootings that days in the year so far. It seems clear to me that there are plenty of sound (NYT) solutions out there. Here are a few places you can donate if you agree: Everytown for Gun Safety, Sandy Hook Promise, and many more listed in this article.

** I know this salads like this are sometimes called an Asian Chicken Salad or the like but I think it’s worth mentioning that there’s been a lot of pushback about it in the last few years (NYT, an unlocked article), as the presence of miso or ginger doesn’t make something of a 48-country continent.



6 months ago: Cranberry Pecan Bread
1 year ago: Soy-Glazed Chicken
2 years ago: Simple, Essential Bolognese
3 years ago: Austrian Torn, Fluffy Pancake
4 years ago: Chilaquiles Brunch Casserole
5 years ago: Rhubarb Upside-Down Spice Cake
6 years ago: Perfect Garlic Bread, Shaved Asparagus Frittata and Palm Springs Date Shake
7 years ago: Potato Scallion and Kale Cakes, Salted Chocolate Chunk Cookies, and Crispy Broccoli with Lemon and Garlic
8 years ago: Blue Sky Bran Muffins and Fresh Spinach Pasta
9 years ago: Spring Vegetable Potstickers and Essential Raised Waffles
10 years ago: Bacon, Egg and Leek Risotto
11 years ago: Sour Cream Cornbread with Aleppo and Ribboned Asparagus Salad with Lemon
12 years ago: Radicchio, Apple, and Pear Salad, New York Cheesecake and Shakshuka
13 years ago: Black Bread and Ranch Rugelach
14 years ago: Chocolate Walnut Cookies + More Flourless Dessert, Almond Cake with Strawberry-Rhubarb Compote
15 years ago: Corniest Corn Muffins and Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

Poolside Sesame Slaw

  • Servings: 4
  • Source: Smitten Kitchen
  • Print

I wanted this salad to be as flexible as what’s in your fridge. I’ve made it with all and some of the vegetables below, but it would be unquestionably excellent with thinly-sliced raw asparagus, radishes, barely-cooked green beans, and more. For the crunch element, you could use salted cashews, sunflower seeds, or even toasted black and white sesame seeds (I’d use just a few tablespoons of seeds). For protein, we brushed 1 pound of boneless skinless chicken thighs with a 1:1 mixture of dark soy sauce and honey, grilled them, then sliced them thin, but you could also do the same with tofu here, for an entirely vegan salad.

  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger
  • 1 medium garlic clove, minced
  • 2 tablespoons well-stirred tahini
  • 2 tablespoons white miso
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons olive or a neutral oil
  • Salt and Sriracha to taste
  • Slaw
  • 4 cups thinly sliced mixed carrots, cucumber, celery, bell peppers, sugar snaps, and/or snow peas
  • 2 cups thinly sliced red, green, savoy, or napa cabbage
  • 1 cup chopped salted peanuts
  • 1 cup thinly sliced scallion (white and green parts)
  • Handful chopped fresh cilantro, if you wish
  • About 1 cup Miso-Sesame Dressing (above)
  • 1 pound grilled chicken thighs, thinly sliced (optional, see Note)

Make the dressing: Combine all dressing ingredients in a blender and run until smooth, scraping down sides once. You can also hand-whisk the ingredients in a bowl, but be vigorous so the chunky ingredients smooth out. Taste and adjust ingredients to your preference.

Assemble the salad: Holding back a little of the peanuts, scallion, and herbs for garnish, add all ingredients to a large bowl and toss with half of the dressing, adding some or all of the remaining dressing to taste. Season with salt and pepper, if needed. Sprinkle with reserved peanuts, scallions, and herbs for extra prettiness. Eat right away or bring it somewhere wonderful in a cooler and eat it in a few hours.

Do ahead: The dressing and chopped vegetables (except the cilantro, which might wilt faster), stored separately, will keep for up to 5 days in the fridge.

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282 comments on poolside sesame slaw

      1. Karen Nelson

        I saw this on Instagram and it looked so fresh and appealing that I started mixing up the dressing immediately. Everything called for was already in my pantry. I made it exactly as directed and it is DELICIOUS! IF I don’t eat it all by the end of the afternoon, I’m going to grill some salmon with teriyaki sauce and eat right tonight! Thanks!

  1. Mel

    This salad looks delicious, I too love a good slaw. And thank you for noting the sadness and violence we are experiencing as a country, and the great need to fix these issues.

    1. Stephanie

      I couldn¡¯t agree more. I am a long time smitten follower, never posted a comment¡­ but thank you for acknowledging the terrible reality we are experiencing and sustaining and calling for more action on gun violence. I too held my kids a bit closer and was more intentional in the moments before sending them off to school¡­. Your voice matters, our voice matters¡­ thank you.

  2. Chelsea

    Thank you for this. I am a fellow slaw-lover surrounded by slaw-tolerators-at-best and am always so glad for your recipes and enthusiasm for slaw.

  3. Michelle

    I will be making this all summer. I love you and everything you have to say here. Both the recipe and words are comforting today. xoxo

  4. Kelly

    I love a good slaw recipe, and always mix up my own dressing so I can be sure it¡¯s gluten free. I might add to your comments that perhaps one of the problems is that we advertise certain areas as gun-free zones: ¡°We¡¯re not protected here! C¡¯mon in!¡± And of all people to leave unprotected¡ªour children. Also, red flags everywhere when I read ¡°X amount of people were killed by guns last year¡± on a link you shared. People are killed by people, and evil people will always find a way to kill if they wish. HR8 would not have stopped the Uvalde shooter. What HR8 would do is not allow me to legally use one of my dad¡¯s rifles to deer hunt on his land without traveling to a federal gun dealer, filling out extensive paperwork, and paying fees. Since I¡¯m not going to do something that ridiculous, I would become a criminal. This is what these not-well-thought-out laws do. They do NOT stop criminals. Doing ¡°something¡± when that something accomplishes nothing is not the answer. Mixing politics in here made for a bad recipe.

    1. KK

      Kelly, first of all, don’t ever tell a blogger what they can and can’t write about. It’s their blog. Find your own corner of the internet. Second of all, let me be very very very clear that I could not care any less about your, or anybody else’s, ability to hunt when children are being gunned down in our classrooms. By GUNS. Weapons. Purchased legally.

      1. Denise

        Thank you for your comment. As a Canadian (indeed almost every Canadian I know), we are constantly amazed at the ¡®Kellys¡¯ of your nation and their ridiculous and selfish arguments against sensible gun control. No one outside of the military needs to own an assault rifle. Full stop.

      1. J

        You¡¯re not willing to.. legally buy weapons? How absurd. Would hate to inconvenience you, to, you know, protect children and elderly and churchgoers. UGH.

        1. Kimber

          I love the recipe! Yes…changes must be made to protect our innocent children!! Our corrupt government spends trillions toward other countries instead of on our own American Citizens. All schools should be secure and have armed guards. If one armed guard was there at that school…that evil mentally unstable person would have been stopped immediately! Strict gun laws do NOT work. Look how well it worked for Chicago, NYC and D.C. Those cities have the highest crime rate! Criminals do NOT follow the laws. Politicians are protected by armed guards. Our President is protected by armed guards. Our banks, government buildings, the wealthy Hollywood elite all protected by armed guards. Why not the children of America???

          1. Anne

            Kimber, gun laws do work. Most of the guns in places like Chicago come from outside, from states with lax gun laws. I know I won’t change your mind with facts, but I didn’t want to leave your statement out there uncorrected. The time for common sense gun law reform is long past due. Why does an 18 year old need to be able to buy a weapon before he can buy a beer?

          2. Kim

            Same old tired, dishonest nonsense. Oh, you forgot arming teachers. Schools are not the place for guns, on guards, teachers, or anyone else. Common-sense gun laws work. Nowhere are you guaranteed the right to any kind of weapon you want. Look at the number of mass shootings when we had an assault weapons ban, and after it was allowed to expire. The numbers tell the story.

          3. pln

            Kimber, PLEASE check your facts before posting. If you check any list of “Most dangerous cities in the U.S.” you will NOT find Chicago, NYC or D.C. on any list anywhere. Please do not continue the lies. Thank you

    2. chris

      yeah, this ain¡¯t it. your right to play hunter does not trump other folk¡¯s safety. seems like maybe you should find another blog to make asinine comments on.

    3. Helen

      Yes Kelly, because your gun rights, and ease of your gun licensing was the first thing everyone’s thoughts went to. This is not politics. This is the right for our children to not have to attend school each day with the very real fear of violence. I am unsure when peoples rights to bear arms superseded peoples rights to feel safe.. in a place of learning.. when they are 10.

      But go ahead and fill your boots with all that convenience you need.

    4. SDG

      You should have to jump through hoops to get a gun. It should be harder to get a gun than it is to rescue a pet from the animal shelter. It should be harder to get a gun than to get your drivers license. If you think filling out paperwork and paying fees is ridiculous, then you should assess your priorities.

      1. Kelly

        Yes, one should have to fill out paperwork and pay fees to purchase a gun. I never said that paying fees and filling out paperwork to purchase a gun is ridiculous or that it shouldn¡¯t be required, but you all ran with that false accusation. You did not read what I said and responded to a straw man that you built, which is typical of every single response to my comment here. I made no suppositions about what was stated here on the blog, nor did I make any attacks. Further, I would not take from someone their first amendment right to say what they wish, no matter how untrue I believe it to be. This blogger has the right to say what she wishes, and I have the right to tell her that I believe some things might be best said in a different place. We can do that here in America¡­for now. What I did say about HR8 is that it would be ridiculous for me¡ªa lawful gun owner with a hunter¡¯s safety certification¡ª to jump through all those hoops to BORROW my dad¡¯s rifle¡ªalso a lawful gun owner¡ª to hunt on his land. THAT is asinine and illogical. And it certainly is much harder to get a gun than a driver¡¯s license, which of course, I think it should be. Much harder to get a gun than to rescue an animal, which of course, I believe it should be. I¡¯m not sure what you¡¯re reading, but the ideas you¡¯re espousing here are patently false.

          1. Ann

            Kelly, the baiting & trolling in your initial comment, and subsequent gaslighting in your second comment, are ridiculously obvious. But go ahead and play the victim. The rest of us know who the real victims of the gun debate are. Good luck with your cognitive dissonance, wish it served the murdered children in our schools as well as it serves you.

            Sorry to be unpleasant on your blog, Deb. I have had enough of the disingenuous self-serving BS of people who think protecting children isn’t as important as owning guns. ?

        1. Alyssa Jacobs

          Per the Dallas Morning News:”Texans have been able to carry a handgun in public without a license or training since Sept. 1, 2021, after Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation allowing permitless carry that he called the ¡°biggest and best¡± gun law of the 2021 legislative session.”
          “The Uvalde shooter reportedly used an AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle in the bloodbath Tuesday at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. He had legally bought two such rifles just days before the attack, soon after his 18th birthday, authorities said.”

          To obtain a driver’s license in Texas:Pass a written exam
          Pass a behind-the-wheel test
          Pass a vision exam
          Provide proof of identity
          Provide proof of U.S. citizenship or residency
          Supply valid vehicle registration
          Show proof of valid and adequate auto insurance
          Submit a completed drivers license application
          Pay the drivers license fee
          Agree to submit a thumb print and have your photograph taken

          Which is more difficult? I think getting the gun.

          1. Alyssa Jacobs

            In my anger, I mistyped. Getting the gun should be more difficult, but it is NOT.
            Thanks Deb for the sentiment and the links.

        2. SDG

          Just stop. I don’t really care that an idle bill (one that isn’t harsh enough, IMO) would make your life inconvenient. Your inconvenience does not trump a child’s life. An 18 year old should never be able to get a gun and 300 rounds of ammo on his 18th birthday (a transaction which I guarantee was easier than getting his driver’s license). I’ll get out the world’s tiniest violin for your troubles. And “this blogger” is Deb and Deb has every right in the world to say that it’s terrifying that sending a child to school right now because people like you argue that guns should be available without restriction because of you can’t be inconvenienced when you want to go hunting.

        3. stephanie

          @kelly – as it has already been explained to you, your interpretation of the bill is what is “patently false.” you also now try to claim you didn’t attack anyone but you said “mixing politics in here made for a bad recipe” so, that is also false. furthermore, the notion that evil people will always find ways to do evil things is true – HOWEVER, only guns and bombs can create these situations for mass casualties, and you don’t need to learn how to build a gun, purchase the individual components, and find a ways to plant them without getting caught. if he had come in with a knife or a blunt object of some sort he probably wouldn’t have gotten very far.

          @kimber made a related statement, that criminals don’t follow laws, which is true, but you can’t compare violent crime stemming from poverty, drugs, gangs, etc to school shootings. they’re two different animals with their own causes and their own solutions. ultimately, stricter gun laws will not and cannot be the sole answer to this uniquely american problem, but they can be a good start. obviously, keeping kids under armed guard ain’t it.

        4. Stephanie

          Kelly, you should be ashamed of yourself. Read¡­ open your mind¡­ be willing to change and accept that enhanced gun laws will not detract from the extracurricular activities that you speak of such a hunting. Simply put ¡­ an 18 yo shouldn¡¯t be able to access a high capacity weapon on a whim. Furthermore, most skilled hunters don¡¯t use weapons of this nature. The violence numbers referenced in other comments as a counter here (Such as Chicago and DC) ¡­ this is a different form of violence and needs an alternate approach. But for this growing problem¡­ mass shootings, high capacity /automated weapon use¡­ this needs both mental health attention and gun safety interventions.
          Nonetheless, I agree with the other comments ¡­ it¡¯s hard to persuade someone like you to be open to change. Change is hard , but our children deserve a better world.

        5. C.

          Oh please. Nobody is persecuting you. Maybe you need to re-read your own original comment. You actually did specifically refer to gun paperwork and fees as “ridiculous”. And you actually did criticize the blogger for posting her thoughts, and you also are not apparently willing to grant the privilege of first amendment free speech to anyone but yourself, including those responding here. You just don’t like the responses because they portray you as entitled and ignorant. But what else did you expect? That the world should be more alarmed over a competley imaginary scenario that centers around you being inconvenienced than we are about the ongoing reality and horror of murdered children?

        6. Minka

          I’m not going to touch on what so many have already . I just want to ask you a question Kelly. Do you believe that potentially saving a child’s life is not worth jumping through ridiculous, inconvenient hoops? I’m genuinely asking, because that’s how your comment reads. I believe that you, a responsible gun owner, should be able to hunt. I also believe that’s ok for you to be inconvenienced, even by a lot, in order to make it harder for mentally unstable men (because it is always men committing these horror shows) to get a gun.

        7. Ishie

          Actually, since it’s her blog, she could have deleted you.

          You’re also making it political. She’s scared her kids might get shot. You aren’t afraid for your own. Good for you. How’s the slaw?

    5. kim brakeley

      Thanks Deb, for your words. ALL OF THEM. I knew you would throw down, in recipe and heart. As for the words complaining about the inconvenience of having to register for a gun, and it being “ridiculous”…well, a bunch of big grown up guys with guns stood around outside that school, for 45 minutes to an hour. So much for “good guys with guns” stopping anything. This is not an NRA blog. I love the recipe, and I love Deb’s message, and if you don’t you can find another blog to hijack. At the very least, it’s rude, and incredibly tone deaf and oblivious to the deep and recurring pain this incident brings, once again.

    6. Angela

      Kelly, no one cares about your inconvenience.
      Mixing your lack of empathy in this comment section is bad for a recipe and humans.
      This is Deb’s place and she can say what she wants.

    7. Marjan

      If evil people will always find a way to kill, why are kids in European schools not routinely killed by other means then guns?

      1. Jenni A

        It¡¯s not just schools in Europe! The ONLY country in the world whose children are regularly murdered at school is the US.

    8. Angela

      Kelly arguing that the convenience of a recreational pursuit is a worthwhile reason to allow the murder of children reveals the depth of moral bankruptcy in this country. They didn¡¯t believe the holocaust until they showed pictures. Maybe we need to do the same thing since apparently there are some that don¡¯t understand the gravity of the situation.

    9. Oneida

      Hi Kelly! I would like to just let you know that HR 8 would absolutely let you legally use one of your dad¡¯s rifles to deer hunt on his land without needing to jump through those hoops. The written bill is not very long and the longest part has a subsection that describes different circumstances when a gun can be transferred (specifically states that it can be transferred between family members and also temporarily for hunting purposes). Sometimes I think we are pitted against each other in this and I don¡¯t think we have to be. The bill looks actually pretty thought out and I have a background in reading law (currently finishing my masters in legal studies). I think we can have more gun safety and that it doesn¡¯t have to be a divisive issue. I agree that HR8 would not have stopped this situation, because this bill is not enough. And I agree that people will always do bad things, but making it less easy for them to do so would decrease the likelihood and the probability of it happening. This bill only increases background checks, and while I think we should pass it because it is a reasonable and well-thought out bill, what we need is to make guns and ammunition less accessible through licensing and other restrictions (that I won¡¯t go into further detail bc my comment is already so long, but can if there are questions) My husband comes from a hunting family and he explained to me that even for hunting, they don¡¯t want high capacity firearms or tons of ammunition, nor do people who want guns for protection want that either. No, these measures would not stop someone who truly wanted to do a mass shooting to spend the time and energy to obtain what they needed to commit it, but these kind of laws would certainly make it less easy and accessible for them to do so without taking away anyone¡¯s ability to hunt or have a gun for protection.

      1. Pamela

        Thank you. We all need to remember to read ALL of something, not just the parts that serve our own arguments.

        But I feel like we can all agree that keeping our children, our nation¡¯s future, SAFE AND ALIVE, is a valid argument. Call your senators.

    10. Ann

      Kelly, I am heartbroken at your comment. There are 19 innocent children and two wonderful teachers that are dead. Your lack of humanity and compassion reduces me to tears. I am so sorry that your response to this terrible tragedy is to double down on the false narrative that the gun lobby puts forth. Please look in your heart and see if you can feel for these grieving families that are enduring this terrible grief. Please actually look at the bill that is proposed and see for yourself if hunting gear will be restricted. Do not believe the evil that the NRA puts forth. I pray that it will never be you that grieves for a child or loved one who is an innocent victim of gun violence. Peace and love.

    11. Sally

      Protecting school children from being murdered is more important that protecting someone¡¯s right to kill innocent animals for sport. Schools should be gun free ¡ª there is no place for lethal weapons in a school. Any functioning democracy should be able to guarantee the safety of children going to school. That we cannot do this and that in the face of such senseless violence we cannot pass real, responsible gun control laws like every other civilised democracy on earth is a disgrace. Shameful that we want to protect our rights to hunt deer using illegal weapons over protecting the lives of children!

    12. Meg

      They actually DO stop criminals. There is plenty of facts to back this up. You just do not want to know about those facts.

    13. Jane Mataczynski

      What you said was fine. Guns don’t commit violence, people do. It’s a complex topic, and multiple points of view should be heard. If the NY Times is anyone’s source for information on serious topics, they are not well informed.

      1. Jenni A

        You¡¯re right, Jane, it is a complex topic. And one deserving of much better than the tired old ¡°guns don¡¯t kill people¡± line. We all know the guns sure as heck help.

    14. Sarah

      Kelly you¡¯re absolutely right. Watching our president come out against putting more measures in place at our schools to protect them made me sick to my stomach. That should be a big sign for everyone to reevaluate whether the calls for gun control by the government are just a power grab. The stance on not putting more measures in school is just criminal. You can absolutely hold the view that we need more gun control as well as more measures in our schools. Dismissing the measures in schools is the sign of a grifter.

      1. Ishie

        I think it’s more a sign that we don’t think schools should be built like prisons simply so that 18 year olds can have fun with military weaponry.

        The government has nukes and drone. They aren’t after my gun. If they want to keep rifles whose purpose is killing humans out of the general population so that we aren’t losing kids when *no* other country experiences that, that sounds good.

        Grifters were for Citizen United.

    15. smittenmitsmitten

      You are free to get your recipes elsewhere. It’s her blog and you’re an (unpaid) guest. Hurry along now.

    16. VV

      Excited for this slaw. Also, Kelly, what makes for a bad recipe is military-grade weapons of mass destruction readily available to anyone who wants to purchase them so they can terrorize everyday people. No one wants to stop you from hunting. But maybe think about how absurd it is you are defending a weapon that left children unrecognizable except for the color of their shoes. If there were no AR-15s, this country would be a safer place. No other country has this issue. Maybe do your due diligence and read the data and research available. Don’t tell a mother-writer how to feel after horrific acts of violence were perpetrated on innocent babies. And let’s be honest, you’re politicking by responding in this fashion which shows you do recognize that everything is political and there are no apolitical spaces, because we are never without our point of view or histories. Truly, do better.

    17. Becky

      Kelly – then travel to a federal gun dealer, fill out extensive paperwork, and pay fees if using a gun is so important to you. (Oh no! You have to take some steps to own and use a dangerous weapon? Such an inconvenience!) It¡¯s a weapon that is literally intended to kill (as you mentioned, you use them for hunting). It¡¯s perfectly sensible for someone to be required to take responsible steps (even many responsible steps – it makes sense for someone to have to jump through a whole lot of hoops to own a deadly weapon) in order to have the right to own and use a gun. Guns also kill a whole lot of people, tragically and unnecessarily. It is not a coincidence that countries with stricter gun laws have significantly fewer shootings and gun-related deaths.

      Children should be able to go to school without the threat of dying from a mass shooting just because some people can¡¯t get past their ¡°right¡± to own a deadly weapon.

      *also, all the likes or upvotes to all the sensible and correct-minded people who¡¯ve already said everything I just said here, if that were a thing on blogs.

      And thank you Deb, for the recipe, I can¡¯t wait to make this. And thank you for using your platform to include important information about the source of the awful tragedies in this country.

  5. KK

    Thank you for saying what needs to be said. We all grieve and rage with you. This salad looks like a delicious way to nourish ourselves during this time.

      1. JFC

        Sorry, I’m the OP and I meant this to be a reply to Kelly, NOT to Deb. Rock on, Deb. (Just don’t want anyone to think there’s more than one nutjob on this thread.)

  6. Tzipi

    Truly grateful for you, your recipes, your stories and your vulnerability. I¡¯m a long time reader and recipe tester (lol) and yours are tried and true. May you keep cooking, baking, exploring, writing and inspiring for years to come! I¡¯ll be here for the ride!

    1. Ishie

      I like some recipes better than others, but whether it’s from the blog or cookbooks (knock on wood), I have *never* had a dud recipe from her. Most consistent cook since Julia Child. My late garden is blooming and I’m about to start my tower garden outside so it’s awesome to have a versatile slaw recipe I can use for hot summer days to use up veggies.

  7. Kamian

    I don¡¯t usually keep miso on hand. Do you have any ideas for a substitute or another dressing that would go well with this? I would love to be able to whip it up last minute!

    1. Heather Day

      Maybe a combo of almond butter and something salty like soy sauce? Of course not everyone has almond butter on hand! I was just thinking of something texturally like miso.

    2. Ann Hicks

      I recommend you get a pot of miso. Try an Asian store as it tends to be more affordable there. Since I have kept miso in my fridge I find so many usuels for it. It adds a salty umami flavor to soups or dressings. It keeps forever. If you are interested in vegetarian cooking it can add that flavor prof that you may have found in meat or animal products before. Enjoy.

      1. Heather S.

        plus miso lasts a loooooong time in the fridge! …both in the sense that a little goes a long way, and also it keeps well.

    3. Ann

      Kamian, I tried using soy (same amount) since I didn¡¯t have miso. While it tasted good, it made the dressing really thin. I plan to find miso for the next time I make this. (And there will be a next time!)

      1. Ann

        Yep – Made it again *with* miso, and it was delicious! Served it with grilled honey/soy glazed salmon, and the two got along wonderfully.

    4. KB

      I’ve actually made this twice already and didn’t have miso on hand. I just used 3 tbsp of tahini and maybe a tbsp of soy sauce and it was great!

      1. becky

        thanks for the tahini sub idea. used to be able to find miso in my grocery store – now just a million miso flavored soup mixes and premade miso dressings.

  8. Ann

    Looking forward to trying this, and grateful for your sharing the weight of this grief. In addition to donating, casting my vote against the NRA puppets is something I very much look forward to.

  9. Angela

    Thank you for the recipe and for saying what needs to be said. The idea that mothers (and fathers) across the US are not trying to balance rage and grief and terror and that it¡¯s business as usual is denial. Just donated again to both those organizations and would add in the podcast We can do hard things which interviews the woman who started Moms Demand Action and which balances the ¡®rage in our souls¡¯ with concrete action.

  10. Mickey

    Finally, a delicious salad that will work perfectly. And I have all of the ingredients.

    When I was in elementary school, we had “nuclear bomb” drills. I often wondered how my generation grew up, made goals, lived our lives, with this threat hanging over head. Somehow, we had a normal childhood. As will your child, just a new generation of threats to deal with.

  11. amanda

    Deb – I love your honesty and realness and just … you. Everything down to the linked article about how it really isn’t appropriate to use broad strokes and call this an “Asian salad.”

    It’s such a damn hard time to be the adult-in-charge for tiny humans. Or have a uterus. Or care about people who have either of those things.

    Thank you for creating a space where you share beautiful recipes and food, and yet also inject your humanity.

    I adore you. Thanks for sharing brightness in a hard time. ((hugs)) to you and your tiny humans. Maybe they can help make this world a better place?!

    And I just want to say that I APPRECIATE that you share your feelings on hard topics. There are likely to be trolls here who disagree with me. I want to speak a little more loudly than them and tell you that I appreciate you.

  12. Marcie

    Thank you for being a light in these days of heaviness Deb. Dropping off our children at school and childcare has been tough this week and too many times before this. As Coach Kerr said – ENOUGH! Will it be enough to make real change happen, we will see. I am so happy and privileged to be able to celebrate summer and feed my family with your recipes.

  13. Thank you for this and all your other delicious offerings. My heart goes out to all of those traumatized children whose lives have been forever altered and all those heartbroken parents keeping with grief. Your words are 100% on point Deb.

  14. Emily

    This was delicious! Even though the chicken tip was a one-liner, it was the perfect topper (I air fried at 380 for 10 mins). I would definitely recommend chopping it smaller than I did (more like the pictures) because it was a little challenging to eat with big impatient pieces.

    Thank you for speaking out about the tragedy. Our hearts are with you.

  15. Emily

    Can’t wait to make this – the miso sweet potato broccoli bowl is one of my favorites! And thank you for sharing your fears and anger with us. Right there with you ??

  16. Camille

    You’re right, you’re right, you’re right… we have had our heads in the sand on this one for far, far too long.

    On the topic of food though: what is the best way to thinly-slice so many various veggies? A food processor with shredding blade? A mandoline? This is a gorgeous salad that I very much want to make, but the thought of slicing so many veggies might discourage me from finding the time!

    1. anon

      I made this today and used a pre-shredded veggie packet from the grocery store as my base and then added a few additional sliced vegetables. Using the pre-shredded cabbage and carrots made it go so quickly!

  17. Becki

    I made this tonight with a lot of vegetable substitutions (I had a head of cabbage languishing in the refer drawer, a few carrot sticks and some celery. A yellow onion. Edamame in the freezer. Roasted peanuts and pumpkin seeds). In my kitchen, shredded cabbage = slaw, so I took some liberties with the recipe.

    But I had EVERYTHING for the dressing, and it is incredible. I love a crunchy slaw, and this dressing turned my vegetable almost-has beens into dinner. So good!! Thank you!

  18. Erin

    Deb, so grateful that you acknowledged the present unfathomable awfulness, love your comments & thoughtfulness about labeling something “Asian,” and the photo of your grilled chicken made me drool.

  19. Helen Anderson-Clark

    Deb, I absolutely love how you write of both luxury and misery in a way that gives us all permission to do the same. I appreciate your fierce advocacy and am here for it. Keep doing the good work.

  20. Lillie Jones

    Super psyched to try this, maybe with some extra firm tofu (maybe even raw tofu since I¡¯m lazy). And so very grateful for you using your platform to talk about Uvalde, safety, our children, and gun violence – it¡¯s all connected. WE are all connected. Thank you.

    1. I’m also not a tahini fan, and I can confirm Deb’s suggestions – I always make this dressing with sunflower butter or peanut butter and it comes out brilliantly both ways.

  21. Gayle Johansen

    Deb, thank you for saying with such great power and clarity precisely what we’re all feeling. We MUST act! We MUST vote! The blessed memory of the slaughtered babies deserve no less.

  22. Karen Lauterwasser

    I am a big fan of slaws of almost all sorts. Regular leafy things just don¡¯t do it for me. My favorite is one with a lime juice based dressing ( No cilantro for me, and I¡¯ve changed the veggies around to use what I have (learned that from Deb!). Chopped sugar snaps are a favorite addition. Oh, and I sometimes use half bottled lime juice, when squeezing enough limes for a large batch is just too daunting. This ages very gracefully, and even the dressing/veggie juice at the bottom of the bowl after a few days tastes good.

    Thanks, Deb, for encouraging this slaw obsession!

  23. PGB66

    The dressing is delicious as a stand alone on any salad but I had to significantly increase the amount of olive oil (approx 1/4 cup) to thin it out.

  24. DJ

    Made the dressing to top our farro/roasted veggie/tofu bowls last night and it was the bomb. Seriously. Don’t think I will ever use another dressing recipe for a grain bowl again. Fabulous! I love a good slaw, so looking forward to trying it on that, as well. Thanks Deb!

  25. Madz

    I have always loved your writing Deb and your words today reinforced the sentiment.

    I don’t live in the US, but have lots of family there. When I read the news, a new kind of fear gripped my heart….fear for the lives of my nieces and nephews who live there and who I fear will never be completely safe. We in the rest of the world have watched this happen again and again and cannot fathom how nothing seems to change. Politicians defend guns over innocent children and continue to get away with it…and I despair that it will never change.

    I cannot imagine how hard it is to explain such things to children and yet find the courage to send them to school everyday. I grieve with you all….and I pray for the safety of all our children and for those little ones gone too soon.

  26. Melanie

    Deb, thank you so much for the thoughtful comments on, well, everything. I am crap at communicating using the written word, so I am very grateful for people like you that can express complicated ideas so well. In these oh-so troubling times, it helps me so much to connect and realize that I am not always alone in my feelings- AND love for cake!!!
    I hope you and your family stay happy and healthy.

  27. Sarah

    Did you know that in order to drive my car I had to travel to a state DMV location, pay all sorts of fees to get it titled, pass a test to show that I knew how to operate it safely, have an eye exam, and pay more fees to get my licence and plates?! How ridiculous! So I decided just to drive unlicensed and unregistered and with no plates, obviously. And would you believe, they labeled me a criminal?! There is truly no justice or liberty in this country these days.

  28. Sarah

    Related: did you know that recreational hunters don’t even want to use the kind of guns or ammo this guy bought legally because it’s too imprecise ans IT DOES TOO MUCH DAMAGE TO THE DEER. Let that sink in. I’ll add that I lived for many years in Israel, where the government has made a concerted effort to keep guns out of unregistered hands. So, terrorists turned to knives because people are going to do evil things. And guess what MANY FEWER PEOPLE DIED. Because a guy with a knife is a hell of a lot slower and way easier to stop.

    1. Ishie

      I don’t know long guns better than handguns because I’m too tired and lazy to go get my own deer, but the AR15 is widely considered useless for hunting, dumb looking, and overpriced, i.e., the perfect tool for people trying to make a statement but do nothing good with it.

      To bring this back around to cooking, I can do a lot of damage with a knife. That’s why I sharpen them. At the beginning of my “my 21 year old roommate shamed me into learning to cook back when I was 30” journey, I had a garbage thin dull grocery store knife. Now I have the wusthof, the japanese, and chinese chef knives along with some high end paring knives, fillet knives, and sooo many gadgets.

  29. Susan

    Deb¡ªthank you so much for your honesty on this topic. Truly appreciate your openness!!

    Regarding the recipe, I am so excited to try this, because your slaws are the best (Your broccoli slaw is on constant rotation here.) But¡ªI¡¯m allergic to miso :( What would you suggest as a substitute? Thanks!

  30. Mickey

    I made this tonight, no tahini, so I used peanut butter. It turned out great. I added a bit more ginger and a small container of mandarin oranges plus sesame seeds on top. I had “Bare Chicken Nuggets” which worked out perfectly fine.

  31. Molly

    This was deeeelicious! Served it with pan fried tofu, marinated in soy & honey. Used cabbage, carrots, celery, asparagus, and cauliflower for veggies. Subbed PB for tahini but only used half the amount to not overpower. Great summer staple!

  32. Marsha Gibbons

    Kelly, you have to be some kind of weird convoluted troll. Your comments are so stupid and tone deaf that they cannot be real. If paperwork and fees are ridicuclous in order to purchase a gun, then no wonder we live in a land where tragedy strikes our most innocent on a regular basis. On the off chance you are a real person who actually holds these views, in the words of my pastor, BASTA!!! Time is up. Wake up America. Take this very statement and put it on a billboard next to the precious faces of the dead children. Ridiculous.

  33. Slaw is one of my all-time favorite foods. I love the crunch of the cabbage, the tang of the vinegar, and the sweetness of the dressing. Unfortunately, I am often the only person in my family who feels this way. PS I never thought about having peanuts in my slaw and i LOVED IT. Thank you

  34. Deb, I’ve been reading your blog and trying [some] of your recipes for years. If you would only stay within your metier…But no, you decided to weer towards politics on a slightest of pretexts – and to lefty politics at that.
    Thank you, Kelly, for one voice of Reason in this ridiculous thread of REgressives.

    Deb you’re out of my blogroll.

    1. Kimberly

      ETAT – interesting post. If you’ve been a follower for years and appreciate Deb for her blog, but only if she “stays within… meter” what does that say about you? You say her post was made at the “slightest of pretexts” and is “lefty politics”? Really? how do you know? did you ask any questions? Seek to learn more about her perspective?

      No you didn’t. You went ahead and quit. That’s the easy way out. Cancel culture. You don’t like it, so you won’t even pretend to think about it.

      I’m sorry that your life was interrupted by the inconvenience of a kind, caring and influential woman voicing an opinion about an actual tragedy that occurred this week. I’m sorry for you. and for all of us.

      1. ETat

        Kimberly: It is “metier”, not “meter”. Google is your friend.
        What it says about me is written in my comment, clearly and openly. How do I know if Deb’s politics are lefty? Again, it is clear from the opinion she expressed: it is following NYT talking points and puts the blame squarely at guns and gun rights: which is against the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution, which is, in turn, is a goal of the Left for at least 3 decades.
        Cancel culture is not what you pretend it is; again: Google is your friend. I am not “cancelling’ Deb and her blog – but you try to ‘cancel’ me and mine by hypocritically being “sorry” for me. I am alive and kicking, Kimberly, and plan to continue for a long time, however much grief it brings you.

        My “life was interrupted?” “It’s an easy way out”? I “don’t pretend to think about it”?
        What a bunch of strawman tangents, completely irrelevant. Or is it that you’re incensed but don’t know how to express yourself? Maybe you should go take English correspondence courses.

        1. SDG

          An unhinged 18 year old is not a “well regulated militia,” so please stop with all of your 2nd Amendment nonsense. We all know that the Founding Fathers were thinking of muskets, not AR-15s nor the idea that a child could purchase hundreds or rounds of ammo on a credit plan. 2A wasn’t written so that some incel could shoot his grandmother in the face and then saunter down to the elementary school to murder a bunch of children. If the cops were too scared to intervene because they know how much damage an AR-15 can do, then maybe that type of weaponry should be banned. You can froth your mouth at all of the Leftists of the world but maybe you should take a step back and consider why on earth any citizen needs that type of weaponry and what that says about their own mental state. In the meantime, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

    2. kim brakeley

      Deb is a Mother of young children. In NYC. She has extremely good reasons for her words, and this is HER BLOG. Free Speech and all that, ya know? 27 school shootings this year so far. 19 children, 16 injured, and 2 devoted teachers dead 4 days ago. The worst since Sandy Hook. In addition to 10 black people in Buffalo. Slightest of pretexts? I would say, for the best of reasons, Deb is not just a brilliant cook, innovator, and communicator, she is also well positioned and entirely qualified to state her opinions on things. Just like anyone else with a popular much beloved blog. I bet there is a cooking blog made just for you. I’ll be buying extra copies of her books as gifts to all my friends who have or love children, or both. This is about CHILDREN. And the teachers who already sacrifice so much to care for them.

      1. ETat

        Why is it that lefties always presume something completely false about their opponents? How do you know I am NOT a mother of young children and NOT live in NYC,? I am all these things, and much more: I am better positioned to judge political situation in the country, and particularly in New York.
        As to free speech: that’s exactly what I and Kelly and others opposing such as you and Debra are exercising. Funny, how you, lefty scam, immediately scream : this is HER BLOG! – as if anybody prohibits Debra her opinions. She has a right to express anything – and so are we : but there are consequences to every action. She wants to turn to politics instead of writing a culinary blog – fine, then sh should be prepared part of her audience will leave. And do not silently.
        The worst possible thing you and others like you can do for the CHILDREN is to leave their safety at the hands of the police – as we already seen, it took the cops a whole hour before they entered the school, and even after that they only rushed to save their own kids and those they knew personally. While a real hero is a guy who disregarded the direct order and acted out of common sense. Luckily, he was armed. Unluckily for the 21 killed and numerous wounded, the school was a “gun-free zone” – otherwise the intruder would be incapacitated before he even entered the school.

        1. Emma

          Etat, it seems to me you need a quick review of both the first and second amendments.

          The first amendment protects freedom of expression in public spaces. The comment section on Deb’s blog is not a public space. With very few limits (as explained in my notes at the end of the comment), she can say whatever she wants on her blog. As well as this, she can moderate the comment section as she sees fit – if she would like to, she has every right to remove your comment. As a matter of fact, she has every right to remove any comment that she would like. This applies to pretty much all websites with comment sections, because, again, they are not public spaces.

          As for the second amendment, here it is: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

          Notice this: the second amendment does not say “the government may not place any limits on which weapons can be privately owned.” It also mentions a “well-regulated Militia,” which I don’t think you are a part of. As well as this, I’d like to point out that the purpose of the aforementioned militia is to ensure “the security of a free State.” Nothing in the second amendment implies that the government must let everyone own weapons, nor does it say that people should have access to whichever weapons they like.

          There you go.

          A few notes: the first amendment does not protect all speech. For example, it does not protect speech that incites “imminent lawless action,” nor does it protect speech that threatens someone’s safety (it is not legal to make a serious threat, such as a threat of murder or other bodily harm). I graduated high school in 2020. I have not experienced a school shooting, but I have experienced the fear that comes with hearing about them and wondering if my school is next. I have heard my teachers tell their students that if a shooting happens, we must leave anyone who is injured behind. I have been evacuated from school due to a bomb threat. I have been told that my parents must pick me up because there has been a mass shooting in the area and the suspect is at large.

          If you think that guns don’t cause fear, you are mistaken. If you think you have the right to own a semiautomatic weapon, you might, unfortunately, be correct, but it’s not because of the second amendment.

          I doubt that this comment will make you think about your position. I hope you read the whole thing. And if you don’t, or if you don’t care what I have to say, then just know that there is a heartbroken 20-year-old on the other side of your computer screen. I am grieving for children I did not know, as are millions of Americans.

          1. Kimberly

            Emma, thank you very much for your clear and kind comment. And for your leadership here on this blog and in the world.

      2. ETat

        Why did you see fit to inform me you’ll be buying Deb’s books? Why would I care? Or you think this is is somehow a daring action, a “bravery in the face of adversity”? I say – you’re a miser : why only few “extra copies”? Why not all of them – that would’ve for sure showed me!

        Other irrelevancies: why would you bring up Buffalo shooting – if, according to you,”this is about CHILDREN”! – and what’s more, why would you bring up race (“black people”)? Following an agenda, huh?

        Oh my, what a foolish and transparent people you lefties are.

    3. Jenni A

      It¡¯s incredibly sad that speaking up for murdered children is labelled ¡°politics¡± and deeply troubling that those same children are dismissed as being ¡°the slightest of pretexts¡±.

    4. Ishie

      Bye Felicia.

      Her recipes are so good I’d cook them up if she were interspersing tahini with QAnon rantings, but her being scared for her kids and hating that we’re the only country with this problem is “lefty”? Kind of shows where your values are. Most sane people wouldn’t think that “losing this many kids to gun violence is unacceptable” is political.

      But have fun “cookin with Nascar” or whatever you find.

  35. Jane

    Made this last night, and the meditative chopping and recipe-following was a therapeutic break after a heartbreaking week. Thank you for speaking out, and thank you for this wonderful recipe that fed my family and soothed my mind last night. Absolutely delicious.

  36. k. walker

    Deb, I thought your new cookbook had a carrot tart on the cover. Below is another cover, looks like pesto pasta. What gives?

    I admire you in so many ways. Keep on doing exactly what you’re doing now!

    1. Louella

      Hi K. Walker. That beautiful carrot tart is on the cover of her newest, not-yet-published cookbook. I think it’s coming out in the Fall, but I also think yesterday was February, so my sense of time is not to be trusted.

    2. deb

      I’m so sorry for the confusion! It is the same cookbook — we just updated the cover. I’m honestly thrilled because this had been my first choice cover and I felt we’d gotten it exactly right (I love the colors, the swirls, all of it), but I was outvoted on the carrot tarte tatin. That recipe is, of course, still in the book, but I suspect that you’ll be making this Green Angel Hair with Garlic Butter even more, or I hope so!

  37. David K

    Showed up the recipes, came out of years of quiet lurking to comment on the asterisks….

    We may disagree on some food choices, Deb, but I’m glad to line up being you on the politics and the way of the world.

    Although all that does right now is just make me want to stomp around and be pissed at everything. Thank whatever God I don’t have kids; I can’t imagine how you all feel.

    Maybe we all DO need a slaw as a distraction…

  38. Terri

    Thank you so much for your willingness to share your feelings on this horrific matter in so public a forum. Many would not have. I agree.
    Thank you also for the delicious recipe for poolside slaw. Always on the lookout for foods that won¡¯t wilt or spoil during the hot summer months. Can¡¯t wait to try this – I¡¯m sure it will be very well received!

  39. Clare

    I made this tonight with napa cabbage from my garden and I did include the grilled chicken. I didn¡¯t have scallions, so I left them out. It was beyond delicious! Thanks, Deb, for everything.

  40. Lily

    I don’t have anything to say that wasn’t more eloquently said in this comment session, but I really do appreciate you for using your platform to speak out about this issue.

    I am not a parent, but I remember distinctly the day Sandy Hook shooting occurred. I was a middle schooler, and remembered feeling so guilty and strange for eating chocolate in math class while 26 small children and teachers were murdered. I was a senior during Parkland, and attended the National School Walkout to demand action. A few years prior, I accidentally called my mom and hanged up on her while waiting for the bus. People were very loud and energetic and my mom was frantic because she thought something horrible had happened.

    1. Janet A

      Deb, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for saying what needed to be said, knowing full well that a handful of trolls would chime in to object “how dare you talk about anything but recipes,” when our schools, grocery stores, and churches have become killing fields.

      Your writing and your recipes have brightened my life, especially in the past two years, when warmth and brightness were often hard to come by. I also appreciate your maintaining the comments section as an online community, again, knowing full well that a few boors would show up to pee in the punchbowl from time to time.

      Thank you for all that you give us.

  41. I am eating this right now and I am already looking forward to lunches of it all week. I didn’t have any miso so I left it out and (though I’m sure it would be even more toothsome including it) it doesn’t seem to suffer for the lack. I also thinned the dressing out a little with some water.

  42. Susanne Klawetter

    Long time reader and appreciator of your recipes, which have fed my family and helped us celebrate all manner of milestones. Not a commenter, I don’t think anyway. Thank you for your words and please, please, please don’t remove them in response to a few misguided, misinformed, and hard-hearted readers. I will be making this all summer long. And when I do, I think I’ll include a small donation to one of these organizations or send a note to my Congress people as a small token of resistance. Sincerely, a fellow broken-hearted mother.

  43. Jackie

    Thank you for this delicious looking recipe Deb. I’ll be shopping for the ingredients tomorrow & will give a review.

    I also want to thank you for your thoughtful writing, on this topic and many others you’ve touched on. I live in Canada, & while we certainly have our problems, we don’t have the same gun culture as our neighbours to the South. I can’t imagine living where people can obtain guns easily. Why are they needed?

  44. Ayesha

    I skipped the ginger/garlic for a work-friendly lunch.

    This dressing is excellent on a chicken and mango salad (cucumber, carrots, cabbage, seared chicken breast and julienned unripe mango)

    Really really good dressing/dip!!! Also substituted maple syrup instead of honey. Deeeeeelish

  45. Nancy Daley


    I made it yesterday and it’s all I’ve eaten since, and now I have to wait for Trader Joe’s to open so I can make it again today. It should have disclaimers, and its name should be “crackslaw.” Deb! Give us a warning!

  46. Chris Steiner

    What might you be able to substitute the tahini for in the Poolside Sesame Slaw? It has sesame oil, but I don¡¯t keep tahini on hand. So I don¡¯t think peanut butter could be an option?
    Also your chocolate chip coffee cake is amazing. I didn¡¯t read thru your notes, but followed the original directions. It is that good.
    Thank you for all your recipes, from brisket to your cakes!!
    Your comment on school safety for your own children is totally justified. As a child in So Cal we had earthquake drills, not lockdowns.
    Gun violence protections should not be a political issue. It¡¯s common sense & to the benefit of every person.

  47. Allison

    This is so delicious- I made the recipe as written and found it to be perfect. I did sprinkle the veggies with a pinch of salt before tossing, and I used Hodo Soy’s five spice tofu. So good and simple! Will be making this often.

  48. Melissa

    Deb, I’ve been following you since I was in college (you saved me in my first voyage into adulthood!), and while slaw is something that’s a personal favorite being a southern girl transplanted away from Sunday BBQs and sweet tea, your awareness toward culinary impacts to other cultures makes me feel seen and appreciated. I’m happy that someone with your platform encourages an open-minded, but frank view on some of the unintentional racism that has rooted in America and pervades in things as simple as Applebee’s menu items. Thank you for your voice, and thank you for the recipes!

  49. Jenny

    I love this recipe! I added green beans and skipped the peanuts. To make my life simpler, I used preshredded carrots and cabbage from Trader Joe¡¯s so this meal came together super quickly. For lunch today, I ate the leftovers in a spring roll wrap with some avocado and couldn¡¯t be happier. Thanks, Deb!!

    1. Evangeline

      As written, the recipe makes just shy of one cup. (Just add up the ingredient quantities, remembering that there are 16 TBSP in a cup. So, 1/4 cup vinegar + 10 TBSP other ingredients = 14 TBSP, or 7/8 cup.)

  50. BJ Kelly

    Your comments confirm why I love you and the spectacular food you help me prepare,
    We¡¯ve and relish. It¡¯s the love that goes into all of it.

  51. Mary

    I am late to comment here, but I just wanted to add my love for this site. I have been a fan from the beginning, of the recipes and Deb’s writing, and the sense of community I find here. We are mostly kind, and thoughtful, and supportive, and encouraging of one another. I am so thankful for this place, for so many reasons. Once in a while someone posts a mean, snarky comment and I wonder why they even visit this site. So I hope the mean people leave soon, and we can get back to just loving Deb and every good thing she brings to us. The founding fathers could never have imagined the military weapons we have in this country now, and I am certain they would not have wanted them in the hands of citizens. We “leftists” do not want to take your hunting rifles, nor even your pistols, but there is no reason for anyone to own an AK47. And any lawful gun owner has no reason to fear background checks. We can disagree about many things in this country, but the horror of mass killing of children at school isn’t one of them. It is interesting to me that the few people who commented here against any kind of gun reform legislation immediately went mean and nasty and personal. Thank you, Deb, for who you are and what you do. We love you.

  52. Victoria

    I made this tonight and it was really good. It was a fast recipe to make as well. In stead of peanuts I did cashews and I used chicken breast instead of chicken thighs.

  53. Louella

    This was wonderful. Even better than I anticipated.

    I followed the recipe except (there’s always an except) I didn’t bother muscling my tahini into incorporating the oil. I just added the oil I thought would have been in the mix and let the blender do the work. Also except (perhaps related) I didn’t feel a need to add the neutral oil. Maybe my tahini was more oil than it should have been. Still delicious.

    And my neighbor who didn’t tell me until after dinner that he’s not a real miso fan, enjoyed it too. So even if you’re miso skeptical, it may be worth a whirl.

    Thanks Deb! My neighbors provided the bulk of the meal but this slaw and your EXCELLENT key lime popcicles rounded it out. Yum.

  54. melissa

    Such a wrench gutting week and I deeply appreciate you acknowledging it. I sent my 7 year old off to school and promptly made this salad. I shared it with friends and called it the self-care salad. It was delicious. As a saucy gal, I immediately regretted not making a double batch of sauce and was then pleasantly surprised that it was the perfect amount! I ate it for 2 days straight. Delicious recipe!

  55. Dina Moore

    I just did a little cheat¡­many items available already thin sliced from instacar(Wegmans)-I used a bag of rainbow broccoli slaw, shredded red cabbage, shredded matchstick carrots..only had to slice up my Napa cabbage, cucumbers and peas. You could probably toss some rotisserie chicken in the marinade and do a short cut for that too-fast weeknight dinner for the hot weather!

  56. Jaime

    DEBBBBBBBBBBB! I saw this recipe after it was first posted and for some reason had to have it at 10am this morning. I followed the recipe almost exactly – the one sub I made was for the cabbage, which my local Whole Foods was completely out of (?!). I absolutely hate kale, but figured it could stand up to the dressing. Holy $**! – this dressing is addictive. It’s 12:30 and with some help from my husband, this slaw-salad hybrid is gone. Will definitely be making for all the summer get-togethers thhis season!

  57. Sophie

    I am a big fan of yours, and today after reading your thoughtful words, am an even bigger fan. Thanks for being you and sharing with us. I’m making this slaw salad this week and will savor each bite as I think about what I can do to make our lives safer.

  58. Carrie

    I made this as a side dish for a bbq, so left out the chicken. For vegetables I used a mix of carrots, cucumber, celery, and snow peas; for cabbage I used half red, half napa. And I used the suggested sunflower seeds instead of peanuts because I had them on hand. It was excellent, and I predict it will wind up being a staple of the summer. As others have suggested, I’ll likely add a tablespoon-ish of room temp water to the dressing to thin it out just a bit when I make it again, but flavor was great exactly as published.

  59. Monica

    Amazing. The recipe makes a lot but once dressed it was so good I put a dent in the volume while prepping the chicken. Will make this again and again.

  60. Judi Leblanc

    The poolside slaw was so perfect for a too hot for burgers Memorial Day. The dressing is so so delicious. Couldn¡¯t find miso but added soy and it was great. Thank you

  61. Julie

    Deb, I usually love your recipes, but one ingredient today we could have done without….the can of worms you opened. Too much of our world today is divisive, and we need some things to go unsaid in public venues.
    Since the can has been opened……..why is this discussion only on gun availability? Anyone interested in seeking answers to what in this young boy’s life lead him to buy a gun and commit this act??? Is all aberrant behavior mental illness? What role do social media, entertainment, lack of parental discipline, family dysfunction play, in leading someone to this end? And don’t forget the failures of the school teacher and safety officers that likely could have prevented this event. And finally, adult respect for one another, our laws, truth and religion, would go a long way, in helping put our society back on track.

    1. kim brakeley

      Hi Julie! Why, YES! You are absolutely right that mental health and aberrant behavior are parts of this puzzle. Unfortunately the state of TX recently slashed 211,000,000.00 $ from it’s mental health agency budget. They are already last, #50, in access of all the states, for access to mental health resources. Such a shame. We should ask that governor why he did that. Maybe get right on that? As far a can of worms, these worms are no longer in a can. 393,000,000 guns (and counting), to 326,000,000 people (and counting, but not as fast.) Guns outnumber our citizens by far, by at least 67,000,000, and counting. The leading cause of death for children is now being shot. Not a car wreck, not cancer. Deb did not open that can. If a young man could not BUY this gun, and hundreds of rounds of ammo, he could not commit this act. There are few other weapons on earth that can deliver such mass bodily destruction by 1 person at such a high rate per minute (especially on small humans) as the AR 15s used in Buffalo, Uvalde, Douglas High FLA., Las Vegas, Sutherland Springs (a church) Orlando FLA., Sandy Hook. People who cannot smoke or drink or rent a car dang sure don’t need access to a these weapons. During the 10 year ban on semi automatic assault rifles, mass shootings decreased MARKEDLY. The reality is this is all about MONEY, and the making of it, and the power it wields, in a country, which regularly polls above 70% in favor of universal background checks (including NRA members). 77% support red flag laws. 72% support raising the minimum age to 21 from 18. As for blaming the TEACHERS? How on earth do you have the nerve to fault the teachers? For loving their students? For taking and keeping low paying high stress jobs because they are dedicated to it? For not wanting to keep a gun in their classroom full of kids? WTF is that? Teachers have had some of the worst few years in modern history, and for you to blame the teachers here is just unconscionable. Who even types a sentence like that? The “safety” response or lack thereof…you are correct there. It was nothing less than horrific. You got that one. So much for big “good guy”s with their big guns, standing around doing nothing. Churches are more and more a target, so not sure how that helps things. The mentally ill are MUCH more likely to be victims than perps of violence. So, let’s start with banning the AR 15s and their ilk. (Unless, of course, 1 needs to hunt feral pigs in Louisiana.)

    2. debby

      I waited a while to reply to this because I was so taken aback by how offensive I found this comment.

      First, I’ll address what you said about needing things to go unsaid in public venues. I completely and wholeheartedly disagree. People – small children – are being slaughtered. Everybody has an obligation to speak up about this. Pretending it isn’t happening is part of the problem. This is not something that we can, or should, be quietly whispering about it. The topic demands loud voices and yes, anger.

      Second, I’ll address your statement that “adult respect for one another, our laws, truth and religion, would go a long way, in helping put our society back on track.” People have different truths and religions. If you want to get our society back on track you can start by acknowledging that. That’s part of being respectful too.

      In terms of law, I have found that many of the most vehement gun supporters are also the people who seem to feel that rules and laws are supposed to work for their benefit. But if what they want is contrary to the law, then the law isn’t ok anymore and doesn’t need to be abided by. Then laws and rules, respect and consideration, are for other people, not themselves. Take away the right to an abortion? Sure, why not? But wear a mask to help protect others from getting sick? Take away guns whose sole purpose is killing as many people as quickly and as efficiently as possible? No, of course not. Those are considered violations of rights.

      As far as the rest of your comment goes: I am sure that many things played a part in what happened in Texas and what happens elsewhere. I don’t think it is necessary for me to address each and every one (however legitimate or illegitimate they might be). But what killed those children though, and what keeps killing people, is the guns. Like I said above, and so many others have said, the type of guns that are not for hunting or protecting oneself. The type of gun that is just designed to kill as many people as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Nobody should have access to those guns. Nobody. Certainly not somebody who was barely not a child himself.

      That’s the thing too about guns -there’s usually no second chance. Maybe the kid who shot the other kids needed help. I’m sure he did. But his ability to buy that gun took away any opportunity he might’ve had to get it before he murdered those children. If he hadn’t had access to that weapon, maybe, just maybe, he would’ve gotten help before this happened. But by allowing people to have those sorts of weapons, you take away that chance. Impulse and opportunity are joined together with a weapon of mass destruction.

      I don’t know how clear or articulate I’ve been, but to me, it is obvious – if you have a weapon, something that maybe wouldn’t have happened becomes much more likely. You’re taking away the possibility of somebody getting help, by allowing them to have access to that weapon. You’re taking away time for things to change. You’re promoting death and violence for everyone involved. And everyone who is a human being is involved.

    3. Ishie

      “Anyone interested in seeking answers to what in this young boy¡¯s life lead him to buy a gun and commit this act???”

      After 21 dead? Not really, no.

  62. Lesley Wikes

    Good morning All. Deb, your recipes are fab¡­notwithstanding the side comments to elevate a dish or add another dimension. This slaw will be a winner: the dressing alone will work for marinades. Trying tonight with variety of Winter vegetables, grated. Thank you.

    (BTW, as an Australian, cannot believe the inaction and tone deafness of your Legislators. It is heartbreaking. L. )

  63. Mary

    One more thing for Julie. Of course we are all concerned about the underlying causes of mass shootings, but it is an undisputed fact that the access to military rifles–essentially machine guns–in this country is the sole reason we lose so many innocent lives every day/week/month/year. It is unprecedented compared to other countries, and we should be ashamed of ourselves for allowing it to happen with regularity.

    1. Cat

      It depends on the miso and the tahini. When you buy them, check the labels to see if they are gluten free. Miso may or may not be gluten-free depending on what the base ingredient is, because it’s made with a fermented grain, usually rice but sometimes something that has gluten. Tahini is usually gluten-free, but some brands have thickeners added that contain gluten. All of the other ingredients in this recipe are gluten free.

    2. deb

      All of the ingredients are gluten-free, however, it can be helpful to check the labels of the brands you’re using as some might come from facilities where cross-contamination with gluten-containing products can occur.

  64. Life is tough – but I am here for summer time eating (and drinking) Love the term, slaw season! We do so much pack and go lunches in summer (for the beach and pool) so this would work perfect. Lettuce based salads are hard, cause they will get soggy. I will bring the dressing on the side for that reason.

  65. Jenny

    I added edamame, subbed bagged broccoli slaw for carrots and cabbage, and served with crushed (raw) ramen noodles on top¡ªDELICIOUS!

    1. Ishie

      This is the second comment on this and I’m so ready to go home and do this with the noodles. I’m thinking my preplanned spring asparagus risotto is going to get replaced with this tonight to accompany my boar tenderloin. And I’ve actually got both miso and tahini that I’m like “what do I do with all this” because I can only eat so much soup and hummus.

  66. Lillie

    So great! Forgot the peanuts and almost forgot the honey. I ended up using raw extra firm tofu because it¡¯s fine and I am actually too lazy to cook it sometimes.
    Got a bag of cruciferous crunch from Trader Joe¡¯s so I didn¡¯t have to chop. Added peppers, carrots, and celery.
    I really really enjoyed licking the spatula after using it to pour the dressing.
    So great!

  67. Mel

    I have been a fan of Smitten Kitchen for more more than a decade – so many of these amazing recipes are staples in our home. I think, in terms of the “arguing” above, that no-one is willing to hear anyone else anymore. There is no room for conversation, or for differing opinions. There does not need to be only a far right or a far left with nothing in between, yet it seems in so many instances that is what the country has dissolved into. If you are on the right you are assumed to be one way and if you are on the left you are assumed to be another. To have the boldness to speak up and to say you don’t agree with some sort of thinking (whatever that may be) is met with horror and shock and dismissal. Some might also say that there is no room for discussion on some matters…but who determines this? If we have no ability to discuss and hash things out and critically think then what are we becoming?

  68. Heather

    Lots of comments in here on all sorts of things, but something that I don’t see noted much in the comments so far are your links to the articles about “Asian” salads. I am an editor and am working to better understand the ways in which words (and our approaches to revising others’ words) can harm people, and I appreciated the opportunity to learn more about the history of this dish and its impact, and how we can do a better job describing/naming the foods we eat. I look forward to trying this vibrant, colorful, healthy, crunchy salad very soon!

  69. Dee

    This was really good! The tahini makes for a really creamy dressing plays perfectly with the peanuts. Definitely going to be making regular appearances this summer, the work-to-deliciousness ratio is excellent.

  70. Lauren

    FANTASTIC summer salad. This is my favorite type of recipe… more like a guideline. A favorite for the ages. I made the dressing in a wide-mouth quart mason jar with an immersion blender, and it’s perfect for a double or even triple of the dressing (which is delicious on so many things).

  71. This is the salad equivalent of lemon tart: If I get in a too-sad mood, lemon tart can really help. Dose: three slices. Well, this is a tangled day in this household. I am on my third bowl of this salad. And it’s really helping!

  72. K. Walker

    Excellent; I¡¯d never used miso before. Got finely shredded cabbage from Trader Joe, only used a few snow peas because theirs were elderly, julienned carrots, cucumbers, radishes, bit less of green onions. Omitted cilantro, next time would halve ginger. Used toasted almond slivers instead of peanuts, good call. My friend ate 2 big servings! Love that it lasts well! Thanks!

  73. Sadye

    Good enough that a husband who usually just eats with no comment (no complaints, but no comment) remarked that it was a really nice dinner.

    Tweaks of necessity: went with half apple cider vinegar and half rice vinegar for the dressing, since I ran out of the latter mid-cooking-process. I don’t know how much it changed anything, but hey, it still tasted good!

    Tweaks of preference: opted for bell pepper and cucumber for the non-cabbage veggies and used a stalk of green garlic instead of the scallion.

  74. Kate

    I¡¯ve made this twice in the last week. My just-graduated-from-college kid ate some for lunch and asked me for the recipe, which is the highest form of praise. Thank you.

  75. Zella

    I’m planning to make this tomorrow and I can’t find white miso, only brown. Will that work in this recipe? If so, should I put in the same amount as the white miso? Thanks!

  76. Kate

    This was great! I used a slightly watered down version of the peanut-sesame ¡°pesto¡± from your second cookbook as a dressing instead since I didn¡¯t have the ingredients on hand for this dressing and it was also delicious! I think the Napa cabbage is the real foundation here-totally fine to swap other veggies for the other components but for me the Napa cabbage (and scallions) were the stars of this dish.

  77. Laura Selby

    The Poolside Slaw was da-bomb! Surprisingly I had everything to make the dressing, and plenty of veggies for the salad. Soooo delicious, thanks!

  78. Lesley Wikes

    Good evening everyone.
    Winter in Australia: so I have shaved brassicas, julienned root vegetables¡­.this dressing carries: upped the nut components, guesstimated increased ratios of dressing to salad ¡­.added more veggies the next days¡­wrapped remainders for golf during game whilst walking. Returned home¡­ added some more veggies¡­.it¡¯s still working. This salad is never ending. Thank you Deb.

  79. Marielle

    How far in advance can I assemble before serving? I did the the veggie last night and the bbq chicken this morning. I¡¯d like to serve it by 4 pm.

  80. EK

    This salad is truly perfect. I toasted the peanuts along with some plain ramen noodles for a crunchy topping and did all cabbage (a mix of green and purple) for the veggies. Subbed peanut butter for tahini and it didn’t taste overwhelmingly like peanuts. The honey soy chicken glaze is a MUST too!

  81. Cathy

    This is delicious — I used radicchio for the cabbage, and pre-shredded carrot, a red pepper, sliced snow peas, and half an english cucumber for the vegetables. So excited to have this packed up (dressing separate) for lunches this week! I made the dressing in a bowl (I hate taking out the blender) and just added about 1T of hot water to help smooth it out.

  82. KBC

    So delicious! Doubled the recipe. We had it with grilled salmon last night. Plenty of leftovers of both. Combined the two for a cold salmon salad sandwich on a toasted bun tonight. Absolutely scrumptious! Will be making this all summer!

  83. Michellers

    Delicious slaw, made it as written with tofu and napa cabbage. Next time might sprinkle with some of those fried chow mein noodles for extra crunch. However, to me the slaw was not as good as leftovers, the veg and peanuts were soggy and the dressing more watery. So I will make sure to eat this the same day it is made.

    1. Nett

      We made this the night before for a potluck so we kept the veggies and dressing separate in the fridge with peanuts served alongside so people could add their own. You could always do that to keep it for several days without the sogginess. Ours was soggy after the potluck so that’s probably what we’ll do when it’s not for a big group.

  84. Sara

    Once again, completely nailed it. Made this with tofu and it came out so delicious. Another recipe going in my regular rotation. Also – Deb I might be a total buffoon, but how do you cut the peas for this? If I chopped them too thin, they got weird and fell apart. If I chopped them too large they were a bit bulky. Delicious nonetheless. But curious how you do it.

  85. Jill

    made this with your soy glazed chicken thighs for dinner. yum! love that the recipe is flexible and can add in any sub-par almost ready to pitch veggie in your fridge and make it into something fantastic. i think the dressing is divine – i have been a huge fan of your snap pea slaw from the first cookbook, so i was very glad to have another use for it here. i ended up using 3 cups of coleslaw mix since i had to use it up, and it was great – would probably still be great with an even higher cabbage to other veggie ratio. used bottled furikake seasoning to finish which was really nice. thanks for another awesome recipe.

  86. Ishie

    Finally made it and yup! Love it. Made the dressing as is. Used broccoli, cauliflower, sugar snap peas, carrots, celery, and napa cabbage and crumbled in dry ramen noodles. It’s great! Perfect for a no-cook summer day.

  87. Daphne

    Absolutely loved this. Thank you, Deb. Made it for the holiday this weekend but wanted it parve/non-meat, non-dairy. Subbed French lentils for the chicken. The dressing is amazing. And the julienned pea pods are a must. Thanks for this one!

  88. Jane Y

    I made this – a very pretty slaw. I didn¡¯t use peanuts as I did not know the allergy situation for the group. I subbed uncooked ramen noodles, broken up, and they gave enough crunch. I didn¡¯t like the dressing after I made it – sorry. Not enough snap. So I subbed a sweet-sour vinaigrette which worked well. I¡¯ll definitely make this again.

  89. Jane

    A very pretty slaw with lots of wonderful crunch. I didn¡¯t use the peanuts as I didn¡¯t know the allergy situation of the group, subbing uncooked, broken ramen noodles. They gave enough crunch. I also didn¡¯t like the dressing – sorry – it seemed flat. So I subbed a sweet-sour vinaigrette, which worked well. I will definitely make this again

  90. Kate

    Amazing. I fully dressed the cabbage and carrots, keeping the peppers and cucumber separate – then added those with each serving. The dressed cabbage was fine for the 36 hours it lasted.
    I did use half tahini half natural peanut butter because I read somewhere (here?) ages ago that it helps to stabilize the sauce.

  91. erin

    I made this tonight and while it was delicious, my dressing came out VERY thick. Almost spreadable. I kept adding water to thin it out but was afraid of dulling the flavors. Is it supposed to be thick?

    1. deb

      Tahini can vary in how much water it needs to thin; it’s okay to add more (or more vinegar, if the water is flattening the flavor, but I haven’t found this) as needed.

  92. Hilary

    Deeeelicious! You can eat the miso dressing with a spoon. Like you said, super flexible, too. This will be on repeat this summer!

  93. Crescent Martin

    My household has long loved the dressing from the Sweep Potato – Broccoli bowl and are happy to have inspiration for summertime meals with it!

    We didn¡¯t have tofu so I served it with crisped chickpeas from your ¡°Crisped Chickpeas with Herbs and Garlic Yogurt¡± for protein.

  94. Nett

    Deb, this slaw is SO GOOD! We made it with Napa cabbage, cucumbers, yellow bell pepper, sugar snaps, and carrots. For protein, and ease, we included most of a bag of shelled edamame beans. Finally, I liked the idea someone else suggested in the comments so I added some Mandarin orange slices for a nice sweet balance. I will be enjoying this all summer!

  95. Elizabeth H. Cordes

    I am so smitten (don’t know where I got that from!) with your sensitivity not just to the taste of food and the finer points of producing deliciousness, but to issues of import. I know this is not a column about books, but your comment about “asian” as an adjective for salads prompts me to recommend “Disorientation: A Novel,” by Elaine Hsieh Chou. Keeping it short but my admiration for your column, posts, and recipes is long.

  96. Aimee

    I love this recipe! Thanks, Deb for making so many veggie-forward sides that really *get* that we often have random veggies hanging around and helping us put them all together to make something scrumptious. I have made this 3x since Deb posted this and I love making it for parties. I never stocked white miso in my fridge before but I will now!!!

    1. Aimee

      I forgot to mention that even as a carnivore, I prefer to make this without any protein which makes it even easier to whip up and serve as a side with everything. Brought this to my husband¡¯s party bbq tonight and my mom walked away with my leftover dressing because she loved so much. For those who are mayo-averse, this slaw is the answer! I will always make double batch of dressing to make whenever the mood hits.

  97. Loni

    This was delicious! A perfect summer salad. I have The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook and while I have seen that slaw dressing recipe, I’ve been scared of the miso, for whatever reason. No more! I added some Thai basil to the salad and Sriracha at the table, so, so good.

  98. Kara

    Proud mom moment to carve out the time to do this chopping and have my 6 and 3 yo and husband all love this. Thank you thank you!!! I called it rainbow crunchy salad and they were licking spoons. Which cookbook is this in? I’m trying to transition off of social media and my phone for recipes even though your IG is so inspiring to get me cooking.

  99. Halle

    This was SO good. I didn’t read the recipe carefully and ended up with too much cabbage (and I grated it in my food processor which got the cabbage too small), but even with those textural issues, it was delicious! I appreciate sauces like this which don’t have any nuts, since we have a peanut and tree nut allergy in our house and sunflower butter just doesn’t always taste the same.

  100. McKenzie

    Have made this for my lunches this week – loved it! Could drink the dressing. Had some leftover pork chops that I used instead, and added in some mango and fennel.

  101. JudyHM

    Though I am someone who usually makes a recipe once/twice year, I love this recipe so much that I have already made it twice in less than two weeks. And we feel really healthy eating all of those beautiful colors!

  102. Annie

    This immediately goes in the Deb¡¯s Best column, and will become a summer staple alongside the broccoli slaw. I added edamame and mint, which worked great.

  103. Maggie

    The sauce on this was out of this world. I made with peanut butter instead of tahini and I wanted to eat by the spoonful. Was perfect with the grilled chicken thighs with soy/honey. We did with peanuts for crunch but would be great with ramen noodles or any other crunch.

    Thank you for your words Deb.

  104. Heather

    I think I may have commented already but if I didn¡¯t¡ª-this is delicious and yes, an activity on chopping but I got a nice set of knives for Christmas ??. Love with or without the protein added. Thank you!

  105. Jackie

    Delicious! I made a double batch of the dressing and marinated some chicken breasts in it before roasting them. Dressing is so good I could bathe in it!

  106. Kara Roggenkamp

    I love this recipe and make it with a few slight variations for our dietary preferences (leaning vegan/ wfpb):
    Use air fried tofu as Deb suggests in lieu of chicken
    Use only 1 tbs sesame oil and add water to get the desired consistency on the dressing
    Add noodles (eg soba noodles) for a more substantial plant based meal


  107. Jodie

    Still good with maple syrup instead of honey when you realise you don’t have any! Made the chicken cutlets to go with them, next time I will try just grilled chicken as described.

    Have enough for lunch for a couple of days!

  108. Cara

    Made this recently and it was delicious! My daughter is allergic to sesame protein (not refined sesame oil, but tahini and sesame seeds are a no go). I subbed in cashew butter and it was fabulous – I really didn’t notice the difference.

  109. Diane

    My family loves this recipe so much that I’ve made it three times in the last five weeks. It’s a plate of sunshine in a grey Michigan winter! The dressing is heavenly and perfect as is. I marinate the chicken in Soy Vay Very Teriyaki before cooking, focus on the sugar snaps, red and yellow peppers, and shredded carrots for the mixed vegetables, and recently subbed Trader Joe’s Cruciferous Crunch for the cabbage (so good!). Doubling the recipe is mandatory so everyone has leftovers for lunch.

  110. Debbie

    Hi Frim one Debbie to another. I heve bet following you forever and made many yummy food items from your blog. I saw the slaw recipe and I’m a big slaw fan. With that said.i have found even from flowing a few others that it doesn’t take much for people to send out endless comments on something other than food. I know you mean well I’m a mom also by you post about School shooting it was incorporated with in all of trying to read the recipe. Just food for thought. You heve now more comments on the shooting then your wonderful recipe.thank you for all you do. Debbie

  111. Amy B

    This slaw salad is a new favorite! Loved the grilled chicken with it too! I¡¯m not a big fan of lettuce based salads so this was perfect. Have you made a Mexican version?

  112. Martina OReilly

    This is one of the best salads I have ever made. It is colourful, really tasty and nutritious. I subbed a little soy sauce as I didn¡¯t have white miso. Toasted pecans also add a lovely crunch. It is a full meal in itself. We had it as a BBQ side dish.

  113. Shelley

    Just made this with grilled chicken thighs!! Huge hit!! My husband said, ¡°You can make this anytime.¡± Deb NEVER fails!!

  114. Lizzy

    I am someone who always keeps a cabbage on hand just in case a slaw emergency happens. You just never know. I made this the other day in such an emergency, and I would make it again and again! I did it as a bit of a fridge clean-out slaw (old mini peppers? Sure! A wilted spring onion? Throw it in!), and it just worked. I¡¯d use the dressing on a grain bowl, too. So good.

  115. Vicky

    We had this for dinner tonight and it was delicious even though we don¡¯t have a pool?? I had to substitute cashews for the peanuts because my husband has a peanut allergy but otherwise followed your recipe exactly. We marinated a chicken breast ( there¡¯s only 2 of us) in equal parts honey and dark soy sauce as you did and we loved it. Thank you so much for sharing great recipes with us

  116. RebaChan

    This is the salad of my dreams! So good, my husband noted, ¡°now THIS you should make more often!¡± (As if he doesn¡¯t get lovely homemade, nutritious meals 3-4 nights a week, but I digress ¡­).

    Two pieces of feedback:

    1. You will have extra dressing. I was pretty generous in dressing the salad & still had additional. (Not that it¡¯s a bad thing.)

    2. When I make this again, I will use 3-4 cups of shredded cabbage. Between the two of us, we almost finished the whole thing in one meal.

    Good on ya, Deb ¡ª this was so delish.

  117. Jill

    This exceeded my expectations!! So good. Very very flavorful. (I used peanut butter instead of tahini and didn¡¯t have miso.)

  118. Sarah

    I¡¯ve made this twice this weekend – once for home, and again for a cookout, and honestly, I could eat this all summer long. Thank you!

  119. Judi Gray

    Hi Deb,
    Just made this for today”s July 4th picnic. The dressing is yummy and I have about a cup leftover and would like to freeze it for another time. Do you have an opinion? Thanks.

  120. Margaret

    This was AMAZING!! I hesitated in making it because I had to buy tahini for it, and wasn¡¯t sure it would be worth it to have the jar. Now I know I will be making this salad regularly so that tahini will be used up quickly! I grilled some shrimp using the 1:1 soy/honey marinade and they were delicious on top of the salad.

  121. Miriam

    My 11-year-old told me he doesn’t like salads and then requested seconds of this one, so that’s a win! I didn’t have miso so used an extra Tbsp of tahini + 1 Tbsp of soy sauce instead. I also doubled the dressing and used it as a marinade for the tofu, which I used instead of chicken. Overall great recipe.

  122. Poojitha

    Truly truly amazing recipe for any time of the year. This dressing is a keeper (and easy to make). I added salted roasted cashews on top. Peanuts would be great too. I will be making this again. Our guests were blown away and asked for the recipe.

  123. Poojitha

    What a terrific recipe. I made it for a dinner and all the guests loved it. So much better than the usual cole slaw. The dressing is absolutely superb. And it really is so versatile. I will be making this again and again.

  124. Annika

    Divine! I didn’t have rice wine vinegar so I used 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a smidge of water to thin the dressing – will be making this on repeat until I exhaust the veggies in my fridge. Also didn’t have cilantro so I used the leafy tops of some garden carrots and they worked great. Something very very satisfying about this salad. Hearty, crisp, fresh. All the things!

  125. Carol C Papas

    This dressing is absolutely delicious. I was entertaining a crowd and used a mix of bagged cabbage slaw w/carrots and a package of “health slaw” made with Brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower, Used the peanuts and scallions and it was the hit of the party!

  126. Brenda Bell

    I love Deb’s recipes, including this slaw, but after reading her first-day-of-school post, I love her even more. Because how can we merrily cook up a storm while pretending our unthinkable reality is normal? Or that we shouldn’t try to fix it? Friday was the anniversary of the Uvalde mass shooting, the same one that hundreds of armed officers couldn’t prevent. Guns are the problem. That’s it, full stop. Anyone who says otherwise is just gaslighting you. Sincerely, a 78-year old grandmother in Texas.

  127. Sarah Grant

    The dressing is so more-ish!! It would also be amazing as a dip for summer rice paper rolls.

    I left out the 2 tbs of neutral oil.

  128. Kathleen

    Thanks so much for this recipe¡ªI am always happy to explore new salad recipes! My recommendations for others would be to triple the dressing and don¡¯t skimp on the peanuts.

  129. Joan

    This is over-the-top EXCELLENT and a real crowd pleaser! Delicious dressing! It’s the tastiest, prettiest, best salad I make, healthy, too! Thanks, Deb! And, as others mentioned you can use what you have in your fridge along with recommended ingredients, keep it colorful. So delicious!

  130. Elissa

    Was eyeing this recipe forever – finally made it tonight for dinner with grilled chicken – was SOOOOO good! ? Definitely a keeper – fresh, a tiny bit spicy, YUM

  131. Kristin

    I’ve made this several times now and I think it’s my favorite slaw on earth. It will make you look like a genius at every potluck. We are vegetarian, and I sometimes make it a dinner by topping it with sliced fake chicken nuggets. Last time I made it, I used green cabbage, red pepper and carrots. The dressing is so good that I think it would work with any veggies you have on hand.