
lazy pizza dough + favorite margherita pizza

Raise your hand if you never get pizza right when you make it at home — that the dough doesn’t rise in the time the recipe says it should or it’s impossible to roll out; or that you get it rolled out but once baked, it tastes less like a good pizza crust and more like a tough cracker. Or maybe th opposite happens, that it’s so thick and bready, it reminds you more of a bagel, and sadly, not in a good way. Raise your hand if it never resembles the stuff from you favorite wood-wired pizzeria, all bubbled and crisp but stretchy within, with charred spots throughout and slices that don’t flop like overcooked spaghetti once lifted, sauce and cheese sliding away from you just when you need them in your mouth the most.

bowl, flour, yeast, salt, water (so easy)regular old flour will doadd the yeasta quick stir makes a craggy mess
the dough will more than doublemany hours later, long stretchy strandsflop onto a floured counterdivide the dough into the # of pizzas

Me, me, me, me, me. I suspect that all home cooks have a few demon dishes, things they make a million times and are never fully satisfied with, but are still so obsessed that they can never resist a new angle or tactic that promises to bring them closer to their ideal. However, they’re usually normal things, common plagues like roast chicken, perfect buttermilk biscuits or brownies. I realize that it’s entirely possible that you can’t believe I’m talking about pizza again. But I can’t help it. I’ve been cheating on every pizza recipe I’ve made before and I think you should do the same.

mold them into loose ballsthis dough is very softflop the soft dough downjust stretch it into place

It started almost predictably in Rome, the kind of food city that makes it hard to ignore the gaping space between what you thought you’d been cooking fairly passably at home and the ideal specimen in front of you that bears no resemblance to what had previously been your victory. I’d wanted to keep cooking thoughts at bay — I was on vacation! — but as we ate pizza after pizza (for the pizza-loving kid, was our transparent excuse) and I stared down the guys throwing them together behind the counter, the follow things plagued me:

  1. Why was I so obsessed with putting really good fresh mozzarella (the stuff that comes in water) on pizza? Sure, it’s the most delicious to eat plain, or sliced as it is in a caprese salad. But that water makes pizza wet. Wet pizza flops. Aged mozzarella (the stuff that comes wrapped tightly in plastic and feels more dry to the touch) melts well and shouldn’t add an excess of water. It also more closely resembles what I saw them putting on the pizza behind the counter. (A few places looked like they had run the firm mozzarella through a food mill with large holes for pebbly bits that were easily grabbed in handfuls from a bucket and scattered. I couldn’t work there because I’d probably be snacking on them all of the time.)
  2. I realized a while ago that good pizza places almost never use cooked tomato sauces, but canned tomatoes that had been pureed to various textures (slightly doctored up with salt or pepper flakes or garlic, or sometimes a pinch of sugar to compensate for the extra acidity added for canning safety) and cook instead in the oven’s blistering heat. But, I still had problems with my tomatoes being too wet to hold the cheese in place well. The stuff I saw them swirling on pizza behind the counter looked so much less… sloshy. Were they draining off their tomatoes for a while before processing them to make the sauce.
  3. Why are most dough recipes in such a rush? I’m guilty as well. Thus far, my goal has been to show how fast and easy it can be to make pizza for dinner. But, I also was only moderately happy with the results — good enough, but far from ideal. It finally occurred to me while eating pizza in one of those ancient tiny restaurants that they’re probably not rushing through their dough-making, that they probably mix giant batches before they leave at night to use the following one, which means that they need to slow the process down significantly. The first way to do this is in the fridge, but I didn’t see any walk-in refrigerators; it would hardly seem the most efficient way to handle the dough. The second way would be to use much, much less yeast. The advantage of growing your dough very slowly isn’t just better flavor, but that you end up with a flexible dough with range of time (say, between 18 and 24 hours) when it could be considered “done,” as it’s not going to change terribly much from hour to hour. Whoa.

And with that, I came home and tried a few new things.

straining the tomatoes
straining the tomatoes because wet = bad

Switching from fresh mozzarella to aged was easy, and in fact saves not only money but time, because it keeps in the fridge for much longer (some brands for weeks) than the stuff in water, which is like a ticking time bomb of foulness if you don’t use it right away. When baked onto pizza, it bubbles and blisters, rather than just spreading thin and almost disappearing. Ding!

look at all of that tomato juice/water!

Straining the canned tomatoes for the sauce before blending them was a huge eye-opener — a full 1 2/3 cups of tomato juices (hello, Bloody Marys!) came out of a 28-ounce can of whole peeled tomatoes. What was leftover and pureed with garlic, salt and pepper flakes was velvety and perfect — just the right amount of moisture to make it saucy but not so much to make the pizza wet and floppy. Ding!

blended to desired texture (i like it smooth)

I spent a lot of time doing math and fiddling with yeast and flour levels, trying to figure out a pizza dough that would could rise for the better part of 24 hours without becoming overproofed. I came up with a formula of roughly 1/2 teaspoon yeast to 3ish cups of flour before crawling out from under whatever rock I’ve been under while the rest of the cooking universe discovered Jim Lahey’s gorgeous pizza dough and realizing that he’d essentially come up with almost the exact same formula a long time ago. Of course, I used his instead. I mean, he’s the no-knead bread guy; we can trust him.

sploop goes the sauce
schmeared with thickened sauce

Pizzas made with his dough were trickier than I was used to (it uses more water than most doughs, thus is softer and stickier), but made me an instant convert — they were deeply flavored, complex like a great loaf of artisanal bread, and the texture was out of this world, the crust’s exterior crisp like a thin cracker, giving way to a stretchy interior. I made it once before I divorced every pizza dough I’ve used before; we are through.

ready to bake

But, I had one small quibble with it, which is that it was intended for an 18-hour rise and I wasn’t sure how that would work for most people who go to work each day. Would it be made at midnight for a 6 p.m. dinner the next day? Would it be made before work (7 a.m.) for a 1 a.m. dinner? Neither option sounded ideal. And so I fiddled with the yeast levels until I came up with three versions, one that I hope will meet every schedule, because nobody should ever be denied pizza. The first can be assembled at what I call “dishes time,” the night before, after you’re done with dinner (because who wants to assemble a dough for tomorrow’s dinner while making tonight’s?) and will be ready for dinnertime the next day. The second can be assembled when you wake up in the morning, before you go to work, and will be ready to use when you come home at dinnertime. And the third, well, that was mostly for me because I work at home and tend to realize around noon that I have no groceries for dinner and don’t feel like buying more. It can be started at lunchtime and will be ready at dinner (this is ideal for weekends, too). The longest rising version has the deepest flavor, but the 6-hour rise is nothing to sneer at; even at the shortest span, it’s head-and-shoulders above every pizza dough I’ve made before.

hello, margherita pizza. we will eat you now.

None of the schedules will require multiple bowls, machinery, special tools/stones/boards, expensive ingredients, kneading, yeast pre-proofing, refrigeration, or rigid adherence to the clock. All are forgiving and flexible, and adapt to your schedule, not vice-versa. We all need more recipes like that, yes?

Pizza tips, previously: I cannot believe that it’s been over five years (internet, I am basically your grandmother; does anyone need a tissue from my sweater cuff?) since I wrote 10 Paths to Painless Pizza-Making but I still stand behind all of it. It’s hopefully a great primer on how to remove the anxiety from making pizza. It could be roughly summed up as “Sure, pizza stones/peels/etceteras are great, but you can make great pizza at home with stuff you already have around.”

Pizza dough, previously: I’ve shared two pizza doughs here to date, and there are two more variations in the book. What the two here and the rushed version in the book have in common is an obsession with trying to help you find a way to get pizza made in under an hour, and while this is a lofty goal, in hindsight, I think the crust suffers. They work — they fill the niche — but they have nothing on the flavor from a longer rise such as this. Here, ease of use isn’t about saving time, but effort — these are less work to assemble (no proofing, kneading, or rushing) — and I haven’t used any of my older recipes since landing on this earlier this summer.

Pizza varieties, previously: Breakfast Pizza, Grilled Eggplant and Olive Pizza, Ramp Pizza, Leek, Chard and Corn Flatbread, Pizza with Bacon, Onions and Cream, Shaved Asparagus Pizza, Lemony Zucchini Goat Cheese Pizza, Pizza with Red and Yellow Peppers, Jim Lahey’s Potato Pizza and Pizza Bianca and Roasted Acorn Squash and Gorgonzola Pizza

Lazy Pizza Dough

I used Jim Lahey’s No-Knead Pizza formula* as my jumping off point, but then made a few changes. First, I adjusted the yeast levels to rising times that I thought would work better for most of our schedules (i.e. so you can start after dinner for dinner the next evening, before you go to work or at lunchtime for dinner the same day). Then, I adjusted the volume. His original recipe is supposed to make 4 10 to 12-inch round pizzas but I found if I 3/4-ed it, it actually made two perfect 9×13-ish pizzas (we like the way rectangular pies slice up at home) or two 12-inch rounds, which neatly fed 4 people for dinner. The proportions below are for these sizes. Finally, Lahey finds that his cups of flour weigh in more heavily than I do (133 grams vs. 125 grams), but for simplicity (they also match the King Arthur package weights, and I mostly use KA flours at home), I defaulted to mine instead. I’m sorry if that last sentence made your head hurt, too.

The best things to know about this recipe are that it doesn’t need to be kneaded and the yeast doesn’t need to be proofed. You simply dump and stir the whole mess together in one bowl (this will take less than 5 minutes of your time) and go on with your day; it will be ready when you are. If you get started with it an hour late or early on either end, you should find the pizza dough just fine to use. It rises at room temperature; it doesn’t take up space in your fridge or require time to warm up; it doesn’t need to be babysat. You can choose the schedule that works for you because it fits itself to your day, not the other way around, thank goodness.

The scariest thing about this dough is that it is very, very soft. You won’t roll it out, you’ll stretch and nudge it with floured fingertips into a pizza-like shape. It will stick to things and annoy you; you will be convinced that this messy blob will never become a pizza. Do not panic. When it comes out of the oven, you’ll know why you put up with it — the exterior crackles, the interior stretches, and the flavor has the depth of an artisanal loaf of bread.

Updated with extra water: Early commenter fairly consistently said they found the dough drier than they expected, and this is my fault. My doughs were so soft with 1 1/4 cups water that I dropped it down to 1 cup + 3 tablespoons when writing this, obviously this was incorrect. Do keep in mind that 125 gram cups are light cups of flour — spoon-and-sweep or fluff-and-sweep style, and three cups packed more tightly (say, scoop-and-sweep) will indeed make the dough feel firmer. In the end, the dough should be mostly fine regardless, but I do feel that more damp doughs seem to have more of that crackly exterior/stretchy interior of dreamy pizza doughs. Hope that helps.

Yield: 2 9×13-inch roughly rectangular or 2 12-inch roundish pizzas. We find that they serve 4 for dinner. Dibs on leftovers go to the person washing dishes.


  • Overnight Dough Schedule: Begin between 8 and 9 p.m the evening before for dinner between 6 to 8 p.m. (approx. 22-hour dough)
  • All-Day Dough Schedule: Begin between 6 and 8 a.m that day for dinner between 6 to 8 p.m. (approx. 12-hour dough)
  • Part-Day Dough Schedule: Begin around noon that day for dinner between 6 to 8 p.m. (approx. 6-hour dough)

3 cups (375 grams) all-purpose flour (bread flour works too)
Slightly heaped 1/8, 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon active dry yeast (for Overnight, All-Day, or Part-Day Schedules respectively, above)
1 1/2 teaspoons sea or kosher salt
1 1/4 cup water, plus an additional tablespoon or two if needed (updated)

In a very large bowl, mix all ingredients with a spoon. The dough will be craggy and rough; this is fine, but if it feels excessively so, add another spoonful or even two of water. (See Note up top about altered water level/flour heaviness.) Cover bowl with plastic and keep at room temperature for approximately 22 (for Overnight schedule), 12 (for All-Day schedule) or 6 (for Part-Day schedule) hours, or until the dough has more than doubled. This takes longer in a chilly room and less in a very warm one, but don’t fret too much over this, as the dough is generally forgiving of a loosened schedule.

About 30 minutes before dough is ready, begin draining tomatoes if you’ll be following the margherita recipe below. Prepare pizza stone and paddle sprinkling it with cornmeal. You can also use any old baking sheet you have around, however, based on early commenters, the pizza tends to stick to these more, so I now recommend that you prepare it by very lightly, thinly coat it with olive oil or a nonstick cooking spray before sprinkling it with cornmeal. Heat oven to its highest temperature, usually between 500 and 550 degrees F. If you’re using a pizza stone, place it in the oven so that it heats too.

Flour your counter very well. Scrape dough out of bowl onto floured counter; in the time it has risen it should change from that craggy rough ball to something very loose, soft, sticky and stretchy. Flour the top of the dough, and divide dough in half (or more pieces, if you’re making smaller pizzas). Form them into ball-like shapes. Grab first round with floured hands and let the loose, soft dough stretch and fall away from your hands a few times before landing the dough on your prepared baking sheet/paddle. Use floured fingers to press and nudge dough into a roughly round or rectangular shape. Add desired fixings (see below for My Favorite Margherita Pizza) and bake pizza for 10 to 15 minutes, rotating if it’s baking unevenly, until the top is blistered and the crust is golden. Repeat with remaining dough.

Do ahead: Once risen and formed into ball-like shapes, the dough can be wrapped in plastic and refrigerated for up to 3 days, says Lahey. He doesn’t say anything about freezing the dough, but I have done so successfully with others. However, if you don’t mind me being a little pushy here, I honestly feel that by the time the dough is defrosted and ready to use, you could have easily made a fresh one, so I don’t usually bother. When you’re ready to use a refrigerated or defrosted-but-still-cold dough, Lahey says that you should return it to room temperature by leaving it on a counter covered with a damp cloth for 2 to 3 hours before using it.

Whole wheat variation: Feel free to replace up to half the flour with whole wheat without altering any other ingredients.
Gluten-free variation: Sadly, no results to report yet, but if/when you try this with a gluten-free flour mix, I’d love to hear/share your results. Thank you.

My New Favorite Margherita Pizza

2 12-inch round or 9×13 rectangular pizza doughs
1 28-ounce can whole peeled tomatoes
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon sea or kosher salt
Red pepper flakes, to taste
Pinch of sugar, if desired
8 ounces aged mozzarella (sold in plastic, not water) (use more if you like your pizza with extra cheese)
1/4 cup finely grated parmesan or pecorino romano cheese
Two glugs of olive oil
Few leaves of fresh basil, torn or sliced

Place tomatoes in a colander set over a bowl and give the tomatoes a little squeeze so they release any trapped juices. Let them drain for 30 minutes, if you can spare it. (We think you should save the reserved juices for Bloody Marys.)

Meanwhile, heat oven, if you have not already, to its top temperature, usually 500 to 550 degrees F. If you’re using a pizza stone, place this in the oven so that it heats too.

Add salt, garlic, red pepper flakes and sugar (if the tomatoes taste overly acidic to you), to the tomatoes and blend in a blender or with an immersion blender until they reach your desired sauce texture. (I like it smooth, personally.) This will make more sauce than you need; you can save the remainder in the fridge for up to a week, or in the freezer for longer.

Add 1/3 cup of sauce to each stretched-out dough and spread it evenly. Tear or crumble mozzarella into tiny bits and scatter it over the pizzas. Some people like their basil and parmesan or pecorino added only after the pizza comes out of the oven, some like it baked on; I tend to add half the sharp cheese before and half after. I’ll let you decide. Finally, give each assembled pizza a quick drizzle with olive oil and bake it for 10 to 15 minutes, rotating once if needed, until the top is bubbled and lightly charred and the crust is golden. (You’ll get better color than I did on the crust if you use a baking pan without sides, or if you bake it on the back of your baking sheet.) As soon as the pizza comes out of the oven and is still blazing hot, finish with basil and parmesan or pecorino, if this is when you prefer to add it.

Slide pizza onto cutting board or serving plate and cut into squares or wedges.

Toppings: Favorites include spinach or other greens, thinly sliced mushrooms or thin shaves of whatever vegetables are in season (cough, being neglected in the fridge). Here’s my toppings advice: Whenever you can, saute the vegetable gently in olive oil on the stove until it softens or wilts. Just a minute or two will make a huge difference in outcome. Mushrooms will be roasted, not just dried. Spinach will merge into the pizza. Is someone at the table skeptical of vegetables on their pizza? I’ve “heard” that if you lay them on top of the sauce, below the cheese, few are the wiser.

* My other influence in fleshing out some of my pizza theories listed above was a lovely book I was lucky enough to preview over the summer from beloved food blogger Molly Wizenberg called Delancey, about building the pizza restaurant in Seattle. It won’t be out until May but I loved it so much, I think it’s well worth preordering. Aren’t I pushy?

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946 comments on lazy pizza dough + favorite margherita pizza

    1. Shelby

      This was so simple and so delicious! Even my picky husband loved the flavor combination of the ingredients. We can¡¯t stop eating it! Def dry tomatoes out for 30 mins, I skipped in time and wish I would have waited. I added parm and Romano before baking but added basil after. Baked on the back of a baking sheet with farmers market dough. We used cornmeal spread on the back of a baking sheet and then dough on top of this.

    2. kvffvk

      Made this with Thomas Keller¡¯s cup for cup All purpose gluten free flour and it turned out great. Did the 22 hour rise. Needed some extra liquid because GF flour tends to be a little more dry. Didn¡¯t rise as much as yours but the dough was crispy yesterday soft. Next time I will roll it out even thinner. Didn¡¯t have cornmeal so we brushed olive oil on the sheet pan to prevent from sticking and cooked a little longer for an extra crisp crust. Super success!

      1. Alicia Pelletier

        Wow…..I wanted to use this recipe because of the person who suggested it but I was so entirely confused by all of the writing and instructions I was too scared to try especially because I would have people coming over to eat it tomorrow and don’t have time to just wing it. I wish you would have a nice cleanly written version of your part day recipe! I couldn’t figure out what was what. I think there should be a separate write up for all especially if they are supposedly that good ?

  1. Amy

    Pizza is my all time favorite food, and I have made too many versions to count. While I like toppings, there’s not much better than a good Margarita pizza, emphasis on good. I’ve found the best tomatoes are San Marzano, and as far as cheese, you’re right about aged mozzarella versus fresh. It melts better and browns up nicely.

    Good pizza is not that hard to get right, yet it amazes me how many people get it so wrong!

  2. Marisa

    This is almost exactly how I make my pizza crust! I’ve thrown in some garlic, some herbs, and even parm cheese and it’s equally delicious. I love that it’s so forgiving and easy, not to mention it tastes great!

    1. Alicia

      My crust is taking forever to cook, but oven is 550 convection and no issues. One was on pizza stone and did better, 2 on pizza pans and back in for an additional 10-15. Anyone else with this? Spread out fairly thin too.

    1. deb

      SamanthaJess — I’m not sure I followed. Can you explain?

      Gluten free — Sadly, I haven’t tried this gluten-free, however, if you’ve succeeded with other pizza dough recipes, I think that the long rest and extra moisture here will make it even better. I’ve heard good things about Cup4Cup’s gluten-free pizza mixture. I couldn’t find anyone (with a quick Googling) that had used it for the Jim Lahey dough (which this is a variant of) but someone must have, right?

  3. Rachel

    Looks incredible, and I can’t believe I never thought of draining tinned tomatoes before! Do you think it would work with gluten-free flour? I’m catering for my vegetarian, coeliac friend at the weekend..

  4. I’ve done this sauce technique before and it’s a hit. My crust has always been my bane. I’ve made no knead bread similar to this pizza crust recipe and have wondered about it for pizza. It’s on baby, tomorrow is pizza night at the Witch’s house again! Thanks for the tips on the wet dough, much appreciated!

  5. Sarah


    I’ve used your other dough recipes, but I sub in whole wheat flour with a little more liquid.

    Have you subbed whole grains in this recipe?

    Looks amazing!

  6. prunesmith

    Can half the recipe be frozen for use later with no ill effects? I’m a single girl and don’t get much call for making two 9×13″ pizzas in one night. Or, can the recipe effectively be halved?

    Thanks Deb!! Can’t wait to make this.

    1. deb

      Freezing — Yes. I will add the directions.

      Pizza stone — Yes, you can/should heat it. I will add the directions.

      (Sense a theme? Even 2,200 words is not always enough! Heh.)

      00 Flour — AAACK. That’s me kicking myself for not making this with the silky pillow of an 00 flour bag I brought back from Rome. What is wrong with me? Anyway: more pizza is in order. I haven’t verified the weight of it, but usually weight exchanges are fine. I’ll update this post with a note when I try it, which will be soon. So soon.

  7. Carol

    Deb: I am very excited to use some 00 flour to make pizza crust (and by excited I mean I bought it and then put it some place and enough time has lapsed that I will have to go on a flour quest to find it).

    If I use the weight rather than volume meansurement should I be ok or should I look for a recipe that uses the 00 rather than AP? Many thanks!!

  8. Cindy

    I’ve read through this recipe twice: do you not preheat the stone? You are blowing my mind.

    TOTALLY going to try this, even though it is different than what I usually do. Thank you for taking the time to find what works with different schedules!

  9. I can’t thank you enough for posting this! Pizza dough has been my ‘forever on the hunt for the perfect…’ obsession for the longest time, and this sounds bloody fabulous! Will be making it ASAP! Maybe this evening, to eat tomorrow…

    1. Amrita

      This review is for the lazy dough. I used 00 flour with the exact measurements for the 12 hour rise. The dough was sticky and wet and I was mentally ready for a disaster. I just floured my palms and shaped the dough on a cast iron pan lined with baking paper. Didn’t have corn meal so just used olive oil. We like our toppings so I added lots of vegetables, lots of sauce and cheese and the best part was the crust held it all so well. The crust was just fabulous. Not doughy not chewy, not like biscuit. Just right! And soo easy to make! Literally just dump everything in a bowl! We had a pizza slice cold after several hours and still the crust was still good. Will make again and will probably try rolling the dough a little thinner.

  10. Carol

    @samanthajess….the time and amount of yeast does matter.

    While the dough is resting, the yeast is growing and doing yeasty things. If you let the yeast keep growing and eating you may not like the results or you may end up with a sourdough starter….or at leas that is what I think might happen but I know very little.

    The less time the dough rests the more yeast you need. That is why the yeast amounts vary based on the resting times.

    I don’t know but I suspect if something comes up and you decide not to bake the pizza you could freeze the dough and use at another time.

  11. Jessie

    One day, when I leave NY and move somewhere far, far outside of Motorino’s delivery zone, I promise to make all of your pizza recipes.

  12. THANK YOU. You’ve addressed the issue I’ve had with every other long-rise pizza dough I’ve wanted to love, namely the “I actually work away from home 8-5, timing does not compute.” I cannot wait to make this dough tonight for dinner tomorrow (yay! a use for the whole tomatoes I just canned! boo! now I wish I had canned more whole tomatoes just to have on hand for this)

    A question on toppings–for those who believe pizza is not pizza without sausage (not me, but the other who will be eating this), this crust looks sturdy/substantial enough to handle it as long as the sausage is pre-cooked, yes?

    1. deb

      Christina — Yes, I’d open one up, brown it in a pan, and then sprinkle it over. It’s actually a delicate crust (well, light and thin, but also a little crisp), but as long as the toppings are thinly scattered, you’ll be fine.

      Jessie — Wait, we need to TALK. I live in their zone (hi, neighbor!) and I find that it delivers terribly, all floppy and sad. But I love eating it at the restaurant. Is it just my bad luck? And why did they change their meatball recipe? It was so good, I wanted to marry it, and now it’s also good but no longer marriage material. And they stopped peeling the roasted peppers for the appetizer. You could say I’m, uh, very familiar with their menu, huh?

  13. Laceflower

    Snap – I’ve been trying all my pizza recipes to whittle them down to 1 thick crust and 1 thin crust and use them exclusively instead of the hit and miss technique I’ve been using over the years. I have no success refrigerating the dough, it never recovers and just lies there flat and unappealing. So this is just perfect Deb, thank you, thank you, thank you. My tester isn’t complaining though!

  14. upma

    I have given up on making my own pizza crust because it’s a monster! I always want it thiner than it comes out. And even when I am able to roll or stretch it out as thin as I want– it springs back. So, I’m excited to try this and see if it works for me. I’m also exited to try not using jarred pizza sauce. Thank you!!

  15. Katie

    My keys to great pizza dough are bread flour (seriously, I think it makes all the difference in a crisp crust) and a preheated baking vessel – doesn’t have to be a pizza stone, though I have one, but a hot baking sheet works fine too! I also like to pull out my hot stone and assemble the pizza on it – I think it kind of prebakes the bottom of the crust a little bit before you put it back in the oven.

  16. Aga W

    Great recepie! I use no-knead dough to make my bread – same principle. You bake the bread in a cast iron pan though as it doesn’t hold it’s shape – it is the nicest and easiest bread I’ve ever made! I must try the recepie for the pizza base now!

  17. Thank you for going through all this work! I too have wondered how to duplicate the majestic margarita pizza I ate so often in Rome. This is definitely going to be made soon.

    Only one question – think I could sub in whole wheat flour for the crust? Or would that mess with perfection?

  18. Well I will certainly be giving this a try – I’m not at home so I can’t get the pans out and check, but could I use a whole recipe to make a half sheet pan sized pizza? I can’t remember if 9×13 is equivalent to a quarter sheet or not, and I seem to recall you using very small baking sheets… something about a small oven?

    1. deb

      Adrienne — A 9×13 is a quarter-sheet. You could probably make the whole thing in a half-sheet. I default to quarter-sheets because that’s the largest (well, 10×15 is, but who has those?) I can fit in my oven.

  19. jen

    this is so similar to my own homemade pizza making journey it’s scary.esp the part about the homemade mozzarella! one time i thought i had finally found the recipe that was going to solve all my problems until i read closely and discovered that the secret was BREAKING THE LOCK ON YOUR SELF-CLEANING oven. that was when i officially gave up… but i will try again!

  20. Killian

    This one will be on my table very soon. It looks like exactly what I’ve been seeking.

    P.S. I love “glugs” as a measurement. =)

  21. SamanthaJess

    Ahhh, thanks @Carol! I missed that part completely; different resting times correlate with different yeast amounts. Sorry Deb for my confusing comment!

  22. I have an issue with not getting good color on the crusts too, and I’m ashamed to say it never occurred to me to just flip the pan over and cook the pizza on the back! Thanks for the idea, Deb! I usually take the cheater’s way out and buy pizza dough from a local bakery or pizzeria, but this looks really simple and adaptable, I think I’ll give it a shot this weekend! Thanks for always being inspiring!

  23. Cathie

    I know you said not to fret about the room temperature, but our house is about 60 degrees during the day, then 68 degrees for about 5 hours in the evening, then 60 or less over night. Will the crust still rise with those low room temps?

    1. deb

      Cathie — You can always start the dough an hour early if you’re nervous, but I suspect it will be fine. If you were expecting to be at the longer end of a schedule (making it in the early bracket, using it in the late), you probably don’t need to worry at all. Even when this dough is 85-90% risen, it’s pretty amazing.

  24. wendy

    Looks good! I have made his overnight artisanal bread before and it’s amazing.

    Here’s how I deal with the wet sauce problem: i use tomato paste straight out of the jar. It delivers a strong tomato punch with no moisture or draining.

    I agree about the mozz, and I would add never to use pre-shredded bagged mozz from the grocery store. It melts like glue and ruins pizza.

    I’d also like to say that I parbake my crusts on the hot stone. It is crucial that the stone and oven together are preheated for at least 45 minutes. Then slap the shaped crust right on the stone with no cornmeal or flour. Three minutes later it’s parbaked enough to take out with a peel or rimless cookie sheet. THEN you top and put back in for 10. It’s perfect.

    1. deb

      wendy — Re, tomato paste: Have you ever had pizza at Otto in NYC? I’m totally convinced they use tomato paste for it, or slightly doctored tomato paste.

      Pre-heating baking sheets — So, I don’t do this because I find that baking sheets actually brown the undersides of the pizza crusts quickly, and don’t want to further this along. It’s because they’re thin compared to stones, of course. Some people double up on them, but I don’t bother. In general at home, I default to the simplest lo-fi approach, anyway, because I want to know that it will work for everyone else with the lowest common denominator ingredients/materials. Although I did finish it with olive oil that I smuggled back from Italy. ;)

  25. I, too, have spent countless hours trying to come up with the perfect pizza crust. I will try this one this weekend!

    I don’t think using 00 flour will work with this. I have used it before in other dough recipes, either as a 100% or some lower percentage. The dough just will not brown up properly. I can only get 00 to work when I’m cooking a very high heat pizza, at temps 750 and above, on my Big Green Egg. I have never been able to get 00 to brown up properly when baking a pizza inside in my home oven, even after pre-heating a pizza stone for over an hour.

  26. Andrew Johnston

    This was an excellent read and timely. I’m with you on the discontect between home made and somewhere nice. I’ve been using a sourdough for sometime and leaving it for longer and longer.. Started to add milk instead of water, full was too much, semi-skimed worked well on the chewy stakes. I like the tip about wet Mozza, will look out for dry. For my tom sauce I fry off some onion and garlic, add tins of chopped toms, salt and sugar, reduce under a low heat, then pass through a sieve… in freeze what I don’t use, a weekend job.

  27. Sara E

    @Jessie @Deb re: Motorino (hi neighbors!), I find some of their pizzas deliver better than others. Specifically I know the brussel sprout ‘za delivers very well. I do wish they had better salads available for delivery, though!

  28. Liz

    The sauce… may I suggest just a wee bit of balsamic vinegar in there also. I found that for me, it amps up the flavor tremenously. I typically “cook” the sauce, then put it in a jar in the frig and use it cool.

    I’ve baked bread/rolls, etc. for most of my adult life (I’m 58) – I’ve been using the no-knead method, albeit the other folks – for everything for several years now. I make 1/2 of their recipe…think that is about the same as half of Lahey’s also – let rise from 2-4 hours in the house and then in a crock in the frig. I use the dough through the week for pizza, little boules, english muffins, naan – just change the cooking method. Anyway, long story for another vote for no knead! A note about rising time – if you are storing and using a bit at a time, the flavor develops more each day but truly, I haven’t noticed a difference with a very short rise (2-4 hours) – particulary for pizza.

    I am single so for a pizza for one, I grab a handful of dough and let it warm a bit on a pastry cloth and then roll it. The dough is very wet so I can add flour to the cloth and dough and roll it. I typically bake it on a pizza stone on my gas grill. I have an Emile Henry stone (it has a glaze and is thinner ???) – and even though everything says to preheat, I found I get best results by assembling on a cold stone and putting everything cold in a hot (500) grill with cover.

    Also another vote for aged mozz also.

  29. I have used the Olive Oil Dough from “Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day” for a few years with great success. It’s like a long rise dough that you can store in the refrigerator for up to a week, so it’s very flexible. And well… olive oil… :) Thanks for tips on the canned tomatoes. Looking forward to trying this.

  30. Cheri

    Thank you! We have a family tradition of pizza fridays, so you post is quite timely. I have a great dough recipe that I dare not change, but I have been lazy with the sauce. You have inspired me! I will have to try a nice fresh sauce tomorrow for the family.

  31. Kathy

    Wow! It’s like you’ve been in my house on Friday morning as I’m getting 3 kids off to school and myself ready for work when I remember I was too tired Thursday night to research another new pizza dough recipe and try it. Again. So I throw stuff in a bowl and hope it doesn’t explode everywhere by the time we get home at 6. Because Friday night is Pizza & Movie night and I’m tired of paying someone else exorbitant amounts of money for bread and cheese.

    Thanks so much! Looks like you’ve addressed every issue I’ve had with pizza crust here lately (including the lovely “How long do I knead this stuff?”). Can’t wait to try it!

  32. Kelly

    I’ve a devoted SK follower, and weekly Fri. night pizza maker, who is also a full-time working mom obsessed with figuring out how to time making the dough ahead of time, but having it ready when I get home from work! (I’ve commented on your other pizza posts regarding this, so I’m super excited to see this post!). So far my most successful endeavors involve making your “pizza, updated” dough to the kneading stage (i.e. not letting it rise) – with yeast reduced I think to about 2/3 – freezing it, and then pulling out the frozen dough in the morning to rise all day while I’m at work. Its worked OK. But I’m super excited to try this new endeavor (I’m suspicious of the no-knead thing, but am willing to try…).

    Question: I can still make the pizza with the sticky dough on a paddle (well floured I presume), and then transfer it to a hot stone when ready to bake, as per “usual” dough?

    1. deb

      Kelly — Ooh, that’a great question. Theoretically, yes. In practice? I would probably pull out the stone just long enough to assemble the pizza on top. It’s so soft, I just don’t see any reason to risk the mess, not when there are hungry people waiting for dinner.

  33. Kristen

    Deb, I can’t wait to try this! I made your rushed pizza dough last night (from the book, which I love!) and my husband and I marveled again at how dang tasty it was. We’ve also been loving the leisurely pizza dough, when I actually plan ahead and throw it together in the morning before work or during my lunch break. Anyway, pizza is the perfect food, in my honest opinion, so I can’t wait to give these a try…I’m now slightly bummed that we’ll be out of town and away from the kitchen this weekend! Thanks for being relentless in your quest for perfection.

  34. Mary

    Deb, you are a phenom and you have outdone yourself yet again. Three different dough-making times, to suit the busy, the motivated, and the hungover? I’m appalled, humbled, and impressed. Bravi!

  35. I too loved the pizza in Rome, especially the places where they would cut off as much as you wanted and then charged by weight. Of course I still ate my weight in pizza each day.
    I’ve been sitting on this Jim Lahey pizza book forever. The only thing I have made are the chocolate chip cookies, which are also excellent!

    1. Zoe

      I made this and it worked! Although the dough was so stringy and squishy I had my doubts. Made it on parchment covered baking sheet. Great crunch and texture. And dough took me 3 minutes to mix before I left for work!

  36. Kelly

    So you would prepare it right *on* the hot stone? (I’m just dubious about working with that wet sticky dough on a super hot stone).

    Since tomorrow is pizza night I will experiment and report back…

    1. deb

      Kelly — I think I would make it right on the hot stone. (I’m still working this out in my head as I hadn’t considered it. I will audition it, of course, but would be happy to hear your results as well. As I said, it’s less about not thinking the paddle would work, and more about not wanting anyone to risk ruining their pizza after letting it rise so long and doing all of that other prep work.)

      Reb — Gaaaah. Too bad I only typed it wrong 32 times. (Thanks, now mostly fixed.)

  37. ooh, I’m so excited you’ve figured out 6 and 12 hour versions of his dough recipe! I’ve made it once before (and loved it – best homemade dough ever)… but I can never seem to plan pizza cravings 18+ hours in advance.

  38. This look soooooooo good. I am also one that never seems to get pizza right and I’m struggling to find the perfect recipe that doesn’t require too much effort, being the lazy so and so that I am!
    As Jeanine said above, I can’t plan my cravings that far in advance… but I pretty much fancy pizza all the time, so this recipe is probably safe for me, and wont get wasted!

  39. Laura

    I don’t normally comment unless I’ve tried a recipe, but I’m so excited about this that I had to comment first. I bought my husband Jim Leahy’s pizza book for his birthday, and while we loved the flavor of the dough, we were having some problem with the timing and the wetness of his recommended tomato sauce. This recipe looks like it solves both problems. (Though I can’t believe I didn’t think to just, um, drain the excess juice…) Either way, I think we’re definitely going to have to have pizza night this weekend.

  40. Yes, yes and yes. I’ve made pizza dough a handful of times as well and it was always okay; good, but not great. I’d long wondered what it was that went into the really professional places’ dough that mine was lacking, other than a huge dough machine. I’m so looking forward to trying this out; thank goodness for Rome, huh!? :)

  41. Magda

    What about assembling the pizza on parchment, then sliding the pizza (on the parchment) onto the stone? Wouldn’t that overcome the whole transferring onto a hot stone issue?

  42. Deb – I havent used Lahey’s recipe, but I have made dough the night before with my own Gluten Free whole grain mix. The flour mix is one adapted from Shauna at Gluten Free Girl and the Chef. Usually, the dough rises a bit less – the gluten is what makes it stretchy, and so this one is a bit more dense…but the dough has a similar wet consistency.
    The above recipe I’ve played with since, using instant yeast and only one egg. I also sometimes use water. Hope this helps a bit!

  43. Margo

    I can’t wait to try this recipe out! I’ve been getting in the habit of putting together pizza dough on Thursday evening during “dishes time” so we can have homemade pizza for dinner on Friday. The recipe I’ve been using a lot lately and is now my new favorite is the “Now or Later” pizza from King Arthur Flour. It uses a far amount of semolina flour which I enjoy since I think it adds to the flour. It also differs from your recipe in that it uses more yeast and rises in the fridge. But I will try yours since I won’t have to cram a bowl into my overstocked fridge. I might try subbing in some semolina flour though, just for fun.

  44. Yet another Anna

    Thank you so much for working on the issue of timing.

    Somedays, pizza is just imperative, even if you don’t have the dough already.

  45. Jen

    I love a recipe that appreciates the fact that I have to prep dinner the night before if there’s any possibility of feeding the family something decent when we all get home at 6 pm. I’ve been wanting to try a pizza dough and this looks perfect. Thanks!

  46. Jessie

    We are neighbors! I ran into you once at the now-defunct fruit stand on 2nd Ave, and also the book signing at Fishs Eddy (uh, along with a few other people). I’m the one always reminding you to stop by the 4th Street Food Co-op for bulk grains and spices and conversations with the finest locals in the East Village? :)

    As for the pizza, you’re right, the delivery is a bit sad, especially compared to eating at the restaurant, but I’m pretty forgiving about delivery texture as the flavor is so good, and it can be easier than trying to get a table on a weekend night! Have you tried the fennel salad app, or the (fall/winter) brussels sprouts with pancetta, caramelized red onions, honey and pecorino? Those are still fantastic.

    As long as we’re talking neighborhood restaurants, have you tried the fried chicken at Bobwhite Supper Counter? I’m southern (TN native, with stopovers in New Orleans and Chapel Hill), and that is by far the best fried chicken I’ve ever had. And their biscuits are PERFECT.

  47. sara belyea

    i really identify with this post. i am never satisfied with my pizza at home, and have tried many different doughs, techniques, heating methods, etc. i will try anything! i am convinced an impressive pie can be done in a home oven [my husband is dubious i will ever be happy, but is content to sample all my attempts.]

    i have found this technique [thx travelerslunchbox!] to be very helpful. i stretch my dough on my floured counter [if the dough is super wet, i don’t handle it too much]. i put a piece of parchment paper on my peel, then assemble the pizza on the parchment paper. i slide the parchment papered pizza onto my pizza stone in my preheated oven. after two minutes, i tip up the pie with my peel, and slide the parchment out so that now the pizza is directly on the stone [the dough has set enough that this is easy to do]. the pizza cooks just a few minutes more [and i even reuse the parchment for the next pie]. it has definitely saved many a pizza in my house from ruin.

  48. For all the people out there without a pizza stone, simple reheat a cast iron skillet or grill inside the oven, and spread the dough out on top of a parchment paper and do the toppings blah blah. Then lift the parchment paper over to the cast iron skillet/grill to bake. Browns up the bottom crust like it’s nothing. Also someone once suggested to me to buy a piece of brown ceramic tiles (the cheapest kind) and use it as a pizza stone. Never tried that one yet.

    Also, instead of preheating the baking sheet, simply put the baking sheet (with the pizza in it) RIGHT ON THE BOTTOM of the oven. It will direst much more heat to the bottom if that’s what you want.

  49. I agree, it is really difficult making good pizza at home. I have concluded that it’s not the dough as much as having a super hot oven. It’s virtually impossible to replicate a 900 degree forno oven at home but what I do is broil the dough first or even char it in a pan on the stove. That’s the closest I have come to Neapolitan pizza at home. As for the dough, I make it really simple. Just flour, water, salt, olive oil and a pinch of yeast. I always make it the day before to let it develop some more flavour.

  50. Margaret

    If I wanted to halve the recipe, would I also halve the yeast amount?
    How is this different, taste-wise, from the overnight pizza dough recipe in the book? I have had really wonderful results from that — dough with a nice texture and flavor. In fact, I just made it this week, in a BBQ chicken pizza version, topped with BBQ sauce, a mix of pepper jack and mozzarella cheese, chopped leftover chicken thighs, and chopped artichoke hearts. (Which I had thought might be weird — they had been languishing in the fridge and I wanted to use them. It turned out to be awesome.)

  51. BHT

    A question about aged mozzarella: I’m familiar with the white-colored fresh mozzarella you can buy packed in water, and the lumps of cream-colored mozzarella (brands like Kraft) that you can buy shrink-wrapped in the grocery store cheese aisle. Is the latter what you mean by “aged mozzarella”? Or is there another product that I should look at a specialty cheese store for?

    Also, a suggestion: I have luck forming pizza crust on parchment, and then sliding it with the parchment onto the hot stone in the oven (using the back of a cookie sheet as a peel). After a couple of minutes, you can pull the paper right out from under the partially cooked dough, which gives the best crust, or you can just leave it the whole time it’s cooking. That’s way easier than dealing with a pizza formed just on a peel (ending up with a sticky, mal-formed mess that doesn’t transfer properly) or trying to form on a hot stone.

    1. deb

      BHT — Yes, the Kraft-like stuff. If you can find a better brand, go for it, but Kraft will work. I buy one I like from TJs a lot. If you really prefer the quality of the in water stuff, drain it on paper towels for as long as you can before using it. It’s still always a bit too wet for my tastes, but it helps.

      Pizza peel — I’m concerned about using parchment because it’s only considered oven-safe up to 450, and you will be cooking your pizza higher. I don’t think anything bad will happen to it (chemically) but the edges might burn a little.

      Margaret — Halve everything, keep the times the same. It’s similar philosophically to the overnight pizza dough in the book (I’d meant to address this) but I think even better. It’s less finicky (room temperature, no specific warm-up times) and a bit wetter, which I found led to a nicer crust.

      Bh — There’s a “Pin” link at the bottom of each post that will take you to a bookmarklet that will allow you to Pin any photo you wish.

      Jessie — Ah! Of course I remember you. (I still don’t get to the Coop enough. I’m a jerk.) I haven’t tried either of those salads but will now probably make it happen in the next week. But with homemade pizza. :) Okay, now I’m going to sound like a curmudgeon but I have a friend from Texas who is very, very serious about fried chicken who lives over by Bob’s and swears by it. We’ve gotten fried chicken from there a few times and I cannot get into it (Alex likes it too; I’m the odd one out). I prefer The Redhead. Is that blasphemy? The biscuits at Bob White’s are, indeed, excellent. And I love picking out a couple new beers from next door when we do take-out.

  52. Mame M

    Ok, so I have to ask … this dough looks slightly thick in the pictures, more “thick crust” than NYC’s famous thin crust? Is that how you prefer it? Obviously I could just role it out thinner, but now I am curious if you prefer it that way!!

  53. Cassie

    FYI – typo in your “do ahead” section, you’ve got “warpped” instead of “wrapped”. Looking forward to making this!!

  54. sara belyea

    the parchment does brown a little in a 500ish degree oven, but in the two minutes that it’s in there, it seems to be ok. for me anyway – it’s way better than a pie that gets destroyed :)

  55. AngAK

    I also make the Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day recipe that has you keep the dough in the fridge for up to a week and just use up what you need. no fussy rising times to worry about and it’s delish.
    On a side note, I was watching Hallmark channel this morning and the Home Show where Christina made your brisket and showed your cookbook and gushed about how much she liked it, but called it Smitten Kitten. I laughed! the guests quickly corrected her. She said she’s featuring your book next week on her favorites segment.

  56. JanetP

    This sounds wonderful! I use your quick pizza dough recipe all the time, subbing 1/2 the flour with whole wheat flour, but I will definitely give these a go as well. If it wasn’t almost 3:00 here now I’d make one for tonight! Hmm … maybe Sunday night we will have long-rise pizza. Sounds yum.

  57. Maeve

    o m g! It’s rising as we speak. Thanks deb, I share many of your thoughts regarding “quick” and “easy” pizza doughs– but just can’t always bring myself//find the time to make the glorious perfect peter rinehart Neapolitan dough which is OUT OF THIS WORLD DELICIOUS, but very needy…kneady?? Get it? It’s the first time I’ve not oiled the bowl before it rises. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.

  58. Erika

    Two quick pitches:
    I adore the TJ’s Quattro Fromaggio blend for pizza–it’s wonderfully melty and complex flavor from the asaigo and provolone

    Also, I was gifted a Super Peel a few years ago, and have never looked back for pizza. It’s basically a wooden peel combined with baking towel that wraps like a conveyor belt. So you can make your gloopy pizza on the counter, conveyor it up onto the peel, and then conveyor it back down onto your hot stone, still in the oven. Don’t build right on the peel or it’ll stick too much, but if you use it for transfer, it’s awesome.

    Can’t wait to try this dough this weekend for our Sunday night pizza night!

  59. I cracked up when I saw the ‘working from home’ rising option, as that’s exactly what happens around here… I put on some outside clothes and think about dinner and realise we’re out of everything. So I did the sensible thing and mixed some up. Though I will actually have to clean the oven if I don’t want to set off the smoke alarm, which I do every time we make pizza, so maybe I won’t bother.

  60. Meredith

    Every time I look at your blog, you are exactly on my wavelength. I also find homemade pizza impossible to resist and these exact problems I have too! I love your blog, it fixes all my problems! =)

  61. Meagan M

    AHHHH!!! A pizza dough with 3 timing options…This is why I freaking LOVE you and your blog :) The pizza looks amazing and I am super pumped to make this dough!!! I have tried at least 10 different recipes and NONE have worked…always the same result: nice edges with a soft/soggy middle.

  62. I had the same realization about mozzarella! I love Lahey’s no-knead bread and really need to hurry up and try his pizza dough. Thanks for all these tips! Can’t wait to try homemade pizza again.

  63. Bridget

    Forgive me if the answer to my question is too obvious for words – but does this make two pizzas which each serve four people? Or two pizzas for four people in total? Thanks x

  64. Aylah

    Hi Deb,
    My roommates and I want to make this tomorrow night, is it ok to use store bought pizza dough? Or is homemade crust what makes this pizza amazing?

    Thank you! Ciao!

    1. deb

      Aylah — Homemade crust is a big part of it, but the topping techniques (using a dry mozzarella, draining your tomatoes) can be applied to other doughs.

      Esther — There are no unwelcome questions here. Two varieties of yeast come in 7 gram packets — “Active Dry” is one, and the one called for here, “Rapid Rise” (also sometimes called Instant or Bread Machine) is the other. It should usually be labelled. Some say that Instant works faster but I have rarely found this to be the case; Instant actually refers to the fact that it doesn’t need to be proofed or re-hydrated the way Active Dry does. But as shown here, you don’t always need to rehydrate or proof Active Dry — not when one is using a long and very wet rise.

      Briget — It makes two that will serve 4. I’m very bad at guesstimating what volume others will want to eat for dinner, but no matter how many times I make this, we almost always go through 3/4 of it for 3 of us (with some roasted vegetables or a salad or sometimes proscuitto on the side), which is why I estimate 4 for the whole volume.

  65. calisun

    Long time lurker, first time commenter. I love your site, just never got around to saying anything! I’m pregnant and been craving pizza for all meals. So I checked out Jim Lahey’s pizza book from the library yesterday. And this morning I come to your site and find this recipe, isn’t that fortuitous! Minor question, where did you place the oven racks (close to the broiler on top or to the coil on the bottom) when using the sheet pan? Thanks!

  66. EmilyG

    Thank you for this recipe(s)! I, like many others who have posted, have been attempting to refine making great pizza at home for years. Lately I’ve been going back and forth between using the “quick” and “lazy” pizza doughs in your cookbook, but have been eying several others that use a little olive oil in the recipe. Do you think the oil would make the dough easier to role out? I always have trouble with this, even if I let it rest for a few minutes after punching it down.

    I definitely agree with using drier mozzarella. That change helped my pizzas to be a lot crispier!

    I have been trying to get on board with the “no-cook” sauce, but so far have not been happy with the results. Also, I’ve found that the uncooked sauce does not freeze well (gets very watery). Maybe draining the tomatoes first as you do here would solve this. In any case I will definitely be trying this recipe! I plan on assembling the pizza directly on a hot stone as usual since i do not have a peel.

  67. This is an excellent idea for a post, very detailed and it’s great to see such an in depth post about techniques for pizza!I never thought to drain the tomatoes, thanks!

  68. Ellen

    For everyone who is always disappointed by an insufficiently browned bottom crust: I have tried for perfect crust in our gas oven, but it just does not get hot enough. The solution offered by my brilliant boyfriend is to heat a large, flat cast iron griddle to a very high heat on the stovetop and put the pizza on it for a couple minutes after cooking in the oven. It crisps the crust to perfection every time. Make sure you use parchement under the pizza or it may stick, and expect the parchement to burn when it hits the cast iron — you need it super hot to get the wood-oven effect. I mean really hot, aim for at least 600 F. So be cautious and enjoy :)

  69. Jessie

    I have a great solution for the make pizza in a hurry on a weeknight. I use Rose Levy-Beranbaum’s pizza recipe (and triple or even quadruple it) on the weekend. It’s another no-knead, sit in the fridge overnight type of dough, I’m sure the one you list could be substituted. I roll out and par-bake the rounds (about 5 min in the oven) and then wrap them in plastic and freeze. The frozen rounds can be unwrapped, topped and put into a hot oven for another 5-7 min, without defrosting, which also means I can put it directly on the pizza stone without it wobbling all over the place. I always keep some in the freezer ready for pizza night. It’s also great for a pizza party, and everyone can top their own. I also no longer buy processed frozen pizzas.

  70. Thank you for all the rising times/options!

    Question: Is there any good option for allowing the dough to rise, and then refrigerating for an extended amount of time (multiple days), like the “Artisan Bread in 30 minutes a day” technique? I assume leaving it at room-temp would cause serious overproofing, right?

  71. Genevieve

    Do you have any general advice on high altitude? Mastered your crusts until I moved above 3000ft and now just want to toy around to get it perfect up here. Less yeast? More water? Less rise time or punch down if doubled too quickly? Any ideas you’ve heard in the field would be helpful!

  72. Jessie

    I had the Bobwhite fried chicken sandwich the other day, and it wasn’t as good as having the fried chicken on top of their salad which is fantastic. They use an interesting mix of greens and a just-light-enough buttermilk dressing. I’ve only been to the Redhead once, and that was a couple of years ago, but I remember being extremely disappointed with the food. I should probably give it another chance though. I hear the drinks are great?

    I’m pretty sure we could talk NY restaurants and food for hours! Hope to run into you again!

  73. Sarag

    My favorite gluten free pizza crust was published in one of the last issues of Gourmet, along with a very good chocolate chip cookie gf recipe as well. It used millet flour for a nice heft and crunch. Excellent. I have tried cup for cup but it is very white! Lots of cornstarch I guess.

  74. Dan

    Awesome recipe, looking forward to trying it vs. my normal dirty-the-Cuisinart version of pizza dough. I’m in love with No Knead Bread, and both versions of the recipe I have for that (overnight and 4 hour) use Instant (RapidRise) yeast, not Active Dry, therefore I have a lot of Instant yeast kicking around. Have you tried this with Instant yeast? I’m guess that for the same amount of yeast, it may slightly lower the rising time?

  75. Katie

    LOVE homemade pizza, and yours looks amazing!
    p.s. I’ve found that the easiest way to avoid soggy-in-the-middle crust is to bake the pizza on the bottom rack of the oven instead of the middle. I generally make pizza on an unpreheated half-sheet pan–no pizza stone–and it always turns out brown and crisp underneath.

  76. Magdalen

    Looks amazing, I used to make your pizza from the cookbook allllll the time, but alas, I am low-carbing, and have been since May :(

  77. Susan

    When you posted that you went to Rome, my first thought was, “I hope she paid attention to pizza making for us.” Gads, I have poured over pizza cookbooks at the library and bookstore, been to every site online, talked to every chef/owner of pizza places we’ve gone about their crust and baked and wasn’t impress by every recipe that sounded like it might work. I’m exhausted by this crust quest. I’m so glad you figured it out and spelled it out so well. I’d come to the conclusion that Lahey’s was probably the answer, but after fighting with that no-knead dough just for bread, I just haven’t been up to the pizza dough stretching battle. You’ve convinced me to go ahead. About browning the crust edges…brush with water just before you put it in the oven, just like you would a baguette.

  78. Wow, I’m convinced! We already use drier mozzarella and less watery sauce on our homemade pizzas, but we’ve never tried a slow-rise/overnight-fermented dough. It makes so much sense, though! After all, that’s what makes sourdough breads taste more complex and delicious. And there’s so much hands-off time, too, for such a good pay-off!

    Thank you for being so thorough, exacting, and persistent, and sharing it with us! (Thank you for being you!)

  79. Krista

    Yay! I was looking for this recipe last week, and now here it is! I couldn’t find anything with a long counter rise. Can’t wait to try it out!

  80. I’ve made both of your pizzas in your cookbook, but agree, that the flavor of the crust doesn’t quite compare to the Nepolitan places. I’m so excited that you tested all this stuff out and am going to be making this IMMEDIATELY. Looks so, so good!

  81. We love to do a heavily loaded veggie pizza. Do you think it could hold up if it was somewhat prebaked? Oh, and some well-known recipe testers found that part skim freshly grated mozzarella resulted in the best melting, browning, and moisture. We do our pizza dough with 100% whole white wheat flour. I wonder how well it would do with the long rise (I’m thinking it could be amazing).

  82. Barbara Qualls

    I am concerned about how to get a sticky pizza dough onto that hot pizza stone….have had a lot of pizzas end up in the garbage disposal that way! Any suggestions? Thank you…looks fab…

  83. I always form my pizzas on parchment paper and then transfer them to the hot stone. (Well, I use a baking steel these days, but same idea.) It works great. I bake my pizzas at 550 degrees, and the parchment does burn on the edges. With the steel, the paper will actually burn under the pizza too, so after about 1 minute, once the bottom of the just set, I’ll use a spatula and tongs to take out the parchment paper. Forming the pizza right on the hot stone just doesn’t sound like it would work all that well. I also hate having to use tons of flour, semolina, or cornmeal to transfer the raw pizza to the stone without parchment – especially because it always still sticks! Using parchment and taking it out partway through cooking works really great for me. I’ll be doing that tomorrow when I make pizza with this new dough recipe!

  84. Annie

    I second Bridget on the parchment. We do the same, except that we bake ours on a stone, so the parchment stays in the whole time. Trim it a bit before sliding into the oven so you’ll suffer nothing worse than scorched edges, then slide pizza-on-parchment from counter to the back of a cookie sheet, then cookie sheet to stone inside the oven.

  85. Tip: this dough is most manageable when chilled. I make mine, let it rise for just one hour, pop it in the fridge for 3 (or 3 days, a couple weeks, whatever), and then pull it out and shape it. So much easier to shape than when at room temp.

  86. Jess

    I really like Marcella Hazan’s (may she rest in peace) tomato butter sauce on pizza. I tend to skimp a little on the butter and I also puree the onion into the tomatoes. I will have to try the drained sauce though.

    Aged Mozzarella is a no brainer to me. I recently used your cook book recipe and used some kind of generic mozzarella and it was perfect on the pizza, you get the delicious bubbly goodness that makes pizza so special.

  87. Margit Van Schaick

    Deb, I absolutely loved this post! The writing (which perfectly expresses your passion, wit, and energetic seeking of what is good to eat), and the wonderful photos which show a beginner pizza maker like me what to do step by step to achieve success. I appreciate the great interest and care you used in creating this recipe. It’s also wonderful that you recognized the time constraints of working people, and provided options for three different schedules! A request for a possible future project: could you consider perfecting a similar process for making bread?

  88. Amy P

    Deb, this! This is why I’ve been following you since the beginning and bought your cookbook instantly and recommend it to everyone (my favourite: the onion cheese swirls. You have made me so many friends in the last year). You don’t just post whatever you happened to make for dinner, you tweak recipes and make them multiple times and take careful notes until they’re just right – I know I can always trust your recipes to turn out beautifully! Also – the weight measurements! So thankful that you also use a scale :) Thanks for all you do!

  89. Karen

    Deb: I’ve been working for the past 3 years for the perfect pizza at home.

    Have you diddled with A16’s recipe? i’ve found it to be close to the perfect at-home pie, though you have to either know 4 hours (or 3 days) in advance you want it, since it slow ferments.

    I also have had great luck with the following: crank the oven to 550 for one hour, with pizza stone on highest rack. When ready to cook, turn oven off, turn broiler on high, slide pie in by way of a peel (or cookie sheet upended) and the sucker is done, with perfect leopard spotting, in 3 mins.

  90. Scott

    Yes! I’ve been complaining to my wife that our pizza is too wet, but she has been convinced that pizza made with anything other than the moistest, freshest mozzarella is an abomination. Now I have ammunition…

    Also, I don’t know why it never occurred to me to strain the canned tomatoes. I’ve been cooking them down with a little garlic and olive oil to remove some water, but I haven’t always been happy with the results. The idea of straining them instead seems promising. You mentioned that good pizza places don’t cook the sauce — any theories on why straining is preferred?

  91. Ale

    I can’t help commenting on this post… Can I add a few tips? First of all, the yeast… In Italy we do not use the dry kind, but we use fresh yeast (lievito di birra) that is sold in cubes in most supermarkets. In the US, some bakeries would sell it to you. I swear it makes all the difference in the world! Then, the 00 flour that you already mentioned and that I really do not know how to replace here in the US (but many Italian stores, at least on the East Coast, sell the imported stuff). As far as the mozzarella is concerned, sorry Deb, but I have to disagree with you… Good fresh mozzarella is so much better than that aged cheese sold as mozzarella! You can simply squeeze out a lot of the water with your hands, right before putting it on pizza. In Italy, we often use a kind of (fresh!) mozzarella that has a lower water content: fiordilatte (I wonder if that is what you saw in Rome). Also, I know… I am a total purist with pizza margherita but… it does not need any garlic and absolutely no parmigiano! Just tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, a pinch of salt and some olive oil when it’s just out of the oven. I think pizza margherita is one of those dishes where less is best!

  92. Ale

    I forgot to add one more tip about the tomatoes. If you can, use bottled Italian passata di pomodoro rather than canned tomatoes. Or a mix of passata and strained canned tomatoes.

  93. I always get a warm feeling in my heart when I think of no-knead breads. All you need is patience. It’s a lesson for us all. I’m in a two-person household with one 9×13 pan. Any thoughts on saving the other half of the dough? Will it keep in the fridge until needed? Can’t wait to try this!

  94. Anna

    I’m one of those people you describe who loves pizza but is dough-challenged. I’m going to try this for sure but I still have a problem transferring dough, especially a wet dough, from the paddle to the baking surface without losing a bunch. Any tips? Thanks for this!

  95. Joan in Boulder

    Hi Deb, when you say “1 1/2 teaspoons sea or kosher salt”, do you mean large-grain salt or everyday table sea salt?

    Also, I typically make a Peter Reinhart whole wheat pizza crust. He recommends handling sticky dough with WET hands. It’s counter-intuitive, but it really works!

  96. Another vote for the bottom-rack-trick. My stone broke a couple of years ago, but since then I have been preheating for at least 30 minutes at 550, then baking on the bottom rack (not on the coils, but the rack). And I’ve never looked back. The bottom almost burns before the cheese starts to brown on top.

  97. jan dash

    I experimented with the no-knead bread recipe many years ago and “discovered” another way to make pizza from it. I felt it was altogether too sticky to roll, so I simply proofed it in my large wok (I think i did 24 hours but our house is not heated so it didn’t matter). When the 24 hours was up, I preheated the pizza stone and then plopped the wok and dough straight onto the hot stone leaving the wok upside down on top of the dough for 1/2 hour. Then I removed the wok and flipped the dough and baked it for another half hour. The result was a slightly pregnant large disk- much too thick to be a pizza base, but about the right size otherwise. When the bread cooled I sawed it through the middle so that I had two thin disks of the most incredible bread. At this point you can make the pizza by putting the topping on the “rough” side of the cut disk and baking it until the topping melts OR you can freeze the disk and top it some other time. You get two quite large disks if you use the whole no-knead bread recipe, so it’s nice to have one to eat and one to freeze. The crust is definitely the best part of this pizza.

  98. Rachel

    Hi Deb! I like to put a little honey in my dough, partly because I’m paranoid the yeast won’t get started without it, and partly because who doesn’t love a little honey? Will it alter the rising time much, or can I just go for it? Thanks!

  99. I like how you always take a massively popular but difficult to personalize recipe and make it totally accessible for dum-dums like me. Husband has been asking asking nagging for homemade pepperoni pizza. Looks like this will be my own starting point!

  100. AussieBeth

    Is there something missing from this sentence, perhaps after the third comma?…
    “Add garlic, red pepper flakes and sugar, if the tomatoes taste overly acidic to you, to the tomatoes and blend in a blender or with an immersion blender until they reach your desired sauce texture. “

  101. Danika

    Looks fantastic! I have been using a basic pizza dough for years that is super simple and quick but will definitely give this a go.

    Can I double the recipe as is? I always get wary of doubling yeasted recipes.


    1. Stephanie

      I¡¯m not Deb obviously, but I doubled it tonight with the 8 hour recipe! I had the same question about the yeast but decided to just take a guess. I DID double the measured amount but didn¡¯t heap it. So I figured it wasn¡¯t quite doubled yeast but almost doubled, if that makes sense. Worked like a charm. Delicious! Thanks for the great recipe – it was so easy I¡¯ll definitely be adding this to the rotation!

  102. Meredith

    Pizza was on the menu for tonight and now I shall have the perfect pizza! I received your cookbook for my birthday in September and I am happily cooking my way through it- and I think I may just love you. Thank you!

  103. Can’t wait to try this; it looks fantastic! Thanks for all your efforts to figure out the recipe for the perfect pizza dough. I have also been wanting to work on my homemade pizza dough.

  104. Allie

    This looks great and I’m excited to have a good dough that is easy, but have you really totally given up on your white wine and honey dough? I still think that’s the best pizza crust I’ve ever had. Is this dough tastier, or just more convenient?

  105. I’m glad you made one of my country’s most famous and loved food: pizza! And I have to say you are a very careful observer, since you noticed every single detail of pizza preparation and, in this post, you made it exactly how we would make it here in Italy! Well done, lady! You now master the true Italian pizza!

    xo, Elisa

  106. Deb,

    I have been waiting for a post like this since you got back from Italy! Grazie Grazie Grazie bella!!!! I just got back from Italy myself and I’m so excited to try your pizza recipe. I had others to try but you just skipped all those in line!

  107. Anna

    I just made your revised pizza dough recipe (the one with white wine) using 00 flour (it was on sale at Giant!), and it made a WORLD of difference. I’ve been letting it slow rise in the fridge which can be kind of a pain to bring back to room temp now that its getting colder, but also allows for greater depth of flavor. Compares to using this same method with ap or whole wheat flour, this dough was a bit wetter, softer, easier to roll out, and the texture chewier on the inside and crispy on the outside. I’d be curious to see how this dough compares with 00. I never thought it would make THAT much of a difference.

  108. Andrea

    Hi. Love your recipes and try many many of them. Just a note that I never have problems with putting good fresh Buffalo mozzarella on my pizzas –always turns out fantastic (my favorite combo is shaved asparagus with fresh mozzarella, a little parmesan, and red pepper flakes.!)

  109. Leigh

    My go to pizza recipe for years is cooks illustrated pizza bianca. I use the dough recipe and make it into whatever I want. It is also a wet dough that you can’t roll out. You should try it.


  110. I can’t wait to try this!! I love making pizza at home and experimenting with toppings and such, but I can get VERY frustrated at times! Usually because the pizza dough does not want to cooperate while I’m rolling it out! Can’t wait to try this though, the make after dinner sounds perfect!

  111. Jillian L

    Perfect timing! I’m hosting a pizza dinner tomorrow and need to make about 6 pizzas, I’m going to do a few with this recipe and a few from the book (which I normally use) to compare. I love that the dough doesn’t need to go into the fridge as I’ve got no room in there right now!

  112. Jess

    It’s like you read my mind. Just got a pizza stone last week and I have been on a pizza spree since then. I have been using the quick pizza dough recipe from your book, and it makes FANTASTIC crust! (Even when someone may have torn a itty bitty hole in it while transferring to the stone)
    I will have to give this dough a try soon!

  113. Deb, I’m SO happy you’re embracing the no-knead pizza dough! It’s the only recipe I use now (so fab w/ your shaved asparagus pizza), but lack of pizza spontaneity has always been the biggest drawback. And now, you’ve invented the cure.
    THANK YOU!!!!

  114. Stefanie

    I was just wondering how the different yeast amounts would translate for fresh yeast? In Germany, dry yeast is kind of like the last resort you use when you have cake cravings on a sunday. Fresh yeast is cheap and you can buy it in every supermarket, so we usually use that. Packages usually recommend one cube (I think it’s 7g) for 500g of flour. Do you know how this amount relates to dry yeast and if I could also just use less fresh yeast for a longer resting time?

    1. deb

      Fresh yeast — Is wonderful, but not as readily available here. (Well, in NYC I can find it easily. But I don’t just write recipes for people with NYC-level access to stuff.) One website suggests that 1 g fresh = 0.5 g active dry, i.e. 2:1. Another says that 3 gm fresh = 2 grams active dry, i.e. 3:2. Not sure which is correct, but the weights for the yeast levels I list in the recipe are below. I hadn’t included them because they’re so quibblingly small, but it should be helpful in guiding you on figuring out how much fresh yeast to use instead. Fresh yeast needs to be first dissolved into water, so I’d whisk it into the water before adding it to the bowl with the salt and flour.

      Overnight dough = Slightly heaped 1/8 teaspoon active dry yeast (less than 1 gram)
      All-Day Dough = Slightly heaped 1/4 teaspoon active dry yeast (approx. 1 gram)
      Part-Day Dough = Slightly heaped 1/2 teaspoon active dry yeast (approx. 2 grams)

      Allie — No reason not to doctor this up with a splash of wine and honey if that’s your thing. But yes, I’ve mostly returned to the basic salt/water/yeast/flour formula, focusing instead on developing those sweet/nutty/complex flavors through aging it more.

      kate — Haaaa. Oh god, remember those days? Pre-kid? Pre-… (I am literally sitting here trying to figure out why my life is so much more impossibly chaotic than it was 5 years ago and all I can come up with is the kid. But it feels like so much more than that.) Of course, I wasn’t writing 2,200 word posts with 23 photos in them that included four sub-recipes, either. It was really fun, though. :)

      AussieBeth — Thanks. I think it reads better now.

      Rachel — The yeast will rise without it, but you can add a spoonful with everything else without harming the dough.

      Joan — Yes, I realized that was going to be an annoying directions. Lahey actually calls for fine sea salt but I used a fine-ish one (no pretzel salt size) in some tests and a kosher salt (again, not terribly coarse) in others, and both worked. You could use fine sea salt without any trouble, too.

      Indirect libre — I added Do ahead directions at the bottom of the recipe. Yes, it keeps for a few days.

      Karen — No, and I have the cookbook and never use it. (To be honest, someone gave it to me for free, and I have a no-freebies/no-free-books policy on the site, so when something sneaks in, I regard it with undue suspicion.) Do you have other favorites from it that I shouldn’t miss? The preheating step sounds interesting. I agree that the broiler is excellent for finishing pizzas too.

      Margit — Thank you. I think a similar bread post would be fun, though I touched on it in this one from years ago, with thanks to Laurie Colwin.

      ATG — Aged mozzarella is similar to the stuff that you can buy shredded, but I prefer not to buy pre-shredded because there are often stabilizers and powders to keep them from sticking while keeping the cheese melty. I often buy San Marzanos and like them, but there are also good domestically grown tomato brands, so no need to use them if they don’t taste any different to you.

      Sarah — Sadly, my broiler is useless so I haven’t tried it. But I’d done it in my old kitchen and liked it for finishing.

      kriswithmany — I don’t think it is necessary to pre-bake it, I just think it’s important that vegetables are either cut thin or small and pre-softened a little, as a few minutes baking time isn’t usually enough to make them gently collapse onto the pizza.

      jamie — I use whatever I have around, I think it’s Fleischmann’s right now. However, what you linked to is Rapid Rise or Instant Yeast. You should use Active Dry here.

      Sarag — I can’t believe I missed that, because I thought I’d never missed a Gourmet issue. Do you have a link to them somewhere? I’d love to play around with a non-packed GF crust that didn’t use many different types of flours.

      Genevieve — I haven’t made pizza at higher altitudes, but you might find these tips helpful.

      Nicole — See the Do Ahead note at the end. You can finish it at RT then refrigerate it for up to 3 days.

      Emily — I don’t think olive oil affects how well it rolls; a dough that rises sufficiently generally always rolls well. (Though here, you will stretch it because it’s too soft to need to roll it.) Olive oil adds a little richness, which is why I prefer it at the end, so you can really get a taste of it.

      calisun — I am weird but I actually put mine near the top. I have a terribly, junky oven and I find that the heat bouncing off the top helps it brown. I’m sure in a normal oven that works well, closer to the bottom makes more sense.

  115. Helen Madden

    It’s probably just my flour, but weighing carefully, I used Gold Medal Bread Flour and split the difference between your 3 cup weight and Jim Lahey’s. The dough was much too stiff, so I added 5 Tbl. of water to make it a little stickier. Other readers should not be afraid to add more water if needed. (I learned long ago a sticky dough makes a pizza crust.) Thank you for the recipe and the timing options!

  116. Chris C.

    Since moving to a very rural place where takeaway pizza is but a distant memory, we’ve been working on our own perfect pizza dough. For us, the tricks have turned out to be mixing the dough in the food processor (as Mark Bittman suggests in How to Cook Everything), at least a few hours of rising and preferably overnight, and adding beer to the dough instead of water. The pizza place we stole the beer idea from (run by a father-son duo named Buzzy and Buzzy Jr!), uses Budweiser, but we use whatever light-ish or wheaty beer we have floating around. That, and cooking on a well-heated pizza stone as hot as our oven will go! I’m so proud of the pizzas that come out of our oven now — just as good as all the fancy expensive stuff we used to get in San Francisco!

  117. E

    And to make it even lazier, if you have the time.

    I usually make the dough in the morning and let it rise until about an hour before dinner.

    At that time, I pat and poke the dough out onto parchment paper until it starts to get really hard to get it any thinner. By this time, I will have gotten it into the approximate shape I want, but a bit smaller and thicker.

    Then I drop a clean cloth over it and prepare the toppings. In about half an hour, the dough will have both slightly risen and slightly shrunk. It will now be very easy to poke it down with my fingertips everywhere except the very edge, stretching it as I go.

    And then on with the toppings and into the oven!

  118. I have yet to make a pizza dough that is not tough and chewy. I was reading another blog the other day (can’t remember which otherwise I’d share the link) and they were raving about Red Star Platinum yeast. I was going to give it a try next time I attempted pizza- like you mentioned, pizza dough is my demon dish. I am determined to get it right. Looking forward to trying out this new recipe.

    Oh and by the way, last month when I was in England, I was in a teeny, tiny bookstore in Bath and saw your cookbook on the shelves and got way too excited, I almost burst out saying “I know her! I know her!” Even though I don’t other than having read your blog for years :)

  119. Sarah D

    Oh My Gosh! Ee made this for dinner last night and it really was the BEST pizza ever – San Marzano’s and everything. Thanks for the multiple dough/rise times – so incredibly helpful!

  120. Clara

    We’ve had weekly pizza for years. We use similar proportions although more yeast (2 c flour, 3/4 c water, 1 tsp yeast, some salt – yes I have literally committed it to memory), but what I really want to tell you is that we have found that pizza dough is best after sitting in the fridge for a few days, ideally between 4 and 7. We do let it get to room temp before rolling it out. Then we slide it in a 475-degree oven on a preheated stone. Oh. My. Goodness. It makes all the difference. Plus it is very convenient because you can throw the dough together on the weekend and have it ready to go on whichever weeknight ends up working best.

  121. Deb Paterson

    I’m excited to try your pizza dough tonight! I normally make a no-knead dough that sits overnight from “Pizza on the Grill”. When we don’t grill the pizza, we do it directly on the oven rack (no pan) and we cook the dough, flip it over, put the toppings on and then put the pizza back into the oven for the cheese to melt, etc. Do you think this dough could be cooked the same way? Or do you think I’ll need the pan? I love a thin, crispy crust.

  122. Amy Mintzer

    It won’t be a true Margherita, more like a classic NYC slice, but scamorza makes a great pizza too.

    I also keep in the cabinet in case of emergency a canned pizza sauce called Don Pepino. I bought it the first time about 20 years ago just for the awesome packaging: it’s bright yellow with a wacky illustration of a pizza-tossing chef.Very 1960. I opened it long after (probably in an emergency), and now I buy it when I see it, which isn’t often. Made in NJ, I think.

  123. I will sheepishly admit, I either buy boxed (cardboardy) dough or fresh dough from the store for pizza at home. They are not good, but I just can’t face all of the steps of making real dough. I know I can make slow, Jim Lahey style dough though, so that solves it! And, you solved the wet cheese and watery sauce issues too! I always new I needed canned San Marzano, but I never got the texture right. Your approach just saved me not figuring these things out for a decade or possibly never getting it! I have a feeling I’ll be returning to this post every time I make homemade pizza from now on. Thank you. Truly. Thank you.

  124. Priscilla

    OK, I’m going to take the plunge and try homemade pizza again after ages.

    Here’s my question: I get my tomatoes fresh, not canned. I usually cook it and let the water reduce that way. Can I try out your uncooked sauce with uncanned tomatoes? Should I just squeeze out some of the juice from the fresh tomatoes, or something?

    (Confession: I’ve never used canned tomatoes in my life, so I have little idea what consistency they are, except from pictures on cooking blogs like yours!)

  125. Jim Lahey has seriously improved my at-home eating. I made my first pizza using his dough recipe last week. I’m in love. I found that it made two large pizzas too. I cooked one half of the dough for the husband and myself, and (after letting it sit overnight) put the other in the freezer.We’ll see how well it does as a rainy day recipe.

  126. My goodness! How do you manage to do this over and over again?! Just last night my husband’s wheels were turning. He was sorting out how many meals we’d gotten out of pizza from one of our favorite places. And while I’d love to just say yes to pizza out all the time, it just doesn’t feel quite as healthy to me. (I’m too big of a fan of high quality ingredients that I have control over.) Thanks to Deb I’ve got a worthwhile project ahead of me. Thank heavens I just loaded the fridge with tomatoes from the farmer’s market. Ready…set…GO!

  127. Nita E.

    My ‘demon dishes’ have been any recipes requiring yeast. I’m slowly attempting to conquer my fear of ‘recipes requiring another organism to succeed.’ I’ll be trying to expand my efforts to this recipe :)

  128. FM

    Last month I was looking at Jim Lahey’s recipe; trouble is I keep forgetting to prep the dough the night before only to wound up not having pizza Friday night which is my take it easy cooking night. I’ve made it once but not on the day I wanted it just to try it and the crust was absolutely fabulous. Thanks for adjusting it so tonight we’re having pizza :p I forgot again last night, doh.

  129. Jennifer M

    Woohoo! More pizza dough options to try! My kids love it when we have build-your-own-pizza night, and I keep explaining to them that TIME is one of the ingredients in pizza dough. You can’t rush it.

  130. Susan Bivens

    I have to admit I’ve never had a problem with wet fresh mozzarella, but I am intrigued by the aged mozzarella and am always looking for ways to make our homemade pizza more “authentic”. We haven’t made pizza in a long while…we have a 15 month old and I have been hankering to get out our pizza peel…thanks for the new ideas!

  131. heather

    Deb and Kelly,

    I have been making a sourdough crust that is super sticky and I have resorted to forming it on natural parchment paper and sliding that off the peel (or in my case the back of a half sheet pan) on to my stone. It has been very successful – forming it on the hot stone was a bit too tricky for me.

    Deb I too am so thankful for the thought you put into working up this recipe. Like most people here Friday night is pizza night and a love Cook’s Illustrated’s pan pizza but we eat so late waiting for the dough to rise! I mixed up a batch of the 22 hour dough and am so looking forward to eating earlier and less clean up tonight.

  132. I had to laugh when I read your post. I started a sourdough starter last night, made the dough this morning for pizza tomorrow. My gluten free husband will be off so I can have a lovely crusted pizza. I find time makes a huge difference in flavor. I also will only use sourdough or some similar yeastie beasties. The process and time adds so much flavor something store bought, restaurant bought, or made with yeast quickly seem to have no flavor.

  133. Stephanie

    I just mixed up the recipe, and I’m a little concerned. 3 cups of flour and 1 cup + 3 tablespoons of water made a very dry dough. I guess I’ll wait patiently….

  134. Amber

    I mixed my dough about three hours ago, and I was unsure about the texture. It seemed a bit dry, so I added another tablespoon or so of water. What consistency should I have expected? Thanks for the recipes Deb!

    1. deb

      Dry dough — Yikes. It should be the opposite. I will find my jotted notes now…

      Update — So, this measurement matches my notes. Well, almost. I used 1 1/4 cups of water but the resulting dough was so terrifyingly soft, I dropped it down 1 tablespoon so nobody else found it too impossible. When first mixed, I should have mentioned that the dough is craggy and rough. (You can see this in my photos, I hope.) It may seem firmish. Once it nearly triples in volume during its rise, you should find it ridiculously soft (i.e. to soft to even roll, you just lift edges and let the slack stretch it out, if that makes sense). Please let me know if this isn’t happening and I’ll make us more tonight to retest. I’ve clarified in the recipe that it will go from rough and craggy (see Photo #5 from top) to loose/stretchy/sticky (see Photos #6-7) in the time it rises.

  135. Stephanie

    Okay, it’s official, I love you! I love to make homemade pizza, but it has to be a weekend and I have to remember by 2pm! My most available time to cook is after dinner/kid bedtime. Your 22-hour recipe is, therefore, perfection. Thank you for thinking of all of our different lives.

    Re the Gluten-Free pizza, I’d suggest looking at the gluten-free chapter of “healthy bread in 5 minutes a day” (they put a lot of the recipes on the website if you don’t have the book). Probably use whatever flour combination they suggest and, if I remember correctly, egg to make up for the lack of gluten. You’ll also probably do better with water or oil on the hands when you stretch instead of flour.

    Re Parchment, I’m another regular user. I have a non-celiac wheat allergy and my spelt-crust sticks to pizza screens really badly no matter how much oil I add. The parchment does fine in a 500 degree oven.

    Re freezing: When I make pizza dough we tend to each make our own pizzas. When we’re done, I make and bake plain crusts with the rest. Those go in the freezer. They keep just fine, and I can throw together a decent pizza whenever we need it….

  136. Hi!

    This is one great recipe you have here! Thanks a lot for sharing it. Recently I found a very interesting and easy pizza recipe by Lorraine Pascale. Now I swear only by that recipe. However, yours seems really good too. Lorraine¡¯s recipe is an easy one designed for people who want to have a delicious pizza prepared and baked in less than 1 hour! The dough is so easy to make and you have to let the dough rise for 30-40 minutes. And the garnish is the simple thing ever! You only need a good tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella and basil leaves. Lorraine Pascale also adds figs and bacon to the pizza though I prefer it with only the figs. I will agree to you saying that using ¡®dry¡¯ mozzarella is better for pizza. Fresh mozzarella should be used with olive oil and basil leaves in a nice salad. I have a blog on cooking for a Web module and I am happy to have commented on your blog. Please do reply to this comment. I find your work amazing and I am definitely bookmarking your blog as inspiration. :) Thanks a lot and continue this wonderful work of yours.


  137. KCH

    Made the dough last night (8pm) and at 1:30pm today doesn’t look like it has risen at all (live on west coast). Our house is relatively cool (kitchen probably 70 degrees) – could this be the culprit? Any suggestions for helping dough rise in time for dinner tonight? Will the cup of boiling water in a 200 degree oven trick ruin the dough? Thanks!

    1. deb

      Hi KCH — If you did the 22 hour dough, you should still have time, however, I think you’d see some growth by now. Trying to hasten it along in slightly warm oven won’t ruin it. I usually turn the oven to 200 for 5 minutes, then turn it off, then I put the dough in 10 minutes later in a heatproof bowl.

  138. TP

    I may be the only person on this comment thread utterly failing at this. I tried last night to make the dough, following instructions exactly and the dough did not rise (though it looked, as you said, craggy and rough initially). I proofed the yeast I used this morning (Fleischmann¡¯s Active Yeast) to check its power levels, and realized the yeast was lackluster. Enter mad dash to Whole Foods this morning to buy a fresh packet of same type of yeast AND flour, and tried again today about an hour ago with the new packet. Since then, the dough has not risen at all…I am sure your instructions are correct, but I am really puzzled as to what I am doing wrong. I checked the measurements of yeast-flour-water, temp in the kitchen is about 70-73 degrees, dough is hanging out in a big old bowl with saran wrap over it. Any thoughts (to anyone out there!) as to what on earth is causing my dough to sit like a sad little lump? So. very. sad.

  139. TP

    KCH – Experiencing the same problem! Live on the west coast, started it last night, didn’t rise, so I’ve tried a second time this afternoon. Now BOTH dough bowls are hanging out in over per Deb’s instructions. This kitchen is just one giant pizza kitchen experiment..even the dog has flour on him.

    1. deb

      Hi TP — You definitely shouldn’t see any rise whatsoever in the first hour or two with the 22-hour dough (the yeast itself takes a few hours to dissolve), but you should see it happening by the last couple hours (well, gradually along the way, but it should be obvious near the end). Can you let me know how it goes as it gets closer to the final time? With the 6-hour dough, you should see a change within 3 hours.

  140. TP

    Deb – Thanks so much for the feedback, and will do. I think I need to stop hovering and just let the darned things rise..will keep you updated as we get closer to dinner time.. Rookie mistake #1: Invited several people over to dinner for this, so what a fun dinner adventure we will be having!

  141. deb

    TJ — Crossing my fingers. You can always add an extra pinch of yeast if you’re nervous it won’t be ready in time. Dough is forgiving.

    To everyone — Seriously, I obsess a LOT over how recipes are working for people. I take testing and publishing of these recipes very seriously, and when I read a few comments in a row of people having trouble, I go into High Worry mode. So, I’m paying close attention right now and eager to hear your and others results. In the meanwhile, I’m happy to troubleshoot as I bounce back and forth from the computer to the kitchen, onto my next project.

  142. Liz


    I just noticed some people having problems and it is curious. I would suspect yeast, even though I see that TP bought new yeast… still. I’ve been doing this for nearly 3 years, in Montana (cool and dry) and at 3300 feet altitude (not high, but not sea level either). My doughs rise in 2-3 hours max!

    I use SAF instant yeast (bulk pkg) and my ratio is 3 cups flour, 1 3/4 cups water – warm/hot out of tap (my good well water!), 1 tsp yeast (small amount since instant) and 3/4 T salt. My typical flour mix is 1.5 cups white, .5 white whole wheat and 1 cup semolina/durum. I use Montana Wheat flour for my white and white whole wheat and King Arthur’s semolina. The MT Wheat needs a bit more water.

    But, bottom line, I suspect yeast with anyone having an issue and if you go on the bread forums, yeast is nearly always the culprit.

  143. Ciao Deb! My name il Victoria, but call me Vica ;)
    You have such a delicious recipes, a very beautiful blog, congratulations! I’m your new biggest fan!Finally someone that makes pizza for good ;-) ‘re really very good!
    If you like we can follow each other, what do you think?
    Vica – from Sicly ?
    p.s.: sorry for my english (is so bad ..!)

  144. Sadaf

    Deb, my family has just devoured tonight’s pizza dinner courtesy of your great recipe. I should add that, although you mention it feeds four we were able to go through the entire serving with a hungry 3 year old, 11 month old, my husband and myself. Seriously, I’ve been making my own pizza (using a variation on my mum’s naan recipe -how’s that for fusion!) for years and this really outdid all past attempts! Thank you so much for all your recipes and now I’m going to attempt the homemade marshmallows for birthday loot bag treats :)

  145. Stephanie

    I made the 6-hour recipe, and at 3 hours, only miniscule changes in the dough. I proofed the remainder of the package of yeast, and it seems fine.

  146. Katie

    Made this tonight for our weekly pizza night and it tasted wonderful! One of ours stuck like crazy, though – hopefully some extra cornmeal will help guard against that next time. Just a tip for others – make sure to use that cornmeal liberally!

  147. Sally

    We preheat the fairly heavy aluminum pizza pan as the oven is going up to its first, 400¡ã temp. I prebake the crust, on parchment, for 10 min. Oven temp then goes up to 450¡ã with the pan still in there. Dried, grated mozzarella goes on the dough first, then any toppings we feel like; the tomatoes go on last. It might be drained diced tomatoes from a can or, when we’re lucky, fresh tomato slices. It takes 1-2 tomatoes to make enough slices for a 14″ pizza. Since they go on last, they can dry out in the oven some. Good crust, good pizza!

    I use sourdough starter as the “liquid” with 1/4 t. of yeast and let it raise all day at room temperature.

  148. Sandra D in Joliet

    Probably a silly question……I was about to mix up my dough for tomorrow and wondered if the water temp should be lukewarm, warmer, room temp. I know when you proof it, it matters. Does it matter here? Thanks. Excited to get started!

    1. deb

      Sandra — It doesn’t matter here. It just works more slowly if you don’t dissolve it first in water. Room temperature or even cold (not icy, but tap-cold) water is fine. It has plenty of time to warm up.

  149. KCH

    Well, sadly my dough was a failure – even with the help from the heated oven. It very well could have been the yeast. It was close to it’s expiration date (nov 2013). Had to resort to take-n-bake for tonight. :( I will be trying this again though!

  150. Nicole Shugars

    Your timing was absolutely perfect as pizza was on the dinner menu for tonight and I read your blog at 6:00 am this morning == truly a match made in heaven. We just finished with dinner and honestly, that was the best pizza I’ve ever made. Like you mentioned, I’ve never been very happy with the pizza I made at home. This is my new go to recipe. Thank you so much!!!! A hit as always…

    1. deb

      Glad to hear there have been successes, too!

      I’d love to hear in the comments from people who have made it which schedule you chose. This way, I can isolate if maybe the 22-hour people are having more trouble than the 6-hour-ers and help. Thanks so much.

  151. Nat

    I failed, epically so, at pizza. Until tonight. Holy moly, FINALLY. This was the BEST pizza I have ever made. Like, one bite in and it was already better than most purchasable pizza in a 5 mile radius. It blew my mind. I had suffered from cracker crust for years. No more crackers! Real pizza crust! And I found all of those tips about moisture and stuff to be absolutely spot on.

    I also found it quite dry during the initial mixing, so much so that I couldn’t just stir to incorporate, so I kneaded it gently in the bowl with my hands until all the flour was hydrated and things were starting to get crazy stick. It only took a few seconds. I also did an 8 hour rise using 1/2 + 1/8ish teaspoons of active dry (no proofing beforehand) based on the given yeast guidelines, and it turned out great. Rose just fine, awesome flavor. Already planning the next pizza, which I will now make a weekly occurrence, because this was ridiculously easy. Many thanks, Deb!

  152. MJ

    I tried the 6-hr recipe and although the pizza turned out just fine. It got rave reviews from my family and was head and shoulders above our usual local-Portuguese-bakery pizza dough.
    However, I had to add an extra 3-4 tbsp water to make the dough hang together. And, I used a rolling pin to get the dough to stretch to its 9×13 rectangle. There was no way I was going to nudge it into shape. The dough did rise but not as much as I expected. Our house is around 20c (I think, 68F.)
    I used all-purpose flour and I measured and didn’t weigh it. (I probably should’ve stood up on the stepstool and got the scale.) My yeast is Fleischmann’s Quick Rise. I haven’t proofed it (but will) but I just opened it a month ago and it doesn’t expire until August 2014.
    That said, my family thought the crust was lovely and loved the tomato sauce.
    Thanks for making Fridays just that much better!

  153. TP

    Update: I had a 22 hour dough and a 6 hour dough which both rose, though not double in size. In the end, the 22 hour ended up rising about 40%, the 6 hour perhaps 20% (I am just eyeballing). I don’t doubt Deb’s instructions are perfectly correct.. I suspect it is the yeast that is the problem. In the end, both pizzas turned out just fine (I instagrammed them, that’s how pretty they looked) but the 6 hour dough had that tough consistency where the dough just pulls back to its original shape (the 22 hour dough had that too, but less so). All this resulted in was more coaxing to get the dough into the appropriate shape and size. In any case, still a very tasty pizza and I really appreciate everyone’s (and Deb’s!) feedback greatly. While I fretted all day, in actuality everyone at the table ate Every.Single.Slice. like it was their job. :-)

  154. Hi Deb, I made the 22-hour dough last night around 9 with half bread flour (what I had on hand), and my dough was initially pretty dry–i wouldn’t have needed a spoon to mix it together. I added another tablespoon or two of water, then just stuck it in the corner until tonight about 7:30. It was definitely moist by then, though maybe not as much as your pictures. Regardless of all that, it was SPECTACULAR. Crispy exterior, chewy interior with beautiful dough bubbles. This is just a terribly lit phone picture before it was completely devoured by 2 people:

  155. Mikki

    Deb, THANK YOU! I’ve not tried home-made dough because it’s intimidated the bejabbers out of me. We’ll be trying this recipe this weekend, but I have to get my fella to spring for some decent mozz, first. We’ve become less than happy with pizza restaurants locally (mostly the cost). I’ve never cared for the stuff in a can, and the ready-made crust was okay, but not good enough for me to want more than about once a year. This is a perfect size for just the 2 of us! I see happy pizza experimentations in our future!!!!

  156. I am so glad I saw this post….just wish I would have seen it 10 hours ago when I made my first pizza…..ok when I ATTEMPTED to make my first pizza. Everything went great minus the most important part, the crust. But I am happy I found this recipe and I will definitely have to try it out. Thanks for posting!

  157. holland

    I had given up. I had made peace with the fact that I could make many things, but pizza wasn’t one of them. My crust was always flavourless and bread-like. Everyone tried to give me their dough recipe to fix my problem. But still no luck. I stopped trying as the results were so disappointing. But today I was just doing my regular check of your site and there it was. You seemed to understand my pain. The photos called to me, and I listened. One more time I will try. I am so happy I did. I did it! I made a pizza that has a flavourful crust that is not bread! I added a splash of balsamic to the pureed tomatoes as they seemed to need…. something. I couldn’t make the pizzas as large as yours, as stretching dough has always been trouble for me. But I am grateful. I can make delicious pizza thanks to you!

  158. Katya

    Deb, thank you so much for such an informative and delightful post. I do have one little observation about my own experience cooking with canned tomatoes, which is that it’s best if the seeds are strained out because of their bitter taste. There’s no mention of this in your directions. Do you just squish the tomato pulp AND seeds together after you’ve strained the juice? Since I’ve always strained the seeds anyway – I’m a bit old school – I have no idea if any bitterness would just be so dispersed as to be unnoticeable. I appreciate your thoughts.

  159. Avi

    I’ve been making an adaptation of a refrigerator rise dough from artisan bread in 5 minutes a day for a while and decided to give this a shot.
    I was home midday so I made the 6 hour version. I use filtered water from the fridge (cold) so I popped it in our pilot light warmed oven for a bit to give the yeast a head start. It turned out great! The dough rose great and was super easy to work with. I always just coat my dough and back of baking sheet in some olive oil. It works much better than adding flour to the dough. I split it in two, stretched it out, and made two pizzas with your sauce. My boyfriend said it’s the best pizza yet and we’ve made a lot of pizza.
    In response to another commenter. I’ve put parchment paper on our screaming hot pizza stone before. The edges do brown but I’ve done it maybe 50 times and haven’t set anything on fire yet.

  160. Zuri

    Would adding a little honey or sugar to the recipe throw it off? I just like there to be a sweetness and a saltiness to the crust.

  161. Janice

    Thank you for this fab version of home mad pizza. I was one of those home cooks you described; often trying my hand at home pizza and never quite pleased with the results. Crust like crackers and dry toppings. This pizza was fantastic. Saut¨¦ing vegetables before was key, and the pizza sauce beats any gourmet bought variety. I added fresh herbs to the tomatoes and it was amazing. This has definitely become a family favorite!

  162. Kathleen

    The best tomato topping for pizza is your slow roasted tomato and garlic recipe, put it in a mini prep food processor with a little olive oil until it is a paste consistency (turns sort of salmon color). Add on top of the dough, no extra olive oil needed, add fresh basil chiffonade and aged mozzarella.
    Thank you for all you do for us.

  163. Gail

    Any need to oil pan? I have made no knead dough before but much more yeast so maybe that’s why hubbie isn’t crazy about …getting ready to make dough now -only have the rapid rise one in the hse…should be ok

  164. Kelly

    Update: made the 24 hr version. It definitely didn’t double, but was still delicious – crunchy on the outside, chewy inside. I had asked in earlier comments how to prepare on hot pizza stone. I took others advice here, and prepared it on parchment, and (using pizza peel) slipped that onto the hot stone. I hoped that – as others suggested – the parchment would easily slip out after 3-4 min, but one part of my pizza still stuck to the parchment. Was able to get it out with some pizza rippage :). Alas, mostly a success – will try again, this time w my usual mix of 50/50 whole wheat. (Ps – I used smoked mozz, which was pretty delicious, but actually didn’t melt very well).

  165. Kelly

    pps – like others, I found it pretty dry on the initial mix. Added 2-3T more water. I also think I got maybe 40-50% rise (it’s early fall in Philly – guessing mid 60s)

  166. Cindy Zack

    I started my dough 20 hours ago with just purchased flour and yeast. It has barely risen.i would guess about 25%. FYI. I’m going to wait it out and see what happens.

  167. Sarah Short

    I took a leap of faith in your direction and used this recipe (x5) for our first ever 25 person pizza-making-cook-off and it was SO successful. My boyfriend thought it was a little risky changing the recipe before hosting the competition, but you posted it on dough making day, so I thought it was foodblogfate and went with it. I made 5 bowls of it and we used about a 1/4-1/3 bowl per pizza, two pizzas per cookie sheet. I was so happy to not have to par-bake anything before hand. thanks for posting!

  168. Gail

    Been looking at a lot of my recipes I have saved – Most have oil and sugar – just made this the way you wrote it and will give an update tomorrow -I am in Florida and I think I could have used a little more water so I just wet my hands and formed into a ball. I will oil pan a bit and use a caphalon for one and one from sur la tab its a dark small cookie sheet and see what turns out best – I also thought about grilling but think I will do the oven and I am not using my bricks this time – Will let you know

  169. Carol Dsouza

    Deb, being a review writer for the best sellers is a tough job.
    I am so happy with your cuisine its full of life joy and family, warm and healthy
    I juggle between a dozen cooking women blogs and yours is the best …

    1. deb

      Dampness of dough — Thanks for all of your feedback so far. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, I had tested this with 1 1/4 cups of water and dropped it down to 1 cup plus 3 tablespoons because I’d found mine SO sticky. I think this was a mistake, based on early reviews finding the initial dough too dry, and have changed this. Apologies to anyone who were worried it was them if their dough was dry!

      How wet/sticky your dough feels with 1 1/4 cups water will also relate to how you measure your cups of flour. I’m a spoon (as in, spooning the flour into a cup) or fluff (fluffing the flour well before scooping it) and sweeper, and this results in 125 gram cups. Because this isn’t, say, a cake recipe where exact proportions are essential to get the perfect crumb, little harm will come if your cups weigh in a little heavier, and thus denser, with a denser dough, you may just find that your dough benefits from even another tablespoon or two of water. I hope that helps. And of course, keep sharing your results and the schedule you chose. All of your notes are helpful. Thanks.

      Cindy — How is the temperature in your kitchen? Hoping to troubleshoot. I didn’t think it should make a huge difference (my kitchen is warm all winter, but squarely normal in the fall, before the heat comes on — I tested this with a “normal” room temperature), but it’s possible it did.

      Gail — No need to if you sprinkle them well with cornmeal, however, if your baking sheets are old and busted, or you’re nervous, there’s no harm in very lightly spraying them with a nonstick cooking spray (olive oil, Pam or the like) before sprinkling on the cornmeal for extra “security.”

      Zuri — No, you can sweeten it with a spoonful of either if you wish.

      Katya — When making tomato sauce, I’m a nut about removing seeds. For pizza, I barely notice them so don’t bother/didn’t suggest it. I think it’s because it’s just a barely cooked sauce, so they don’t cook to bitter little bites like a long-cooked fresh tomato sauce does. However, if you think it will bother you, definitely squeeze/swipe out the tomato seeds before draining them.

      Fresh tomatoes — I hope this went without saying, but as tomatoes are still around, there’s little reason not to peel a few, strain them in chunks, and drain them over a colander for an even more exquisite sauce.

  170. There is a great pizza restaurant in Seattle “Serious Pie Pizza”. They even offer a work shop but its toppings only the crust remains their secret. But the crust defines the pizza and theirs is one of the best. I keep working on the crust even built a wood fired oven. I bake a lot of artisan bread using both bigas and a poolish. My wife thought an overnight might be their secret. So your recipe sounds like it might be the answer or a path forward. Thanks…

  171. Great tips and tricks. I have been terrorized by the pizza demon too, so I can’t wait to try it. I was thinking of heading to Delancy for pizza in Seattle tonight, but maybe I will pre-order her book instead.

  172. Stephanie

    Update – I made a second batch, and this time I weighed the flour, instead of dry measure. That made a huge difference – dough is much wetter and I’m seeing much more rising activity. I’ve never bothered weighing before, but I think I’m going to start making that my regular method.

  173. Jillian L

    I’ve noticed some people are having issues with the 22 hour dough, I haven’t cooked mine yet, but I have 2 batches of this dough and a batch of dough from the cookbook going, and all are rising. I started my dough last night, it’s 2pm now, so I’m near 18 hours and the dough is definitely rising, lots of little bubbles and probably double in size. Can’t wait to cook this tonight! I’m planning on using your 2010 recipe for homemade tomato sauce because the farmers market had ugly but tasty tomatoes for 70cent a pound! Couldn’t resist.

  174. Caroline

    Holy moly. Made the 12 hour crust yesterday with 50% whole wheat pastry flour. It was spectacularly good, really crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. My boyfriend and I ate one pie hot for dinner, and then we tested the second one out cold for breakfast (the ultimate homemade pizza test–if it’s still super tasty cold, you know you have a winner). And now I want more pizza. Most of your recipes become staples for us, this one will probably become a weekly tradition.

  175. ED

    Friday night pizza has been a tradition in our house for the last 5 years and I’ve always been proud of my dough. My regular recipe is done in my food processor and is quick, easy and good. But this was definitely better. And how great to get it made the night before with no food processor to wash. I made the 22 hour dough. I did find that I had to add maybe a tablespoon or so more of water as it started quite dry. I think it’s important to weigh the flour here. Thanks Deb

  176. Two versions of the dough on the counter rising beautifully right now. Can’t wait to try them. I of course, started it before you added the update about the water. It looked a little dry to me so I added some more water till it looked right. I have a batch with white whole wheat (which was definitely drier) and an all purpose batch. Can’t wait for the six hours to be up!!! Thank you!

  177. Marissa

    Made the 6-hour dough with a jar of Fleishman’s active dry yeast that I just bought and opened today. Started at 11:30 a.m. and at almost 5:30 it looks like it has barely risen at all. It did seem dry; I think I made it before you updated the water instructions. However, the same thing happened when I made the pizza dough in your book. When that happened I thought it was the yeast but now that the same happened with fresh yeast I am thinking maybe it’s the flour I use? I’ve been using TJs recently. I am a huge fan and have never had an issue with any of your recipes before, so I am thinking it must be the flour.

  178. Liz

    Again…3 years experience with no knead doughs… I find it is better to go too much water and add flour later than the opposite. If you read Artisan Bread in 5 days trouble shooting for flours, they note that you can add up to 1/4 cup of water for some of the high protein flours. I use a high protein, hard spring wheat flour from Wheat Montana.

    I don’t weigh, I don’t even measure flour accurately, i.e. not like I do for making cakes. I do add much more water than this recipe… 1 3/4 cups for 3ish cups flour. And more salt: 3/4 Tablespoons. I use SAF instant yeast. I get a doubled rise in 2-3 hours in a house that is 62-64F and low humidity.

    For pizza from this dough, I grab a hunk with wet hands and add enough flour that I can roll it with a cloth covered rolling pin…maybe 2 T flour for a handful of dough that rolls to a 10-12 inch circle.

    Flour has different properties depending on what kind, protein content, how long and how it is stored. There is NO WAY any one recipe might work the same for everyone, even with the same brand of flour and same brand of yeast.

    i.e. KNOW and experiment with THY OWN ingredients. The flour, the water, the salt, the yeast… it can be very different from one person’s set of ingredients to another’s.

  179. Nicole

    I generally have issues with pizza dough unless I proof the yeast first. My yeast is kept in the freezer and I am still using it well after it’s expiration date. I proof the yeast in lukewarm water with a 1/4 tsp of sugar for about 10 minutes and then add it to the dry ingredients. Works every time. Otherwise my dough does not rise at all. Hope this helps those who are having issues!

    I just made this pizza tonight and it turned out very well. I used the 6 hour method, added more water, and let it rise. It doubled in about 4 hours and I stuck it in the fridge until I was ready for dinner.

  180. Cindy Zack

    Sorry I didn’t post sooner. The pizza was fabulous. The crust was crisp and chewy. I will follow your sauce recipe more closely. I feel that both needed more salt. Thank you! Also,I made your son Jacobs birthday cake for my daughter Rebecca’s 40 th birthday celebration last Saturday. Received rave reviews from every guest. He is a joy to cook for.

  181. Cindy Zack

    Sorry! SHE is a joy to cook for. I also put the pizza dough closer to our heat source. Made a nice difference. Posted the pic of the pizza on Instagram. Yummy!

  182. Jess

    Sundays and Wednesdays are pizza nights in our house (yes, twice a week, every week. Some days I get so bored of pizza.), so it will be the perfect opportunity to try this out.
    One of my favorites is a roasted beet with goat cheese and a drizzle of apple cider syrup (I’m in Vermont) — the littlest devours it but the bigger two turn up their noses at beets. Tomorrow’s will involve spinach (the pizza is often based on the CSA).
    Thank you for being a great go-to place for those “this is what I have in the fridge, what can I make with that” times.

  183. Heather

    Ugh, six hour dough ended up in the trash and local pizza joint got $34 bucks outta me! I am a HUGE fan of your really simple pizza dough. I make it all the time with great success. I’m a SAH mom so it works for me to start it when kids go for naps and it’s ready for dinner. I wanted to try out this recipe for days like today when we’d be out. So I mixed it up before 10 and didn’t even bother to look at it until after 5. It hadn’t risen very much but after reading some comments decided to go for it. It was too dry. It wasn’t like yours. I tried to stretch it out with not much success. That’s when my 4 yo and hubby thought they’d help – I literally had to walk away. I think more water in the beginning might help. It was also cold here today. Sticking with really simple for now but plan to follow along for advice if I decide to try again. Thanks Deb : )

  184. Sara

    I made the whole wheat version 22 hour dough. PERFECT. This is too easy. I am in pizza heaven…and my waist is in trouble. Thank you!!!

  185. Karina

    My 10 year old daughter and I made this pizza yesterday afternoon!
    We made the short rise method & used instant yeast.
    We threw everyhing in the
    Bowl, mixed it and let it rise in a slightly warm oven to help it rise.
    Worked perfect!!
    We didn’t have aged mozzarella, so we wrapped the fresh mozzarella
    Into a kitchen towel and squeezed all the juices out of it, perfect!
    We definetely
    Did not have a soggy or wet pizza.
    We just found our family pizza recipe!!

  186. I’ve made this more times than I’d like to admit! We started throwing the rolled out dough on the grill (brush olive oil on first), flip, top with sauce and cheese, shut off grill, close the top and melt the cheese. The grilling adds another layer of amazing flavor. YUM!

  187. Wife To An Amazing Cook

    First – AWESOME! This recipe has cracked the homemade pizza crust code. We used the 22 hour method and the results were phenomenal; crispy, tender crust with such flavor. FTR – I used the original amount of water (1 cup + 3 Tbsp) and had no problems at all, the dough was supple and wet-ish and cooked perfectly in 15 minutes. I won’t ever have to buy premade doughs from the pizza place again.

    Also, a big thank you to Bridget (#139) for the parchment on pizza stone tip. It worked like a charm!

  188. Charlotte

    Yum! Am now munching on my 24 hrs dough pizza and this is the best dough recipe I’ve tried so far in my perfect home pizza dough quest. Having had a weekend overloaded with work, this Sunday dinner is the weekend’s hightlight. Thank you Deb!!! :-)

  189. Jillian L

    The 22hr dough worked perfectly! I weighed my measurements, and the dough rose in a cooler room (I’m in baltimore, md so it’s not chilly here yet, but I do keep the windows open). The dough was tacky, and I stretched it out and used a good amount of cornmeal so nothing stuck. It was delicious!!

  190. Hanne

    Jumping on the aged mozzarella comment train here, possibly with useful advice! :) I went by Union Market last night to get some, and the white-coated cheese man got quite annoyed with me for using the word “aged” in relation to mozzarella. Apparently, there’s two kinds of fresh mozzarella – the water-packed stuff, and the tightly plastic-wrapped stuff, both are sold in big soft blobs in the fresh cheese section – and then there’s the dried, stabilized, shredded stuff you buy alongside blocks of cheddar. According to Cheese Man, none of them are actually aged. I’ve tried all three, and like the second type best (though it may be the most difficult to find).

  191. Wife To An Amazing Cook

    Adding to my previous comment (#273) – I used weight (not volume) to measure the flour. Not sure if that’s helpful or not, but seems like it could be one reaon for some doughs coming out drier than others.

  192. Erika

    Lovely post!! to respond to your doubts…yes, we do (I mean, we=Italian people) have one of those walk-in fridge in every pizzeria and restaurant, in which the dough is let to rise peacefully :) they usually just take out a quantity of it, shape it and then put it near to the counter before the restaurant is open… the fridge is usually in the kitchen or even in the stock room (sometimes underground for those tiny ancient places) :)

  193. YUM. Who doesn’t LOVE margarita pizza! Looks delicious and a recipe we all can enjoy!! Thanks so much for sharing! Great inspiration for the upcoming work week and weeknight meals. :)

  194. Christina

    This is a random question, not to do with the pizza that is.

    I was wondering if you have ever made a Russian Honey Cake (Medovik) and whether you might have a good recipe. All the ones I have managed to find in the past don’t make a great cake. Since making your Bienenstich Kuchen for my German mother, it has become a family favourite and I’m hoping you might have made/or try to create a recipe that works.

    They make a fabulous one at a L’Eto Caffe in London which has a short description on their website –

    I have been meaning to ask you this for ages! Thank you.

    1. deb

      Christina — I don’t think I’ve ever tried one. Does it always look like that picture? If so, it’s stunning and I want it.

      Pizza dough sticking — Ughhh, I’m sorry, I hadn’t expected this to be a problem at all. Here’s my suggestion (I said this earlier in the comments but now want to add it to the recipe, too), rather than using parchment (which I know will work fine, but really isn’t intended for temps this high), just very, very lightly coat your baking sheet with olive oil or a cooking spray, just enough that it barely glistens, then sprinkle the cornmeal on top. It will absolutely not stick, and you won’t have to worry about singed parchment.

  195. Beth

    So, still my white whale. I’m an experienced bread maker but even with your wonderful tutorial… I made one really poor pizza and a doughy calzone sorta thing!!! Dough wouldn’t stretch without big holes. Color me disappointed. We ordered in pizzas instead.

  196. Skillians

    I had my doubts, especially when I couldn’t shape it in something like a circle. But the end result was the best crust – I mean that we’ve ever made. Thank you, Smitten Kitchen, I’m now your biggest fan!

  197. Janet

    Okay, I did the 22 hr version, dough came out just like it should. Prepared the pans with cornmeal, stretched it into shape and it looked just like yours. Baked it, smelled great, looked even better, took it out of the oven and could not get the pizza out of the pan – totally stuck to the pan but did not burn.

    We finally scraped the top layer off and it was delicious. But what went wrong?

  198. Will O.

    My first margherita pizza – meaning of course the One True version I’ve been looking for ever since – was of the bianca type, just shredded cheese and olive oil with slices of fresh Roma tomato, taken briefly from the oven for fresh basil leaves to be applied and then re-inserted to finish. This was at a brew-pub in Nashville, and I was hooked. Couldn’t order anything else there ¡­ well, we moved away, I’ve found no duplicate (except one here in Pasadena, CA, and the idiots used salad tomatoes!), and so I’ve been edging nearer to actually making my own. Especially since I learned that a Nashville trip won’t help, since it’s now off the menu ¡­

    So a good friend sent me here, and I owe him one. That was the best, clearest and wittiest treatise on Pizza Manufacture I’ve ever encountered, it answered every question I thought I still had and a few I wouldn’t have thought to ask, and if it weren’t 4:00 PM on a movie night I’d go shopping right now. Since all my baking sheets are the kind that spring into twisted shapes when they get hot, I’m going to bake mine on the round iron griddle I use for Trader Joe’s frozen pizzas and flatbreads. I’ll have to do the two sequentially, so I’m wondering if I should preheat it for the first one to even out the times, or if that really matters much?

  199. Just made this dough and it was great! Much easier than I thought it would be! Thanks for all your work on this.

    It did not come out as crispy as I would have liked. We don’t have a pizza stone. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks!

  200. I’m torn about this recipe. I wanted to be able say that it is homemade pizza Nirvana. But right now I can’t.

    I weighed my flour and had to add significantly more water…could have been just a really dry day…but 1 cup + 3 T wasn’t enough to hydrate all the flour. Once I had a rough dough I popped it in my microwave set to Proof Dough and let it do it’s thing for the afternoon. I prepped my sheet pan liberally with cornmeal and assembled my pizza. Unfortunately, a good bit of the dough stuck to my pan. I’m inclined to give this another try and see if lining my sheet pan with parchment helps.

  201. Julia

    Janet #284, you are not alone! My pizza is soaking at the bottom of a soapy sink because after a 22 hr rise and trip through the oven on a bed of cornmeal it is TOTALLY, COMPLETELY, UNSAVAGEABLY STUCK TO THE BAKING SHEET. It looked great until we tried to eat it and ended up scraping the sauce and cheese off with a spoon. Definitely DO NOT try to bake it without parchment under it (but trim the it to fit because 550 degrees is hot enough to burn parchment).

  202. Kath

    Hi Deb,
    I mixed the dough about 9pm last night and made pizza around 4pm today. I used about 1/8th tsp of instant yeast and a couple cups of AP flour and one cup of bread flour. I read years ago that if you want better tasting bread (any recipe) cut the yeast in half and double the rise time. I have made bread for decades and I just don’t worry about the type of yeast (instant or active dry) or how fast it’s rising. If it has yeast in it (which I buy in bulk and keep in the freezer) it will rise. I added more water because of the bread flour and because I live in the desert. If your flour is dry it will require more water. If you live in a humid area it will probably require less. It is just something you have to go a bit by feel. The pizza crust was good. I think I still prefer my usual recipe but we loved the tomato sauce. Thank you for your experiments and for caring about your readers.

  203. Michelle

    I made the 22 hour pizza for dinner vs our regular make-it-in-45-minutes dough. My husband’s comment was that it tastes super fresh. I think we’re both converts! Thanks for creating and sharing, Deb :)

  204. Debbie

    Well, I mixed up the 22 hour dough last night and we just finished eating it. Delicious! I made the crust and the sauce. Loved them both. I didn’t have any problem with rising. The dough was sticky and I needed to use a lot of flour on the counter, but it stretched nicely. I used one cup of whole wheat flour and had no problem with that. The only thing I would do differently would be to double the recipe and make two bigger, thicker pizzas. We are a family of five and my boys would have liked a few more pieces. Maybe I’ll try again in a couple of days! Thanks, Deb.

  205. EmilyG

    Wanted to report back on my results with the 6 hour dough. I used the original amount of water (1 cup + 3 Tbs), King Arthur AP flour and Fleishmann’s rapid rise yeast (was out of active dry). I found the dough to be very sticky as described, and not dry at all. The dough more than doubled in 6 hours, but my apartment is very warm (~75F). Although it was on the sticky side, I did not have too much trouble stretching it out, but got nervous about it sticking to my pizza stone, so I assembled it on parchment paper and then baked it the full amount of time on the paper on the stone. The paper darkened on the edges but did not burn. This was hands down the best dough in taste and texture that I’ve ever made! Thank you so much, I will be using this recipe from now on! I also think the sauce came out much better with draining the tomatoes.

  206. Sowmya

    This is one of those rare times I wish you would do a video. Going to try your 6 hr dough for breakfast pizza tomorrow.. Fingers crossed!

  207. kate

    I make pizza every week for my family, and I tried this recipe tonight and I am now a convert! Cooked it on a pizza stone on our gas grill and it worked wonderfully. Thank you!

  208. I am a huge Jim Lahey fan but I’ve never tried his pizza dough. You’ve got me sold on it, so that will be coming out of my oven soon. Your six-hour dough sounds like a great option too. (I also wonder around 12:00 a.m. what I’ll be making for dinner.) But, I really love your pizza sauce! Not for the Bloody Mary either. It just sounds so fresh, tasty and quick to make.

  209. Karen

    YOU HAVE PERFECT TIMING! I recently ran across a different pizza recipe which got me thinking that it might be time to overcome my fear of working with yeast and give it a go. The next day you posted this recipe. How could I ignore this sign from the universe?? It had to happen. And it did. And it was delicious!

    A few notes:
    – I live in Portland OR, and made the 22 hour rise version using all purpose flour which I measured by weight. The average temp in my house was about 65-70 degrees and it rose perfectly.
    – I totally panicked. If you hadn’t put the warning in there I might’ve given up. Instead I stuck with it and coaxed the dough into shape.
    – I used two 10×15 baking sheets to form 9x13ish rectangles
    – I discovered that you can prep the dough in the pan, cover it, and then come back in a couple of hours to add the topping. HOWEVER, if you do this you must grease the sheet first before sprinkling the cornmeal. On sheet I greased, the other I didn’t and the pizza stuck to the ungreased sheet. A quick spritz was all it took.
    – I used different toppings and while it’s a thin crust it held up well. I made a butternut squash, sage pesto, caramelized onion, goat cheese, and prosciutto pizza and you could eat it by hand with no floppy crust! (I used this as my inspiration for the toppings ) I know, it’s a ridiculous place to start but I think you may understand how sometimes you can’t help but gild the lily. :)
    – I ended up adjusting the bake temp. because my inspiration recipes called for such different bake times 500 vs. 375. I settled on 425 for 22 minutes and it was perfect.

    Thank you so much for your awesome pizza post! I’m totally a convert and can’t wait to making your complete recipe soon!

    p.s. I’m so excited it’s apple cider caramel season! So full of cider caramel win!

  210. Kirsty

    I tried this yesterday, and it was the best homemade pizza we ever had. Even better than what most restaurants are able to produce. Had no stone at hand, used a pre-heated (!) baking sheet instead. 6 minutes at 540 degrees … perfection. Thank you so much. The dough is super easy and tastes fantastic, but the best tip was to drain the tomatoes!

  211. ksm

    We make pizza every friday night. My husband tried this dough on Friday and it WINS, for sure. Delicious. It officially replaces our usual dough, which is the Cook’s Illus. pissaladiere dough recipe we’ve used and loved for years. Your recipe yielded fewer pizzas for us, but they were somehow more filling so we didn’t miss the extra (except at breakfast Saturday when I like to have a cold slice!).
    Thanks for this – another winner!

  212. StephanieR

    We live at high altitude and made the 6 hour version last night. It was a spectacular hit and I can’t wait to try the other rises too. The dough was bursting with flavor and had a perfect chewy/crispy texture. Thank you so much!

  213. FrancesM

    I tied to make this twice over the weekend and neither worked. I tried the 22 hour – dough way too dry and never rose. So I tried the 22 hour again this time I added more water – then noticed then that recipe was revised re. water. I used the amount of yeast for the 6 hour and waited 22 hours and again this still never rose. I live in SF so no altitude issues and the weather was lovely and warm. I don’t undstand what I did wrong – this post made it out like it was supposed to be so easy and I found this incredibly frustrating! Can anyone who was successful tell me the name and brand of flour they used? I used an unbleached all-purpose flour, but that clearly wasn’t the right choice or there must be more errors in this recipe beyond just the amount of water.

  214. I followed the recipe as posted, except for the basil leaves, which I forgot to get. The pizza and crust were absolutely amazing. This is now my go-to crust recipe, replacing the America’s Test Kitchen one. I can’t even describe the texture, it was just perfection. It’s amazing reading the comments how varied the baking times are! I did the 9×13 route at 500 for 18 minutes and that was just about right.

  215. Katie

    Made this last night using the 22 hour method (halved recipe to make one pizza). Husband said it was the best crust I’ve ever made. He previously said that about the recipe in your book which was our go-to until now! For me, having a hot stone makes a big difference in getting the dough cooked enough towards center. It wasn’t my prettiest effort, but definitely most authentic taste. Thanks as always for doing the hard work for us minions!

  216. Erika

    Oh Deb…you read my mind! I made a recipe for “week night” pizza dough not too long ago, and was sorely disappointed with the crust b/c of all the reasons you mentioned.
    I am definitely trying this!

  217. sarah b

    long time reader, first time commenter…

    after many failed attempts at pizza dough, i made the 6 hour version yesterday, and it turned out great! i followed the instructions to the letter, including the dough, your sauce, the mozzarella, and the toppings. i didn’t want to get cute and think i knew better and over-complicate things!

    i started with newly purchased flour (white AP) and yeast (active dry yeast), both from Trader Joe’s. i also used the revised version with 1 + 1/4 cup water (i used hot tap water), and then added another TB of water because some of the flour in the bottom of the bowl didn’t stir into the mix. i didn’t mix it much, hoping it would do it its thing over the course of 6 hours. i covered it with plastic wrap and then a towel over that and set the glass bowl in the warmest spot in my kitchen. that area of the kitchen is probably 70+ degrees. after 6 hours it had doubled and had small air bubbles on the top, which meant my yeast worked! i had moments of freakout re: stickiness, but i just used a LOT of flour on the counter and it was fine. for my pan, i used the cornmeal on the back side of a sheet pan and baked it for about 16 minutes. my oven never got over 500 degrees, even though i set it for 525, which was my only real issue. i also made the pizza sauce just as instructed, and next time i will probably add some balsamic vinegar to punch it up a little.

    next time i make the dough, i will probably add a little bit of sugar or honey, as i like a sweeter crust, but overall, this is the most successful/easy pizza experience ever. i love that it did its thing all day while i sat on the couch and watched football!

    1. deb

      FrancesM — I used/use King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose (sometimes Organic) Flour in almost all of my baking, including this. As for the rising…

      Those whose dough didn’t rise — Please don’t think that I’m ignoring your comments. I’m … marinating on it. Here’s what I’m thinking about:

      1. If dough doesn’t rise, 99.9% of the time, it’s the yeast. It’s no good. Yeast makes dough rise, of course. Many recipes that use Active Dry Yeast have you proof it first. This both gets it started so it works faster (time is not of the essence here, so one good thing about this recipe was supposed to be that you could skip this step) and lets you know whether your yeast is working before you get started. I hate to build in an extra step that most people won’t need (i.e. proofing your yeast first), but I am wondering if it might be beneficial to proof, say, 1/8 teaspoon of yeast from your package separately before starting. You wouldn’t use this, there’s no need to, but it’s not terribly wasteful either, being all of 1/18 of an entire 1/4-ounce/7-gram packet of yeast. But, if that tiny amount didn’t look a little foamy and dissolved after sitting in a few tablespoons of lukewarm water (110-116 degrees F is the range you’re looking for; what you want it to be is warm but not hot) after 10 minutes, there’s a good chance a pizza dough made with that yeast packet won’t rise. As for adding this step to the recipe, I’m torn as most people won’t need it, but nobody deserves to have to wait 22 hours to find out that dinner is not, in fact, ready when they get home from work with no back-up plan. So, like I said, I’m still kicking this around in my head. Feel free to weigh in.

      2. The other factor in rising times is, as mentioned in the recipe, a cool or warm kitchen; a cool kitchen can make things take longer, a warm kitchen will make things take less time. [I considered my kitchen normal temperature-d this time of year (when it’s a blissful 68 degrees outside and the windows are open, say aaah with me?), so I figured it was a good baseline for testing times.] Unless your kitchen is QUITE cool or QUITE warm, I wouldn’t sweat this with the 12- and 22-hour doughs. Of the three schedules, I’d argue that the 6-hour dough is the most sensitive to temperature swings, as there’s less time for it to adjust to a cool kitchen and with more yeast than the others, it could, but is not likely to, overproof in 6 hours. Few of you have complained of overproofing, however.

      3. Finally, altitude can affect bread doughs, but only in that at high altitudes, you’ll need less yeast. Again, this isn’t something anyone has mentioned (yet) as a concern.

      Again, this leads us back to #1 — bad yeast — being the culprit in almost all no-rise cases.

  218. Amy

    Used the dough recipe (22 hour version) this weekend and it was exactly what we were looking for! Like you, pizza crust is the one thing that we could never seem to get just right. This one had all the flavor and that perfect crunch we had been longing for. We will definitely be using this as a base for further experimentation.

  219. Anne

    Ok, you’ve officially ended my 2 year moratorium on home pizza making. It was AMAZING. The dough is tough, and thank you for warning us. I also got holes like another commenter and ended up patching them up with bits from fatter sections like when you make pastry and have issues. It worked but mine was a little free form. I did the overnight version, halving the recipe and just adding three healthy pinches of yeast in the mixture. Was almost too great as I had to stop myself from eating the whole thing and now all I can think of is when can I make it again. Thanks for perservering and solving the puzzle.

  220. pvl

    I’ve got to say, I am so impressed and thankful for all the detective/discovery work you have done! Your concerns about dough schedules are EXACTLY why I’ve never gotten around to trying the Lahey dough (and why, generally, I skip making pizza at home ….).

    So – I’m going to try this pbly Tuesday night (for Wed dinner) and will report back. Cannot WAIT! ;-)

  221. Karen H

    Deb – Thanks! I had planned a ‘make-your-own-pizza’ party for my 41st birthday (Oct 19) so your timing was impeccable. I used your 22-hour rise and made 6 times the dough (three double batches) and divided it into 24 single portions. I followed your directions for sauce and had an amazing amount of toppings. We baked on parchment at 425 for 12-15 min. Worked beautifully. I loved that your recipe didn’t involve buying anything new (such as rye flour or a special corn meal) and tasted incredible. Many compliments from my friends and family! To those who had overly dry dough, maybe your flour is very dry. Just keep adding water until you get the wet consistency in the pictures.

  222. Michelle

    Every time that I make a recipe from your site, my husband says that it’s the best thing that I’ve ever made, and this pizza was no exception. Even my picky 19-month old son loved the soft parts of the crust. Thank you for creating and rigorously testing such amazing recipes!

  223. Helen M.

    Thank you for the “dry dough” clarification. I used half of Friday’s dough on Sat. and half of what was left today and both pizzas were dynamite. Chewy–perfect. Light–absolutely, crispy-on-the-bottom couldn’t have been better. I had a sticking problem, too but more cornmeal solved that problem today (as it turned out, all the cornmeal took up the moisture and was incorporated into the crust). After all the pizza dough recipes I’ve tried (I’m not alone, I know), this is my favorite recipe, thank you!

  224. Tim H

    I noticed the discussion on 00 flour — I find it makes a big difference in taste and works as a substitute by weight (next time I really should check the volume). I won’t go all snobby and say it’s a requirement, but it does make a welcome difference, in my book.

  225. Daniela

    I made this recipe before you reverted to the original.. I ended up with the 1 cup+3 tablespoons+3 teaspoons of water. It was a little dry but whatever, I did not worry about it. Mine only doubled (maybe) after 22 hrs and I did throw out my very old yeast afterwards. BUT the crust was very delicious. I stretched the entire dough in my larger cookie sheet with sides and baked at 550 for 12 min. Crisp bottom, nice chew, great flavor. I can only imagine what I end up with the moister dough and the better rise. Repeating again this weekend. The best part about this recipe is that the kids did all the mixing and then we left it alone till the next day. So so much easier. Also if the mozzarella sits at room temp for a while, it is so easy to crumble it with your fingers. I had to double the amount of reggiano because…well you never can have too much reggi but I did add half at the beginning and half at end.

  226. NancyRing

    I am excited to try this!

    Magda – I assemble my pizza on parchment too and then slide it onto the hot cast iron. Less cornmeal all over the kitchen floor!

  227. Becca

    A bit off topic but did you know the links are off on the recipes section? Often linking to the next recipe down. Sorry if this has already been said a million times! P.s I reeallllyyy love your blog

  228. Ellen

    The first try , I did everything wrong, it was tasty and there were moments of goodness. Definitely room for improvement!
    Take two with the leftover dough was great! I did a couple of things that were recommend here….and then some….

    I like a tomatoy NY style. The cheese was cut up Sargento deli style low moisture mozzarella, parmesan and gorgonzola. The sauce was Furmano’s Pizza sauce ( which I “fried” to reduce the moisture).
    I “prebaked” the crust on a perforated pizza pan, sprayed with olive oil and dusted with corn meal. YUMMM!!!!

  229. I made this dough before the correction…it was a little dry so I added a little more water … AMAZING!!! So easy to make … I did the 22 hour dough … can’t wait to make again with your pizza sauce as well!
    Thank you so much!!!

  230. kat

    Okay. It took gratitude to make me finally comment. I used to make pizza a lot before my baby (now 16 months) was born. It was a big sweaty ordeal. Tasty though. This recipe? It will get me back to making pizza, even – no, especially – on a busy working-mom weeknight. Made the dough last night, the pizza tonight. Cheated because I’m REALLY pressed for time and used jarred sauce. I think what really sealed the deal is the pan though. Way easier (less sweaty) than using a pizza board to slide (heave, in an ugly ungraceful manner) pizzas onto a pizza stone. Maybe the crust wasn’t quite as crispy for that, but I’ll play with cooking times and more importantly, I’ll take slightly less crispy dough any night if it means I can have homemade pizza in minutes. So thank you!

  231. oh my GOSH – I think you have saved me from buying pizza stones! I have not been pleased with my dough and was just reading a recipe and thinking OKAY I WILL GET A DUMB STONE AND DUMBER PEEL and what other jobs will they do in my small kitchen!? None.

    So. Thank you. I have made Lahey’s no-knead bread before, but my Dutch oven smoked so much at the high temp that I quit.

  232. Susan

    I read that occasionally folding the dough over on itself while rising helps release some carbon dioxide, moves some of the feeding yeast around and strengthens the gluten development just very slightly. It is a good technique for this particular dough because it’s so loose. I do this with the no knead dough for bread that Jim Lahey developed. Remember at the end of his long rising process, just before he tipped the dough onto the floured towel, he folded it a couple of times in the bowl with his board scraper. I use that technique a few times with that particular dough as it is rising. Maybe that would help with the rising or over proofing of this pizza dough. …can’t hurt!

  233. Anastasia

    Huge fan of the no knead bread so I kind of had a feeling this was going to work out well. As someone who at the age 47 SUDDENLY has issues with wheat (what the hell?) I thought I would experiment: one wheat dough for the family; one wheat free dough for me. I used regular King Arthur flour for one and Trader Joe’s Gluten Free flour for the other. Active dry yeast for both from TJ. I opted for the 6 hour rise and I have a very cold kitchen (wrapped the bowls saran and then in a towel). Full flour came out PERFECTLY! Oh man, that crust was outstanding! Seriously amazing! Still waiting for the gluten free to rise or do anything besides look like playdough. Will post again if it even makes it to the oven. Followed the Margherita recipe with no substitutions. Heaven. 8 and 11 year old boys asking if there are leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch. The answer is no. Bravo Deb! And thank you.

  234. Anna

    Hey Deb,

    Just wanted to throw in my two cents about the rising. I made the 6-hour dough on Saturday. I’m quite confident in my yeast – I bought the jar only a month or so ago and have used it probably half a dozen times without problem. I got some rise, but it was fairly lackluster, and the dough tended to tear more than stretch. I ended up extending the rise by an hour or so after I found that it was tearing way too much to work with after 6+ hours. It was also not slack at all. It rose a little more, but not much, and the resulting pizza was a bit on the tough side. I only baked half of the dough, and wrapped the other half and refrigerated it per your instructions. Since then, there are lots of tiny bubbles and the dough is straining the plastic wrap, so it appears the rise has continued veeerrrry slowly in the fridge and the second batch will be much improved.

    My guess is that at least some of your readers are struggling because of the room temperature. In a cool, dry climate, it is likely that such a small amount of yeast is simply taking a long time to rise. I would guess that upping the water and doing the rise in an oven heated to 200 and then turned off would help a lot – this is what I usually do since my house is always cool, like 60-ish. (If not, then yeah, it’s probably the yeast.)

  235. DanielleS

    My life is forever changed by this recipe. I obsessively read, and reread it over the weekend, as I too, have been (for years) in pursuit of the perfect homemade pizza. The crust was divine and I nearly wept when my husband casually mentioned that the pizza took him back to Rome. Here’s to you and your relentless pizza endeavours! May I suggest marinating halved cherry or grape tomatoes (splash red wine vinegar, sprinkle of salt and sugar, let sit for an hour or so) for the margherita pizza, Little pops of tomato-y goodness!

  236. Ania

    I’m a long time fan, first time commenter, but wanted to add my experience making this AWESOME pizza. I was also a bit worried when the dough didn’t rise as much as expected on this schedule (I planned on the 22 hour) but my boyfriend, who is much less of a worrier than I am, just suggested we give it a little more time. So we did and it turned out great, just as I’d hoped, crispy on the outside and chewy inside. I’m in the SF Bay Area in CA, so putting it down to cooler nights and, ahem, yeast that maybe wasn’t in its first flush of youth? I’ll try it with fresher yeast next time, but very, very pleased (and replete!) with this first attempt. Thanks Deb!

  237. trish brady

    Yummy! We had this for dins last night. Made the dough 24hrs previous. Did first sitting with my son and myself… cooked on middle shelf on baking tray. Was delish but a bit doughy in middle. Then hubbys when he was in after work and bottom shelf on a proper metal pizza plate (with all the little holes). Made a huge difference… his crust was much nicer!! So lesson learned bottom shelf for me in the future on pizza tray! Reckon its a great dough to make focaccia so doing to make double next time and do some garlic and rosemary focaccia for sides!!!

    Love the fact that you don’t even have to knead – thanks Deb its my new go to ;o)

  238. Lynette

    My husband loved this pizza! I also have a love/hate relationship with homemade pizza dough. I think you figured it out for me. Thank you!

  239. Joyce

    this looks great and I will try it for sure but I have to tell you that your “basic pizza crust for one” is my go-to crust esp for those last minute/we have nothing to eat moments, and we make it alllllll the time and it’s lovely too =)

  240. R¨®is¨ªn

    Wanted to chime in with my thanks. This worked perfectly — hands down the best pizza I’ve ever made at home. I didn’t have a pizza stone so, as per your suggestion, brushed a pan with olive oil — no sticking whatsoever. Thanks again!

  241. FrancesM

    Thanks for responding, I used the same flour as you so it must have been the yeast so will test it next time. I will try this again at some point.

  242. Charles

    Two nights ago I made the plum torte and prepared the pizza dough. So last night’s dinner comprised 2 consecutive SK posts in one meal (along with a salad). Kids loved it, we loved it, grandma loved it. Just not enough. Next time will double both recipes. Thanks!!!

  243. Amanda

    Tried this yesterday… So bummed, made it in the morning at 8am, went to check in at 4pm and it had barely risen! It was a bit “craggy” dough when I made it, I did add a little extra water… What could I have done wrong??

  244. Stephanie

    Deb, let me first say that I have had a 100% success rate with your recipes. I can always open your book or search your blog for the best recipe ever. This summer I made your strawberry rhubarb pie. It came out perfectly just as you described. Most recently I made your pear bread and blueberry muffins. Everyone was so impressed with them – my kids teachers, the school bus driver, the neighbor, my friends, and even my mom! You sure have a talent and I greatly appreciate all you do for us home cooks.

    I attempted the overnight pizza recipe last Thursday night after dinner, just as you recommended. It barely rose over the approximate 22 hours & made only one 12″ crust. My kitchen was about 67 degrees overnight with it warmer towards 70 during the day on Friday. I weighed everything exactly & followed your detailed directions. I thought it was the yeast, so I made some 5 minute artisan bread to test it out. The dough rose beautifully and came out just as it always does.

    Thanks again for your amazing recipes. I’m not discouraged and will keep on trying the pizza dough recipes.

  245. Melanie

    Deb, thanks for your detailed work and proofes for THIS ideal lazy dough. It really worked great! I have chosen the 22-hours-variety and everything was so easy and fast to make, the result was a great tasting pizza, crunchy but soft to bite for the kids, the taste of yeast in the baked dough is not dominant. Just a fine and buttery flavour, so yummi!

    Your recipes all are creative and work everytime! Thanks for that.

  246. I made the all day dough. I was a bit dubious when I made the dough before work, as it seemed a bit dry and messy. It rose but not in the way I expected it seemed to spread… BUT it made two beautiful round pizza’s, just as you promised! I was worried as it was really sticky, even with you’re warning. I used parchment paper with cornmeal just for ease and quickness.
    It was delicious when eating it the same night it was made… it didn’t seem to reheat well though…… just means I’ll have to eat it all at once I guess!

  247. Hannah Simpson-Grossman

    Hi Deb.

    Ever since I got your book I have been making the Leisurely Pizza Dough from the book once a week for supper. Due to our large family I always quadruple the amounts stated in the recipe and that’s enough for two suppers of ours. I freeze half, unbaked, and use it the following week – freezes wonderfully.

    Today I’ve had time to read your new Pizza post and tried the revised version (the six hours one). Used 1125 kilo of flower, half of it whole wheat. It baked beautifully and one of my kids gave it the following complement: “It’s better than Pizza Hut (we hardly buy Pizza so that’s a huge complement..).

    Half of the dough is in the freezer for next week.

    Now I need to make the one from the book again – not sure which one is better!

    Thanks for a great recipe.

  248. Kristen

    I was so excited by this post/recipe and I ran home to make it this past weekend…and then yesterday as well. I may even eat some tonight as I’m obsessed with getting it right. My only Q is about the yeast… do you put it directly into the dough? My mother always told me to dilute the yeast with warm water first. Am I forgetting a step here? Nonetheless, my pizza tasted great but seemed very moist and it didn’t rise nearly as much as I would’ve anticipated. Thanks for any tips!

    1. deb

      Kristen — The yeast here does not need to be diluted.

      Amanda — Which dough schedule were you using? I discuss in Comment #316 the factors in why dough sometimes doesn’t rise.

  249. Deb, I’m a longtime reader but a first time commenter, and tonight I felt I had to break my silence. Husband and I are celebrating 12 years tonight, and I made this pizza (overnight recipe plus the sauce) and your brownie mosaic cheesecake for dinner. This is what hubby had to say:

    “It’s like the $40 cheese pizza you order at high end pizza joints.” Also, “best I’ve ever had.” And that’s saying something, given that I make pizza on a regular basis and it’s been great in the past.

    Haven’t tried the cheesecake yet, but I’m sure it’s going to be a hit. Thanks for making our little celebration a HUGE hit! :)

  250. Michelle Arianne

    Hi Deb, thanks for the recipe! We had it for dinner tonight and it was great! Lovely dough. I will say that I measured (not weighed) King Arthur’s bread flour and I had to use about 1/4 c + 2 tbsp extra of water. I still love a great pizza from a restaurant (love the blistered charred crust of high heat) but this is the best homemade one! And a bonus that it is pretty hands off.

  251. Gayle

    Thank you for the AWESOME pizza recipe. The best crust ever, and even better the 6- page long pizza dough recipe my pizza-aficionado husband has sworn by for years.

    I used the 22-hour variation. The dough was indeed wet, but it wasn’t really that much of an effort to stretch it into a 12-in circle, on parchment paper. The pizza stone was pre heated in the oven at 550 degrees, and the crust and paper slid onto the stone to begin baking. After a couple minutes, I slid the pizza peel under the crust and lifted it to remove the paper. With the very hot oven and hot stone, the pizza took just 8 minutes to cook.

    Did I say it was AWESOME? Yes, indeed, it was.

  252. Margaret

    I asked earlier re halving the dough and it worked beautifully. (As I do not have a 1/16 tsp, I just filled the 1/8 tsp slightly more than half full.) The dough rose well in my room temperature kitchen and all was well.

    Unfortunately it stuck to my baking sheet! Totally cemented. I did pry the edges off and eat them (tasty!) and now I know how to clean a baking sheet with an entire pizza stuck to it. And no garbage disposal.

    The dough was a cinch to make and I’ll definitely do it again — I’ll spray the pan first!

  253. Heather

    It’s Heather again (#266). I made your Really Simple dough tonight. Excellent as always. Husband said “this is a recipe you don’t want to break.” Still trying to figure out what happened Saturday. Now I know for sure it wasn’t the yeast. I’d also like to echo #342 – ever since I started making your recipes I’ve had 100% success and have become a better and more confident cook. I’ve also made the leisurely dough with success. Thanks!

  254. Isabel

    I can’t wait to try this – LOVE the idea of alternative timings.
    Now if you could do the same alternative timings idea for a no-knead loaf, I would be eternally grateful – I’ve made it once or twice, but the timings which I have don’t really work with my schedule…

  255. Louisa

    I have been making pizza for 4 years from a simple recipe from the local newspaper: It is 3 1/2 cups of bread flour, 1 tbl salt, 1/2 tbl. sugar, 1/8 cup of olive oil, 1/2 tbl yeast, 1 5/8 cup of warm water. It can keep in the refrigerator for up to 12 days. It must have at least a 24 hour rise with about 6 hours at room temperature the rest of the time in the fridge. I use a French yeast that is quick rise that I ordered from King Arthur Flour company. It is the best and most reliable yeast and keeps in the freezer. I mix the ingredients in a food processor so that the gluten is sufficiently processed. If this is not done, the dough will not have the correct elasticity.
    I cook the pizza on the gas grill or in the oven on a pizza stone at a very high temperature (450 degrees at least). The key is to cook the dough first with olive oil sprinkled on top before any sauce, toppings or cheese are added. It is always unbelievable in taste and texture with just the right amount of char and crispness. I can vary the thickness of the crust by how I roll it out. I have never had a problem with the dough.
    I have used Paul Newman’s bottled basil tomato sauce and various toppings. I have even done it with proscuito and dried figs or just a white pizza with ricotta, blue cheese and carmelized onions. It is consistently good. My neighbors who have enjoyed the pizza grilling parties I have thrown want want me to sell it commercially. After making this pizza I can not eat pizza from a restaurant because it does not have the flavor or texture of my home made pizza.

  256. Courtney

    THANK YOU! My husband and I work from home too, and if I’m on the ball will start something when I put lunch together for us. Every recipe that has yeast seems to want to start the night before, and I am just not that put together. So lunch time recipes are great! Can’t wait to try it.

  257. Erin

    Just wanted to chime in to say I had great success with the 22-hour dough! I had never made pizza at home before so I didn’t really know what I was doing and it still turned out great! My kitchen is fairly cool and the dough still had good rise. I will have to take another look at the store for aged mozzarella, when I went I didn’t see anything labeled “aged.”

  258. Deb, first – I love your writing, you are funny and sweet and bring so much personality to your words! So: we are big-time pizza lovers in my house but the whole gluten-free thing has confounded me. I use Cup4Cup but am going to try this with a GF AP blend and see what happens. I broke down and bought the Breville pizza gadget and it’s greatly improved the cripsness of the Cup4Cup crust; let’s see how it handles a homemade version. xo

  259. Marissa

    Deb, I have a pizza quandary that maybe you could help me solve. While I love a margherita pizza, I am trying to make a great veggie pizza. My problem is this: I load the veggies on the pizza and when I pull it out of the oven there are literally giant puddles of water on the surface of my pizza from all those vegetables. Any ideas? Should I par cook the veggies? Ever run into this?

  260. NeNe

    We (the husband & I) love this pizza dough. It is the best pizza we tried so far and we may never go back to anything else. Instead of stretching the dough into a pan, I stretched and nudged it onto parchment page. Yes, raw dough sticks to the parchment like glue, but when we baked it (dough + parchment) on the pizza stone, the cooked crust released from the parchment quite easily and the crust was nice and crispy with a little bit of chewiness. The parchment did not burst into flames or disintegrate since it was in the oven for such a short amount of time, even at 500F. The flavor and the texture are everything that I want for a pizza crust. Makes me want to kick myself for not trying no knead pizza dough sooner.

  261. Abbie

    Deb, I think the time innovations are a public service. Who does that 18-hr prep schedule work for, anyway? Right?! I made this dough this morning/tonight on the 12-hr schedule. Everything worked as described. I will be making it for guests on Friday. I’m thinking about adding a T of olive oil to the dough then, as was called for in your other recipe, to add a bit of richness. Hope that doesn’t through off the formula.

  262. OK-help. I suck at yeasted dough (except for my cinamon rolls which somehow always turn out). I made it this morning, per the directions, it did not rise AT ALL. What did I do wrong??

  263. zoe

    This dough was a pain in the a*s! Seriously! Mine looked nothing like the picture, and trying to pat the squishy mess into cookies sheets was incredibly frustrating and took ages longer than normal. I think this was the first SK recipe that just didn’t work for me.

    However, the taste was good! It was a little chewy for my liking but definitely an improvement on my standard pizza dough that can come out too thin and cracker-ish.

    I think next time, less water. Way more flour when shaping. And maybe less yeast? I’m at a really high altitude.

  264. I just noticed something I missed in the instructions the first time around: this is meant to make 2 9×13 pizzas? My dough must not have risen nearly as much as I thought, or I made mine much thicker than yours (though it looked similar to the picture you have of it in the pan). My dough only made 1 9×13 pizza, but it did turn out great and I made it again last night (*cough* actually made 3 batches to test which type of flour I preferred–white, 50/50 bread, or 50/50 wheat).

  265. zoe

    @ Marissa #363

    We’re a strictly vegetarian house, and all our pizzas are loaded with veggies! After years of trial and error here are the veggies I always cook:

    *Mushrooms, this is probably the worst offender. I usually cook them till 99% done and then carefully scoop them out of the pan and into a colander to drain off any last bit of water.
    *Greens, especially spinach. Cook and squeeze! Or, make spinach pesto instead if you don’t feel like cooking it.
    *Zucchini/summer squash saute till browning.

    I don’t pre cook: thinly sliced bell pepper or roasted pepper, broccoli or cauliflower, asparagus, olives, fennel, brussel sprouts (if shredded) or leeks. I’m on the fence about artichoke hearts. Generally I just try to spread them out…

  266. Grace

    Living in the tropics of Australia, I made the 22 hour dough and it was ready to cook (doubled in bulk/massive) after around 17 hours for lunch instead of dinner. Thanks hot weather! I was too lazy to make 2 pizzas so I just made 1 thicker rectangular one on a large baking tray. Mushroom, mozzarella, tomato and thyme.

    This is seriously the best base recipe Deb, even as a thicker pizza it is light, bubbly and chewy with a crisp crust and no gross ‘yeasty’ taste that haunts most pizza recipes. Like a gourmet pizza, it has the large air bubbles. I never would have thought such a wet dough would work so well. Thanks for sharing, I’m not making pizza dough any other way now :)

  267. Becki

    Deb it all worked, and we had great pizza for supper tonight. Thank you for cracking the code on making great pizza at home!
    –I started my pizza dough this morning with 200g AP flour and 175g WW. Dough was very sticky tonight, but I trusted your recipe, and pulled it very thin on the parchment paper. It baked up crispy, not like cardboard!
    –drained my tomatoes, and made sauce with the immersion blender. How easy is that?! And the drained juice is tasty!
    –sauteed the mushrooms and spinach briefly. It seems to make the toppings and cheese and crust all one thing that go together.
    The upshot is that the pets did not receive any bites. No one was willing to share, a sad day for them.

  268. irma

    Thanks! This was the best pizza dough, ever. I’m forever converted. Veery sticky but worth it. The interior! I can write poems about it…

  269. hshah

    OK So I just moved to a small town in the middle of the desert in India, so pizza not something we get done well here, and I do sooo crave me some pizza. I really wanna try this recipe but I have a question. Like I said I now live in a desert. Where it gets close to 90F during the day and the evening is starting to drop around 60F, how would this affect the yeast, would you suggest I do the middle one, (mix at Bfast and have at dinner time?) and should I still cut the amount of yeast for that?

    1. deb

      hshah — Mostly, it’s likely to be done much sooner. You could use the 12-hour dough, but give it 6 to 8 hours as an early estimate, and try it out. It might take a couple tries to get the schedule right, but there is one that will ultimately work for you.

      Christina — It is intended for two thin pizzas. If you felt like you didn’t have enough, it’s probably because it didn’t rise enough.

  270. Caterina

    I made the 22 hour dough. 2 cups bread flour, 1 cup whole wheat. I stored the covered bowl in the cold oven and it rose beautifully. Baked two pizzas on parchment covered baking sheets since the dough was very sticky – you did warn us Deb! Pizza was insanely good. I love this dough but I also love your “Leisurely Pizza Dough” from your book. Both are excellent options for weeknight pizza for those who work long hours.

  271. Maria

    I made both the 6 hour dough and the 22 hour dough (using half whole wheat flour) and both were excellent! On my second attempt, I lightly sprayed my baking sheets and it solved all sticking problems. The sauce was also fantastic. Thank you so much for this recipe! Amazing!

  272. kankshee

    @ Kritina # 210

    Hey there, I have been trying to make a perfect pizza for over years now until I discovered something. The dough left to rise for a period of 30 mins or so does not always turn out to be a soft evenly cooked texture and the layers might not be flat because of not enough air incorporation. That is why Now i left it for like 3 hours in a dry place covered with a damp cloth. The dough gets always trice its size will air evenly incorporated. Actually very important is the yeast quantity which i forgot to mention above, I use only half a spoon and left to rise. Following which the dough gets very elastic and you can start kneading it directly into the tray and garnish as per taste. I still prefer moist mozzarella than dry for the taste :$ Plus try roasting the tomato sauce for few mins before applying on the dough, gives u another taste.


  273. Amy

    I follow your blog but never comment, but with all the disparate results in the comments I had to chime in. I made the 22 hour version, it worked perfectly, we had it for dinner last night, and it was the BEST pizza dough I have ever made. I’m a working mom with a 20 month old and I’m 7 months pregnant with the next – this recipe is literally going to change my life. I have missed pizza but just didn’t have time to make it, not to mention that it was really hard to stir up a fresh pizza dough with a toddler screaming at me to pick her up. This way I could do the flour measuring after she’d gone to bed, and it literally took me about five minutes to spread the dough in the pan, drop on some sauce, toppings and cheese, and stick it in the oven. And it tasted heavenly. Thank you so much!

  274. Danielle

    Hey there,

    Two questions. 1) does the water need to be heated to 100-110 degrees in order to activate the yeast?

    2) The dough basically ripped apart on me. i couldnt stretch it out to fit a relatively small pan without having paper thin areas that ripped and then chunky portions as well. What did I do wrong?

    1. deb

      Danielle — Warm water will not be needed to activate the yeast here, the very long rise dissolves it. If it tears or gets too thin, pinch or overlap it back together from the open sides and you’ll never be the wiser when it comes out of the oven.

  275. A classic! I make homemade pizza at LEAST once a week. It’s scrumptious and my comfort food:) Just be careful using canned tomatoes…..the acidity draws out the BPA’s in the lining of food cans :/ not good. Canned tomatoes in glass jars are so easy to find at farmers markets and health food stores though!

  276. Symona

    Just made the 22-hr. crust at mile-high elevation, so I decreased yeast a smidgen to an even 1/8 tsp and added 2 extra T of water. Topped with fontina, gruyere, saut¨¦ed mushrooms, onions and diced ham. Finished with parmesan and basil. Yum! Superb crust! Thanks for the recipe.

  277. Jan

    This was a SK fail for me :(. — my first, after cooking dozens and dozens of recipes from here. The dough had none of the ‘artisanal bread’ quality that you speak of, and tasted gummy. I think I made a rookie mistake though, and want to give this another go. I made it on a pre-heated pizza stone, but the minute I put the dough on the stone it started baking so that it was hard to evenly spread it out. When I’ve made pizzas before I’ve prepared them on the counter and then moved them to the stone, but there was no way to do that with this sticky dough. Should I forego the stone next time and just use a baking sheet (not preheated)?

    1. deb

      Jan — You said something about it tasting gummy — did you feel that it rose enough? Many people have mentioned in the comments using parchment on top of their stones, which might be easier. A baking sheet works just fine. People may have noticed that I always use baking sheets. After I broke my second pizza stone a couple years ago, I decided to take a break from them until I had a less annoying oven (the racks are wobbly).

  278. Elinor

    Hi Deb – just made this tonight and it was amazing! Went with the 22 hour version, made the dough last night around 10pm (and it really did only take a few mins – awesome!) Also drained the tomatoes last night. Interestingly, if anyone cares, I found they shed more liquid overnight in a tupperware pot, so drained that off too this evening. Might just leave them out of the tin over night next time…

    Anyway, it probably took all of ten mins to put together (again – just amazing!) I baked it on top of the back of a baking sheet. We put one in the oven and we ate it in about 5 mins, burning our mouths. I’d originally put the other half of dough in the fridge to keep, but just got it out to make another….

    Also, I live at altitude in Mexico City, around 7000 feet and the recipe was great, in case anyone cares. Thank you!

    ps – I have your book and I love it.

  279. glee

    I use Jim’s recipe regularly. We are addicted. I usually sub out some of the flour for whole wheat and even a bit of rice flour, too. It is crispy yummy chewy deliciousness. Every time my family says, mom this is your best pizza yet!

  280. Ali

    Thanks so much for this recipe! I made it tonight for two of my best friends and they absolutely loved it. Sent my dad a picture and he asked me for the recipe. This was so incredibly easy and I know I’ll be making it again!

  281. Meganleiann

    I made this for dinner tonight and really screwed it up. I threw the dough together before charging out the door and measured by volume instead of weight. I didn’t fully incorporate the flour and left it all day in a cold kitchen. When I pulled it out of the bowl, it was hard, lumpy and only half-risen. I had no dinner back-up plan so I persevered.
    When I pulled it out of the oven it was fabulous- crisp outside and chewy inside. It supported the toppings. My family of four devoured it!
    I can’t wait to make it properly! Thanks for the recipe!

  282. Yvonne

    Epic success! I’ve always failed at pizza at home, but this recipe was perfect. I made the 22 hour dough, I measured the flour via volume, and spooned the flour into the measuring cup to err of the wet side rather than the dry. I also switched out 1/2 c for whole wheat fl. I ended up adding the extra 2 tbs of water, which made it pretty wet initially, but it cooked up beautifully! I made one margherita & one white with caramelized fennel! Will be making these frequently. Thank you SO much for demystifying at-home pizza making.

  283. Janet

    I commented back in #283 that my pizzas totally stuck to the pan (22 hr version). Well, I couldn’t get the big white whale out of my head so yesterday tried the 6 hr version with more water and a bit of oil in the pan. I put about 1 TBS of olive oil in first then wiped it away with a paper towel leaving a film THEN put the cornmeal on. Success! It turned out great and this really is a perfect recipe if you don’t have a lot of time but want homemade pizza.

  284. Barbara Stecker

    Wow!!!!! I made the 24 hour one for a morning brunch philosophy group that meets about 10 because hungry guys! They loved it!! I made your Margharita version. They thought it was professional. I talked how easy and they talked philosophy.

  285. I got lucky and saw Jim Lahey on Martha Stewart several years ago. I thought no knead dough, lets do this! We have stuck with his recipe since. I also saw a Mario Batali recipe for a fresh sauce, similar to yours in Saveur and that has been our winning combo. I am so picky about eating pizza out now because we can make it at home for pennies on the dollar and often better than what we would get out.

  286. Nutella

    Made this for dinner yesterday (22 hr rise) with King Arthur unbleached AP flour. It seemed a tad dry at first mix, so I added the extra water per the recipe, but I think I ought to have left it alone. High heat and humidity (yay Florida!) left my dough too sticky and wet to use when it was ready. It rose as expected. I kneaded in extra flour to get it manageable, but there is no way it would have slid off a peel, even with oil or cornmeal. I ended up baking it on the back of an oiled baking sheet atop a preheated stone at 500 degrees. The flavor was good, but the baking method left me with a crust not as crisp or browned as I’d like. I ended up giving the cute pieces another 2 minutes or so on the stone once I removed them from the baking sheet. Will use parchment next time.

    As for toppings: I used your Butternut Squash and Caramelized Onion Galette filling from the SK Cookbook on one of the pizzas, with a substitute of sweet potato for the squash (my wife is anti-squash, but sweets are ok, go figure!). It was AMAZING as a pizza, and far less guilt inducing on a weeknight than the galette dough.

  287. Karen

    Just wanted to say this was hands down the best homemade pizza I’ve ever made – and Sunday is pizza night around here so I’ve made an awful lot of them. I was so tickled when it came out of the oven looking just like the brick oven pizzas I’ve had in Italy and elsewhere. Thanks for working all this out – and for sharing.
    For the record I used the 22-hour dough and parchment on a preheated cast iron griddle that I use in lieu of a pizza stone.
    For those with extra dough who wondered how to store it – I ended up putting mine back in the fridge and a few days later I made a very nice loaf of artisanal country bread out of it using the usual no knead bread method of cooking it in a dutch oven. It came out just as well as the standard Jim Lahey no knead bread, which isn’t surprising, since the recipes are very close. So that’s another option.
    Thanks again.

  288. Shannon

    You’re old dough recipe was my hands-down favorite, so I of course had to try this new favorite! I noticed some comments saying the dough didn’t rise enough, so I used a pretty heaping 1/8 tsp (probably closer to 1/4 tsp) of yeast and let the dough sit about 20 hours. It rose beautifully! Dough cooked-up amazingly delicious with a nice texture. I let one half of the dough sit in the fridge for use the next day, and that pie came out good too.

    I didn’t have parchment, but my normal method is to construct the pizza on parchment, then put that on top of the hot pizza stone. Without parchment, I heated the stone, rolled the dough on the counter, then took the stone out of the oven and assembled as quickly as possible. That worked, but it’s a race against the clock because the dough starts cooking as soon as it hits the hot stone.

    One question: Whenever I store dough in the fridge for later use, I wrap it in plastic, then put that in a ziploc or a bowl. The dough always manages to tear through the plastic wrap and seep out (it’s still expanding/rising I guess). Does that happen to you? Is there a way around that?

  289. Meg

    I just have to say THANK YOU. I recently moved from NY to DC and have not been able to find ANY good pizza. Like many of you, it is my go to comfort food. Knowing that I can make my own is really a game changer. I was so skeptical just by looking at the dough but I made it for friends and my boyfriend and it was gone before I sat down at the table. I cannot thank you enough! Also, I used regular boring shredded mozzarella in the bag and it was STILL good. I can only imagine if I found the good stuff (our grocery store leaves a lot to be desired. Anyway, THANKS again.

  290. KC

    Add me to the list of first-time commenters: this. dough. changed. my. life. I have no idea why I’ve been content to make sub-par pizza dough at home for the last decade. I guess I assumed I didn’t have enough time, or the right oven, or the right tools. Anyway, today I mixed up the 6-hour recipe, with half all-purpose flour and half white whole wheat, and a Tbsp of extra water. It sat for 6.5 hours and rose just fine at 67 degrees F. I smeared some drops of olive oil on a baking sheet, sprinkled it with cornmeal, tore the dough in half (confession – I let it droop in my hands instead of on a floured counter!), easily shaped it on the pan and baked it for 14 minutes at 550, until I could see the toppings starting to char. The bottom of the crust was nicely browned, and it didn’t stick to the pan, not even a little bit. Both pizzas turned out AMAZINGLY! Thank you, Deb, for the profound effect you’ve just had on my family’s life! I may never comment again (until the next life-changer, anyway) so let me also say – thanks for making your recipes entertaining-yet-kind, personal-yet-universal, easy to find, easy to follow, mouthwateringly beautiful, and best of all, unbelievably delicious.

  291. Emma

    Hi Deb, I followed your 24 hour instructions, and yet again you are a GENIUS, I used the all purpose Bob’s Red Mill flour that is gluten free, did a test run in the oven and it was brilliant. I don’t think it rose much in 24 hours, but the simplicity of it is wonderful – YEAH – thank you muchly. Emma

  292. Kim

    Wow. This was the best pizza I have ever made. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about when I can make it again. Thank you for your amazing recipes!

  293. KVK

    After making this recipe, I am happily enlisting myself in the rows of praising first-time commenters. I made the 12 hour dough last week – and it is OUTSTANDING. Before this, I had very disheartening experience with home-made pizza: with all the trouble making the dough, it always turned out like a cardboard. This dough is chewy and crisp and full of flavor. And it is so easy to make. The tomato sauce turned out great too. As a microbiologist, I applaud your experiments with different time points and amounts of yeast! Thank you for sharing.

  294. Lauren

    Great pizza dough recipe! It’s rare that I make something when it’s current on a blog, but I had some of the slow-roasted tomatoes I needed to do something with, and this pizza dough recipe seemed to be it. I was able to get the dough super thin (my imperfections always lean toward it being too bready and soft). We loved it!

  295. Daniela

    This time I weighed the flour and the water was spot on. Turns out my scoops were quite heavy handed. Also a fresh batch of yeast really helped, the dough is tripled and very soft. This is our second time making it and I doubled the recipe…we are going for a margherita and a prosciutto with maitake mushroom.

  296. Jennifer

    I’ve made this twice already :) The first time, I subbed in half whole wheat flour and the only yeast I had on hand was expired by a few months. Following the 22-hour recipe, it was a little dry and didn’t rise much. BUT, it was still yummy. The second time, I subbed in just a quarter whole wheat flour and used new yeast – and the extra water from the updated notes! I was going for the 22-hour version, but given the poor rise the first time (was it the yeast? my cold house in SF?), I opted for a level 1/4 t of yeast. By morning, it had already doubled, so I split the dough, wrapped the two balls in plastic, and stuck them in the fridge. I removed them about an hour before dinner and the rest is history! Thank you for yet another awesome recipe, Deb!

  297. Laura M


    My husband just came into the bedroom and said, “Why is it that, even with what you say are lousy ingredients (for the teenager’s Hallowe’en party I simply used a Paul Newman bottled spaghetti sauce and run-of-the-mill olives, along with the mozzarella and parmesan and finely cut asparagus), this was nearly the best pizza I’ve ever had? I even ate the last little pieces I could find of the crust.”

    “Because,” I replied, “we made the dough ourselves, and the crust is the heart of the pizza.”

    “Well,” he persisted, “why isn’t the Cheese Board pizza (an iconic source of pizza here in Berkeley) as good? They make it just a few hours before we eat it, right?”

    “Because,” I replied again, “this pizza dough takes so long to spread out that you could never use it to produce hundreds of pizzas.

    “Okay,” he responded, “let’s make it every Saturday night from now on!”

  298. Katherine

    Help, I tried this yesterday and could not get the dough to do anything. It would not spread out – was just springy and unworkable. We eventually gave up and ordered pizza. What did I do wrong?

  299. Michelle

    Should the water be tepid or ……any specific temp? Making it now for my son’s 8th birthday dinner and crossing my fingers!

    1. deb

      Michelle — No need to use tepid or warm or any special temperature. It will all adjust over the lengthy resting time.

      RuthDC — Thank you for the tips.

      Katherine — It may have been a yeast issue if it felt too tight and springy — did it rise?

      CC — What kind of baking sheets do you have? If teflon- or non-stick coated, just look for ones without a coating. Or, just bake it at 450. Pizza is flexible, but the best charred spots do come from the highest temperatures.

      KVK — My mother is a retired microbiologist. Your comment would make her smile (too!).

  300. RuthDC

    I have read through all 410 comments on this recipe, that’s how much I love it. Deb, here are some data points on my two attempts.

    1st try: 6-hour recipe with AP flour and Fleischman’s rapid rise yeast (didn’t know there was a difference), plus the yeast was old-ish. It was a good six months or so from expiration, but I’d kept it in the freezer, so I thought it would work ok. When I do a no-knead bread, I put the bowl in the sun to help the yeast along, so I did that here too. I also used hot water out of the tap when mixing the dough. The underside of the bowl still felt warm when I picked it up to bake 6 hours later, but it didn’t rise enough to make two 9×13 pizzas. I stretched the dough as much as I could, but it kept getting holes. The pizzas were nowhere close to round or rectangular — more like maps! But I think that was due to my inexperience with pizza dough. This was my first attempt ever. I baked it on a baking sheet with cornmeal and it came off the pan mostly easily. When baked, the texture was crispy/chewy, but the flavor of the crust was missing. Something was wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Still, we ate it all.

    2nd try: 22-hour version with bread flour this time and new active dry yeast. Bowl in the sun as before. Dough rose and definitely doubled in size, but I don’t think it tripled. Per above comments, I put cooking spray on the baking sheet this time before the cornmeal, and had absolutely ZERO problems with sticking. I still had problems stretching out the dough. It didn’t look like it would have made two 9×13’s, so I put both crusts on the same pan to bake. Also brushed water on the edges of the crust after putting on toppings as a previous commenter suggested. Lo and behold, the dough puffed up much more this second time, and the texture was perfect chewy crunchy bubbly wonderfulness, but too thick, because I didn’t stretch out the dough enough. So I’m learning. But WOW, so good. The water on the crust also was a big improvement over my first attempt. Used your sauce recipe for the second attempt as well — delicious. The bread flour and proper yeast made the flavor of the dough much better than the first attempt, but I still feel like it’s missing a little richness somehow… For my next attempt, I’m going to put a smidge of olive oil into the dough and see how that comes out. I also plan to try stretching out the dough, letting it sit on the pan for a few minutes, and then trying to nudge it a bit more into the corners of the pan. Will see how that goes.

    This recipe is such a gift to all of us. I feel IMPRESSIVE now, because I know the secret to fantastic pizza dough. I’m becoming a fabulous cook, thanks to your fabulous recipes. I read that on the jacket flap of your cookbook which I got for Christmas last year. Your apple cider caramels even got my candy-avoiding grandmother to gobble them one after another. Time to make those again too, come to think of it…

  301. Lindsay

    Tried this last night with the part-day dough schedule. Came out great! Did not need the extra water for the dough (though it was craggy, as you say). Dough rise was fine at a chilly-ish room temperature. Baked the pizza at 500 degrees on the back of a cookie sheet covered in foil and lightly oiled. Dough was easily hand-stretched and then coaxed into place on the sheet. Will definitely make this again. Thanks for the tasty recipe!

  302. Kat

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who had a bit of a fail with this recipe. I tried the six hour dough (not having gitten up early enough on Sunday to do the 12 hour dough!), it rose but I’m not sure that it doubled – the house was on the cool side. But I couldn’t get it to stretch like the picture – had to grab both ends and pull. It was so wet and hard to handle, certainly couldn’t stretch it like the picture, I had to smear it inot shape – I ended up with thicker bases than I wanted because if I tried to get it any thinner it sprouted holes! And it came out tasting really floury – Mum was very nice about it, but really it was pretty awful! I don’t think it was a yeast problem – mine was brand new from the store for this recipe. And I did the flour by weight not volume. I think the oven was hot enough – 240C. The only thing I did differntly was make smaller pizzas as we are currently working with a tiny bench-top oven since ours died – but that woulnd’t have resulted in weird dough pre-oven. Any ideas what might have gone wrong would be appreciated – I would love to get this dough to work but I’m not game to try it again at the moment.

  303. CC

    Hi Deb! Thank you for sharing this pizza recipe and modification. I also tried the leisurely pizza dough in your book, and it was lovely. One question: This recipe (and the one in your book) mentioned to set the oven 500F or the max allowed by the oven. But my baking sheet only takes maximum temperature 450F, and I can’t find one that goes higher than 450F. Can you point me to where I can find baking sheet that can stand higher temperature? Thanks!

  304. Gayle

    We love love love this recipe! The crust is quite wonderful. I have a question about the sauce. I drained, then pur¨¦ed the tomatoes, and *wait a sec!* it was speckled with tomato seeds! I sent the tomato/garlic/crushed pepper mixture back through the strainer to remove the seeds, but probably lost the garlic and crushed peppers, too. The pizza was still quite wonderful. But I am still trying to sort out the seed conundrum, seeds or no seeds?

  305. Katherine


    I used fresh yeast and it did rise some, but maybe not enough. I am going to try again with a longer rise time and a warmer house. Maybe that will be the trick. We were in the mountains and the house was colder than normal. Thanks!

  306. This recipe could not have been more timely. I have a bit of a thing for homemade pizza and have been making it nearly weekly for a while. My prior go-to dough was the one from your book, which I loved. Then my stand mixer broke (it is ten years old and gets a lot of use – broken gear, I think) and I haven’t had time to figure out where to get it fixed. It actually broke as I was kneading pizza dough. I had a several week lapse in dough making since I couldn’t be bothered to knead by hand. Then, lo and behold, you post this recipe! I’ve made it twice now and it’s awesome – absolutely no fuss, no mixer required, and the resulting dough is the best I’ve made at home. The sauce was fantastic and easy, too. So thanks! I added some sauteed mushrooms, onions and goat cheese for me and did the second one with pepperoni for my husband, whose love of processed meats runs deep.

  307. Robin

    I have to say that this is the best pizza dough I have EVER EVER made!! I have always been intimidated by making pizza cause I could NEVER get it right – my dough always seemed too “bready” – but this recipe if marvelous!!

    The best!!

  308. Noa

    I made this dough in a hurry yesterday morning, and in the afternoon got a text from my husband: “the dough looks REALLY sticky. how are you going to work with it?”. He’s usually the one to make pizza and has a favourite recipe, so he was quite suspicious. I managed to smear, nudge, and stick the dough to roughly the shape I wanted – it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be – and the result was delicious! A bit soggy, but that’s probably because our sauce (not drained but cooked) still had too much liquid in it.
    And now,a question: if I want to increase the amount by 25%, how would that work? 25% of 1/4 teaspoon, that’s a bit tricky :-) Is it possible to give the amounts in grams?

    1. deb

      Noa — You can definitely increase everything by 25%, however, it’s hard for me to give gram weights of things like 1/4 teaspoon of yeast, which technically weighs .77 grams. (I list these rounded to the nearest whole gram in comment #183.) The reason I suggest each measurement should be heaped is because each measurement, when I did my math, worked out to exactly that (be it 1/8, 1/4, or 1/2 teaspoon) PLUS 1/16 teaspoon. Obviously measuring 1/16 of a teaspoon is more of a headache than it’s worth, so I said “heaped” instead, which gives you about the same and fewer gray hairs. But you can keep that 1/16 in mind when increasing the recipe.

  309. Shani

    I think pizza is my nemesis. Deb, you are a goddess and this is the first time one of your recipes has failed to turn out anything other than splendidly. I’m certain it was user error and will absolutely try again. I made the 22 hour dough and barely got one 12 inch dough out of – 9 x 13 was completely out of the question. I scooped the floor via your spoon method, used a brand new bottle of yeast, and put the bowl on the stove so it would be a bit warmer. Alas, no luck. I ended up baking the dough by itself (it would not form a pizza shape no matter what I did – more like a puffy approximation of Central America) and treating it like a bread stick. BUT I will give this another go – and another, and another …

  310. I made the 22 hour dough last week and it was WAY too wet. I noticed that another FL commentersaid the same thing. I had to smear the dough into shape- there was no way I could have rolled it out or used the peel and stone. It did not have near the flavor I get from the leisurely dough in your cookbook and it was quite tough. Maybe we will try this recipe again and not add the extra water just to see what happens.

  311. Ryan

    I made the 22-hour version, and it was perfection! It rose as expected, and while the dough was very thinly-stretched so that there were a few holes, I was able to patch them up easily with excess dough from the edges. I used two baking sheets, lightly oiled and corn meal-ed, and there was no sticking whatsoever. Loved the crispy texture of the crust! Thanks for the great recipe!

  312. Jen

    Deb – one more thing. I have made your dough twice now, but instead of making pizza with it I have made flatbread/naan/pita bread (whatever you want to call it). I roll it out fairly thin into small circles (pita bread size) and place it right on the oven rack of a pre-heated 500 degree oven. It takes about 3-4 minutes to bake, depending on how thin you roll it. No need to flip it over. Just take it out and butter one side and stack in a pile covered with a clean dish towel. Just try it! So fun! Depending on how you roll it, it actually puffs up like a pita and works better than my pita bread recipe. (Use plenty of flour while rolling out.) I served it hot and buttered with some Lentil and Chard Stew, which is delicious. Here is the website I got the lentil stew from:
    (I used kale instead of chard.)
    I have also used the cooked pitas to make quick little pizzas later for my kids lunches. And our favorite way to use them was with seasoned and grilled lamb burgers with tzatziki, purple onion, and tomato. Sorry to leave you so much information. I’ve never commented before. Just thought you would love these recipes. I’ve followed your blog for years now.

  313. Claudia

    Deb, have you been to Pizzarium when in Rome? The owner is Mr Bonci and I use his pizza dough recipe (1 kg flour, 700 ml water, 10 g dried yeast, 10g salt and let it rise for 20 hours in the fridge and 4 out).
    The mozzarella used is usually “treccia” which is a kind of mozzarella that does not come into water; it is frayed and let dry so that it looses all of the water it contains.

    And last, mozzarella is added before the last 10 minutes of the cooking time so it does not burn and this way the pizza doesn’t become soggy.

    Try to cook the base of the pizza (= without the mozzarella) at the lowest part of the oven and then continue with cooking it in the middle of the oven.

    I’ve never been let down from Bonci’s recipes!

    Ciao from Milan, Claudia

  314. I like this recipe so much. Just wanted to share that you can drain your tomatoes at any point. I had already pureed a can of diced tomatoes, juice and all, for a soup recipe. I had enough left for pizza, but it was too watery. I drained the puree just like draining yogurt: line a sieve with paper towels (or cheesecloth or a tea towel) and set over a bowl for a while. Worked like a charm, and I suspect you could do the same with a cooked sauce that is too thin, as well.

  315. Katrin

    What a great crust recipe! Perfect taste and texture, but also the simplest version I know. That’s pretty awesome :) Also, I love the detail in this post.

  316. ScottGN

    I’ve made the 12 hour version of this dough twice now and it’s great. It looks so unprepossessing to start with but ends up squeaky, bubbly and silky to roll out. It’ll will be my pizza dough of choice from now on.

  317. amanda

    I am ALWAYS ready to try out a new pizza dough, for basically the same reasons you mentioned (not “perfect,” too dense, want more air bubbles, etc., etc.), but I think this one might be IT :)

    I adapted it so that I could use my sourdough starter, and wanted to share, in case anyone else was thinking of doing the same. It was an easy swap–just leave out the yeast, sub in 2 tablespoons of starter, then take out one tablespoon each flour and water from those measures (since my starter is equal parts flour/water, or 100% hydration starter). I used a mix of all-purpose, einkorn, and whole wheat for my flours, and left the dough for almost 24 hours. By that time, it had risen nicely and was rather easy to work with, with floured hands of course.

    I topped mine with heavier toppings (butternut squash, ricotta, caramelized onions, fontina, etc.) and that weighed down the dough a bit, so I may use a lighter hand next time, or let the topped pizza puff up a little more before sticking it in the oven. Regardless, it was amazing! This is going to be my new standard dough. I swear.

  318. I might have to print this out and tape it into your cookbook! This looks a lot like the overnight bread recipe that I’ve been using for awhile. Love the fact I don’t have to baby-sit it! About time I applied this to pizza dough.

  319. Helen M.

    Well, that was good! Just stretched out a bit of 4 (!) day old dough, topped it with fresh ricotta and drained fresh mozz., fresh sauce and onions (raw, no less), baked at 550 and called it supper. The dough smelled divine; the crust was equally good baked! It rose like a dream, though it looked a little flat in the bowl. Perfect. My new “best ever pizza crust” recipe. Thank you for all the helpful hints…and who knew pizza crust could elicit so many comments!

  320. Elkie

    Glad to hear I’m not the only one who couldn’t handle the dough… It looked a lot more like a batter. It tasted more like a pancake than a pizza too. Trying it again tomorrow, I added more flour and a little yeast to compensate for it, hopefully it will help. Any ideas on what might have gone wrong are appreciated!
    If I can’t figure out this dough, at least I’ll have your previous doughs. They work out great.

  321. I made this dough using the spoon and scoop method for measuring flour. I use active dry yeast and do the warm water trick (yeast + 2 c. warm water, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, add in remaining water at room temp.) before mixing it with the flour and salt. Both the 1 1/4 C water and 1 C + 3T water worked, but I found that with the 1C + 3T, some dry spots occurred in the dough during the rise. No taste differences though! The first time I made this, I just added the yeast into the flour and it didn’t rise as well.

    I would recommend covering the dough with flour before attempting to wrap it up for the fridge/freezer. It made removing the dough SO much easier!

  322. Julia

    Hi Deb – I had the same problem as Katherine (410 and 418). My dough would not relax and stretch out. It was a fresh bottle of yeast which I proofed a bit of beforehand just to avoid disappointment. I used the 24 hour version and the dough definitely rose, but I just couldn’t stretch it out at all. I tried the trick I remember you suggesting of letting it rest, but it still didn’t stretch out properly (i.e. I could never get it to fill even my tiny baking sheets). Are there other tricks I should be trying? Still tasted good but just much smaller pizzas with lumpy crusts!

  323. Christine

    I’ve been making a lot of pizza at home since I moved to the Pacific Northwest from NJ. (Better mountains, worse pizza). A technique I’ve developed to get a nice well done crust without fussing with a pizza stone and trying to maneuver a fully loaded pizza is to utilize my seasoned 12 inch cast iron skillet (I also use a cast iron flat griddle pan if I’m making two which I usually do). I have the skillet heating up on the stovetop while I’m shaping the dough, plop it in the pan and then put the sauce and toppings on while the crust is already starting to brown. Then I finish it off in an oven cranked to the max until it looks good, usually about 10 minutes. I never oil the pans and the pies come out without any sticking whatsoever. This technique has been tested and proven successful for making plain pizza for cranky toddler twins as well as all kinds of fanciness for the grownups in less than 30 minutes!

  324. Robin

    Made the six hour version today with 00 flour. It is my new go to dough recipe. Topped it with caramelized onions, Gruyere and pancetta AMAZING! I also printed it and tucked it into your cookbook. Thank you!

  325. Georgi

    Longtime Smitten Kitchen follower (you could even call me a SK Evangelist). Never commented before, but O-M-G,simply had to had to after making this pizza. Made the overnight dough – was ridiculously easy. I did add two additional tablespoons of water. The dough rose through the day and you teed up the annoying / sticky directions perfectly – it wasn’t even that annoying. Made it on the back of a sheet pan at 550 convection bake – was done after 10 minutes, and might be the best pizza we’ve ever had. Not even joking. All we want to do is make more tomorrow and the day after. Thank, you, thank you. Pizza is easy! Who knew!?

  326. stacy

    First time poster, had to comment. Did the overnight crust. PERFECT as written. My new favorite pizza crust. Super easy! And I LOVE the sauce. Finally, I will ditch the jarred stuff. THANK YOU!

  327. Jessica

    This very well may be a really stupid question, but is it okay to use instant yeast in this recipe? I am new to using yeast. Also, I live in the tropics so I imagine I’ll have to adjust the resting times due to the high temps and humidity, amirite?

  328. JS

    CRAP. Crap crap crap. Made the 6 hour dough yesterday – added the extra couple spoons of water and gave it a quick jolt in a oven preheated to 200, then turned off, let it rise there for 6 hours. It didn’t quite double, and it was HELL to pat out, like cranky Elmers glue. I’m thinking “there’s no way this will work, and even if it does, this is a pain, so there’s no way it will be worth it.” And goddammit, IT IS. This is hands down the best homemade pizza crust I’ve ever had, by an order of magnitude. More than worth the extra effort. (I made it on parchment paper and just slid the whole thing right onto the pizza stone, which I preheated in the oven at 475 for 30 minutes.) Next time, I’ll try the longer rises, and will hold off on the extra water in hopes that it will help, but it’s sticky pizza for me now. Gah.

  329. deb

    Jessica — Instant yeast is different, it needs to be used in slightly different quantities and has different rising times. However, this recipe is pretty flexible and it sounds like some people already swapped it 1:1 successfully. Theoretically, it won’t work exactly the same. But if you can eyeball it (i.e. does it look doubled or more than doubled at the suggested time or two hours before? did it need more time?) and adjust it accordingly (i.e. then more or less time), you should be fine.

  330. Made the 22-hour dough last night and had great results. I used 3 cups of bread flour and added more water than called for–the dough looked dry w/ 1 and 1/4 cups so I kept going until all the flour was wet, i.e. there were no streaks of dry flour left. I think it ended up being closer to 1 1/2 cups of water. I also used instant yeast, not realizing until it was too late that the recipe called for active dry. But a heaping 1/8 teaspoon of instant yeast worked out just fine. The dough more than doubled overnight and was quite soft, but I was able to handle it using a well floured surface and hands. I shaped the dough on top of parchment on a cookie sheet and slid it onto my cast iron pizza pan that had been preheated in the oven (this is my standard procedure for making pizza; the parchment turns brown around the edges but there is no adverse effect, and it makes it so much easier to transfer the pizza to the oven). The dough had great texture and flavor–definitely the best I’ve ever made! And the timing worked out perfectly–the dough was ready when I got home from work and I was able to get dinner on the table pretty quickly. Thanks for the great recipe!

  331. Maggie

    Hi Deb-
    First time commenter here! I made the 12 hour dough on Sunday and it was PHENOMENAL!!! After reading your instructions about a million times I was pretty nervous about the stickiness I was going to encounter, but it wasn¡¯t awful and I was able to get my dough into round, ok more like oval, shapes! I followed the favorite margarita recipe and it was just delicious! Interestingly enough, I made one za on my pizza stone (pre-heated in the 500 degree oven) and the other on a regular old baking sheet. The baking sheet pie got the delicious crispy crust, while the pizza stone pie didn¡¯t develop that crunch. Either way it¡¯s a fantastic recipe that I can¡¯t wait to make again. Thanks!!

  332. Elkie

    Tried making the dough again and adjusted the water amounts way down. It worked out this time, technically. It just didn’t actually taste as good as your previous doughs. The texture was noticably different though. Maybe it’s because I halved the yeast amount, since I only have instant yeast… The experiment continues, just not this week.

  333. kate

    Making this tonight. I have a question about green and mushrooms on pizza- do you recommend sauteeing first? I want to avoid soggy pizza too!

  334. Allan

    Two things.
    First, A trick from Cook’s illustrated 2001 recipe for thin pizza. Putting the dough on parchment paper and topping it with plastic wrap allows it to be either rolled or stretched extremely easily. The plastic peels off easily. And the pizza can easily be transported on a wooden peel to the oven and maneuvered with the paper. Likewise it is easily removed in a similar manner.

    Second, I added 1/4 cup of olive oil to the dough which in my opinion makes it the absolute best though I have ever had.

  335. kate

    Ok, sorry, I’m back for a third time! But I’m eating this now (I made the 12 hour) and it’s PERFECT!!! I’ve never made such amazing pizza, thank you sooo much. I used the upside down baking sheet trick you suggested and it worked amazingly well. Thank you!

  336. Sarah

    I made the 12-hour dough last night, two pizzas: your favorite margherita (well, now my favorite too) and a margherita with saut¨¦ed spinach, onions, and mushrooms. Both were huge winners, and now I’m sad there’s no leftovers to speak of. Good thing I’m trying the 6-hour dough and spinach pizza tonight. The crust is AMAZING. Chewy and crunchy. Had a little trouble getting the dough to stretch out enough (tips on that would be much appreciated!!) but letting it rest and coming back to it helped.

  337. Daniela

    Making this for the 3rd time now for Friday night pizza dinner..such a great method! I just push and pull, stretch and tug and eventually the dough covers the sheet. last time I did put a thin film of EVoo on the sheet, then sprinkled cornmeal, then stretched the dough. if it tears I just cover it up with some

  338. Tried out the overnight method for the first time and the dough didn’t rise nearly as much as I thought it would/should. I ended up using all of the dough for the pizza as opposed to dividing it into two, and while it was delicious, it was a bit much on the dough front. Any advice for getting it to rise properly? Should I add more yeast? It rested on the counter top for about 23 hours in total. Thanks!

    1. deb

      Lisa — Would you say that your kitchen runs cool or warm?

      Bianca — You halved both the yeast and the flour, right? So you should be on schedule; this is the right way to do it.

  339. P

    It has taken me a while to get the pizza dough I have so desired, but using your recipes as I template I have eventually got there. Really appreciate your different looks at it; more ideas means more options to get it right. Key for me more than anything is just jumping in and doing it, altering a few aspects of the recipe and considering variables in the house (temperature, all ovens being different, etc)

  340. Bianca

    Question. How much yeast should I use if I am making half the amount of dough on the 6 hour schedule? I just mixed 1 1/2 cups of flour with 1/4 tsp yeast, but the full version calls for 3 cups of flour with 1/2 tsp yeast. Do I need to extend my rising time? Thank you!

  341. Diane

    I may have added too much water, and also I only let the dough rise for (gasp) 18 hours, but I did have a hard time stretching it into place. It was a tasty crust, though, and for the effort I put into it, I’ll certainly use it again. I found at my 500 degree oven that 15 minutes is much better or the crust is a little floppy.

  342. Raven

    I’ve made this recipe at least 5 times since it was first posted. It’s so good and so easy!! The first time, I made the crust as-is. I’ve also tried adding in some other things, like: fresh crushed garlic & shredded parmesan cheese, dried herbs, and ground flax seeds. Everything I’ve tried so far has been really good!

    I always add some chia seeds to the sauce and let it sit in the fridge for an hour. It doesn’t affect the taste at all, and it makes it gel up a little, so it’s easier to spread and doesn’t get the crust soggy at all.

    A+ recipe 10/10 would recommend

  343. June

    I made this pizza and it was delicious. I’ve always felt like I made good pizza before this recipe, but I am thinking this might have been my best ever. Yum!

  344. Rebecca M

    Hi Deb,
    Have you ever tried cooking your pizza in a cast iron skillet? I just moved into a new apartment and the oven is (just barely¡ªgrrr) too small for my wonderful cookie sheets! I do, however, have a 12-inch cast iron skillet that fits, and I have a feeling that this crust recipe would be great cooked in it. I’ll report back after I’ve given it a try, and would be happy for any tips from you or other commenters in the meantime…

    1. deb

      Rebecca — I actually have this pan from Lodge and use it sometimes; I agree, the cast-iron effect is wonderful. Not sure why I haven’t used it with this dough yet but would love to hear how yours comes out.

  345. Lila’s Mom

    Hi! I’ve never commented before but this recipe compelled me to do so for the first time. This recipe is superb and superbly easy! I made it using all whole wheat, added a teaspoon or two of sugar and waited for ten hours. The dough was very soft and sticky but I just rubbed oil all over my hands and I was able to stretch out the dough just enough. I think it is the best homemade pizza I have ever had. Thank you for this wonderful recipe and this wonderful blog.

  346. Elizabeth

    Born and raised in NYC, raised on slice pizza from the corner pizza place, and missed it ever since I left the city. Have been working on mine for years.

    The best recipe I’ve found is this one on “Serious Eats”

    It takes 5 minutes to make the dough in a food processor, though you do need to let it rise for at least 24 hours.

    You don’t need “aged”mozzarella–that’s just foodie pretention. Buy a nice basic hunk of mozzarella, shred it and FREEZE it for 10-15 minutes before it goes on your pizza and it will melt and string out when you bite it the way real NYC pizza does.And this works with part-skim mozzarella as well.

    I’ve made my own sauce via the recipe there. But we’ve also found that our good, all purpose bottled spaghetti sauce is nearly as good.

    Use a pizza stone or tiles. Put cornmeal on your peel. Make sure your oven has preheated at 500 for an hour.

    And if you are a New Yorker in exile,or one living in one of those “upscale” neighborhoods where the real pizza has been driven out by the “artisan” phonies, you will taste real pizza again!

  347. Thanks for the recipe. Pizza looks yummy… Toppings don’t have to be an after-thought. They play a huge part in how great your pizza tastes. Use toppings and seasonings that complement each other and the pizza to make an excellent pizza.

  348. Jen

    Have made this 3 times now and they were all amazing…1st batch a hit, second was a double batch and we made the second half several days later after refrigerating! Thanks for something sooo simple- Batch one was made early morning and the second early afternoon as directed and both were equal in quality!

  349. Rebecca M

    Well, I just ate my first slice out of the cast iron skillet (mine is the regular high-sided kind, not the flat pizza pan you have). Delicious, with a few cooking method adjustments: I lightly oiled the (cold) pan before shaping the pizza base inside and adding sauce/cheese. Then, instead of putting it straight in the oven, I put the skillet on my stove-top on high heat. This gives the crust a head start and results in a wonderful crispy finish. After a few minutes, once the crust is bubbling a little around the edges, I transferred it to the hot oven. At first I thought I just wanted a crisper crust, but I think the stove-top step is actually necessary for my 12-inch pan since the crust is slightly thicker and might not cook all the way through otherwise (at least not before the cheese is perfectly golden and bubbly). In sum, I highly recommend the cast-iron method, and now I’m thankful for the tiny oven that made me improvise!

  350. Rebecca M

    Also¡ªI forgot to mention that I swapped out a quarter of the flour for whole wheat, and never would have guessed it from the end result.

  351. The kitchen runs cool in the winter which I imagine means I should leave it out longer? For the last hour or so, I ended up moving it closer to the radiator in the hopes of it rising more, but alas, nothin’.

    1. deb

      Lisa — It means it can take longer. I didn’t expect to the time to be so significant that the range noted wouldn’t be sufficient to adjust for a cooler kitchen, but I suppose it’s possible. Which schedule are you using and how long has it been? No rise whatsoever or just not enough of one?

  352. Dana S

    Hi! Just made the 6 hour version for the first time. It tastes amazing and was a huge hit with our family. However, I found the dough very difficult to stretch. I kept getting holes in the center and a thick edge. I was using my peel with cornstarch. Kept having to start over. Finally got odd shapes (another cook called them “map shaped”) but was able to slide the crust off of the peel onto the stone. They cooked up beautifully. Any tips to prevent the holes from forming? It was very frustrating! If I missed it in an earlier post, I humbly apologize. Just direct me to it and I will eagerly read it!

  353. eric

    Having owned my own pizzerias for years I never, even when baking at my own home, use cups or teaspoons. I have a good scale or two. I find it easier to use grams as that is less confusing to employees in a restaurant than to use fractions. I also find that once my recipe was perfected I never had to alter it – 1065.4 grams of dry ingredients to 635 grams of liquid was always the same (water/buttermilk/oil). The .4grams was the yeast.
    I let my dough rise in the fridge for 3-4 days eat one or two and freeze the rest for another day.
    With the onset of arthritis I found that a breadmaking machine could make 1 pizza doughball as well or better than my kitchenaid mixer or a food processor and my wrists don’t hurt from manually kneading the dough. I found a great breadmaking machine at the local Salvation army for $8.
    To make really great pizza I always use my pizza stone…the rectangular one that costs $50. It costs a bit more but I’ve only had two of ’em in 20 years versus 3 in 2 months when I used the cheap round ones. I also pre heat my oven for 45-60 minutes with the baking stone on the bottom shelf of the oven.

  354. I made this last night. Several things:
    – I have the most unusual size for a baking pan (fit for the smallest oven in the world): 22cm x 25cm (that’s 8.6″ x 9.8″) so the crust was on the thick side. I was worried that my cheese was already browning too much before the crust was baked properly due to its thickness. So during the last few minutes I transferred my pizza from the top shelf to the very bottom shelf. It sort of did the trick but I think I’ll pre bake the dough a few minutes before putting the toppings on top next time (which is tonight! since I still have half the dough). Or maybe scale back the dough to ?? What do you think? Oh, and my oven only goes up to 250C (480F), so it’s on the cool side.
    – I actually only used 1 cup + 3tbsp water like you had first suggested for 375 gr flour. My dough was a bit rough and jaggy but I found it to be quite soft as well in the end. No problem there. The texture post baking was also fine: crunchy exterior, stretchy interior. But I’d like a crunchier exterior so I’ll try the updated version with more water next time, just to see the difference.
    – While I love the convenience of the margarita sauce, it felt like something was missing. Tomato paste? Onions? Or maybe it was just me being so used to “pre-cooked” sauce. In all cases, the pizza was very tasty, and it remains the best pizza I’ve ever made (and it beats Jim Lahey’s original version by a mile to my opinion). Thanks Deb.

  355. I’ve made this every week since it was posted. It is hands down the easiest and best tasting dough I’ve ever made. And the sauce is brilliant. Basically, it is all around perfect and so easy.

  356. Felicity

    I discovered your blog for the first time while searching for a good pizza base and I will definitely return for other staples because it is an EXCELLENT recipe. Honestly, everyone would make their pizza bases if they tried this recipe! I followed it exactly but would add that if anyone has a microwave oven rather than an oven the cooking time is much longer (it still wasn’t quite done after 20 mins at 230 degrees). However, that is no flaw to this recipe – I just love it; it took me all of 1 minute to make the base. So thank you; I plan on making pizza once a week with this wonderful recipe. No need to try another! :)

  357. Felicity

    Also I would add that between 2 young, normal size adults we ate the whole base mixture, so to other readers if you are feeding 4 with very decent appetites it might be good to double the recipe :)

  358. Shannon

    I LOVE this recipe! I have your cookbook and have made the ‘quick’ pizza dough from there a few times, but this is hands down way better! To give you an indication of how much I like the recipe, I have made it 3x in the past 2 weeks! I made the 22 hour one because it works best with my work schedule. This recipe made 2 pizzas and was enough for 2 adults to have dinner and lunch the next day. Thanks for your genius recipes – love the blog!

  359. Louisa

    This was amazing. I made the 6-hour dough, but free beer and sushi intervened, so it ended up in the fridge for 24 hours after the initial rise. It still turned out perfectly. Amazingly crisp, but tender, and we loved the the sauce (although we almost tripled the amount). Our fresh mozzarella (no ages to be found) still blistered beautifully in a 550 degree oven. I keep telling him that I’ve never made a recipe of yours that I didn’t love, and this continues the trend. I may even share the second half of the dough with my mother tomorrow night (if I ever forgive her for stealing your cookbook)…

  360. Chantel

    I’m sure this might have already been answered somewhere in the previous 484 comments but…I made this a few minutes ago and got a little freaked by how shaggy it was so added more water. It’s quite sticky now and not so shaggy…Will it still work??

  361. Grace

    Hi all,
    I’m going to try doing a sourdough version – I’ll try 1/8 Cup of my own starter and do the full day version. We’ll see what happens..

  362. Sharon

    I followed this recipe for a 6 hour rise to the T. I made two pizza’s, one with regular flour and one with gluten free flour from TJ mostly b/c I’m trying out a g-free diet and didn’t want my boyfriend to suffer if it tasted horribly. The pizza made from regular flour was delicious! Yes, I cheated on my diet. I’m also happy to report that the g-free pizza was delicious too! The only changes I made other than swapping out the regular flour, was adding 1 Tbsp chia seeds (a frantic google search for gluten free crusts made me think to do it, not sure it added anything but chia power). After 6 hours, the g-free dough did not act very dough like and it separated very easily so I grabbed clumps, plopped them on the baking sheet and pressed it down into the desired shape. Then I spread my toppings on and baked it for 10 min at 525. Disclaimer: I havent had gluten free pizza before but I was completely satisfied with this end product and my boyfriend even liked it too.

  363. Deb you always provide great content! Like Grace said above I am also gonna try something different and go for a sourdough version – hopefully i can report back with good feedback :)

    You take the guessing work out of cooking I love it!

  364. RoseC

    I have been dissatisfied with all my previous homemade pizza crust attempts. This was amazing! I used the 6 hour method and was thrilled with the results. My only shortcoming was that I used some jar sauce because that’s what I had. I look forward to trying it using the pur¨¦ed canned tomatoes for a fresher more tomatoey flavor. Thanks so much for the timing variations, a crust for all schedules is appreciated.

  365. Lee

    I once worked at a pizza shop in the mid-1970s. Regarding mozzarella in your point #1, you said “…had run the firm mozzarella through a food mill with large holes for pebbly bits that were easily grabbed in handfuls…”. That’s essentially what was done. Are you familiar with the old-fashioned meat grinders that you clamp onto a table or the edge of a counter? We used a very similar item to “grind” the mozzarella which came in 5-lb chubs. We let it drop into large flat tubs like used in restaurants to bus tables. When we assembled the pizza, it was very easy to just scoop up a bunch with both hands coming together and then drop it onto the sauced crusts where it was then easily spread evenly. Toppings were then added and into the pizza oven it went, we would get raves over our pizzas and crust, and surprisingly the crust were pre-made & semi-cooked elsewhere, still makes me chuckle. We had a home-made sauce, recipe was never divulged by the owner :( and we had a great lasagna from scratch. The place is long gone, sadly.

  366. Miranda midas

    I made the 6 hour dough last night and it turned out brilliantly. I did need the extra water Deb added to the updated recipe and I think I might have still needed a little more in hindsight. I used half all purpose flour, half strong white bread flour. My dough more than doubled on the rise time. I only had a problem once it was out of the bowl, I was a little unsure about how many times to drop it/ let it fall onto the floury counter top before stretching it out to make the pizza base shape. This is the step I found hardest because my dough felt a bit stiff and kept shrinking back to a smaller size. However, in the end it came out great and the sauce was delicious too. I baked mine on the back of 2 baking sheets which I sprayed with cooking spray (just canola oil, not a floury bakers joy type spray). I cooked mine at 200 degrees (I live in the UK) because my fan oven smokes if it goes higher than that and I found that after 20 mins they were perfect and came off the sheets very easily. Thanks for taking the time to give the different timings Deb, it was really helpful, and the pizzas were delicious.

  367. amanda

    Deb, if we were the exchanging a presents kind of friends and not just the electronic world ‘friends’ (term used loosely – just because I adore all of your recipes, love your writing and humor, and could eat up your little Jacob with a spoon – doesn’t mean you stalk me back. Its okay, my life is rather boring) I would TOTALLY buy you a baking steel. So much better than the stone and make a brick oven style pizzas. Amazing and Modernist Cuisine inspired! Thanks for another go-to recipe. I sometimes use this to make chicago-style double crusted pizza. So good!

    1. deb

      amanda — Aw, thanks! I’ll check it out. Or drop some hints. Btw, I do have the Lodge brand cast-iron pizza pan. I just forgot about it here. Because it’s so heavy I hide it in a closet most of the time, making it easy to forget. Ugh.

  368. Alanna

    I did not have good luck with this dough. It did not rise well and was very very very sticky and hard to work with. It shrank substantially in the oven and I didn’t find a huge flavour difference from your other dough.

    Yeast and flour were ok (they have been used in other things before and since).

    I will give it another go but in the meantime your other dough recipe will remain my absolute go to.

    Happy new year Deb and family!!

  369. I have to say, I’m pretty sure the only pizza dough recipe I’ve used was from your blog and thus have never experienced any of the problems you describe! I can’t wait to try this one too!

  370. Michelle

    Amazing pizza. I’ve never actually used yeast before ever, so I used a pack of the instant stuff I had and it worked just fine. Also, I was totally expecting the dough to be more difficult to use after the warning about stickiness (love the “don’t panic”) but it was fine! I kept the other half in the fridge for 2 days and it was just as good the second time. Thanks for the recipe!

  371. Jennifer

    I’ll admit that I am a total lurker. I’ve made countless unfailingly delicious recipes from your site, and I’ve already made this pizza several times. I felt compelled to finally write because this recipe always elicits two completely opposite but equally strong emotions in me. Honestly, I have cursed your name every time I try to shape this most uncooperative dough into anything resembling a pizza shape — so much so that it’s become a family joke. A half hour later, however, I cannot sing your praises strongly enough for sharing what has to be the most divine pizza recipe ever. The texture of the crust is perfectly crispy and chewy and utterly delicious and has turned me into an absolute snob with regard to all other pizzas. Thank you!

  372. Tamara

    Thanks so much for this recipe. I have made it twice now, and my husband and I agree that I always double the recipe from here on out :)

  373. Theresa

    Deb – first of all, I did not know I could make my own pizza until I found you. Thank you for countless nights of deliciousness. Second – I have found that the crust tastes and cooks best when I preheat the pizza stone, which leads to a logistical problem – how in the world do you transfer a rolled out, sauced and topped pizza to a blazing hot pizza stone? It sounds like maybe you skip this step altogether, but if you have any thoughts, I’m all ears – I am tired of rolling up a premade pizza into a ball and trying in vain to rearrange it into pizza form on a 500 degree stone.

  374. Kate

    I just have to say that I love this pizza dough. It is my new go-to recipe when we want pizza. I haven’t tried it with the toppings as suggested, but all the topping combinations I’ve tried are brilliant. I didn’t realize until this dough that the pizzas I was making were only hiding the dough flavor, but with this, I want something that enhances the flavor. It is perfect. It has put us off store bought pizzas or restaurant pizzas because it is so superior.

  375. Cindy

    This is by far the best homemade I pizza I’ve ever had, and quite honestly, one of the best pizzas I’ve ever had. In the past, I’ve had trouble getting pizza dough to stretch out. All it seems to do is boing back into thick round. This one stretched easily, baked up with a perfect combination of crispy/chewy, and even tasted fantastic cold the next day. Thank you for such a wonderful recipe!

  376. Mary Beth

    Hi, new to the site, and this pizza dough is the first recipe that I’ve tried–I just made it for dinner tonight, and before I tackle the dinner dishes I had to stop to thank you! This is by far the best pizza I’ve ever made at home, and SO EASY! I proofed the yeast after my first attempt failed, and that was all it took! Easy, delicious, and devoured! The sauce was fantastic!

    So good, I’m wondering if the dough recipe can be doubled?

  377. Theresa

    I broke all the rules and didn’t read the other comments about hot stones and parchment paper and all the other creative tricks people have for pizza assembly and transfer – sorry!! Will try the parchment paper next time!

  378. Lauren P

    I must have made this pizza dough twenty times, now. It’s so simple and foolproof, and adaptable! Thank you for sharing it!

  379. Edie

    Hi Deb and fans,

    I am obsessed with this pizza dough. Have made it so many times. I’ve made it as a green pizza, with diced zucchini, spinach, onion sauteed first and with a pesto sauce and aged mozzarella. Its wonderful and great way to get my kid to eat more veggies!

    Deb, you are the best!

  380. Would it be possible to make this pizza dough in large batches and freeze it ahead of time? or would there be another pizza recipe of yours that would be better suited for that?

  381. Paula

    High altitude comments! What a wonderful pizza recipe. I made the dough last night using King Arthur European flour, 1/8 tsp of instant yeast and water. I used more water than what the recipe called for since I find at high altitude and low humidity (20%), the dough needs the extra moisture. I was planning on having the pizza for dinner tonight after a 22 hour rise, but it rose much faster–most likely due to the altitude so made it for lunch instead. After 17 hours the dough was more than ready to be used. Next time I will use even less yeast. I make pizza frequently using Italian 00 flour that I get in Italy, or King Arthur Italian flour and grill it outside. I think this recipe is better and is now my all time favorite. The sauce is outstanding and taste just like what you would get in Italy. I used aged mozzarella. I can’t wait to make this again. My husband, daughter and grandchildren said it was the best homemade pizza. Thanks Deb for another wonderful recipe!

  382. Jeni

    I just made this dough and Oh.My.God! I didn’t know what you meant by saying it “crackles” until I took my first bite. It’s crispy on a whole new level and delightfully soft and spongy inside!! The extra rise time really does amazing things to the flavors. Thanks for another awesome recipe :)

  383. tooearly

    Wonderful! Made it for my family last night and it came out great.
    You forgot to include salt in the the written instructions for sauce though it is in the ingredients. Thanks! Any one want to share some favorite simple toppings?

  384. Jennifer

    Hi Deb! Love your blog and have been recently digging into your cookbook too. I had a question about the difference in quality between the rushed and leisurely dough. What, if any, differences do you find in the final dough between the two products? I’ve historically used a quick-make version I got from Jamie Oliver with good success, and tried your leisurely dough recipe last weekend. I was pretty happy with the dough, though found it didn’t rise as much as I expected, and the consistency was a bit stiffer. It was harder to roll out, but I was happy with the final product (though I over baked it a tad, and thus it didn’t have quite as much flexibility as I generally like). Thanks for your help!

    1. deb

      Jennifer — Longer rises lead to stretchier doughs, less yeasty in flavor, more fermented and rich. But the quick one works. I was hoping to give a plan that could fit any schedule, as I tried to again here. (Frankly, these, of course published later, are easier and more flavorful. A trip to Rome will do that!)

  385. Lizzie

    Reporting a 22 hour dough that didn’t rise. I used brand new yeast, though I didn’t proof it. Also, my apartment runs a little cool, but the dough showed very little signs of rising. I used half whole wheat flour, maybe that makes a difference? Bummer!

  386. Cat

    Mine (22 hour) rose perfectly with closer to 1/6 tsp yeast. However, it’s so wet that when I try to hold half, it actually oozes between my fingers. When I made it last night, I adjusted with tiny bits of extra water/extra flour and I’m thinking I needed a little less water. It oozes more than what the photos look like. Once I rubbed a little flour in and sprinkled a lot on top, I was mostly able to stretch it out.

    My house is 67 overnight and while we’re at work, 70 otherwise.

  387. Sandy

    Not that I need more pizza in my life, but this recipe is great for someone who likes to prep in advance. I have always struggled with the texture of previous doughs but I prefer a chewy, with crisp dough and this one nailed it. Thanks for your thorough research, as always!

  388. Mary

    I was so excited to make this and mixed it up before leaving for work this morning, only to find upon coming home that the moderately craggy mix now has big lumps of hardened-ish flour and didn’t rise at all. :o( I mixed it for quite a while – should I add more water next time?

    1. deb

      Hi Mary — Just try to break them up with your fingertips so you can mix them back in. Next time, maybe add the water a touch more slowly so lumps don’t form.

  389. Tamara

    I just wanted to report back that I made the overnight recipe using a gluten free flour blend, and it was DE-licious. My husband and kids all loved it, too. I’m new to gluten free, so any of you experienced gluten free bakers out there should definitely be able to do this! Go for it! :)

  390. Alana

    Deb, you just changed my life with this dough recipe. I always crave pizza but don’t care for the delivery costs, but I’m simply too lazy most of the days to get my hands dirty, knead and babysit a ball of dough. This is the best dough recipe I have ever seen in my life and the crust that I got yesterday night was the stuff of DREAMS. DREAMS, I TELL YOU. So, thanks for writing this blog that kicks major ass. You are my carbohydrate fairy godmother.

  391. Ana

    Hi Deb–so if someone who hates valentine’s day (i.e. me) wanted to make this pizza for their boyfriend as something-special-but-not-romantic next friday, what would you recommend serving with it? I feel like just pizza won’t be enough of a celebratory meal! Thanks!!

    1. deb

      Ana — Did you see today’s salad? It feels really festive. Another one of my favorite salads is this escarole one. We make it all of the time to go with Italian-ish dinner parties (usually serving lasagna or the like).

  392. Bill B

    Deb–I’ve been getting beautiful Lahey-recipe pies on my pizza stone, following the technique of an hour preheating the stone, then turning on broiler for ten minutes. Sliding pizza onto stone at 8 inches from flame, I get a beautiful slightly charred pie in 4-5 minutes. Only problem is that the bottom of the crust isn’t browning nicely. I’d read somewhere thatin this case, he suggested moving the stone higher-all the way up–but that didn’t work–The top got too dark too fast and the bottom still was pale. Any thoughts what I might change? Thanks

    1. deb

      Bill — I might do the opposite. I do the to-the-top trick to improve top-browning in my oven (it’s illogical as the heat source is at the bottom, but it works, I suspect because the heat bounces off the top) so perhaps the opposite is in order. It sounds like you’re doing everything “correct.” However, I wonder — and this is probably blasphemous — if you’ve compared the bottom crust when just using a regular old roasting pan as the pizza pan. Bread stones are about evenly distributing heat and making a nice crust on big loaves, maybe they’re not essential for thin ones? Would love to hear if you try it out.

  393. dede

    I’ve wanted to try this since it was initially published but couldn’t convince the husband to abandon his Mom’s Pillsbury Hot Roll mix pizza dough recipe. It’s a warm memory for him. Sadly, it’s getting harder to find at the store, (shhh, he rarely goes to the grocery, he’ll never know) so I decided to whip this up this morning as an alternative. I can not believe how fast this was, literally five minutes of my time this morning. I admit to reading some of the comments at work as I was nervous what my craggy mound was doing while I was not here to monitor its progress. I used the 12-hour version and came home to burpy yeasty delightfulness. Dinner came together quickly and was DELICIOUS! This will be in the weekday rotation for sure. The crispness, the chew, YUM!

  394. Deb, thank you for going on a pizza dough journey. I had a yen yesterday morning to make pizza, threw together the Part-day dough, and I’m so happy with the results! Great texture, not too bready, crispy edges – a delight. My pizza-snob husband agreed. The texture even survived beautifully with microwave reheating (not crispy, no, but not tough either). We’ll be using this one again for sure. You rock!

  395. ballardelle

    I am a devoted follower of Smitten but this post is actually to say thanks to Margo (#73-74) for recommending the King Arthur Now-or-Later dough. It’s not quite as effortless to whip together as Deb’s blissfully lazy pizza dough, but I found it much easier to manipulate after the rise. The KAF recipe is the first pizza dough I’ve succeeded in stretching into shape using simple gravity, by holding the dough at one end and slowly rotating my grip. This turned out to be much easier (and less cleanup!) than rolling out on parchment (which wrinkles but is necessary to avoid sticking to my baking stone). And the KAF dough came out supremely crunchy and thin in the middle and springy/airy at the edges – really a lovely texture. All of this just a half day after mixing it together. It beats my previous favorite from SeriousEats.

    I liked Deb’s lazy dough too, mostly because it was so easy to whip up and was very forgiving (I got holes when I stretched it into shape and was able to patch them with no one noticing in the final pizza). Unfortunately, it seemed a little too simple, lacking depth of flavor (a rare miss for Smitten!!). I also found the stickiness was a little hard to work with. For what it’s worth, I think the lazy dough could benefit from a longer rise. I used half of the 12-hour version on time, and saved the other half for a few days wrapped tightly in the fridge. I used the aged dough to make little savory popovers and the dough puffed up really nicely with a little more flavor than in the original rise.

  396. Claire

    Hi Deb! First time commenter here. I have my third batch of this pizza dough (in less than a week) proofing as we speak. I have had this recipe pinned for awhile but was intimidated because I am much more of a cook than a baker. I love that cooking is an art and baking feels more like a science to me. That said, this recipe is fabulous. The first time I made the dough it was a little dry and didn’t rise all the way. The second time, I added the water incrementally until I got to the desired consistency and made sure that all the flour was stirred into the dough. I also used one of those mesh strainer things to sift the flour, salt and yeast together and it made for a smoother, more incorporated dough (at least in my mind?). My baking method has been pre-heating my trusty cast iron pan in the oven at 500 degrees, assembling the pizza on the hot pan, and sticking it in the oven. Works great for me! Hope this helps anyone intimidated by baking!

  397. Jill

    Hi Deb! Last time I tried one of your pizza doughs (the one from the cookbook), I had issue with the center crust not cooking very well through. I made this updated dough recipe tonight, after a 24 hour rise. I made sure the oven preheated at 500 (max temp for my oven) for a whole hour before putting the pie in, on a baker’s half sheet. After 12 minutes, the top was bubbly and brown, just perfect, with golden baked edges. But sadly, same issue with the center crust of the pizza (underneath the toppings) only being baked half through. I would burn the toppings if I left it in longer.

    I think next time I will try to place the pan directly on the bottom of the oven, and might bake the crust for a few minutes by itself before adding toppings. Hopefully that will fix my underbaking issue. Will let you know when I do try it.

    Aside from that, I do love the texture of the (fully cooked) dough edges. Light, chewy, but with a crisp edge. Yum! Definitely worth the 24 hour rise.

  398. Jill

    Blargh. I tried the recipe again tonight (had refrigerated the other half of the dough). Parbaked the crust first for 4 minutes at 500F, on the bottom of the oven, then added toppings. Still had uncooked dough in the center. The edges were fine, but the top half of the crust underneath the toppings was gummy and undercooked, even after 15 minutes and brown bubbly cheese. What am I doing wrong?????

    1. deb

      Undercooked pizza dough — I see a couple comments about this and I’m just so baffled because I cannot imagine how a stretched-out pizza dough cannot cook in 10 or 15 minutes at such a staggering high temperature. Nevertheless, I don’t doubt that what you’re saying happened. So, tell me more if you can. Was the pizza dough on the thick side? (I make mine quite thin, but not like cracker-thin or anything.) And it had risen, yes? I’ll be happy to help more if I can.

  399. Alex

    Fantastic – as always. I made this dough and went with the asparagus topping from your book (with the addition of some seasoned ricotta) – this is the first time that homemade pizza has tasted close to, well, proper pizza. Like, the stuff you get at restaurants. The dough has great depth of flavour. And to top it all off, it was an absolute doddle to make! Extra brownie points for no kneading!

  400. Marina

    Hello, thanks for the wonderful recipe and instructions. My question is similar to Bill B’s in comment 526. I baked the pizza on a regular sheet pan and put it on the middle rack, but after 10 minutes the toppings were cooked and the crust was still totally pale and raw. I tried moving it to the bottom rack and after 10 extra minutes it was still the same, the crust was completely raw on the bottom. The oven temperature was 550, and the oven (gas) works fine for baking cakes, muffins and the like and also for roasting vegetables. What am I doing wrong? Thank you so much!

  401. Marina

    Thank you so much for your answer. The pizza was thin, just like you describe yours. But it’s interesting that you asked if it had risen, because I thought it didn’t as much as it was supposed to. I used the overnight recipe (but with 00 flour) and the dough formed a sort of crust on the surface. I thought it prevented the dough from rising much. When I stretched it I inverted the ball of dough so that the “crusty” part was on the bottom. But other than this crusty surface, the dough was very soft and sort of sticky just like you describe it. So maybe my yeast wasn’t good? (I didn’t proof it) I will try again with new yeast and let you know, but then you wouldn’t change the oven rack, right? should I still use the middle one? Thank you!!

  402. Very good tips and explanation! :)
    I love making (and eating of coure) pizza almost once a week (I’m Italian, I can’t live without it!). I always but Mozzarella di Bufala on that, it’s really AMAZING.
    For the gluten-free version I can say that my best friend since a couple years needs to eat that and we make a really great one with kamut ;)

  403. Amy

    My dough has been undercooked several times as well, and I had also been questioning whether it rose properly. It didn’t really look doubled. I just read through all the comments and now I’m wondering whether it’s because I’m using rapid rise (aka instant?) yeast. Deb addresses that in #446. After some quick internet research, though, I’m confused, because it sounds like to use instant instead of active dry, I should reduce the amount of yeast. And yet my problem is that several batches of the 22 hour recipe didn’t rise properly.

    I bake it at 500, and make 2 14″ crusts with the dough, so I think it ought to be thin enough –

  404. Margaret

    I have a question — how do you get the dough into an even layer? I’ve made this many times and it’s always delicious, but too thin in some spots and too thick in others. (Delicious everywhere, though.) Is there a trick?

  405. jill

    30 minutes until the dough is ready and I realized I bought crushed tomatoes. Well, 1 can whole and peeled with plenty of juice for my (first!) bloody mary, and 1 that’s, well, crushed. Not much drains when I dump them into a colander. Will it be too watery? — do you recommend I saute them a bit before I dump them in the blender to thicken the sauce? I love to cook and I have loved every single one of your recipes, but I’m afraid I need to follow the recipe in exact; am not much of an improviser. Thanks for your help!

    1. deb

      jill — I wouldn’t worry about it. Not draining a lot won’t ruin the pizza; it just helps keep moisture off the crust if you can drain some off. Hope you enjoyed it.

  406. Like hundreds before me, I too am a fan of your lazy pizza dough! No one believes me when I swear the world’s best dough comes from four ingredients and less than a minute of stirring. I’m also amazed at how forgiving the dough is¡ªthe overnight dough rose in just over 24 hours in my chilly 55-degree apartment. (Don’t ask.)

    I’ve frozen the dough in a ball, bound in layers of plastic wrap, and defrosted it in the fridge before making pizza a few days later, no harm done.

  407. Christy

    Your “kleenex under the sweater cuff” made me laugh! Your pizza recipe made me hungry. Thanks for all the wonderful recipes you’ve shared over the years. I think at least half my pinterest pins are from your site.

  408. Rebecca

    Hi Deb!
    Happy Friday! I’ve made the 6 hour dough lots of times now and really like it. however, I’m getting my act together a whole day in advance and am planning on making the 22 hour dough for tomorrow. I want to double it, though. So, here’s my question. Can I double the whole dough recipe in a big bowl or would that not work for some reason? I’m thinking that even though I’m doubling the flour, you might not want me to double the yeast? Hope my question makes sense!
    Thanks so much!!

  409. Carol

    I have been making this dough every week or so and I love it. For the first time, I subbed whole wheat flour for 1/3 of the regular flour and it was great! Substantial but not heavy with lots of bubbles. Yum! Next time, I’ll try making smaller pizzas out of it, so they’ll be thinner. This one’s a keeper!

  410. Marisa

    Made the overnight version, exactly per measurements, and it turned out perfect. Chewy and toothsome, yet slightly crackly. I did one crust on a parchment paper on top of my pizza stone, and the other on a perforated metal pizza pan. The parchment paper/pizza stone version was preferable, as it got a little crisper. Cannot wait to try this again. Thanks for a great, simple recipe!

  411. Lena

    I made this pizza dough and the “rushed one” from the cook book. I have to say I strongly prefer the “rushed one” over the lazy one. The rushed one was crispier and a lot closer to the crispy dough that I’ve made from another book, which requires several stops over a couple of hours. The one in this posting was okay, but it didn’t make me go “wow” like some of your other recipes do (and it could just be me not doing a great job with it in terms of the amount of water and baking temp). My advice is that anyone who has about 45 minutes to make pizza would be better off making the dough from the book for a better crust.

    As a side note: I used plain flour for this recipe, and did sub 1/2 cup bread flour for the rushed one. That could also be the reason for the difference in the 2 results.

  412. Beth

    This dough makes fantastic garlic knots – as a former NYer living in CT, good knots are really hard to find outside of NYC/Long Island. I took the dough, rolled it in flour so I wouldn’t stick to it. I then rolled it into logs, tied it into knots, and brushed it with a mixture of butter, olive oil, salt, and minced garlic that I cooked over low heat until the garlic was soft. Baked them at 500 for about 15 minutes, then brushed them with more of the garlic butter. They came out perfectly! Thanks, Deb, for a great pizza dough recipe (and I highly recommend making garlic knots with it).

  413. Coco

    Just tried this dough recipe and I am in love! I love pizza, but was always too intimidated by dough making to try making it myself. But this recipe worked out perfectly with almost no effort. I see a lot of home-made pizzas in my future.
    Thank you so much for the recipe!

  414. W.

    I just love this and have made it over and over since you first posted it. I’ve tried several types of pizza on this dough and they’ve all been nice, but your margherita tops all. Simple and delicious. The 22hr dough is my absolute favorite, and makes for a shockingly quick and easy weeknight dinner. I usually do one full-size cookie sheet pizza. THANK YOU!

  415. La Singe Cynthia

    Great recipes! I’m feeling the need to make a pizza today or tomorrow. I like these sneaky vegetarian dinners. My husband is a total meat maniac, and pizza keeps the beast at bay. I’m liking the thinking behind this recipe so I’m going to give it a go today. The extended rises are such a hassle but it is where the flavor comes from. I’ve got my fingers crossed this will make a really good quick pie.

    PLus I just found out (banging head into wall) that the wetter the dough the better the end product (when it comes to bread type stuff). I made biscuits this weekend and I went a little haywire with the buttermilk and boy did I ever get the biggest lightest biscuits – holy cow what a rise.

    I think we like to handle bread stuff too much.

  416. MelissaBKB

    I also had a problem with the middle being gummy/doughy (so we cut off the end pieces and ate those while the middle continued to bake). The only deviation from the recipe was that I rolled the dough out on the counter *then* put it on lightly greased foil on a cookie sheet (baked for 14 minutes at 500). I think I’ll try par-baking it next time to see if that helps…
    But man, those end pieces were good! Thanks, Deb! This is a great new recipe for me to play with!!! :)

  417. Bill B

    Hi Deb–Reporting back from from comment 526 (better late than never :-) ) What I had been doing since my comment about not getting the bottoms to brown properly, is immediately whisking the “finished” pizza into a very hot cast iron skillet to brown (and sometimes burn! ) the bottom side. Until my stone cracked right in half. Whoops. Done with that. But this wasn’t all bad news. It gave me the motivation to replace it with the Baking Steel I’d been reading about. More expensive and heavier than a stone, but since it’s a small slab o’ steel, not about to crack under heat. Well, I’ve gotta say, I’ve only had it about a week or two, but browning and baking problems are solved. My pizzas are still a work in progress, but a lot farther along now. Really good, actually. Only problem is that I might be eating a little too much of my own pizza.

  418. Caitlin

    Made this last night and was sadly disappointed. I did the 22 hour schedule. When I tried to use the dough to make the pizza, it was the consistency of a thick cake batter. No stretch, and so damp that it was truly impossible to work with. I have worked with soft doughs before, but this was different. I used 3 cups of flour (spooned the flour into the cup, then leveled) and 1 1/4 cups water. All I can figure is that there was too much water, but it seems like even if that was the problem, I still should have been able to work with it. Like I said, it had NO stretch, and I ended up just having to spread it will a spatula on the sheet pan until it resembled an uneven, misshapen blob. Any ideas on what went wrong?

  419. Katy

    How can I modify this for 100% whole wheat? I’ve tried the all-day schedule now twice – first as-written and then again with more yeast and water but both times I end up with something that tears more than stretches and even after 36 hours it had only risen by about 30%. Help!

  420. Joe Chaffee

    Dear Deb

    No hard feelings-and this goes along with what you mentioned about watching the liquid content of the toppings and the crust-but I can see one thing you are doing wrong just from the photos in the recipe. You show the pizza ready to be placed in the oven and it is sitting in of all things A PAN-ohhh nooo-A PAN!

    You want to place the pizza in the oven on the rack ALONE at least ten minutes in order to start the crust to brown. You can use an oven stone also but make sure it is as hot as the oven is. Then after the ten minutes-maybe fifteen (unless you have one of those 675 degree pizzaria blast furnaces)-you place it in a pan to finish the bake. This allows the toppings to cook and prevents the crust from being overcooked.

    This is a tried and true method. Try it and you will be surprised.

    Molto gracie

  421. PK

    A flop, both figuratively and literally. At the end of 6 hours, I pulled the dough from the bowl only to have an impossible mound of unworkable ooze that stuck to everything.

    Because there was no Plan B for dinner, my son and I nudged the “dough” enough to get some toppings onto it and bake what we dubbed “pizza amoeba”. At 500 degrees, the toppings were well on their way to overdone, with the crust spongy in the middle and tough around the edges.

    Though I love Lahey’s breads and greatly admire the time and trouble Deb went to to arrive at what would seem to be a fantastic way to fit pizza into our family schedule, the dough recipe search continues.

  422. Lisa

    I was using Todd English’s pizza dough recipe for a very long time. Hand kneading for 10 min followed by a 2 hour rise. Lots of work for good but not great crust. I finally tried the no-knead Lahey pizza dough recipe about two months ago and it was life-changing! Wow, I could not believe I could produce a crust like that in my home kitchen. It’s better than any pizza I have ever had in any restaurant and paid quadruple for. Seriously. Today, I wanted Friday night pizza but forgot to mix the dough last night and was disappointed. Until I read your post and gave the part-time six hour rise dough a try. I mixed the dough at 11 am and baked at 6:30 pm. And it worked! Like magic! It’s nice to have an option if you can’t do the long 18 hr rise. I do love this no knead dough made with type 00 flour. I also add chopped fresh herbs/dried herbs or seasoning (Mrs. Dash) to the flour for an extra flavour boost. I have frozen pre-measured balls of the no-knead dough, covered with a touch of olive oil, wrapped tightly in Saran and then placed in a freezer Ziploc and had no issues with quality after defrosting and baking. I’ve tried the Emile Henry pizza stone but nothing beats the Williams Sonoma pizza crisper. Shape your dough and lay it on there then top and bake. Perfect crispy golden brown crust all across the entire bottom surface of the pizza every time. Without the preheat, cornmeal and mess. I bake at 450C for about 17 min¡­and I stretch my dough to a very thin crust. This temp avoids a blackened burnt crust and scorched toppings which I can’t stand.
    Thank you!

  423. Paul

    Very interesting and obviously knowing article but it needs SERIOUS editing, far, far too wordy, should be reduced to less than half.

  424. Mahtab

    First time ever making pizza dough – made this on Monday night! I did the 22 hr version. My dough definitely did not double in size for whatever reason, but it was still stretchy and seemed like it had the texture you described. I formed the dough into a pretty awkward looking rectangle and then put it on a cookie sheet, sprayed on a little PAM, sprinkled a lot of cornmeal, turned my oven up to 500 degrees and threw it in for less than 15 minutes. The results were pretty great, my friends loved it, but I felt I had made it a little too thick (it was quite chewy). I would definitely try this again!

  425. Fiona

    Made the overnight version last week. Worried that the active dry yeast I’d bought months ago was tending towards INactive, so doubled the amount (as if that would’ve helped!). Then panicked that I’d added far too much. It sat for 22 hours, doubled in size, all was good. The dough was surprisingly OK to work with. Flouring is key…

    I baked the dough for ca. 5 min before putting on the toppings to make sure it was cooked through. Friend said it was the best homemade pizza he’d ever had!

  426. Jill

    I’m posting a follow-up to my previous issue with this dough being underdone in the middle of the pie, even when the rest is past done.

    I tried this again with the 8 hour recipe; used double the yeast (old yeast) and (tried) to use a baking sheet like a pizza stone… let it heat up in the oven for an hour, then assembled the pizza on a same sized room temp baking sheet and set it atop the heated one. I baked the crust alone directly on the oven coils for 4 minutes, then pulled that out and added sauce/cheese/basil, then finished baking. Definitely better results this time. Still not as cooked in the middle as the edges, but no longer raw.

    I think my yeast being old, my oven not going over 500F, and the lack of a pizza stone are probably why I have struggled to get this crust to bake as I want it to. Time to buy a pizza stone!

    in any case, the flavor of the crust is Sooo yummy, and I love the sauce recipe too. Thanks Deb!

  427. Courtney

    This dough turned out wonderfully well considering I have never made pizza dough before. I saw in the comments that lots of people were having under done dough. So I par baked the dough and then added my toppings and my dough was perfectly cooked in 15 mins total at 220c. Although the dough is very disobedient (would not form any shape I attempted) I floured if very well and managed to roll it into a very rough rectangle on the back of a baking sheet. Overall I am really pleased with this recipe and can’t wait to make it again. Would also like to add I had no trouble with the rising of the dough as some others have. Mine more than doubled in size. And just for reference I made the 22 hour version although I did let it rise for around 25 hours but this was because we ended up having dinner later, not because of any issues with the dough

  428. michelle

    Hi Deb,
    I’m not sure where’s the best place to ask this, but do you have any tips for getting even baking in a tiny oven? I recently moved, and I have a gas oven that can only fit quarter sheet-sized pans. When I bake bread, the bottom ends up getting a bit burnt before the top gets golden. I tried placing the rack closer to the top (farther from the heating element at the bottom). It helps somewhat, but I’m still having this problem. I closely monitor the temp with a thermometer, so I don’t think that incorrect temp is an issue.
    Thanks so much for your advice!

    1. deb

      michelle — That’s what I had for the first 8 years of this site, basically until last week. I did find in the oven that I had that I got better color keeping stuff in the top half or third. And bread would get too dark underneath, but that’s not uncommon with other ovens. It’s why many people use bread stones, to help keep the crust from scorching against a metal or thin pan.

  429. Sarah

    Thanks, Deb, for the recipe, and thanks to the SK hive for the tips (using parchment for the first few minutes of baking, especially). I did the 12-hour dough and it was a tasty end to the last-day-before-school.

  430. Cheryl


    I would like to know if you ever tried this dough using 00 flour. I also have some patiently waiting to fine a recipe to use my special flour.

  431. Joan

    I discovered Jim Lahey’s pizza dough about a year ago and though it was a pain to work with because of the stickiness, I love it. Then I found a way to make it easier to work with and taste better on Serious Eats. Kenji suggests refrigerating it and when it is 3 to 5 days old it not only is much easier to work with, it tastes even better. Check out his research here:

  432. Ryan

    Deb – as both an active reader of your site and a pizza obsessive, I can’t believe that I missed this post. I have actually been on a pizza journey as well over the last couple of years. My conclusions are very similar to yours re: cheese and tomatoes.

    A tip I’ve discovered for the crust: you can proof the yeast while cooking in a way that actually doesn’t add another step. Because having dough not rise is an awful surprise that may ruin a while dinner party, it think this is very important. Simply combine your water, yeast, and a dash of honey in a pyrex measuring cup and mix. Then, while you’re measuring out your salt and flour, let yeast sit, and in just 3-4 minutes you should get foam. If you see it, then just continue mixing. No need for another step / bowl.

    Another tip: rise your dough balls in those 8-inch round thai food takeout containers. Then the dough comes out in a shape that can naturally be tossed into a perfect round pizza.

  433. Gale

    I went down a Smitten Kitchen rabbit hole to get here. Today’s (10/29/14) post on Squash Toasts took me to your “One Year Ago” Spinach Pizette post, which brought me here. And I have a question.

    Once upon a time I watched a video that recommended putting pizzas onto a pan that is already hot in a 500-degree oven. I tried it (on an upside down half sheet pan) and found that, as advised by the video I watched, I got much better results. Crispier crust on the outside and more like pizza parlor pizza. But to get it to work you have to be able to shimmy the pizza off of the pan where you assembled it and onto the hot pan in the oven. Is this dough to soft and sticky to transfer?

  434. deb

    This dough is on the soft side to transfer. But, I think you can heat the pan, take it out, put the stretched out dough on and and quickly add the toppings before returning it to the oven. Or, if you have faith in your parchment paper (which might burn a little at the edges, but you’re not eating the paper, of course), you can make it on the parchment paper and slide THAT onto the hot tray. Hope that helps.

  435. Helen

    Just a note about the tomatoes: in Canada something called “crushed tomatoes” is available, which looks very much like the picture of your tomatoes after you drained them. It is very sauce-like and thick. If it’s the right consistency, it could save a step.

  436. Valerie

    After 22 yrs of marriage (& a minor fear of working with yeast) I tried this pizza dough recipe tonight…Huge hit with the hubby, and we’re already thinking of all the possibilities! Pizza Bianca, BBQ chicken, roasted eggplant, !Christmas pizza party! etc., etc.! Can’t believe I waited so long to try it! I made the 6-hr version, and was admittedly a little concerned when the dough didn’t appear to ‘rise’ (as with bread dough) but it had indeed spread out and doubled in volume. Was a soft and pliable dough to work with. I gently spread it out over the tops of my fists and it worked into a perfect circle. Was easily able to slide it from the cornmeal-dusted peel on to the preheated Emile Henry stone @ 500deg. I have made/enjoyed so many of your recipes, Deb, and this was no exception! Thank you! P.S. Just rec’d your book for my birthday & I Love, Love, Love it!

  437. kathy

    hi, im just a beginer who wants to make her own pizza for her family at home, and i have a question

    active dry yeast is not available here in ksa (kingdom of saudia arabia), what they have here is instant yeast (saf-instant red label), can i substitute this instant yeast instead with 1:1 ratio?

  438. I got your cookbook for Christmas and made the overnight pizza dough last night. I’ve peeked in my fridge and it hasn’t changed. Is this normal? I’m making pizza for a crowd for my son’s birthday. Should I set it out on the counter all day? Or have I failed somehow and should try again? Help! (I do live in near the Rocky Mountains – would my elevation have something to do with it?)

    1. deb

      J.R. — I am, sadly, not an expert on high altitude cooking; I understand that with pizza doughs, not many changes are usually necessary (especially if you’re at 5K feet or less), but they sometimes need more water. It should have changed a little in the fridge but it’s okay if it doesn’t look fully doubled in the morning. Did it turn out okay?

  439. Mary

    Hi Deb,
    I was hoping to make a couple of pizzas to serve as appies for New Year’s but was hoping to assemble them before my guests come and then put them in the oven in the late evening. Would you suggest chilling them with the toppings on and then letting them come to room temperature before baking, or just putting them right in the oven from the fridge or just leaving them on the counter until I’m ready to bake them after they have fully risen and I have assembled them?
    Thank you!

  440. Tricia

    So, like you I am always searching for the perfect pizza dough to make. I don’t like the ones made the say day so this one looked quite interesting to me. I made the dough, set it aside to rise overnight and then the next afternoon I started to make the pizza. I drained the tomatoes just like your picture and used the immersion blender on it and set it aside. I tried hard to stretch out the dough to the size you recommend. I put my pizza in the 550 degree oven on a pizza stone and waited for perfection. Well, I was disappointed and I don’t know exactly what I did wrong. The pizza sauce was too watery and made the crust doughy, I think. The crust around the outside edges was crisp and good. The dough in the middle felt doughy or somewhat uncooked. Now that I know I should actually squeeze the tomatoes to release juice too. I used fancy Italian tomatoes. So, where do you think I went wrong?

  441. deb

    Tricia — Definitely wetness sounds like it came from the tomatoes. Did they seem to go on thick? I usually keep them very thin, even if I don’t use it all. I think the Roberta’s pizza recipe uses about 2T per pie, if I remember correctly.

  442. Hi Deb
    I tried to proof the dough in a preheated 200 degree oven as in the rushed dough. I did it for an hour – it helped, the dough rose a bit, but never doubled (I had 3 balls). When I went to roll it out for my son’s party I was bit panicky as it wasn’t very stretchy either. In the end, it was okay overall. Thin and crisp (with a smidge of cardboard). I ended up doing the rushed recipe yesterday – no problems! Love having a 30 minute pizza dough! We were at a loss what to make for lunch today and I told my husband, “I can make pizza dough in 30 minutes” TO which he responded “let’s do it”. SO a huge thanks for the great recipe! I will try the make ahead again one day – I’ll just had a touch more water and yeast.

  443. I finally got pizza dough thanks to you! I am almost in shock at how many bags of flour and water I have purchased at Trader Joes and Fairway up until now. How silly! (fyi TJs is sadly way better than Fairway). I do anticipate freezing some dough as I have a toddler and having meals at the ready is a great comfort as I am sure you know. Thank you! Happy New Year!

  444. Lynda

    I use 10″ Lodge cast iron griddles (we like *different* little ones). I also par-bake for a minute so the top is crispier. I bake @ 550 on a pan slightly warmed (on the stove burner).

    A lot of people are struggling with wetness. Simply flour the counter or board. Turn your bowl upside down and flop it out on the flour. Now, flour the top, GENTLY. Softly rub the surface with flour. It’s easy to work the dough with a copious flour coating.

    I don’t think the timing matters much at all. Sometimes I let it rise for 16 hours, sometimes 24 hours. I use what I want for the nights’ pizza, and then shape (Jim Lahey fold method) into balls and in the fridge for up to 6 days. YES, I’ve made a thousand of them! I even will grab a glob in the morning for Cinnamon Toast Pizza or Cheeze Pizza Toast!

    I just basically have globs of it around to use all week.

  445. Susan

    I’ve made this several times now and am always so pleased with the flavor and chewy-tenderness of the crumb. I used a shiny 1/4 sheet pan this time and didn’t get the brown bottom crust like I usually do, so I just placed the pizza on the oven rack and let the crust crisp a little. It did the trick. I won’t use a shiney pan again. In one of Lahey’s videos he speaks about how he uses a black steel pan to bake the pizza at home. I don’t have one of those, but I do have my blackened pizza pan that I’ve had forever. I just wanted a rectangle this time!

    Another thing I’ve done is use this dough as a bigga. It’s the basic recipe for it and it really does flavor up my baguettes when I make them. I thought about that when I went on a binge of making the no-knead bread as it, too, is really nothing more than a bigga, but I was burned out after baking that bread so often!

  446. Amirah

    @kathy – I don’t know if you will ever see this, but I couldn’t help replying to your comment. Are you sure active dry yeast isn’t available in Saudi? I live in Qatar and we’ve always had the Saf Active Dry in a small metal pot, with a blue and white label (not the vacuum packed foil). Before the 2000s instant yeast was almost unheard of in our supermarkets. I wonder why it wouldn’t be the same just across the border.

  447. Elena

    I make a whole wheat version of this pizza – I am Italian and have received so many compliments over it, I sometimes am reluctant to share the fact that it’s a recipe from a US website. Really great, Deb. Thank you for sharing!

  448. Best pizza dough of my life! Seriously…Worth the 22 hour rise for sure. My kitchen and house are freezing right now so I actually placed the dough in front of the (gas) fireplace to speed up the rise a little. Can’t wait to make this again soon!

  449. Sarah

    Made this grad-student style at high altitude on an upside down baking sheet, using another pan as a pizza paddle. Put prosciutto on the top when I took it out of the oven – ABSOLUTE HEAVEN. Things get dicey if you approach the hot pan afraid and I almost had a pizza catastrophe when the parchment paper slumped but I persevered and it turned out amazing. Don’t be afraid! Just schoonk it right on there and don’t hesitate. (I think it can smell fear). Thanks for the amazing recipe – it turned out brilliantly!

  450. Lindsay

    I don’t know if you still check this, but I hope so. I have never made my own bread before, so this was my first time working with yeast. I made the 6-hour dough yesterday at noon, and when I checked it at 5:00 it had not appeared to rise at all. I googled “how to rescue dough that didn’t rise” and tested my yeast and it appeared to be ok. So I added some more yeast to my dough (just sprinkled some from the packet, didn’t measure) and kneaded it into the dough with my hands. Then I put the bowl inside a bigger bowl of hot water and inside a warm (but turned-off oven) and I let it sit until midnight. It did rise a little, but certainly not anywhere close to double… maybe it rose 25% over 12 hours? I separated it into two balls, wrapped in plastic and put in the fridge, where it remains today. It didn’t appear to rise anymore during the night. I’m planning to bake it tonight. Do you think there’s a chance this will still work, or would you advise I throw it away and get takeout tonight? Thank you! Excited to figure this out someday…

  451. Lindsay

    Figured I’d update in case anyone read my last comment. I made the pizza with my sorta-risen dough, and it took 3 times as long to cook to get the crust to not be raw in the middle. In doing so, I ended up overcooking the cheese/toppings. Ultimately I ended up with a more cracker-like crust with a chewy center. However, I could tell the flavors would have been good had the crust worked out, so I will try again.

  452. MaryAnn

    I found Jim Lahey’s no knead pizza dough recipe online before I saw your article so I made the dough using 1/4 tsp active dry yeast and King Arthur unbleached bread flour. I left the dough on the counter for about 24 hours because it didn’t seem to be rising as much as it should. The recipe gave 2 options for shaping the dough, on the counter using your fingers, or in the air using your knuckles to stretch the dough. We couldn’t get either to work on the dough, it just kept snapping back into the small, barely stretched shape. What am I doing wrong?

  453. deb

    MaryAnn — It sounds like it either didn’t rise enough or at all, or rose too much and then collapsed, more likely the former. The yeast was definitely good? Was the kitchen on the cold side?

    1. C

      Maybe that was my problem, too. I used the 6-hour approach. The dough was not super-soft. The pizza was OK but not amazing. The crust stayed pale even after the cheese bronzed. I used bread flour and thought maybe I should use more liquid (I put in one extra spoonful), and baked on the center rack. Maybe I’ll try again some time with more liquid and a more precise measure of volume change in the rise.

      (No way to choose I made this or I have a question on replies?)

  454. Tawni

    Help! Made the dough last night for dinner today and it doesn’t look like it has done much. I have made doughs like this before and they worked beautifully, but I don’t know if I should try starting another one or wait and see for this dough. I live at a high elevation (4500) and I know my yeast is good.

    1. deb

      Hi Tawni — Sorry it doesn’t look like it has done much. I haven’t worked much at a high elevation, so I did some Googling and I found this. They suggest a little more water and flour (just a spoonful, so it’s probably not an issue) but the part that made me nervous is that they say that rising times are much shorter. Do you think there’s any chance it’s already proofed and collapsed? If so, I’d definitely start again of course. If not and it just didn’t get started, I’d warm your oven to 150 degrees then turn it off, then place the dough in there for 20 to 30 minutes, after which it should finish proofing.

  455. Irini

    Hello! This is my first comment in your site but I’ve been following for some months. I already had a go-to pizza dough recipe so I hadn’t tried this one. That is until tonight, as yesterday I read all the post and comments and prepared the dough. For someone who would love to eat pizza every day, I must say after all this years making pizzas that this is a REVELATION. :) I had to remind myself to be patient while spreading it in the pan but the result was better than I had expected. I think I’ll never make another one. I apologize for the long comment. Thank you and many thanks from all my family.

  456. Janessa

    I am aware that this comment is coming a whole year-and-a-half after the post was written (right on time, ey?), but I had to say THANK YOU! This pizza was delicious and your very helpful and descriptive recipe was the key to my success. I made the 6-hour dough and it was simple and so very, very tasty. My husband and kids loved it! I made one, circular, margarita pizza. And one, rectangular, pepperoni pizza. I am going to put this in my regular rotation, and this from someone who is usually pretty scared of making dough! Quick tip if anyone is interested; I used Pampered Chef stoneware without any cornmeal or oil and the pizzas did not stick at all. Now, my pans are seasoned pretty well, but I was so impressed with how they handled the dough. I did not preheat them. Thanks again Deb!

  457. Kelli

    Made this tonight for the first time, somewhere in between the 6 and 12 hour rise recommendations, and it was hands down the best pizza I’ve ever made! Don’t be scared of the dough, it cooperates eventually if you nudge it enough.

  458. Very interesting, and highly detailed.

    But I do have a question. Why would you sprinkle corn,eal on the hot baking stone? Won’t it burn? Isn’t sprinkling cormeal on the peel sufficient?
    Baking pizza on the back of a baking sheetbsounds like it would makeba verynmessy oven.

  459. deb

    Don — I haven’t had an issue with the cornmeal burning on the stone; it shouldn’t burn any faster than the crust would, once covered with it. But I also don’t assume that most people have pizza peels; I mean, they’re great if you make pizza a lot but most people are just going to want to ad-lib, and that’s where the baking sheet comes in. If you have one and cornmeal-ing the peel is sufficient, you can definitely skip the cornmeal-on-stone step. Hope that helps/clarifies.

  460. Sarah

    I just made this last night, and I don’t have a baking stone or a peel. My pizzas were made on the back of a half-sheet pan, and they were amazing! One crust came out smaller, loftier, and chewier; the other, I was able to stretch thinner and larger. They were each delicious in their own way, and this recipe is going into my regular repertoire.

    The margherita sauce was so easy and just right with this dough. Thanks for another fantastic dinner!

  461. Nicole

    First I love Jim Lahey’s cookbook. Would highly recommend it to others as a mainstay of innovative cookbooks you keep around.

    Second, I equally love all of the hard work you’ve put into this recipe Deb and taking the time to comment in response to people even a year later. As an aside, is there anyway comments where someone has tried the recipe could be highlighted? It would be so useful as a frequent user of your website. Maybe a way for ppl to rate a comment as helpful? For now, I typically just scroll past the first 100 or so :)

    On to the recipe: made the whole wheat version and wasn’t shocked by the wetness having been familiar with some of Laheys other breads. It is quite a bit more difficult to spread though. Would recommend as many have said- put the stretched dough on the hot pizza stone and fill with toppings then. I would recommend the whole wheat version, great dough flavor (better than TJs), and a crispy finish for the most part.

  462. Jamie

    I love this recipe. This is now my go-to for pizza and we have it about twice a month. So thanks!

    Thank you also to the person in the comments (too lazy to find the post and name the genius) who suggested 2 tbsn sourdough in place of yeast; this is the best sourdough pizza ever!

  463. Helen

    I had fresh pizza two days in a row and I am not mad about it!

    I had made Lahey’s no-knead bread recipe the week prior and, really, it is too easy! One of those “am I sure my eyes didn’t just casually gloss over an ingredient/step” easy. So when I came across your take on his pizza dough recipe, I might have squealed. I may have squealed again after making pizza for dinner last night. We also made the same exact pizza for lunch today. This crust is fabulous and too easy!

    I pieced together some recos from various comments to make my pizza making go smoothly without a stone (and with clumsy hands)! I preheated my oven to 550, and placed a rack on the bottom setting. I stretched the dough on a piece of parchment on the back of a heavy duty baking sheet and assembled the ‘za there, too. I baked for 10 minutes, used a spatula to lift the ‘za and remove the parchment, rotated pan. Finished baking from there!

    Thank you Deb and thank you everyone with the helpful tips! I have you to blame for having pizza 2 x a week now :)

  464. Singapore sling

    This is the most amaaaaazing pizza dough ever! Mind officially blown by how easy it was. I really hope you are checking the comments in older posts because I’m dying to ask for your advice on using this dough for breadsticks…I’m sure it would be heavenly?!?! But would I have to make any changes?? Or just shape this into little stick lengths and then brush with garlicky butter and sprinkle parmesan?? I really hope you’re checking mail while we sleep on this side of the world and I’m able to wake up to an answer :)

    Thank you so much, and hope you have a wonderful home stretch!

    1. deb

      Singapore sling — I always see new comments. :) I think it would make great breadsticks, just the way you described. Enjoy them and thank you.

  465. Beth

    I’ve made this multiple times with great success….until the last two times. Twice now the rising dough has formed a hard crusty shell on top. I’ve been able to just remove it and use the dough underneath, but it wastes a lot of dough. I cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap and keep it in a draft free place. I make a lot of bread, and this hasn’t happened before. Any ideas why all of a sudden (even as we speak) this is happening? Not enough water in the dough is my thought.

    1. deb

      Beth — So strange. Does it just seem like dry dough on the outside (in which case, it should be fine if you knead back in) or a crust from something else, like a chemical reaction?

  466. Gloucester

    Just made and devoured your calzone from the cookbook! (I used David Lebovitz’s pizza dough which is close to your “rushed” dough formula).

    Can this lazy dough be used to form a calzone or is it too sticky?

  467. deb

    Gloucester — This is probably a little too sticky. But you can use the technique (reducing yeast for a longer rise and better flavor) in many other recipes.

  468. Tamar

    Just made this last night and it was outstanding. One of the pizzas spent a teeny bit too long in the oven and came out a bit tough, but the other was perfect. The reason it spent longer in the oven is that I was waiting for the crust to brown…which it never did, on either pizza. Any thoughts about why this is? I did bake the pizzas on the back of the baking sheet, and actually my oven tends to run hot, so I am stumped.

  469. Alex Sideman

    So sticky, really hard to get spread out… but it was soooooo good.

    Tamar – mine didn’t brown much either. But they were still good.

  470. Mica

    I made the pizza recipe above with all purpose gluten free flour. It was so delicious. It came out like cookie dough which I prefer more. I let it rise for an hour and cooked it at 450 for about 15 minutes. I also used the smaller amount of yeast and I used warm water. I used the above recipe to make four individual pizzas. It turned out great and I’d recommend it.

  471. Andy-O

    Hi Deb! I’ve made this dough four Sundays in a row, and it’s just the ticket! With other pizza doughs, I almost never remember to start early enough, or I’m anxious all day hanging around the kitchen to punch down and knead the dough. This solves it! We top ours with caramelized onions and it’s the best thing we eat all week.

  472. Trish

    I love this, thanks so much for sharing! I didn’t take the time to read all the comments but I have done this gluten free for my sister and she loved it. I just took quick oats and blended them to make flour then used that in place of all the wheat flour. I am a “dump not measure” cook so I am not sure of the proportions. Hope this helps someone!

  473. Randi

    I’m a terrible reader and don’t have the time or the will to read all of the 641 previous comments (hopefully I’m not repeating anyone else) but I HAD to say that the technique in this King Arthur Flour post to make pizza oven quality pizzas was AMAZING!

    The key I think was the folding technique before letting it rest while the oven preheated and cooking with the broiler on! I LOVE bubbly dough and this was AWESOME! I am going to try your dough recipe with KAF oven techniques and I’m hoping for the best pizza EVER!

  474. tammy

    I’m so excited to try this tonight! But, I wish you had listed cornmeal in the ingredients section of either the dough or pizza. I screenshotted the ingredients listed and ran to the store and totally did not think of cornmeal :( Will it be okay with some olive oil?

  475. Tina

    I finally made it!!! I happened to see your site while i was carrying my little munchkin and was planning to try pizza at home for the first time. I had made pizza using the other recipe you have posted with honey and don’t take too long a wait and my family had liked it. Even though I saw it, was too lazy to try out. But yesterday morning I made the dough using this recipe for pizza dinner and its was the BESTEST pizza i had ever eaten. My mom declared she is never going to have pizza from outside after having it! You were so right about the texture and flavor of the base. It did make a difference. Thank you so much.
    PS. I required only 1 cup water for the dough.

  476. Rebekah

    This has become my go-to easy pizza dough and sauce. I wanted to make some lazy breadsticks to go with hummus and decided to try adapting this dough (I see someone else asked about making breadsticks with the dough). I substituted half a cup of semolina flour for the same amount of all-purpose in the recipe. After rising I rolled out the dough and cut strips with a pizza cutter, twisted and then baked in a hot oven (225C/430F) for about 12 minutes. Delicious, crusty breadsticks. My husband and his friends were gushing over them.

  477. deb

    sairosh — I didn’t test it with instant yeast but I know many people used it instead. I find it sometimes takes longer to rise with the same amount, sometimes less time, so you might want to keep an eye on it. But it does work.

  478. karen marie

    I just finished eating my first pizza using this dough/sauce. The sauce is fantastic. The pizza overall wasn’t bad for the first time. I made a pizza using about 1/3 of the dough, on a cookie sheet that has one end open and very low sides, with parchment and no cornmeal. I stretched the dough most of the way by using gravity, then smushed it some more, getting fairly thin. I precooked that on the lowest rack position for three minutes in a 550 oven preheated for 40 minutes, then put the sauce and mozzarella on it, cooking it for only nine minutes because the cheese was getting too brown and the crust looked brown. As it turns out the crust under the sauce was almost but not completely cooked, so it was a bit soft. Next time I will preccok the crust for four minutes, apply sauce, cook for five minutes, then add the cheese for the last five to six minutes. The crust was not bad. I think the six-hour rise just doesn’t make as tasty a crust as an 18-hour rise. I have the rest of the dough in the fridge for further experimentation. All the comments were really helpful to me in understanding different options, what to watch out for, etc. Thanks!

  479. Grace

    do you think it would work/be worthwhile to assemble the pizza with toppings and then freeze that? then bake it just a bit longer?

    i’m planning a freezer cooking party with some friends, and we’re trying to come up with some recipes we can stock up on :)

  480. Sally

    Thank you. Again. You have answered entirely all my questions and pre tempted all of my worries (the timing logistics). If the answers were not in the original recipe and/or your reflections on it, then they appear in your replies to comments. I cannot begin to say how much I have enjoyed whiling away an hour or two this morning reading about pizza in the comments as well. What a great way to spend an early Sunday morning!

  481. Bart

    This pizza was excellent. It is still cold here in Buffaloathe, so I used an old trick of mine. I set oven to 100 and proofed dough in there for 6 hours. I turned it on and off every hour or so. I topped 1 with 5 cheeses and shaved raw asparagus and ramps from hills near my cabin. The sauce in your recipe is my new goto sauce. Thanks!

  482. Cathy H.

    I’ve always struggled with making my pizza dough keep a shape … It always wanted to snap back & I ended up with too thick of a crust. This recipe is excellent. Easy & so tasty! I felt like quite a pro when I was able to “almost” toss the dough! My family loved it. Smitten Kitchen you never let me down!

  483. Allie

    So, I had a weird thing happen.. I own the Jim Lahey book and have made this recipe once or twice before. Never any more than that because of the very awkward period of time it requires to be left — THANK YOU for taking the time to fix that. :)

    I followed your instructions for the 22-hour rise, mixed everything up, and it looked good in the bowl, or at least as I remembered it from doing the recipe before. Not overly wet, but wetter and stickier than a bread dough.

    I left that alone covered in plastic wrap; sneaking a few peeks, it was a sponge for a long time, which worried me, and then toward the end looked more like dough. When I turned it out on the board, it had a liquid center! Dough on top, dough on bottom, gooey center. So weird. I’ve never had that happen before and I’ve made pizza countless times. I’m also almost positive that I measured everything correctly, as I double-checked before I proceeded.

    To salvage dinner, I added a load more flour until the dough was workable and let it sit for about 15 minutes. It was not great that night, but the couple balls I bagged, froze, and used later behaved beautifully during handling and were very, very tasty.

    Anyone know what the liquid center thing is all about?

  484. Sarah R.

    Best pizza dough recipe I’ve tried to date – thank you! I only had time for the 6 hour rise this time, so I am sure the longer versions will be even tastier!

  485. Elizabeth

    This has become such a staple in my house that my 8yo prefers it when I make the pizza, than when I offer to buy it from our local Italian (and, previously, that was her ‘most favouritist food in the universe’). I definitely recommend using the 22-hour version if you can manage it – it gives the best taste and texture (and smells sour-dough divine!) – but I’ve used the 6-hour in a pinch and it worked out ok.

    I just wanted to add here for any newcomers that I regularly use just wholewheat flour – it sucks up a little more moisture than using just white flour or going half/half, and it needs a little more time to cook, but it’s so much more filling without feeling dense. If I thought my family wouldn’t riot, I’d soak some grains in boiling water until the water is cooled and then add them to the dough mixture. I reckon a 5- or 7-grain hot cereal mix would be awesome, but I’m leaving that experiment for when I’m the only one eating.

  486. Gitty

    This pizza dough is awesome! Made the 6 hour option as regular pizza for Sunday dinner. Made sauce with equal parts tomato paste and heavy cream, spiced with salt, pepper, sugar, garlic and oregano. Topped generously with shredded pizza cheese mix and a bit of parmesan. Came out to 3 9*13 pizzas, baked in my toaster oven @ 450 deg for about 8 minutes. This was really, really yummy! Bubbled just like store pizza and the dough was so light and delicious! Thanks Deb, your recipes are the best! Love the thought you put into each one.

  487. Anna

    I just made this – super tasty! I’m particularly excited to have a simple but mmm-good margharita recipe from canned whole tomatoes.
    But I have a question. I prepared my pizza stone and paddle as you describe, but when I went to transfer the whole thing from paddle to stone, I could NOT get it to budge! I angled the paddle and tried using a wide spatula to encourage it. I had even added some nonstick spray under the cornmeal on the paddle prior to placing the dough… Alas, it bunched up and went from a pretty pizza to a pizza pile. Still very tasty, but oh so messy. Where did I go wrong?
    How do you typically transfer an uncooked pizza onto that hot hot pizza stone? Thanks!

    1. Sarah

      Cornmeal sticks to spray (like when you grease and flour a pan amd the flour clings tp the grease). You need the paddle to be perfectly dry for the cornmeal to do its job–it acts as a zillion tiny ball-bearings. Dry pasdle amd plenty of cornmeal will work–the spray was the culprit here.

  488. Hi Deb, I was really excited to try this recipe out and decided to go for the 22 hour rise, and the yeast was fresh, but in 12 hours the dough hasn’t risen at all and now I’m a bit worried. It was drier than yours looks in the photos, so I added a bit more water, assuming the wholewheat flour I added soaked up more water than I bargained for. I’m in India so it’s hot and humid all the time and previous doughs have always risen so I can’t figure out what’s happened now. It feels sticky, but doesn’t have the fermented appearance yet, and I’m not sure another 12 hours will do much. Please help!

    1. deb

      It hasn’t risen one bit? That doesn’t sound great. Sometimes yeast is slower or faster, but it should not be the size it began, even with water or flour adjustments… Want to pinch off a piece and bake it and see how it seems?

      1. Yes i might try that! It’s been almost 24 hours now and it’s spread a bit, but definitely hasn’t risen tall like in your photos. It looks wetter and more fermented so will probably try baking a bit like you said. Thanks so much for your prompt reply :)

        1. Hi Deb, so the little piece I tested turned out delicious! Crisp on the top and stretchy and chewy on the inside. It puffed up quite a bit in the oven and came out looking more like a pita pocket, but I think that was because there weren’t as many toppings. The dough smelled sour to me and I got worried but this piece is so good, I’m going ahead. Thank you so much for explaining this whole recipe so well!

  489. Catherine Macdonald

    Hi, I made this very successfully in terms of flavour and chewiness but I found it very springy and hard to push out to the full size I wanted, so it ended up a little bit thicker than I would have preferred.

    I used bread flour – any thoughts on whether AP flour would reduce this effect?

    I may just have to experiment to find out!

  490. Joyce

    Just a question on the amount of yeast. Is that 1/8 for overnight pizza, 1/4 for all day and 1/2 for 6 hour? I’m confused by those instructions. Thanks, can’t wait to try this. Can I put a little bit of semolina flour in there and if so how much?

  491. Alice K.

    I have loads of ripe tomatoes from my garden. Is there a way to adapt this recipe so I can use them in the sauce instead of canned? Thanks muchos. You have given me the courage to try pizza again (I made the version with zucchini, but it didn’t come out as well as I’d have liked — even though it tasted great. It stuck horribly to the pan.)

    1. Bahb

      Alice, I made the pizza tomato sauce using Deb’s recipe for salsa, roasting garden tomatoes and garlic. My tomatoes were much larger than the pear tomatoes in Deb’s recipe, so I sliced them to make even thickness so they would all finish at the same time. The intensity of the tomatoes made the best pizza sauce ever! I like that the “sauce” was on the dry-side after roasting, so the crust (flour tortilla for crust) crisped nicely in 3 minutes in a cast iron frying pan.

    2. Heather

      I tried this today: had a ton of fresh tomatoes, and just chopped, seeded, drained them(sort of), and lightly pureed them with a hand-blender. (Then added the garlic, etc.) Had no idea if it would work, but it did. No soggy crust; tasted like summer.

  492. Bahb

    If you’re REALLY bent on getting pizza on the table fast, use a flour tortilla as your crust. But you have to make it in a 10 or 12 inch cast iron frying pan.
    Top the tortilla as you describe, then cook the faux pizza in a lightly greased pre-heated frying pan on medium heat for 3 minutes. Follow that with 3 minutes under the broiler and you’re done!

    If a thin crisp crust is your favorite, this recipe is Da Bomb!

  493. Heather

    So, this recipe (or, to be precise, the version from your cookbook) saved my life today. That whole “need to make supper but didn’t get groceries and have no ideas” thing was totally us today. Plus, I had received a shit-ton of tomatoes in our CSA box yesterday, and needed an outlet before the fruit flies got the better of us. (Panzanella on deck for tomorrow, when I have more time and patience.) With only ancient yeast in the cupboard, crappy mozz in the fridge, and no time to read any “tricks” to ensure it worked (kids! so needy!), this recipe ROCKED. The best part: I used freshly chopped, barely seeded, impatiently drained, and lightly pureed FRESH from the farm tomatoes as the SAUCE (with garlic, etc added as per the recipe). No parmesan on hand, but basil from the garden for the win. Also, Chianti (in the glass, not on the pizza). Amazing! I went a bit light on the sauce to avoid sogginess, but I could’ve loaded it on – the crust was crunchy and amazing, even in a 475 degree oven on crappy baking sheets. I didn’t swear once while spreading the dough!! Doubled the recipe so was able to eat 47 pieces (just me, though I did allow hubby and kids to also eat their fill), and still have enough for school lunches tomorrow. Kick ass, Deb. Kick. Ass.

  494. Anne

    Hi Deb,
    I have made this dough recipe and both recipes from your book and they have all turned out great! But I’m a little puzzled by what is different between the two recipes that makes this one “no-knead” while the book recipe calls for 5 minutes of kneading? My guess would have been the longer rise time here but then I’m not sure how the 6 hour dough turns out so well!

    1. deb

      The one in the book (well, there are two but I assume you’re talking about the quick one) is all about haste. Kneading can help things move along faster. Here we have time and additional moisture on our side.

  495. Kristy

    I made this tonight and it was delicious. My only problem was I could not get two pizza crusts out of it – it kept tearing and was extremely wet. Was I just not patient enough? Any other tips? Thanks so much for all your great recipes. Your site has become my go to for cooking.

  496. Sarah

    I’ve made this a few times now. The first time I followed the recipe exactly and I didn’t proof my yeast – but the dough didn’t ever really rise. It basically just sat there all day. Maybe it rose 10%? Still, I made one pizza out of it and it was tasty.

    Yesterday though, I did the day-long version, and I mixed my yeast with a dab of honey and a bit of warm water until it started to foam and then I mixed that into the rest of the recipe. That worked much better! The dough raised nicely, and provided me with enough dough for two pizzas.

    So I might advise people that are having problems with their dough rising to activate the yeast with some water and sugar before adding it to the flour, instead of just mixing it straight into everything as she advises. It adds maybe 5 min to the entire process but for me it will make this dough more reliable.

    It was a tasty recipe as always Deb!

  497. Maria

    Wow, you’ve discovered all of my tricks! (aged mozzarella, uncooked sauce, straining–I usually tear or blend up the tomatoes first, then strain). I’m making the dough now, using almost half whole-wheat flour. But really, no salt? I’m surprised. I couldn’t help myself and added a bit.

  498. smathes1

    I made the overnight 22 hour dough with 100g King Arthur whole wheat and 275g all purpose flour, because I had actually run out of AP, and i found it to be an ideal proportion! The dough was so workable and delicious. I’ve made this dough at all lengths of time, always all-AP, and wanted to share the WW combo– I think I’ll do it this way from now on, at least for weeknight pizzas!

  499. Olivia

    I made this pizza the other night and it turned out perfectly! I got started later than expected, so I doubled the amount of yeast for the part-day dough schedule and did a 3 hour rise. I was worried that the dough might turn out too tough, but it actually worked really well! I made the sauce from fresh tomatoes which was delicious (although it did take a while, but mostly just hands-off cook time), and I added some leeks as a topping. I will definitely be making this again!

  500. Mary

    I have made this 2-3 times now, using anywhere from 1/2 cup to 1 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour (and the rest white), and possibly once with only white flour. Each time I seem to have the same problem with the elasticity of the dough, maybe?

    The dough won’t stretch out to the size in the recipe (it starts getting holes around 8-9 inches round maybe?) and as a result the center won’t cook through before the rest gets burnt (this last time I used a cookie sheet and 505F oven, took pizza out around 14 mins – took the other one from the batch out earlier at 10 mins and it was very raw and put it back in for a few mins, but that didn’t help).

    It’s very sad!!! Any tips? I’ve had success with your previous pizza dough recipe that included a little wine. Then I was living in Europe but now for these last few attempts with this recipe, I’m in the NYC area like you and in a warm apartment. (I think maybe in Europe I tried it too and it worked well!)

    1. deb

      Not stretching enough usually means it needs a little more time to rise — i.e. it’s not airy enough inside. Of late, I’ve been using oiled finger to nudge my doughs flat, it’s almost easier and then if a hole forms, easy to pinch back together quickly.

  501. Simone

    Hi so I made this tonight. Did the overnight dough method but it didn’t really rise a whole ton. Was a bit skeptical about the 1/8 of a teaspoon of yeast. It did rise slightly and there were some air bubbles on the surface. Anyways it had a great consistency that was easy to work with. After 6 minutes in the oven at 550 the mozzarella started to burn so I removed it. The dough is a bit uncooked. It was near the bottom of the oven but not the lowest rack. Maybe I do need a pizza stone?

  502. So I know it’s quite a bit later than the recipe was posted, but I finally made this, and (a) it was delicious, and (b) it was not too difficult, and (c) I even avoided the trouble with sticking, by using cornmeal over a little sheen of olive oil. (I rubbed off the extra with a napkin.)

    But my reason for posting is that (d) I made the mistake of assuming any cornmeal was good to go, not having read otherwise. So just in case it helps someone else: coarse-ground cornmeal, like the kind I use for polenta, will lead to small uncooked pebbles on the bottom of the pizza. I suspect this was obvious to many of you! But it led to a lot more leftovers than our appetites would have predicted, especially for my fussy toddler, who took one bite with raw cornmeal crumbs on the bottom and was turned off. Next time, it’s fine-ground cornmeal or bust!

    1. Patty

      Did the overnight rise and my 2 cents is don¡¯t panic if it looks like it didn¡¯t rise much, is ridiculously sticky, and tears while you are spreading it. This a super forgiving dough, just patch it and forge ahead. Made 1 red with mozzarella, pepperoni and peppadews, and one white with roasted butternut, caramelized onions, spinach and goat cheese. Both delicious. Next time I might use slightly bigger pans as I like my crust even thinner.

  503. Johanna Smith

    I’d love to make this tomorrow for a NYE kid party, what do you think about going all the way through shaping the dough on baking sheets and then refrigerating for an hour or two until the kids are ready to make their own pizzas? It would be nice to get a jump on preparing before they get here;) Thanks! Love your blog:)

  504. Anna

    My broiler is on the bottom of the stove. I have super old oven. Where should I put the pizza? Upper, middle or lower rack in the oven.

  505. Mimi

    This is the first time ever that I’ve felt compelled to comment on something I’ve seen online. This dough is the holy grail of pizza, homemade or store-bought. I made the 12 hour option, drained a box of Pomi chopped tomatoes since that’s what I had, and and blended it per the instructions. I also went with the dry type of mozzarella — whole-milk, not part skim. We had the pizza right out of the oven, with freezing cold Peronis. Holy smokes.

    Make this recipe, you won’t regret it. Thanks for a keeper!

  506. I figured a half sheet pan (18 x 13) was the size of the two 9 x 13 pans the recipe calls for, so I made one big pizza on a half sheet pan. I didn’t use a pizza stone, but the recipe suggests it is not necessary. I baked it at 550 and left it in as long as I could without the cheese burning too much and, even so, much of the pizza was very gummy. In some places, mostly around the edge, it was nice and crisp, and those parts were delicious, but the gummy parts were a bit of a disappointment. Is this because I didn’t use a pizza stone, or because it only cooks through when the dough is divided into two smaller pizzas?

  507. Jen

    Made some pizzas tonight and the crust was delicious, but I had a little trouble. First, I have no pizza stone or peel so I used a baking sheet and even though I put oil and cornmeal down, they stuck a bunch (and the cornmeal got pretty burnt, boo). Also, when I cooked the pizzas they got a little burnt around the edges but were a little more underdone in the center. The pizzas in the pictures here look thicker than mine. I don’t know if I might have spread the dough a bit too thin, or maybe it didn’t rise as much?

    Either way, I’ll absolutely be trying this recipe again. Undoubtedly I just need some more practice to get it right.

    1. Sarah

      Oil and cornmeal work against each other. Use one or the other. Together, they stick and burn.
      The point of the cornmeal is to act as ball-bearings to slide the pizza from the peel (or other assembly surface) to the stone.
      No need for cornmeal if you are not transferring the uncooked pizza to a hot cooking surface. If you are making the pizza in a pan, then just oil the pan.

  508. Thank You very much for this post!! I’ve been pulling my hair out, and just an hour ago, made my first ever pizza…. ! I’m 65. I’m working on sourdough, and made a sourdough crust, that I knew was past prime rising strength, but didn’t care anymore…time to just make a pizza already. I think I will stick to some of your recipes for awhile, and not bothered with the very sticky dough…worked with one of those the other day and it was fun! Thanks again for the …dinner needed today, or start in the AM schedule… just what busy people need!

  509. I made this with gluten free flour last night for dinner. I did an eight hour proof on the dough, since I had a bit of extra time yesterday. I had to tweak the recipe a little to account for some of the GF flour’s quirks – I had to add about a spoonful of sugar around hour six of the proof because the dough just wasn’t rising much at all without it. It definitely made up for lost time in the remaining two hours! The dough was really sticky, as you warned, so I just had to sort of think “rectangle” at it, and it did stick a bit to my glass casserole dish despite it being coated with olive oil. However, the pizza crust itself came out really well! It was soft, well risen, and pillowy, not unlike a Grandma-style slice. It didn’t have any of the stretch-crisp you talked about, but since there’s no gluten, stretch-crisp is incredibly difficult to achieve without any extra xanthan gum, which I might add next time I make this. Awesome weekend cooking, thanks so much for posting as always, and I’m always so grateful that your recipes adapt so well to gluten free variations.

    1. Angela Robertson

      I’ve made this recipe several times, sometimes adding in dried herbs. It is the best pizza dough. I actually prefer this to ordering pizza, and I get the kids involved. It is very sticky, but I usually roll it on parchment paper and flip over on pizza pans. I am trying it gluten free today since I have a relative who no longer eats it. This is pretty much the first dough I’ve made gf, so I didn’t think about adding sugar. I did add xanthan gum, about 1/2 tsp (1/4 tsp per cup of flour, but my gf flour mix has some in it already, but I don’t know the proportions). It will something to work on (yay, more pizza!).

  510. I made 2 versions of this. For the first, I swapped half the flour with whole wheat flour and baked it on a sheet. For the second, I used the regular recipe and baked it on a cast iron pan. The whole wheat version was good, but a bit too soft and chewy (we all know whole wheat pizza never tastes as good anyway). The regular recipe was FANTASTIC, the dough was light and airy and the bottom was as thin and crisp as a potato chip. I suspect the cast iron had a lot to do with it, though I still have to test the regular recipe on a baking sheet. But I definitely recommend trying this recipe in cast iron. Thanks for the recipe as always, your site literally never leaves me disappointed!

  511. darlene from spokane, wa

    OHMYGOSH …. PERFECTO …. absolutely perfect dough .. i have used the one from the joy of cooking for almost 40 years .. thought i’d try something different this time; i’ve been your blog reader for as long as i’ve been online … years and years ago … the dough is just right; our pizza is cooking now, so i’ll update after dinner ..

    thanks so much for your remarkable and awesome and fabulous recipes .. what changes from *the usual mealS* dinners …

    UPDATE: married twelve years, the hubbs said, *i believe this is the best pizza you have ever made!* .. joy of cooking crust is the only difference … again, thank you …. and jim lahey …

  512. Angbeen

    Hey Deb! You are my kitchen goddess and the reason I bake! I made this pizza but my dough was a bit undercooked towards the centre. I want to try it again, any tips on how I could bake it better? Thanks!

    1. deb

      It could just be that wet toppings had pooled there or it overall needed a few minutes more. Sometimes running pizza under the broiler, if you have one, can help get the top of it cooked just right once the bottom is already crisp and brown and you wouldn’t want to bake it longer.

  513. Jen

    Hey Deb,
    I am a huge fan! Sadly this one did not work out at all and we had to run out to Joe’s the last minute to buy dough off them. :( The dough I made using the 6 hour recipe did not stretch, kept breaking, and had little clumps of hardened dough in it… any suggestions of how to get it not to happen? I’d love to try again, this might be the only recipe I made of yous that was such an epic fail, so I’m convinced it was user error.

      1. Jen

        @deb yes! It did rise, that’s why I was so confused. I was thinking maybe the four needed to be sifted or I needed to mix more. Is that possible?

        1. deb

          I’d say maybe there were some unmixed bits. I’ve also been using a less traditional approach of oil fingertips to press and stretch the dough out in the pan lately, which might make it easier; it gives it a crispy, almost foccaccia-like edge.

  514. Beth Mcgarry

    Just made this tonight. Couldn’t find aged mozzarella so i used fresh. Absolutely delicious, turned out perfectly!

  515. Jeannine

    I just need to say, this pizza dough recipe is the bomb diggity, and the topping possibilities endless. Thank you. This evening I used mozzarella, romano, asiago, and a little smoked provolone. Ramps are in season here, so they went directly on top after I sauteed them (per your ramp pizza recipe!). So yummy.

  516. chelseagrace81

    This was sooo yummy! I didn’t use the toppings you did but the crust was so easy and tasty! I raved to all my friends about it. I love how simple it was in terms of technique and ingredients. If you plan appropriately, its a perfect crust! Thank you also for the three time variations. Genius! I made one using 6 hours and just mixed up a batch for tomorrow night (22 hours). I used 2/3 APF and 1/3 Whole wheat. So yum! I have aspirations to make a thai chicken pizza and a BBQ chicken pizza with this dough soon. Thank you!

  517. Jennifer Shaw

    Do you think this recipe would work for grilled pizza, or would the wetness of the dough make it too difficult?

  518. ljelgass

    A note about the forgiving nature of this recipe: I just used this recipe to help twenty 10-11 year olds make pizza as part of a science and cooking camp (yeast eats sugar, “burps out” CO2 to generate bubbles, Charles Law says bubbles expand in heat– hooray it’s science, now let’s eat pizza!). Their pizzas came out great, even though they have never done it before, even though they probably got really handsy with the dough, even though I bought the cheap store brand flour because, you know, 20 kids (not exactly Kind Arthur time). This recipe is great, and I can’t wait to make it a regular part of my repertoire. Thank you!

  519. JSM

    This is the best dough I have ever attempted- closest to a pizzeria taste and the sauce – perfectly simple! I am curious did you use a pizza pan in the grill?! I have only ever baked it.

  520. Sarah

    I’ve made this recipe a half dozen times; it is now my go-to for homemade pizza! I always make the full recipe, use half the dough initially, stick the bowl in the fridge and then use the other half for a second pizza a day or two later, as I’m usually cooking for one. Something I’ve noticed is that the dough is MUCH easier to work with on the second pizza. I often find the dough to be too sticky on the first day, resulting in adding more flour, but then the next round it is perfectly relaxed and smooth and stretches like a dream. This seems to happen regardless of how much yeast I use. Just an observation I wanted to share!

  521. Jacquie Katz

    I was going to make pizza on the grill for the 4th of July. after a long weekend of food, it would be fun to try something new-then I saw the porch and the grill in 90 degree heat and decided to make this pizza inside. After years of making the Cuisinart pizza dough with herb variations I was intrigued by this recipe and the grill one. Wow, I am a convert, and I sent this recipe to my quests this morning. This is the be all/end all of pizza recipes! I will try the short rise one of these days, but overnight-1/8th teaspoon of yeast was amazing! And your shortbread for strawberries was great too (I owe you that comment from Memorial Day! and we enjoyed the rest of the batch as scones, a great idea) Thank you for your inspiration, and my family thanks you too! What a great blog!

  522. Lowri Jones

    I’ve made this! And it is great. The 6hr version is perfect, and means that I don’t have to resort to the soggy scone-based homemade pizzas of my childhood! The dough is very soft, but worth the hassle. I find that lightly oiling my hands (olive, or other cooking oil!) before trying to shape it stops me getting stuck to the whole thing, as long as I don’t play about with it too much.
    For me, half the quantity is good for a light dinner for 2 (with salad etc) and enough left over for lunch the next day.

  523. This is a science! Reading all this was as if I read a book, dedicated to pizza dough :) But I found all your remarks, tips etc so very useful. I am certainly going to try your recipe and stick as much as possible to the recommended quantities, because I hate to follow recipes, but in this case I see it is a must.
    Thank you for sharing your recipe with all details!

  524. Khendra

    I just have to tell you that this is the most unfussy dough I have worked with in a long time. Not only the setup but especially putting it on the pan and stretching it out. No oil or flour required. You scared me with your remarks about that soft dough so I just had to tell everyone that I didn’t experience it like that. Maybe due to the fact I used wheat flour 1050 (left the rest unchanged).

  525. Janice

    I’m about to make grilled pizza for a wedding rehearsal picnic for about 30 guests. I’d really love to make the dough ahead – grill the first side, and then freeze it to take out as we return from the rehearsal.
    I’m thinking your lazy make ahead style would be fine so it could be all stretched and half grilled (which is not the same as half-baked – a possibility not yet ruled out for that evening).
    I will have all the toppings ready to go, a couple of hot grills, some cold wine and ice cream sandwiches in the freezer. Do you think it will work? Am I forgetting anything?

    1. Make it first! It’s WAY softer and harder to work with than I was expecting, and I am a pretty experienced baker. I made it work but it took me a long time. It’s great, just very soft and different the first time

  526. Paul

    Two things I do when making pizza dough:
    1) add some herbs to the dough – take roughly a large tablespoon of dried oregano, rosemary, basil or even an itialian mix (I just eyeball it and pour it into my palm) crush it and dump it in with the other ingredients when making the dough.
    2) when spreading the dough, I do it on a sheet of parchment paper. I put the parchment paper on one of my pizza pans and sperad the dough on it. Easy to tell when it is big enough. Then I trim the excess paper off the edges and simply slide the pizza onto the pizza stone with the parchment paper. when it is done, I use a set of tongs to pull the pizza out onto the pan.

    The herbs give a new depth to teh pizza and the parchment paper makes it easy to form, cook and cleanup (no washing the pans!)

  527. Jacquie Katz

    This dough is so worth starting the night before! And the sauce is perfect. I served this to my critical family and got raves. The pizza is just so umami, I was really pleased! Thank you for all the testing to make this so simple and good!

  528. Morgan

    Made this for dinner last night and I really don’t understand when making your own pizza is this easy (and relatively) inexpensive why would you you do take-out? I made 1 large pizza in a cookie sheet. I have a half-sheet and I’d probably split the doughs next time freeze one for another evening. I work Thursday nights, my bf will probably eat (too much) off the leftovers for dinner tonight. I don’t have a stone and didn’t do anything special, the dough was sticky but it did come together. THANK YOU for another winner!

  529. Cynthia Paul

    Hello Deb,
    Deb i like the idea of also skipping the peel or pizza stone and cooking it right in the pan itself. My question……..did you oil and cornmeal the pan? For the life of me i’m trying to figure out if you did that or was it only if you were using a peel or make shifting a peel with a cookie sheet. Thank you kindly. I have my first batch now ready to go into the pan. hope it’s a success. I have been working on pizza dough for some time now and though i’ve had moderate success, i just want one that is fool proof!

  530. Sara

    This is the only pizza dough we ever make anymore! However, I’ve found with three cups of flour, our pizzas seemed kind of tiny on our cookie sheets (we like to have leftovers.) I’ve had no problem increasing the flour to 4 cups, adding an extra pinch of yeast, and bumping up the salt to 2 tsp and the water to about 1 1/2 – 1 3/4 cups.

  531. Alison

    Hi!! I’ve made this several time s and my dough never rises. It’s stop delicious, but I can’t figure out why. Do yoy have an ideas??? Thank you!

  532. Heba

    My classmates came home during this ramadan holiday and unfortunately my mom was not there. So i thought of making some pizza for them and yes i choose your site because you have well presented here with pictures. I made it accrodingly and it was a success. My mother can¡¯t even believe that i made(I¡¯m a person who never enters kitchen :P)

    One thing i noticed while making pizza is that no one can make a perfect pizza even if he is an expert chef .There are many facts to b kept in mind while trying out these kind of recipes like layering,spicing,topping, etc..No wonder why Dominos is providing lot many offers as there are expert chefs like you who make lipsmacking pizza’s in a minute. :) Last day also there was n offer like Buy Two Pizza at 5 Bd…This was their link:

    Anyways I loved your recipe very much and I had shared Your recipe website with them so that they too can try many recipes from you.

    Ps: My friend Arlin has tried your shack burger and she asked me to convey you that it was really tasty.

  533. LP

    Made this tonight. Was concerned that San Francisco winter would ruin my crust–I’m an old adopter of the no knead bread recipe, and your proportions are identical to where I found my sweet spot. Anyway, I saw my dough only rise about halfway and let me tell you: it was still the best crust I’ve had on the west coast!

    Notes for folks with questions:

    I would recommend only dividing the dough in two. I did 3 balls: 1/2 of the dough, and two 1/4 portions. The 1/4 portions didn’t really have enough mass to stretch the dough out on its own–for the 1/2 portion, the weight of the dough hanging from my hands allowed for easy stretching.

    I used small cubes of low moisture mozzarella and it melted as though I’d fought with the shredder (my least fav cooking task is shredding semi soft or soft cheese).

    I didn’t blend the tomatoes, just squished some of them and used all of it and it was the best.

    I added shredded reggiano halfway through, to rave reviews.

    I also mixed garlic into one of the 1/4 portion dough balls and let it rest 30 min or so and everyone loved it.

    I forgot the cornmeal and had no trouble with oil-only on the pan. One pan I used olive and one I used peanut oil and even though I’m a picky baker I couldn’t tell the difference.

  534. Paula Burolla

    I have tried this gluten free a couple times now (I’m allergic to wheat). I used Bob’s Red Mill 1:1 Baking Flour and used the quickest method (part day, 6 hours) but I’m sure that others would work. I’ve found that this works best if you add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the original recipe, making the total salt 2 teaspoons. This sounds like a lot, but the dough is really bland without it. Also, I’ve found that I need more water, about 2 cups total to make the dough come together. One last thing – make sure to bake using parchment or some other non stick surface because otherwise you need a jackhammer to get it off the baking sheet. Please let me know if anyone else has tried this! I’m in Austin, TX so this probably won’t help anyone with more elevation.

  535. Corin

    I made this and it was great! I have a question about the dough: I made it on a weekend, so I let it rise the two hours (used the recipe from the cookbook)..but I would love to do the 22 hour dough. I just want to make sure: there is no difference between the 22 hour recipe, the 12 and the 6? So it doesn’t really matter how long it rises?
    Just want to make sure :)

  536. Violet

    As I sit here reading this for the first time I have this dough rising on my kitchen counter for pizza tonight. I spread out the dough on parchment paper because it¡¯s stick. Best recipe ever!

  537. Diana D.

    Can¡¯t wait to try this! But one question with the quick crust version… how much water do I add? 1 1/4 or 1 and 3 tbsp? Not clear in the post, but it could be just me, hahaha!?

  538. cangirl19

    I used the 22 hour recipe and it was FABULOUS. I used 375 g bread flour, let it rise on the counter about 17 hours, and then stuck in the fridge to slow it down when dinner plans changed and we weren¡¯t going to have pizza til the next night. So delicious, and very much like my Sicilian grandma¡¯s dough. Thanks!

  539. Andrea

    I didn’t have time today to make the entire recipe, but I did make a homemade pizza and did so using your sauce recipe, as written here. SO good. I love the hint of garlic and the freshness of the tomatoes. I cannot wait to make the 18-hour crust!

  540. Darcy

    I¡¯ve made this a few times (the extended version is definitely best, but all of them make for a quality pizza!). I was wondering if anyone has doubled the recipe? I am debating if I can make one large batch, or if I need to just make two rounds of dough in two separate bowls. My kids love it so much we struggle to have enough for my husband and I!

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  542. Emily

    I’ve made pizza using this crust recipe countless times, using the part day, all day, and overnight variations, and it’s always great! Some adjustments I make: using table salt, I lower the amount to about one teaspoon. I can NEVER get my crust as thin as Deb does, so I just use one recipe for one 14 inch pizza pan and cook it at 425 or so until the crust is done on the bottom. And I always just lightly oil the pan and my hands and spread the dough directly onto the pan. I CANNOT imagine a universe where transferring the already topped dough actually works!! This crust is so easy and always a hit at my house!

  543. Athina

    I was very disappointed with this pizza dough. I used the 6 hour method, 1/2 tsp yeast. The texture of the dough was not tender, or very flavorful. I actually get much better results with a recipe I use that takes only one hour to to rise, and uses 2-1/2 tsp yeast. This recipe definitely needs more salt, IMO.

  544. RZH

    Every time I make this it gets better. For those having trouble moving the pizza onto a stone, I make the pizzas on parchment on the back of a cookie sheet and gently tug the parchment onto the hot stone. The paper gets frighteningly dark in the oven but the pizza stays perfect.

    1. Michele

      I do this, too, though I go in and pull out the parchment from underneath a few minutes later once the dough is stiff enough (keeps the paper from burning). Usually it slides right out.

  545. Lucia

    Hi, sadly I tried this and nothing happened.
    My dough is dead no rising st all.
    Was the water supposed to be warm?
    6 hours later and no pizza for us.
    If you have any ideas please let me know.

  546. Michael Blough

    Hi – I love the detail. Curious about the idea of ¡°aged¡± mozzarella. We haver a very nice Italian grocery near us, and the Mozzarella is either fresh either in water or packaged tightly without water or it is harder and either part skim or whole milk. Nothing is called ¡°aged¡±. What brand are you using as it is not in the pictures. Thank you.

  547. Sehaj Sethi

    My absolute favorite go to “pizza on a weekday” recipe, I make this at least once a month. I used to always grease my sheet pan with some olive oil to keep the dough from sticking and had the same problem as many others: the dough kept springing back on me. Recently I’ve learned a great trick: use softened butter instead. Just spread a little under two tablespoons over the surface of the sheet pan (not too much) and the dough “sticks” just enough so it’s easy to stretch out over the entire pan, but releases easily after being cooked. Makes an already easy dinner entirely foolproof.

  548. Lindsay

    Have had success with this recipe every time I’ve made it (just made it again this morning for the 12th time… shhh) it’s so unfussy, it’s been adaptable to whatever flour I have on hand (incl. whole wheat / spelt) and all the schedule options have worked just the same! My only note is that I have had to add a tablespoon or so of additional water :)

  549. Lori Nabors

    I made this dough yesterday (late morning) for dinner last night. I wasn¡¯t convinced it was ready by dinner, so I chickened out (and ordered take out…it was for the kids, so they probably wouldn¡¯t have appreciated it anyway.). This morning, the dough is GLORIOUS!! My question is, is it safe to serve this evening after having been out for over 24 hours?

      1. Lori Nabors

        We had our pizzas this evening for dinner. This crust was AMAZING!! I have tried and failed miserably at pizza crusts over the years, and had resigned to just picking up fresh dough from our local pizza shop. THIS DOUGH has changed that forever! We actually separated the dough into 6 sections and had a make your own pizza night! The crust was perfectly crunchy on the outside, slightly chewy on the inside, and the flavor was wonderful too! Thank you!!!

  550. Greg Mangino

    A couple of tricks to add.

    A trick i learned from my favorite pizzeria in Cleveland. Their pizza has the best sauce to topping ratio and yea not cooked. Hiwever to set the extra sauce in place they use some of mozzarella provolone mix in the sauce and spread it around. This helps balance the extra sauce so the pizza tops dont slop around but you get plenty of sauce in every bite.

    The other is a trick learned from my grandmother. When making pizza in a sheet pan slop some of the sauce over the sise of the crust. This will leave a slighly blackened deeply carmelized bit of sauce on around the edges! It was something we all competed for when her pizza came out of the oven!

  551. Penny


    Made this last weekend, and it was fantastic! The whole family enjoyed it.

    Two questions:
    1. Can I safely double the recipe? We loved it so much, we want leftovers!
    2. Can I add Extra Virgin Olive Oil to the dough for flavor, or will it cause problems?


    1. deb

      1. Yes.
      2. It might slow it down and it probably won’t produce as nice/present of a flavor as drizzling some over the pizza dough before you bake it. But it otherwise could work.

  552. Mary Ann

    Wow, this is tasty!! This crust is so flavorful. When I took the plastic wrap off the bowl, it smelled like sourdough bread. It really was as easy as it sounds. We have pizza every week and this is my new pizza crust recipe.

  553. brittanymillerart

    Oh. my god. This was amazing. Anything with squash/maple syrup usually is, but seriously, WOW. This was my first time making pizza because I’ve always felt intimidated by it, worried that I didn’t have the proper materials to make a good enough pizza and being hesitant about making my own dough.

    I made mistakes and it was still so great. I ended up using the newer ¡°lazy pizza dough¡± recipe instead of the one on here, using instant yeast instead of active and letting it rise for 6+ hours. I accidentally cooked the crust at 375 degrees instead of 550 because I got confused following this recipe and the lazy dough one. It could’ve been a little bit crisper, but in the end it was still tasty beyond belief. Next time I could see adding onions as making the flavor even better, but this is seriously hard to beat. The squash alone was so delicious that I ate half of it out of the oven while I waited for the crust to bake. The sweetness, saltiness, and tanginess of the arugula + lemon make this pizza sooo delicious.

  554. I made this crust, and my advice to all is “believe in Deb” – I didn’t believe that the yeast would work without proofing or any sugar, but it did. I didn’t believe that it would only take five minutes to mix up, but it did. I didn’t believe it would stretch out smoothly , but it did.
    Following other commenters I painted the edge with water, and it turned out great.

    If I had believed in Deb I would have mixed up on Monday for Tuesday night but I figured it was a weekend job, so I mixed on Saturday, shaped into two balls on Sunday, froze one and refrigerated one. The problem was, how would I get it out of fridge in time to come to room temp.? My solution, I put it in my lunch bag, and then in the work fridge – fine and dandy, except it expanded out of it’s Tupperware on the train on the way from work….. Next time I will trust Deb, mix it on Monday and skip that whole step!

  555. Yvonne

    This is an excellent post, Deb. I have also experimented with the sauce and cheese as you mentioned and have only recently started playing with the ¡°no-knead¡± method…you have filled in some of the blanks…off to the kitchen I go to make pizza!

  556. Amy P

    Made the six-hour version today and followed the recipe. Tasted great! I definitely couldn’t stretch my halfs into 9×13″; more like 6×8″. I didn’t mind though; I don’t think my kids would’ve liked such a thin crust with Hawaiian toppings. I oiled and cornmeal-coated the sheet pans and they didn’t stick at all (but I think that’s part of the reason I couldn’t get them to stay as stretched).

  557. gail

    Made the six hour version today. This was so easy and absolutely the best. The crust was crispy, yet chewy. My dough rose really fast so I put it the fridge for a bit to slow it down. Took it out and let it set a couple of hours and away I went. Perfect. I get so nervous working with yeast, and yet my doughs always turn out fine. Draining the tomatoes was key – nothing was soggy as my tomato sauces can be. Amazing.

  558. abby

    Outstanding! I cut the recipe in half as it is only DH and myself! I loved the pizza sauce …I did add a glug of olive oil and added about 3/4 tsp red pepper flakes! I sauteed some onions and I sprinkled the pizza with some truffle oil! Yummy! I do have a question though? While I was waiting for my oven to get to 550 degrees, I rolled out the dough and dressed my pizza. Even though I sprinkled my pizza wheel with some cornmeal, the dough stuck to the wheel, so instead of being round it was more oblong! It may have sat for about 8 minutes before it went in the oven. Should I have waited until my oven was set before I put the pizza in the oven? Kudos on a great recipe

  559. Ilgin

    Hello there, I loved reading your pizza journey! I¡¯m a sourdough bread maker and would like to use my starter instead of dried active yeast, would you be kind to guide me as to how much starter to use in your recipe please? Many thanks indeed ?

    1. deb

      I haven’t made this with a sourdough starter because I do not work with sourdough (yet!) however, if you do a word search in the comments for “sourdough” a bunch of people have piped up with how they did it here. Good luck!

  560. Tina

    Oh, this dough is a winner. I made a half-batch this morning (half of everything except the yeast; I used 1/4 tsp instant) and had a very good pizza for dinner. I oiled the pan and my hands to stretch out the dough; with a brief rest in the middle, it covered the pan pretty easily. Baked for 11 minutes at 525. Next time, I’ll add two minutes or try it at 550 to crisp up the middle a bit more. (I don’t know why these high temps make me a little nervous.) I’ll also try your sauce next time. The freshness sounds wonderful. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to my leftovers for lunch tomorrow! Thanks, Deb.

  561. Lucy

    Well hello from the UK! I just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and am very happily working my way through and finding pretty much everything very tempting.
    Thanks to you, I made my first ever pizza at the weekend! Go me! I went with the 20hrs+ option, which took 48 hours to prove (my fault, I think I bought the wrong yeast) but no matter, I was able to rustle up pizza for lunch in 20 minutes yesterday, which made me a very popular wife indeed. Thanks so much!

  562. Kimberly

    Thank you so much for this recipe! It¡¯s now my favorite pizza dough. I actually found it easier to work with than others I¡¯ve made which was a pleasant surprise. The sauce will be my go-to from here on out. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  563. Maya

    I have followed this pizza recipe many times over the years and love it. Typically I use about 1/3 WW flour. Timing is flexible: I often leave the dough rising for 24-28 hours with no issue.
    My most recent time making it, I decided to roll the dough out before transferring it to the baking sheet instead of using the stretch method, and this ended up being much easier, quicker, and more aesthetically pleasing.

  564. Patricia

    I don’t usually comment on recipes, even though I am a devoted Smitten Kitchen follower, but I wanted to add my experience with this recipe. I accidentally made the All-Day Dough instead of the Overnight Dough (with 1c wheat flour subbed for some of the white), and because I am a slavish recipe-rule-follower, I put the dough in the fridge at the end of the designated rising time for the day in fear of it over-rising before I was ready to use it. I took it out of the fridge three hours before dinner and covered with a wet towel, as recommended by Jim Lahey. When I was ready to stretch it out on my cast-iron pizza pan, it flowed like a dream and didn’t make me crazy at all. It was soft and stretchy and went exactly where I wanted it. I made a Tikka Masala pizza which definitely needs some tweaking, but the crust turned out fabulously. I don’t know if it was the additional fridge time and rest that helped me along, but I will definitely make it this way again! I just thought someone might be interested in my results. Next time I’ll make the Overnight the right way and compare notes!

    1. Nicole B

      I’ve made this recipe a bunch before with success but also with all purpose flour. I’m doing this today on the all day schedule and subbed 1cup of whole wheat flour. Mine hasn’t risen at all and I think by now it usually has. I got the yeast recently and the expiration date isn’t for years. Is not rising normal because of the whole wheat flour?

  565. Patience

    I LOVE this whole pizza recipe, as does my family. To speed things up, I use petite diced tomatoes, best brand the store sells, and then I don’t have to drain them as long. I also use warm water for the dough to help the it get its rise on a little quicker.

  566. Laura Crocenzi

    I’m so sad. I made the overnight dough and even proofed the yeast to make sure it was doing it’s job. It hasn’t doubled much at all. I used AP flour and followed the recipe, using a slightly rounded 1/8 teaspoon active dry yeast. Any ideas what went wrong? Anyone?

    1. Tzipi

      @Laura Crocenzi – Our house is very cool, so I used 1/4 tsp active dry yeast and warm water to get it started at 9PM. I left it in a bowl draped with a clean towel (didn’t have plastic wrap) At 8AM I noticed it hadn’t risen much so I put it in a clean plastic bag since I figured it needed contained air. By 4:30PM it was puffy and full of air bubbles. It was smooth and lovely to work with and delicious!

      @Deb – I LOVE this dough. I was skeptical of the craggy, sad looking no-knead dough, but just told myself to trust you since you’ve never let me down! Thanks for another great recipe and scrumptious Shabbat dinner.

  567. Katrina

    I have made this dough at least once a week for a couple of years. We prefer the 22 hour version, but sometimes I’m forgetful after a glass or two of wine with dinner and we make do with the 12 hour version. I typically make it with KA flour which weighs in at 120g/cup (for a total of 360g) and find that 1 1/4 cups of water is way too much; I use 1 cup and 2 T. Sometimes the dough doesn’t seem to rise as much as other times which I attribute to the temperature of my kitchen given that I make it the same way every time. It always tastes good!
    I have formed our pizzas both with floured fingers and oiled fingers (both at your recommendation, Deb) and both options work well though the latter is a little messier.
    I reread the recipe today only to discover your thoughts on freezing the dough. I understand that it is so easy to make that, with defrost time, it hardly makes sense to freeze, but, our nest is empty most of the time, and we don’t end up eating all the pizza despite my husband’s passion for cold pizza for breakfast. Perhaps I’ll simply refrigerate half of the dough this time and see if we eat it again this week.

  568. Sarah

    I’ve tried this recipe a few times. It only works for me if I activate the yeast in water first. If I don’t the dough just sits there and doesn’t grow at all. It rises just fine if I do give the yeast a few minutes in water before starting. Still a very lazy recipe :-) I will be coming back to it in the future now that I have figured it out!

  569. Sue Marie

    I made my first pizza dough / pizza last week and shared my results with the recipe group I’m in. One member linked me here and swears by your recipe. WOW, so much information. I can’t wait to try it. I do have one observation. You mentioned how measured flour can be different. On, the owner states if you don’t measure it the way she tells us, it will be wrong. I have done her method and my method a few times to compare and end up with the same amount. I then Google’d to see if US (her) and Canada (me) flour is different and apparently it is. Maybe that’s why mine always works out. I just wanted to put that out there in case you wanted to see what she has to say.

  570. The dough sounds wonderful. I make his no-knead bread so his inspiration for your dough is understood. I ate a pizza at a new place for us run by recent Neapolitan arrivals who specialise in cannoli, filled to order. Their pizzas were simple but sublime. My favourite was simply a tomato sauce like yours but drier and very little, with big salty semi-dried black olives, lots of anchovies and flecks of chili . A salty, delicious pizza with some wild arugula scattered on after coming out of the wood oven. The other shared pizza was simply very thin slices of potato, garlic, some rosemary and mortadella sausage which had delicious crispy edges. Puffy yet crisp edge and thin base ……perfect . Fabulous food. This was in a very Italian suburb of Melbourne Australia known as Avondale Heights

  571. Missie

    Tried both the 22-hour and the 6-hour dough and honestly couldn¡¯t tell a difference. The dough also didn¡¯t rise hardly at all. Next time I¡¯ll try another reviewer¡¯s suggestion to give the yeast a boost with honey & water before mixing it in. The dough is super sticky & difficult to work with, though don¡¯t know if this is because it didn¡¯t rise enough. The dough still came out delicious & super crisp. A keeper for sure.
    Question though – how would adding fresh herbs affect the resting/proving time, if at all?

  572. Natasha

    Loved it, made the longest option, bit of a struggle to get the dough to stretch and just gave up and accepted some points were thicker than others but I guess that will come with practice. Cannot get a decent take out pizza where I am and now I can make myself something I actually enjoy. We are cheese freaks though so will add more cheese next time! Thanks for the sauce recipe too.

  573. Jennifer D.

    This is recipe has become our Friday night family tradition for the last 3+ years! I cannot tell you how much our family and guests love this pizza. I have stopped using the whole tomatoes for the sauce because it always seemed too watery. I prefer crushed tomatoes, much less watery and then the sauce freezes well. You may need to experiment with the oven temperature. I found that the really high temperature can burn the cheese and before the dough is done. Also, if the dough is stretched too thin the pizza becomes watery. I also love Deb’s broccoli pizza recipe which I use with the lazy pizza dough. Thank you, Deb!!!

  574. Sylvia

    This worked for me! And I’ve tried a gazillion recipes. It was so lazy and easy too. Kids devoured the whole thing, loved the air pockety crust too. Yum

  575. Sara Dankert

    Omg I made this dough last night for pizza tonight and substituted about 1/4 of the flour with King Arthur sprouted grain flour and it’s amazing!! We’ve made this dough many, many times but the sprouted grain flour really kicked it up a notch!!

  576. Amy T

    Deb, You got me hooked on making pizza’s. For the past couple of months, I’ve made your basic pizza dough almost weekly. Margherita style for my son, and all kinds of versions for the grown ups. I use your pizza ideas as a springboard, and then use whatever is in the fridge.
    I’m slightly embarrassed. Can you tell how many often I visit your website? I always turn to you first for food inspiration and guidance. Youerfood is delicious, flexible and you know what your doing. And you’re funny and down to earth. You’re so awesome.

  577. Sara

    Thank you so much! I’ve always been so scared to make dough, despite being an experienced baker and cook — but dough, why!?, has intimidated me. That pesky old yeast, I guess. Anyway, took the plunge and made the 22 hour version and it was incredible! Only used half the first night and put the other half in the fridge and brought to room temp per your directions. I can’t believe how good it was, and how easy it was. I baked for 12 minutes at 550 and perfecto. Because I am vegan and used vegan cheese, we learned that adding the cheese at minute 6 is better for that type of cheese. All in all, so delicious! Does this mean I’m no longer allowed to order in pizza!? Thank you again!

  578. Chris

    holy heck, where has this been in my life? two teenagers who don’t like the same pizza, but can each easily eat an entire pie (or two). we’ve made this three times in two weeks, cooked on our ceramic grill (aka BGE) – soooooooo good. I was skeptical as someone who tends to avoid the no-knead recipe, but this one just works. amazing – thank you Deb!

    (I do proof the yeast with a bit of sugar just for insurance.)

  579. Karin

    This pizza dough recipe helped me make the best pizza I’ve ever made, and I’ve made a lot. I did the 18 hour rise, and even though I got mad at it for being sticky, it made the best crust. Thank you!

  580. Jennifer F

    We use this dough recipe nearly every Friday night of the year, going on several years now! I find it hugely forgiving, easily scaled up or down, and love the flexibility of the different rise times. I typically use 1/3 whole wheat flour but have had success with half. One full recipe easily fills a 12×17 baking sheet, and 2/3 of a recipe can be stretched to fit for a thinner crust. I add a little honey (maybe 1 teaspoon) and olive oil (maybe 1-2 Tablespoons) to the water. I use only olive oil on my baking sheet and stopped using cornmeal per family request :) Definitely err on the side of drier and craggier for a crisper crust. So delicious, so easy, truly a crowd pleaser!

  581. Alice

    Ah Deb you never fail me!
    This was the easiest, most delicious pizza!
    I admit I freaked out when I went to put the dough in the tray – half the dough only filled up half a large rectangle tray and it tore with lots of holes. So I just used the other half of the dough to fill the rest of the tray and the holes. It came out absolutely perfectly. Thank you!

  582. Susan

    I love this crust..I’ve been using all the various timings of it since you first published it; it’s so convenient to have those options. I have discovered (since I also make my own baguettes) that if I baste the rim of the pizza dough with water just before putting it in the oven, it will get nice and brown and slightly crusty, my favorite part of the pizza! I also oil the pan well w/olive oil and sprinkle generously with corn meal for a nicely crisped crust. Those silicon basting brushes are nice and soft, perfect for use on delicate, risen, uncooked dough.. My latest pizza concoction is using leftover, garlicy creamed spinach, sprinkled with parmesan, mozzarella/cheddar mix and topped with thinly sliced tomato and a little more of the cheese. So tasty!

    1. Susan

      I love this crust. I do have a tweak that I bastardized from Lahey’s original no-knead bread. He had shared a tip with Mark Bittman to add a couple of drops of vinegar to the water for a slight sourdough flavor. Well, it just hinted of vinegar to me. However, if you use a tablespoon or two of white wine as part of the water measurement, you get a hint of the sourdough flavor. Wine is fermented ,too, right? It adds a less sharp, less acidic, flavor. It’s very subtle, but you taste something of an aging in the baked product. It’s nice!

  583. Kathryn

    Thanks for all the work that went into the updated pizza dough! It’s a great recipe and method. Can I just say that I still appreciate the “rushed” version from the first book? Sometimes I see that it’s 2:45, knowing that the first kid will walk through the door in 45 minutes and I haven’t planned dinner, I can make that recipe, sauce too, without stress or compromise. It works in a pinch and I am still grateful you put it out there. Homemade pizza, salad, wine. Everyone is happy.

  584. Ali G

    I love your focaccia-for-a-crowd recipe, so when I made this dough (12hr), I used the final steps for that recipe. I rolled it in olive oil instead of flour, then stretched it out thin on a large well oiled sheet pan. One half I covered in thinly sliced oiled potato, minced garlic & rosemary, the other with the strained tomato, mozzarella, salami & olives. It was superb.

  585. Joanna Piper

    Deb, this is an amazing recipe and will really help me save hours of my life!
    I have been using your recipes for years and have both your books so why oh why have I never tried this before tonight??
    I saw this recipe on your blog yesterday and was up fairly early this morning so thought I¡¯d try the 6/8 hour recipe…. it¡¯s gone down a treat in my house tonight. Thank you.
    Hope you are keeping safe, take care and thank you again! ?

  586. Michelle

    Yay! This didn’t feel like a lot of work and it tasted great. The mood in my house has been a bit on edge due to all the time we’ve spent indoors; this pizza was so yummy it actually lifted our spirits.

    I did the part day / 6 hour rise (though I ended up letting it sit for 7 hours). Didn’t have kosher salt, so I used iodized table salt. I’ve seen in baking recipes that I should use half the amount of kosher salt called for if using table salt, so I used 1 teaspoon iodized table salt instead of 1.5 t kosher salt, and it seemed to work out fine. I used the recommended amount of water and wasn’t sure it would be enough; but I kept stirring another 30 seconds or so and it did come together into a craggy ballish shape in the bowl.

    I have an immersion blender that came with a tall cup for making smoothies, and that worked great for blending the sauce.

    I didn’t have cornmeal for the pan, so I sprayed my pan lightly with Pam cooking spray and lightly dusted some flour on it before putting the dough down; it released just fine.

    Didn’t have aged mozzarella or basil, but I used bagged shredded mozzarella (the standard supermarket kind) and sprinkled on some dried oregano when it came out of the oven. I forgot the drizzle of olive oil before it went in; totally fine without it.

    It was so good! The crust really makes a difference.

  587. Denise

    So disappointed! I¡¯ve made pizza dough before and never had such trouble getting the dough to stretch out. I used the 22 hour recipe with fresh yeast and flour. The dough refused to budge and would immediately tear when I tried stretching it out.

  588. Jimmy

    Don’t measure any of this except for the water.

    1 cup, warm.
    1 packet yeast. Rapid rise works great. I proof it. You don’t have to but speeds up the rise.
    1 tbsp olive oil
    Dump in flour, about 1 cup to start. The type matters a little.
    Knead (this is the KEY):
    Add flour as you need until not sticky through and through. If it is too dry, you added too much flour. Too sticky, add flour. You want it soft like baby bottom and won’t break when kneading.
    Make into ball. Added a lot of flour, you will have more dough. Great! How much? Who cares, use it or save some.

    Let it rise as much as you like. Room temp. If not enough, I wait an hour before stretching/rolling. Who cares if you eat dinner a little early or late. This is like smoking bbq. You can ballpark the plan, but the above is obsessive and no fun at all.

  589. Cristina

    All the active yeasts I saw in the market said you have to add hot/warm water in order to use. Do I need to do that to use your recipe or am I just putting the active years on it¡¯s own into the recipe? Also is there a difference between instant yeast and active?

    1. deb

      Not technically, but people often do to check to see if it’s working. I find it wakes it up a bit faster. But this wasn’t designed with that pre-proofing in mind; you don’t need it here. Instant is different but can be used here instead. The rising times can be different. I sometimes find it faster, other times slower.

  590. Frances

    Never been super satisfied with my homemade pizza so I have been wanting to try this out. Omg, I did not treat this dough well…only covered it w a towel overnight and it got dried out on top, so I added some water and sort of remixed it? Then I had it in the (turned off) oven proofing with a pan of hot water, and my mom turned on the oven not realizing I had dough in there (only for maybe 5 ish minutes, not sure). But despite all of that it somehow turned out and was the best pizza Ive had at home!!

  591. Vaughan

    Made this last night, and it was really good! One note – we found that using foil was MUCH easier to work with than using parchment paper. When using parchment paper (to transfer to a stone), it was really difficult to spread the dough. We used foil for the second pizza, and the dough spread very easily, and cooked just as well. Not sure why so many people are recommending parchment paper, we are definitely team foil.

  592. Nishma Barron

    This was excellent! You’re so right, it’s an easy and forgiving dough. And your suggestion of gently sauteeing the mushrooms was right on. I used a marinara sauce because that’s all I had, but didn’t shake the bottle so the sauce was fairly dry. I’ll be making this again.

  593. Judith Gourdie

    Just made the 22 hour version. The crust tasted great. Had no issues with rising and measured it all out with a scale. However, I definitely only got 1 9×13 out of this. I tried to do two but the dough was none existent stretched out that thin. I had to use a decent amount of oil on my baking sheet to get it to stretch out. Looking at your photos again, I think mine my have been a little more wet.

    1. Matt

      Just chiming in to say I also had a heck of a time stretching it out. Ditto with 22 hours. I was able to get mine onto one 10×15 sheet, but even that was a stretch (no pun intended). Was it not risen enough? It definitely had doubled if not more.

      Still, though – what an awesome crust!!!

  594. Margaret

    Super Easy to make and tasted great! I made with 5 hours of rising time and it did great. Will use this recipe again!

  595. Kimberly Clifton

    I made pizza with this dough last night – it was awesome! I had my doubts about the dough – how could it possibly work without kneading it, with it just sitting around looking weird? It was terrific. I love that it’s ready when you are. Totally my go to from now on. Also, I used “00” flour from Italy because my tummy and American wheat do not have an amicable relationship. It worked out perfectly. Thank you!! (P.S. I use your recipes a lot and they are always reliable, thank you for that!!)

  596. Pamela Poon

    Consider adding some of your sourdough starter-I did this first on the 12 hour and now the 18 hour version and it makes your crust more tender and crisper. I added 1/2 cup on the 12 hour and 2 Tbsp on the 18 hour–the longer rise worked better. I couldn’t detect a change in flavor–but the flavor is good anyway. Could have been masked by the bacon and kale on top! We tried a “bianca” no red sauce version this last time–too busy sewing masks to make the sauce–and it was great! I believe using both starter and yeast is called using a “poolish”–cool breadmaking term for the day.

  597. Helena Wright

    This is a great method, and your comments are most helpful. I used half the Part-Day rise dough for a round pizza and as an experiment let the other half continue to rise overnight. I baked it in a covered cast-iron pot in a rough oval shape, like a batard loaf, using the Lahey method. It worked just fine. These proportions suit a two-person household very well.

  598. Donna

    This pizza dough is not JUST a pizza dough! This has been our ¡°quarantine Friday night pizza¡±!!! When I copied the recipe down on a card to keep in my kitchen, I re-named it ¡°Thursday Night Dough for Friday Night Pizza¡± this is a quarantine miracle!! I have literally made a double batch EVERY Thursday since April 2. That¡¯s 8 weeks in a row. The dough is perfect. It¡¯s also what helps me keep track of the days of the week! Everyone knows the weekend is coming when I get out the scale & big bowl!
    Yeast is scarce. I¡¯ve not been able to find ANY in Los Angeles. My mother sent me 6 envelopes that she could still find in the Midwest. I used the same ONE envelope for 5 weeks straight! Double batch (1/4 tsp) total per week = 4 pizzas. I feed myself, my husband & our 3 boys.
    We¡¯ve tried many topping variations. Margarita is one of the favorites. But we also love Jim Laheys Roman style potato rosemary pizza & the white broccoli is on the menu tonight!
    Extra time overnight = less yeast! This has really been a miracle recipe during this time! Thanks Deb!

  599. Angie

    Hi Deb, I made this the past two Friday nights! The first time I did the shortest rise and it worked brilliantly. The second time I did the longest rise and the dough was huge and practically liquid. It didn¡¯t cook well either: crispy edges but very uncooked middle…. It had been very hot here in London so perhaps that was the reason for the odd dough? Would love to try the 24hour rise again as it¡¯s just so convenient in terms of timings…

    Thanks for your wonderful site. I use it constantly!

  600. Cullen

    I followed the Overnight recipe exactly, and at 5pm scraped it out of the bowl to try to form it into ball shapes. I found it impossible to work with — it was more liquid than a dough. And incredible sticky. I gave up trying to form it into a ball and put the whole thing in the fridge to hopefully make dutch oven bread tomorrow. Wish I knew where I went wrong!

    1. Cullen

      I see now the paragraph about the ‘scariest thing’ that covers this situation. I guess I should have taken that more seriously. It didn’t seem just hard to work with – it seemed completely impossible.

  601. Abby

    This dough was SO good! I did the 6 hour version and had no problems at all, and didn’t find it too hard to stretch to my pan sizes! This will absolutely be my go to pizza dough recipe.

  602. Stacy

    This was great, especially for a first time dough maker. Appreciated the simplicity and no special equipment. I did the overnight version, and just baked in oven with regular cookie sheet. I started my stretching/flattening of the dough on silpat and just slid it onto the cookie sheet, and pressed in place. Added some extra toppings, but used your sauce with crusted tomatoes (drained) and it was a little doughy in the middle, but still delicious and crisp on bottom and sides. Probably needed a few more minutes of time due to the extra toppings.

  603. Sara

    This was so good! I did the 6 hour rise. I didn’t have plastic wrap so I covered the bowl with a wet towel.
    The dough was super sticky, I found I had to add a lot of flour to both my hands and the pizza in order to flatten it out, but it was well worth it!
    I don’t have a pizza stone, so I heated a baking pan in the oven on 425 and lay the pizza dough on parchment on the hot pan upside down. Worked perfectly, pizza was super crispy!
    Thank you!!

  604. Stacy

    How much cornmeal is to be sprinkled? I put a thin coat of olive oil on my baking sheet and sprinkled just the thinnest layer of cornmeal and then put the pan in the oven while it was preheating but then 20 minutes later (it took me a while to prepare the tomatoes and other things) the cornmeal burned and later on the pizza stuck to the pan. Was it in there too long? Should I have sprinkled more cornmeal? Help!

  605. Claire

    I have made this several times. It’s so yummy but the dough always rips when I’m nudging it into crust shape. I’m doing the 6 hour option, weighing my flour, using 1/2tsp yeast. Basically I am following instructions exactly but the holes make me crazy.

    Any suggestions?

  606. JAN

    Please advise for the margarita pizza if I wish to add mushrooms and green peppers you do suggest that I saute them first with a bit of olive oil – what order do I put the extra ingredients on the pizza – does the tomato go on first and the mozzarella cheese go on last – also where do you place the rack in the preheated oven – many thanks Jan

  607. Jenny

    I’ve never made a pizza dough (let alone many bready doughs) before in my life, so I’m sure I’m to blame–but this dough didn’t work for me. I actually found it to be so flavorless that I didn’t eat the pizza. Here’s what I did that maybe messed it up?

    – I used half whole wheat flour and regular, but not bread flour
    – I halved the recipe since we didn’t want that much pizza, but half of 1/8 tsp yeast (I chose the 22-hour recipe) seemed like too little, so I added a few more sprinkles. My yeast is good (I just tested it)
    – My kitchen was very warm. It was 85-90 outside and we don’t air condition this part of the house in the summer.

    The dough definitely looked under-risen–it wouldn’t spread all the way in our pan without getting a few holes. The texture was acceptable? It crisped up and was a little chewy where there was enough to form a “crust” on the edges, but it truly tasted like cardboard. Absolutely bland and sad. No one else has reported a lack of flavor… I know I didn’t forget the salt!

  608. JAN

    Please advise what position do you place the rack in the oven and do you saute mushrooms and green pepper prior placing on pizza dough – does the cheese go on the top

  609. JAN

    Instead of two 9×12 inch pans – can you use one 12 X 18 inch pan or is a stone a better option – I saw online someone using parchment on the stone and half way through sliding the pizza right on to the stone off the parchment – I do not have a pizza peel

  610. Ranleigh

    Long time reader, first time commenting because I thought I LOVED this dough recipe until it suddenly just… began to fail me? Hoping for some insight…
    Earlier this spring my family quarantined together at our cabin in northern Idaho. We have a long-standing tradition of making pizzas on our Big Green Egg and while it¡¯s always a favorite, pizza dough has always been a bit elusive for us, just never quite as good as we want it to be…enter this recipe! Wonderful success on the very first try, we all agreed (rare) that its the best dough recipe we¡¯ve tried and declared it our new standard. We made it many more times with great success.
    And then I left the cabin. Returned home to my Seattle apartment, and twice now I¡¯ve made the exact same recipe to epic failure. A gluey mess that barely makes it out of the bowl, I had to add over a cup of flour just to be able to manage it and was never able to properly shape it. I cooked one batch in my oven, it was rock hard and pretty flavorless, the second try I took back to the Big Green Egg and while it tasted great (thank you fire and lots of olive oil) it was impossible to stretch and shape.
    Same brands, fresh yeast, even rise temp….what in the world is going on??? Could it really be the mountain lake water over city pipes?

  611. Angela

    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but every time I make this it sticks horribly. This latest time I used a baking sheet as a makeshift pizza stone on the bottom rack, used cornmeal *and* a thin layer of oil and baked until the top was charred (about 11min). It still stuck (though less horribly than in the past). Maybe it’s because I’m covering my pan with foil? But without the foil it’d just stick to the pan and be even harder to clean/remove. I would bake it longer to give the crust time to brown but then the top would be overdone. Maybe I should cover the top with foil for a portion of the baking time? I’m grasping at straws here.

    1. Angela

      Update: made this recipe again tonight for dinner. This time I used parchment instead of foil and the crust didn’t stick at all! The paper burned at the edges but I think that’s an acceptable loss.

      I also prebaked the crust for 3-4 minutes before adding the sauce, cheese, and toppings. Then I baked the finished pizza for 15ish more minutes. This led to a nicely browned top, although the bottom was still a bit pale. I’ll experiment with prebaking for 4-5 minutes and/or using a baking sheet as a makeshift pizza stone.

  612. Anna

    I make this dough every Friday for pizza Friday (a covid quarantine tradition that I suspect will become a long term thing in my family). So, maybe… 30 and change pizzas worth? And it¡¯s perfect and easy and I should write you a check for all the money we have saved by not getting delivery.

    I have found that it is the perfect amount of dough for a single, grandma-style half sheet of pizza for anyone who prefers that size of sheet pan and who is frightened by pizza peels. Always grease the pan. I find 16 Oz mozzarella and 8 Oz of sauce is just perfect.

  613. Hillary

    I’ve made this like 4 times now! I was really confused about the definition of “craggy” at first, and misunderstood that the dough is wet *after* rising, not before. But once I figured that out it’s been great. I feel like Deb will appreciate that I’ve done the calculations to multiply all of the ingredients by 1.75. It’s perfect for two 16″ pizzas. :D

  614. Sara

    Opted for the overnight version of the dough and everything came out perfectly! This will be on regular rotation at our house from now on (made one margherita and one with spinach and sausage) The ONLY modification that I might make the next time around is to add some salt to the dough as the crust itself was a bit bland one you got to around the edges with no toppings. Sauce recipe was spot on and was the first time I didn’t end up with watery/soggy homemade pizza

  615. Amanda

    I¡¯ve made this before and it was awesome but TODAY I made it and we used it to make personal pizzas at my 30th birthday party. One batch of dough made about 5 personal pizzas. The guests brought a topping to share and it was so much fun. Everyone thought the dough was delicious! Thank you Deb!

  616. Emily

    Made this dough tonight! First time ever making pizza dough and this turned out perfect. It was a tad wet, but that was mentioned in the notes above. Instead of using flour on my fingers I just lightly wet them and nothing stuck and the crust was perfectly bubbly. This is going into the monthly rotation….I am just curious if I could freeze the dough or if it would be better to parbake the crust then freeze it?

  617. Kate

    I’ve been making the NYT Roberta’s pizza dough recipe for a couple of years, but this is so much easier (and tastes great with or without fancy 00 flour from Italy).
    I did panic when I first pulled the sticky wet dough out of the bowl after the rise, but you do not lie – it bakes up beautifully!

  618. Kelly Jo

    Absolutely delicious and super easy. My kids said that it was the best pizza they have ever had and that has not been an easy find. Thank you so much for this recipe!

  619. Pat Bullen

    After lamenting to a friend about how much I love scones and how bad my attempts have been, she said she loved your cream scones. She was right!! They are incredible. I also made fairly lousy biscuits until I met your cream biscuits. I like to add a very generous handful of grated cheddar cheese and then make breakfast sandwichs with bacon, egg, and more cheese. I then purchased your first cookbook and discovered your apricot breakfast crumble. I haven’t made it with apricots yet but it is mighty good with peaches or apples and pears with craisins. Now we are trying your pizza dough. Thank you for creating such a great cookbook. I recommended your recipes to a friend who also raves over the cream biscuits and has since purchased your cookbook.

  620. Kim

    Best pizza I’ve ever made at home and I’ve tried alot of recipes. I tweaked it by par baking it before adding toppings and adding a tiny bit of discard sourdough. Finally good pizza at home <3

  621. Heather

    Really great pizza dough. Flavour and texture were much nicer than the other dough recipe I use from this site (which is also really good, don’t get me wrong). My guest was impressed and I am already looking for opportunities to make this again.

    1. deb

      I actually don’t have a favorite. For cake pans, I use a lot of Williams-Sonoma gold touch but my sheet pans are from different brands.

  622. Amanda Tobier

    I have been making this pizza every week during the pandemic, and it’s perfect! My tips: for the 8 hour rise, use exactly 1.25 cups of water for the dough, not more. Sprinkle a lot of cornmeal on an oiled pan and it won’t stick at all. For the sauce, I added some tomato paste for extra richness.

  623. Maya

    Deb! You need the Pizza Camp cookbook. It was my great quarantine discovery. It¡¯s not as easy as this seems to be, (you have to start further in advance) but it is hands down the best pizza you will ever make at home, and there is a lot of overlap here…

  624. Erin

    I did the all day day dough schedule and ended up having to make it a little sooner than the 12 hr mark – had a heck of a time spreading the dough. My pizzas ended up looking like some amorphous blobs, but this was so so good! Will try the full overnight dough next time.

  625. Katherine

    I made the gluten-free version using King Arthur flour and it was kind of a bust. Not inedible, but I didn’t really want to eat it. It didn’t rise at all and I did the 24-hour version. Worth giving it a go.

  626. Luisa

    I’ve made this dough twice. It’s been excellent both times and has become my go-to recipe for pizza dough. For today, at the start I put it in the oven at 100 degrees (proofing function in my oven) for about 45 minutes and then let it rise on the counter the rest of the day. When it came time to put the pizza together, I stretched the dough for a half-size sheet pan, which seems perfect–nice and thin but not too thin. Love this recipe!

  627. Riane

    Please help! I have tried so many different yeast types and brands and my dough NEVER rises!!
    I just used newly purchased SAF Instant yeast and still had no luck. Is it possible my problem isn’t with the yeast at all but with the flour? Can flour be too old and affect the rising?

    1. deb

      No, but I do find instant yeast can take longer to get started. You can warm the liquid a little, as you would for active dry, to help wake it up. Keep the yeast in your fridge or freezer and it should last a very long time.

    2. Randi

      I found a great way to make sure my water is not too hot or cold…I read it in a recipe for peasant bread. You boil 1/2 cup of water and add 3/4 cup cold water to it. Works everytime!

  628. Tammy Barb

    We love this recipe but no matter what I can only get one pizza, 13×9, or a smidge more out of the dough. I always use all bread flour, could that be the problem?

  629. Kate

    Deb, I¡¯ve followed your site for the longest time and love so many of your recipes, but don¡¯t think I¡¯ve ever commented. This pizza dough did it. You cracked the code for me! I¡¯ve never been able to do a good grilled pizza and this one was great! I was skeptical that such a wet dough was going to make it in one piece on the grill, but I followed your steps (grilled one side first, then dressed it and put it back on) and it worked like magic. Also – I did one batch overnight and made one batch the following morning. No real discernible difference in taste. So good for so little effort!! Will definitely make again. :)

  630. Morgan

    Made the 6 hour version and used the stovetop from hot oven to rise dough (warm from your phenomenal pound cake recipe!). Topped it with leftover meatballs w their sauce, shredded mozzarella, fresh parm, black olives, and once out of oven fresh basil. Holy cow. Phenomenal! The crust had great texture¡ªdidn¡¯t burn on bottom and wasn¡¯t soggy. Husband looooved it and wish I had doubled recipe (it made one 13×9 for us).

  631. Katy

    I made the 6 hour version of the dough and it worked very well. I used strong white bread flour and active dried yeast.

    I do just want to emphasise that if you are used to making pizza with well kneaded smooth dough, this is going to look like a disaster when you take off the cling film (mine was bubbly and risen but not domed and smooth) and it will really feel like a disaster when you scrape it out of the bowl and realise how much is stuck to the bowl, the counter and your fingers. I did a lot of swearing, but I did manage to stretch mine to 2 9×13 sheets – it stretches very thin. I also tried the sauce, which is so fresh and delicious *and* saves 45 minutes of simmering. I used more like half a cup per pizza than 1/3. I’m going to try the 22 hour rise next time.

    1. Katy

      I see that some people struggled to get 2 X 9×13 pizzas out of it – I weighed mine and can say that 375g flour risen for 6 hours can stretch to 2 (I think mine were about a cm from the sides). You just need to be quite bold with the stretching and ready to patch where needed.

  632. Lisa Cope

    I’ve made this many times, and LOVE this recipe. Here’s a tip that I find makes it easier. I make the dough a day ahead of when I want it, using the twelve hour rise. After that, I refrigerate it overnight. The next day, I take the dough out 2 1/2 hours before I want to stretch it. It is MUCH easier to stretch out that way.

  633. This was excellent! I made the 22 hour dough and was greatly surprised by how easy the dough was to handle. I didn’t need to add flour. I didn’t put cornmeal on my sheet pan which was a BIG MISTAKE and the pizzas stuck terribly, but were delicious. I love that it rises at room temperature and I don’t have to find room in the fridge for it, and the timing makes it a lot more realistic for me, versus something like 6 hours or 18 hours.

    1. This continues to be a standby for us. So easy, so good. I find that a quick knead (under 90 seconds) by hand in the bowl picks up all the dry flour. For shaping, I just knock down the dough in the bowl, tip it onto an oiled, cornmeal-ed pan, and nudge it into place. My least favourite part is flouring my countertops, because it requires that I clean my countertops (then dirty them and clean them again.) This way, I side-step it completely.

  634. Darren

    Did this recipe used to call for oiling the sheet pan before pressing the dough into it – and a par bake? Or am I confusing this with something else?

  635. Jess

    I make this dough all the time for various kinds of pizzas and it never disappoints. Normally I do the quickest version, but this time I did the overnight rise. This time I used it to make breakfast pizza (using the Ukrop¡¯s recipe from a beloved defunct local grocery chain) and it was amazing for this also. I do feel the overnight rise is less sticky and more tender than the quick rise ones I¡¯ve made.

  636. Kelli

    I make this regularly on a sheet pan, and the best way I’ve found to make it not stick is to grease the baking sheet with butter, then cornmeal (semolina also works). It works better than olive oil or spray in my experience, I think because it holds the cornmeal in place better. Such a great recipe, my kids love it too!

  637. Katrina

    I¡¯ve been making this pizza recipe for the last 2 years and everyone raves about it!! Thank you!! Question. We just moved from Kansas to Colorado and I¡¯m finding it¡¯s different due to, I¡¯m assuming, the altitude change. I miss that artisan crunch/chew! Do you have any suggestions for altitude alterations? Also, the oven in our new home only preheats to 500 whereas our previous pumped it up to 550. I¡¯m sure that has an effect also which, sadly I doubt I can do much about? Thanks for any tips!

    1. Stephanie

      Hello fellow Coloradan! You can also check out the Colorado State Extension School recommendations for high altitude baking which they separate by what you’re making (eg. pie crust, muffins, cookies, etc).

  638. Hilary Stein

    Hi Deb,

    I love your recipes! I accidentally used 1/2 tsp of yeast, but am not planning on making pizza until tomorrow night. Would recommend that I refrigerate the dough overnight and let it finish rising at room temp in the morning or rise at room temp overnight and stick it in the refrigerator in the morning to slow the fermentation? I appreciate your help! Thank you!

  639. Rebecca

    Sounds lovely, can’t wait to try. I’ve also had great success w/ blending up sundried toms (in oil) for a quick and flavourful sauce (idea thanks to Jamie Oliver!)

  640. Ashley

    I made this tonight and it prompted me to comment for the first time–this was amazing! Thank you for sharing it! How fortuitous that the no knead no proof method also makes superior pizza. I used a mixture of all-purpose, bread flour, whole wheat, and what may have been white whole wheat (in a canister that I didn’t label at the time of decanting), and it was the best pizza crust I’ve ever made.

  641. Violetta

    I must say that this is indeed a perfect pizza! Deb, I am so so grateful that you helped me tackle this demon dish (oh the failed attempts with fresh mozzarella and subpar crust) and my kids say that ‘mama’s pizza is the best’. I follow the recipe precisely and it comes out perfect every time! I also bought a pizza stone and feel like it is really helping. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

  642. Sarah

    I made this dough for the first time today. The 5 minute prep was a great start! I did the 6 hour rise. The dough rose perfectly, I oiled and sprinkled cornmeal on my baking sheets and the dough stretched perfectly. I baked for 10 minutes at 550 and I do believe this was the best homemade pizza I’ve ever made. I won’t look anywhere else!! Thanks for a winning recipe!

  643. Theresa Goodnight

    ??????????! I tried the grocery store pizza doughs for years, and could never get them right. It wasn¡¯t me, it was the dough. This dough is forgiving, flexes around my day, and requires minimal effort. I just need 1 pizza, so the first time made an extra thick crust (full recipe), the next time an extra thin crust (1/2 recipe) and found the perfect amount (2/3 recipe).
    1 c. whole wheat flour
    1 c. reg. flour
    2/3 of 1/2 tsp. yeast (mid-day version)
    1 tsp. salt
    1 c. water
    Total WIN! Thank you for helping me conquer my pizza dough proficiency!

  644. Elena

    I am someone who doesn’t have a high skill level for baking, especially bread things, so pizza is a little bit scary. However, this turned out fantastic!!! It really is incredibly easy/lazy. We will certainly be adding this into the dinner rotation! Thank you Deb!

  645. Annette

    I have no one to blame but myself: normally I use fresh yeast for baking, so the only active dry yeast I had around was from the early days of the pandemic. I doubled the amount, figuring that the rising time was long enough even for yeast that was past its prime. Well, no – that was one nasty crust! (It was so dense, it seemed almost unbaked.) So when I make this again, I will definitely buy a new packet of dry yeast.

  646. Laura

    Love this recipe. It is my go-to now whenever I make pizza. My own personal tip is to use olive oil instead of flour when forming the pizza. I find it so much easier to work with wet dough that way. I also always bake my pizza on parchment now, it makes it so much easier to slide onto the pizza stone. I believe I found that tip in one of your other pizza-related posts.

    Regarding gluten-free pizza – I recently had an excellent experience making gluten-free pizza using the Caputo gluten-free flour (Fioreglut) and following the recipe from Vito Iacopelli’s youtube video on making gluten-free pizza. I highly recommend it, and would do it the exact same way if I ever needed to make gluten-free pizza again.

  647. Aislinn

    Ok, we’ve used and loved this pizza dough recipe for our weekly pizza night for years, but last week we made the angry grandma pizza from Smitten Kitchen Keepers, and the dough was AMAZING. OUT OF THIS WORLD. NEVER TRYING ANYTHING ELSE. It was the ideal homemade pizza dough. Thank you for taking us along on your pizza journey! Every step has been worth it.

  648. Lisa

    This is a brilliant recipe Deb, thanks so much for making my homemade pizza dreams come true! I made this last night with pepperoni & red onions for New Year¡¯s Eve for my husband & me. I didn¡¯t get the dough started until just after lunch so the rising time was about 4 hours (in a slightly warmed oven). The pizza was scrumptious, we thought it was the best crust we¡¯ve ever had (we haven¡¯t been to Italy yet). Can¡¯t wait to have pizza for lunch today : )
    Happy New Year to you and your lovely family!

  649. Kaili

    Despite having read this recipe when first published, I didn’t get around to making it until sometime early last year. Barring a few holidays and extenuating circumstances, I have made it *every* *single* *week* since. I want to stress that I have to cook dinner basically every day, having moved from NYC to a place where nobody delivers–and I love cooking, and am fortunate to have lots of time to do it, but it gets old. The only other menu item on true weekly rotation is “please I am begging you all to just eat the leftovers, you liked them yesterday and they’re still delicious.” If this recipe were even a little bit of a pain, or even a little bit shy of wonderful, it wouldn’t be a household fixture the way it is.

    A real thing that was said to me the first time I made this recipe: “You improve our quality of life so much.” This pizza dough improves my quality of life too. Can’t overstate how much of a relief it is to have such a painless meal that I can make on repeat, and have everyone eagerly look forward to it.

    Some notes!
    – Overnight every time, baby. It gets pretty cold here in the winter, but I’ve never had a problem with it not rising enough.
    – I weigh the flour rather than use the cup measurements. If you have a scale, it really is the easiest option here for consistent results.
    – I bake this at 550 on my oven’s convection setting. If you have the option to do this, I highly recommend it. Crispier crust, extra browning, and it seems to be more forgiving if you like heavier toppings. Just keep an eye on it and make sure you rotate your pans halfway through.
    – The dough definitely can feel fussy and precarious the first time or two you make it, but relax. Breath. Try to only stretch it a couple times before you set it on the baking pan, and then just patiently nudge and tug. If you get holes, just pinch them back together. I like to get my pizzas stretched out one after another and then sort of take turns nudging them out on the pan, so if one starts to act up I can give it a minute to rest while I work on the other. Even if it still looks a little messy in the end, honestly, don’t worry–anyone who turns their nose up at a rustic-looking pizza does not deserve to eat your food :)
    – I’ve subbed out part of the AP flour for bread flour on occasion when, oops, I didn’t have as much AP on hand as I thought. This definitely makes the dough harder to work with, but it still turns out great–crunchier, even.
    – I know Deb and every Italian and serious cook is going to disagree, but the pre-shredded cheese is fine here. I’ve used the nicer stuff and it is undoubtedly delicious, but nobody I’m cooking for notices a difference, especially when I have other toppings to focus on, which I always do.
    – The sauce as written is impeccable, but I cannot be contained, and so I’ve ended up riffing on it. I use canned crushed tomatoes (don’t notice any extra wateriness though maybe that varies by brand), grate cloves of garlic on a rasp so I don’t need to break out the blender, and season to taste with a little basil thrown in. I get more sauce this way, as I’m getting the full can’s worth instead of draining off liquid.
    – Freezing the extra portions of sauce works great! Just make sure you mix it up a little after defrosting, as the liquid will separate a bit. I never notice a difference once the pizza is cooked.
    – Deb is correct about using a light hand with toppings for better structural integrity and crisp crusts, but I want you to know that I am a monster and I’ve gone mad with power, and I completely ignore this advice on the regular and it is still delicious.

    Some favorite variations:
    – in tomato season, thinly sliced tomatoes and garlic finished with salt, pepper, basil, and olive oil
    – LEFTOVERS. Do you, too, constantly have to beg your housemates to please just eat the dang leftovers before they go bad? Put them on pizza. Open your mind and be saved. Those dregs of roasted vegetables, that lone piece of meat, even pasta my friends. Pulled pork! Thanksgiving leftovers! Fried chicken! I’ve put (very thick) black bean chili on pizza in lieu of the sauce and it was good. As long as it’s not too wet, you’re good to go.
    – Sub out the tomato sauce for your favorite barbecue sauce and top with bacon and thinly sliced jalapenos cooked gently in the drippings. Dip in ranch or blue cheese dressing, because the Italians have already left the room.
    – Deb has recommended using bechamel for white pizzas, and someday I won’t be too lazy for that, but a base of just cheese is still very delicious. I like to make a lazy approximation of the broccoli rubble mentioned other places on this site to go on top.
    – I made taco pizza once, and it was a little more effort than I usually like going to for the easiest meal of the week, but I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. Was it a little soggy with all the toppings? Yes. Not as much as you’d expect, though, and nobody minded. I will be reunited with you again someday, taco pizza.

    Love letter concluded, I’m off to make this pizza again now. Thank you, Deb.

  650. Heather

    This is fantastic.

    I love fresh mozzarella: it is the only cheese in my fridge. I do try to use it quickly, and I often change the water.

    When I read your note about water-logged mozzarella, I took mine out of the water, put it in a colander, and placed a heavy can on top, to press out the water. I left the can until it was time to ¡°decorate¡± the pizza ¡ª about an hour ¡ª and it worked beautifully. I had lovely, tasty, wonky-shaped pizza I will make over and over.

  651. naomi

    Question that hopefully someone can answer – how does this compare to the new pizza recipe in the Smitten Kitchen Keepers book? I love this lazy pizza dough recipe and have made it a number of times. I have the time to make it BUT was wondering if I should use the new recipe instead this weekend. Can anyone compare? Many thanks in advance!

    1. Aislinn

      Yep, see my comment from December 11th! We loved this one for years, but the one in SKK is definitely our new fave. It¡¯s thick and airy (similar to a focaccia, pan pizza, or Detroit-style pizza) and the edges are so amazingly crispy and delicious. It has such good flavour and rises so well after only 1.5 hrs. You don¡¯t want a soggy sauce with the SKK dough, but it does hold up well to plenty of toppings. I definitely think you should try it to see if you like it! Though! Be sure to use instant yeast and warm the water to the right temp¡ªmy SKK dough always turns out amazingly and we couldn¡¯t figure out why it always turned out so stodgy and didn¡¯t rise when my husband made it¡ªturns out he was using active dry yeast, which definitely doesn¡¯t work for that recipe¡¯s timings.

      1. Naomi

        Thank you!! I made it last night and I loved it. I love both pizzas and definitely agree that the cookbook version is much thicker and crispier. It can hold a lot of toppings. For anyone else who had my question – if you want to load up on toppings use Smitten Kitchen Keepers but if you want more true margherita style, then this one on the website is excellent. And you can’t mess it up – the rise times all work perfectly.

  652. This is a GREAT! I have made it 3 times. It is very easy and tastes great. I let it rise in the fridge for a few days before freezing or using. I shape it by putting it on parchment paper and dipping my fingers in olive oil. It is so much easier and cleaner than using flour and a rolling pin. Thanks for the great recipe!.

  653. Liz

    I don¡¯t know what happened but this was a total bust for me. The dough rose nicely but when I split it it was just a sticky mess. It wasn¡¯t cohesive and just ripped when I tried to spread it after handling. More flour just made it worse.

  654. Susanne

    Hi Deb, I make this pizza recipe alot. It mostly works fine but please update the weight of the 3 cups of flour you have listed in the recipe. 3 cups of flour (I used Tipo 00 to make extra authentic dough) was 485g and I didn’t pack my cups very dense. Just scooped it and even out the top with a knife. I made the recipe with the 385g listed in the recipe before and it was a disaster. It was way to fluid – had to add quite a bit of flour. I am German so I bake by weight as default and so I was happy to see you had the weight listed as well. Just to find that it was not correct – maybe if one would use whole wheat flour but even then the water would be too much…

    1. deb

      I don’t have any 00 flour at home to check right now, but it might weigh more than than our regular flour does as it’s more finely ground. My cups of all-purpose American flour always, always clock between 130 to 135 grams per cup, so 485 grams would be much too heavy. I do want the dough to be quite sticky here; it’s messy to use but will have a nice bake with big and small holes.

      1. Susanne

        I am making your dough again. Just weighed a cup 00 and its 140g and I used spelt 1050 as well and he weighs 138g (that’s between white and whole – in Germany flour is labelled by mineral ash weight, the higher the number the closer to whole). Maybe my cup measure is off? How much volume has the standardized US cup? Off to google and weigh it out again. ? (haven’t added yeast or water yet)

      2. Susanne

        I solved the mystery! US-cup is smaller that European Cup. It’s only about 240 ml while the standard cup volume in Germany is 250 ml.

  655. Laura

    I made the part-day version of this today and it all came out tasting amazing. I used KAF Pizza flour. The dough was incredibly sticky and hard to work with, but we made it work and like I said, it tasted great. Is it typical for the dough to be that sticky or do you think I added too much water? The dough had almost, but not quite doubled when we used it. Thanks for any insight!

  656. A

    I have made this pizza dough more times than I can count. I don¡¯t know if I have another recipe that I¡¯ve repeated as many times as this one. It¡¯s extremely easy and at this point I don¡¯t even try to control it like a typical dough. I prep my sheet pan with olive oil and cornmeal scoop the dough onto the sheet pan, and with coaxing a bit of time (very important), I stretch it into place and cover it with my favorite toppings. Perfect.

  657. Ck

    Thank you for this very much needed recipe!!!
    I made it and although good, I feel like maybe I did something wrong¡­. Is the water you add to the dry ingredients warm (lukewarm for yeast) or do you just use cold water?