
cauliflower with almonds, raisins and capers

Look, I know what most of you out there: “How on earth is she cooking with a newborn to take care of?” and that, quite possibly, one of two scenarios might be going through your head. One is that I am SuperDeb, a mutant human with cooking, sleep-deprivation-handling and time management superpowers, sweeping around my tiny apartment and even tinier kitchen in my Smitten Kitchen cape, trying to make all the other barely-holding-it-together new mamas look bad. Another scenario would be closer to something that you’d hear about on the evening network news scare report: Maybe Deb is a Bad Mother! Maybe little Jacob is crying and neglected while his mother selfishly pursues her cooking interests! You can practically hear viewers clucking their tongues in dismay for miles.


The truth, as is so often the case, is much more melodrama-free, I hope you’ll be relieved for me to admit. The truth is that I’ve had a ton of help, namely in the form of Jacob’s papa, who was not only granted two weeks mpaternity leave, but his kind bosses let him work from home for another two, amounting to a whole month of round-the-clock assistance. That all came to a screeching halt this week when Alex returned to his office and I was left, for the first time ever, in the solo care of my own child. Needless to say, this week has been a leetle bit different in terms of idle time in the kitchen.

sliced cauliflower

And yet, crazy enough, I made this dish that I’d bookmarked a lifetime ago, tried and failed to make seven weeks ago, pre-baby (when I had all of the time in the world — what was I thinking?), and yet, there I was with a soundly napping one-month old and I ran with it. Er, ran in the direction of the kitchen, that was.

lots of prep

Funny thing is, this is a pretty fussy recipe for one to squeeze in during nap time. Like many fancy restaurant chef recipes, each element is prepared separately and assembled at the last minute, and yet these mini-stages of prep worked perfectly for my predicament. I toasted the bread crumbs in butter, then checked on the baby, fried the almonds in olive oil, then checked on the baby, browned the cauliflower, checked on the baby, and so forth right through plumping the raisins in butter and white wine vinegar, rinsing the capers and tossing the mix with minced herbs. And then, since Wee Jacob was still napping (do I owe him a pony, or what?) when I was done, I grabbed a fork and ineloquently wolfed down my first lunch in days that had not been a hastily assembled peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Hoo boy, mama could really get used to feasts like this.

cauliflower with almonds and raisins

Cauliflower, previously: Silky Cauliflower Soup, Cauliflower Gratin, Cauliflower Salad with Green Olives and Capers, Cauliflower, Bean and Feta Salad and one of my hands-down favorites, Pasta with Cauliflower, Walnuts and Feta.

One year ago: Deep, Dark Salted Butter Caramel Sauce
Two years ago: Gluten-Free Chocolate Financiers
Three years ago: Spinach Quiche

Cauliflower With Almonds, Capers and Raisins
Perfect as printed from Michael Anthony, Gramercy Tavern

This dish has a great story, by the way — it’s supposed to convert the cauliflower-haters. When Michael Anthony of Gramercy Tavern met his wife, he was horriified to learn that she did not like cauliflower, and set out on what he called the “cauliflower operation”, creating five dishes solely to woo her and change her mind. This is one of them, and it called to me not only for the cute story, not only because Michael Anthony is one of the few chefs I will allow myself some fawning over, having followed the trail of his stepped-up simple food from Blue Hill at Stone Barns back to Manhattan, but because my mother always used to serve (steamed) cauliflower with breadcrumbs that she’d fried briefly in butter, and to this day, I think the vegetable tastes best with something crunchy, salty and buttery on top. I was pleased to see that it’s not just me.

Yield: 4 servings (sure, totally)

1 head cauliflower, trimmed of leaves
1 1/2 tablespoons butter or olive oil
3 tablespoons fresh soft bread crumbs
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons whole almonds
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons golden raisins (I had only dark ones on hand, nobody complained)
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon capers, rinsed and drained
1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley
1 teaspoon finely chopped tarragon
1 teaspoon finely sliced chives.

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut cauliflower from top to bottom in 1-inch slices. Place a large ovenproof skillet over low heat and add one tablespoon butter. When it has melted, add bread crumbs and toss until toasted and golden brown, about 3 minutes. Transfer crumbs to a plate and wipe out pan.

2. Return pan to medium heat and add one teaspoon olive oil. Add almonds and toss until lightly browned, 2 to 3 minutes. Season lightly with salt and pepper to taste. Transfer almonds to a plate, let cool, and cut each almond into three pieces*; set aside.

3. Wipe out pan and return to medium heat. Add remaining one tablespoon olive oil and cauliflower slices. Saut¨¦ until lightly browned on both sides. Transfer pan to oven and roast until tender, about 12 minutes. (I had to brown my cauliflower in batches, not having enough surface area in my pan, but tossed everything back in to roast it.) Meanwhile, in a small saucepan over low heat, melt remaining 1/2 tablespoon butter and add raisins, vinegar and 1 tablespoon water. Simmer until raisins are plump and soft, about 5 minutes; drain and set aside. In a small bowl, combine almonds, capers, raisins, parsley, tarragon and chives. Season with salt and pepper and toss to mix.

4. Arrange roasted cauliflower on a serving platter. Spoon almond-herb mixture evenly on top and sprinkle with toasted bread crumbs. Serve immediately.

* I read this step and laughed and laughed. Yes, SURE. Let’s all cut our almonds into thirds! Anyone have a scalpel and some tweezers? Impossible! And then the strangest thing happened: I stopped rolling my eyes — “chef recipes!” — long enough to try it and it turns out with a sharp knife one can absolutely cut almonds into thirds. This isn’t to say that you must, unless you’re feeling fancy. You are more than welcome to cut yours into halves or fifths or even roughly chop them and I won’t tell a soul. It can be our little secret.

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167 comments on cauliflower with almonds, raisins and capers

  1. Mona

    First? Woo hoo! Looks delicious and I’m happy you had a nice hot lunch! But of course, I could fly there and watch that precious angel for you while you cook us something delicious in the kitchen! :-)

  2. Karen

    Ha! My husband just returned to work today, and I’m wondering what on earth to do about food now that I am the solo carer of an infant! I probably won’t be this adventurous just yet, but it gives me hope. Love the site and recipes!

  3. I might have to take your word on this one – I think cauliflower is just o.k., but it’s raisins that I’m really not wild about! I’ve been trying though – I recently made a cuban ground pork dish w/raisins, cinnamon & olives (from Saveur magazine), & it was delicious! Even though my husband made me include the raisins :)

  4. Emily

    I’m not a huge fan of cauliflower, and so I was reading this post thinking maybe I’d make this with broccoli instead, and then I read the note about converting cauliflower-haters. Guess I’ll have to try it as intended!

  5. Ok, I’m going BACK to the market (with my two full bags of veg) to get cauliflower. This looks amazing. Also, you should definitely be selling Smitten Kitchen capes. There’s got to be a market for that.

  6. I love how breadcrumbs can add a much-needed crunch to vegetable dishes. Have you ever tried the pasta with cauliflower, currents, and pine nuts from Sunday Suppers at Lucques? As for converting people to cauliflower, I think that battered, fried, and sauced Manchurian cauliflower might just do the trick. Looking forward to more naptime treats!

  7. Naptime is called “naptime” because that’s when YOU are supposed to take a nap, so you can get through the night. You ARE super Deb and I’ll bet your cape is embroidered (by you) with some gourmet food.

    Keep up the posts, though, we’re a selfish lot here. We need food too.

  8. Well, I am still impressed, being a new mom is tough work and you are still pulling through! Would you say that the raisins are a crucial part of this dish, will the integrity of the dish be compromised without them? I have a serious aversion to raisins, in a not very mature way. I work with it though and if a recipe depends on raisins I just don’t make it, if they can be taken out with no great loss then I go for it. What do you think?

  9. Jennifer B

    Can’t wait to try this. My husband loves cauliflower and this looks fantastic. But are we supposed to cut the almonds into thirds lengthwise or width-wise?

    My “little one” is a bigger now, but I do remember that naptimes during the first year or so were sanity savers where I could still be an adult, kind of. Assuming the little one is sleeping at least mostly through the night, of course. When they start moving all bets are off, but I thought 2 months – about 9 months was a golden period. So cook while you can!

    The time when I really stopped cooking was when she was about age 2.5 – 5. I refused to make separate meals for the little darlin’ and she basically refused to eat anything. We are, just now at age 8, getting to where I can be more adventurous with my cooking and not have her retching and gagging at the table.

  10. So many people told me that I’d never cook again once my first baby was born, which always got on my nerves. What was I suddenly supposed to start eating then, after years of good cooking? Frozen pizzas? If you love to cook, that doesn’t change just because you have children. In fact, once my babies (two of them) started eating solids and I made all their baby food, I enjoyed cooking even more.

  11. K

    aw man, no gratuitous baby pics in this post?? don’t pretend you didn’t take a shot of him with a huge cauliflower next to his head…. :P

  12. i like the idea of super-deb running around in her smitten kitchen cape. i like cauliflower and don’t make it enough. this is an inspiring dish, greenmarket here i come.

  13. Cauliflower is something so loved in our house we usually end up in a fork war at the table. This one will definitely cause a riot.

    ps. baby photos+food photos=perfection

  14. Oh yum! This looks tasty. I’ve always been ho-hum on cauliflower (save some steamed cauliflower that is drenched in butter…but maybe I just like butter.) but this would definitely convert me!

    I’m missing baby shots though. Please, one baby pic per post, minimum! :)

  15. This looks really yummy! I just bought a nice cauliflower so might give this a try!

    You’re so lucky your hubby gets to have maternity leave with you, he must be loving all the baby time :)

    1. Sarah

      How do you get your cauliflower to slice so nicely? Mine just fell apart as I was cutting through. Could you just roast the cauliflower and top with the breadcrumbs and nut/ raisin mixture?

  16. Sam

    Ah Deb I love it when you post savory recipes, this should help save me from eating the entire tray of your DELICIOUS pumpkin bread pudding that I just made ;)

    ps it seems to me you are a super mom, both to Jacob and all of us thankful foodie fans out here!!

  17. Symphonic Chef

    Wow… you not only had time to cook, but also to take stunning photographs along the way! Love the little spoons and dishes of ingredients. Beautiful! May you have many more naptime cooking adventures…

  18. Haha, I’m so glad you actually got to eat it. I did quite a bit of cooking during baby nap time (well, that at NetFlix-ed Grey’s Anatomy) on my maternity, and it was almost guaranteed as soon as my fork was mid-air to my mouth, I’d hear the howls of un-happy baby. I couldn’t blame him though–I’d be pissed too if I couldn’t eat solids.

  19. Sarah

    As a mom of 3, I think that you’ll have the time (or make the tim) for whatever is good for you. I love cooking, and hate cleaning the house. So, we eat great, the house is pretty messy- hire an occasional housecleaner, and we’re in business. Now if I could only find a way to afford sending the laundry out, maybe I could make time for knitting…!

  20. Kari

    Looks so good! I have bad memories of cauliflower- as in campbell’s “gold label” soup that I screamed “it smells like old socks!” to my dad when I was four. This I may be screaming praises of.

  21. I have been reading your blog for a long time and just wanted to say hang in there (and that I love your site!!) – I have a 2 year old and a newborn (Coby a shortform from an old Dutch name Jacoba, basically the female version of your little man!) so when I read your blog I feel a sense of kindred spirit on the sleep-front- naptime poses a big dilemma – to cook or to sleep?

  22. Soph

    Wow, what a great recipe and I have a fresh cauliflower in the fridge!!! It will be a change from eating it with a cheese sauce (and better for my post baby figure). By the way, I can totally relate to how it is to be alone for the first few days with a new baby! I thought I would never manage – especially after a c-section where you can’t lift anything except your baby – but I did. And as the weeks went by, I found a routine that worked. I inspired myself from The Baby Whisperer’s EASY routine… It does work and it gives time for napping and cooking and showering and all those things that seemed impossible without a spare pair of hands around. But boy do I look forward to weeknights and weekends!!! Take care!

  23. Also having a newborn, I maintain that, for people who love to cook, getting back in the kitchen is part of that feeling of normality that one is trying to establish. Back at our house, we’re trying to deal with the (wonderful, much appreciated) glut of food from friends and relatives so that we can get back to being able to actually make dinner on our own again.

  24. I love cauliflower, and this looks incredible. I can see how you want to cook, even with a newborn, when you have such wonderful recipes. Your baby will grow up so healthy and loving all kinds of great food. What a good mom!

  25. Jean

    Cauliflower look delicious – so does Jacob. Love the swaddling and the sweet little room and furniture too. When did bumpers, drop sides, walkers become a no -no? It makes me wonder how my four ever survived – they were even grown before anti- bacterial cleaners and hand gels!

  26. Amy

    Gah! How ARE you still cooking with a newborn to take care of?? And I only ask because I (alas) have no newborn to take care of, but I keep drooling over your recipes, insteading of making them. Maybe it’s just a temporary lull. I’m going to bookmark this one, for when I’m feeling ambitious again.

  27. Deb, I don’t need to tell you this……
    but add some chopped anchovies and chicken stock and put it on pasta, then sprinkle w/ the breadcrumbs.
    The best pasta in Italy! (don’t leave those raisins out!)

  28. sorry. I am going for the super mom mutant thing. much more exciting. this dish looks amazing. perhaps I will slip into my super mom gear tonight and give this a go…

    hmmm, wish me luck will you?!

  29. Yumm I love cauliflower, so I’ll have to try this. Seriously, I miss the days when I had one baby who took a nap and let me cook, now I have one baby and one toddler who don’t nap at the same time…when is a girl to cook I ask…wanna trade?

  30. Kim M.

    This looks wonderful! I’m grateful that you are still able to fit some cooking and blogging into your busy “new mom” life! :-)

  31. Susan

    Mmmm..this looks really good. I love the additions to this dish. I agree with you too about the crunchy breadcrumb topping, it makes the dish!

    I kept hearing eveyrone telling me the same stuff about not having time to do anything with an infant..but my babies didn’t get the memo apparently. I did everything but go out alot. There was nothing to do but cook..

  32. Cauliflower in combination with almonds and raisins sounds very interesting and like a perfect comfort food. I’ll definitely have to try this. Thanks for sharing.
    I tried cauliflower with chili, anchovies and pasta the other day, also posted it on my website. Cauliflower is so versatile. Always curious about new recipes.

  33. It is amazing to me that some people could just give up on cooking over a baby! Jack is almost 6 weeks old but putzing around in the kitchen helps me keep my sanity (what little there is left, anyway). It doesn’t mean that I am cookin’ fancy, but at least I am still cookin’!

    My four year old wouldn’t know what to think if we started eating those cardboard-flavored frozen pizzas and fast food. ;)

    Beautiful photography as always.

  34. I refuse to believe that you aren’t SuperDeb. Flat out, I refuse to believe it. It truly boggles my mind that you are managing a new baby and cooking.

    Anyway, I love cauliflower with crunchiness on top. That’s my favorite way of cooking it too. I am going to have to figure out how to make a version of this recipe on the campfire — it seems like, lately, as reflected by my website, all I have been doing is redoing your recipes in travel apartments and grills. This sounds fantastic.

  35. bisbee

    This looks great – I’ll definitely try it. I make sauteed cauliflower – actually, when I met my husband 6 1/2 years ago, it’s something he made often – we just cut it up and sautee in olive oil until carmelized (seasoned with Season-All – DH loves it. Eh.). I took over the dish…we love it, everyone we serve it to loves it – even my 34 year-old son, who is so NOT a veggie eater!

  36. Denise

    Yum! This looks great! I have a 6-week old daughter and have been in the kitchen with her a lot–everyone thinks I’m nuts! LOL

    Question, though: are you breastfeeding? I thought cauliflower was supposed to give little ones gas?

    1. deb

      Denise — Didn’t notice. Then again, since I saw this chart — which could be abbreviated by saying “just don’t eat anything, ever” — I’ve more or less decided to wing it unless something obviously causes him to freak out.

  37. K

    Speaking of cutting the cauli in a pretty way, Deb, did you see the cauliflower recipe in Gourmet’s A-Z issue? They cut the whole head in huge slices crosswise, then dressed it with a Kalamata olive vinaigrette. Seems right up your alley!

  38. I am defintely impressed, though almost more by the fact that you’ve made time to write and photograph! As always, truly beautiful.

    as the mom of a new 2 month old I am so with you. Cooking is my sanity. As such I’ve learned to cook with a carrier, not sure whether more for my sake or hers. If she’s awake or breastfeeding I end up one-handed like that top chef episode which creates a bit of a challenge. If she falls asleep I get the bonus 2nd hand

    Highly recommend it.

    I also do what you do, chop the onion while I’ve got 5 minutes and she’s distracted. Then chop the mushrooms while she’s distracted with something else.

    Keep up the strong work. Love your blog.


  39. Beth

    Deb, Thanks for sharing this recipe. I have been thinking about making something with cauliflower, but did not have a recipe. I have always eaten it either boiled with salt and pepper, or raw in a salad. I haven’t really cared for the mashed cauliflower vs mashed potatoes. I probably don’t have a good recipe for that either. I have never roasted cauliflower but have been wondering what it would be like. I am going to try this recipe very soon. I don’t know if I could make this a meal, however. I don’t eat much meat – about 2 oz twice a dayl- but I think I would miss the “meat”. I just haven’t been able to cut out meat completely from a meal.

  40. Cheryl

    Well, Deb, I don’t think you can escape the “super mom” label. Why? Because it’s obvious from this site that you are a “super” person, a “super” cook, and now, a MOM! You don’t need much experience with recipes to recognize what that cooks up to be: a SUPER mom!

    On the other hand, just want to take this opportunity to note something regarding the “super mom” label: how many years in the entire history of mankind has it been that moms & dads have been raising their kids alone, without the help of huge numbers of extended family, not to mention whole villages? Twenty-five years? Fifty? In other words, from the beginning of humankind, it’s been the GRANDPARENTS (and probably their siblings), not the Parents, who’ve been raising the kids, while the parents struggled to keep everyone alive and fed.

    Women today have so much pressure on them to be “super moms”, and I know many who feel like failures because they find it so challenging–even too challenging–to both work, care for the home & hubby, AND raise the kids. In fact, I was once one of them. But today I’m the GRANDMA, and as I watch my daughter struggle with the same issues, I realize not only how unrealistic our expecations are of ourselves and each other, but how unFAIR!

    It’s time for women to take fair stock of what “super” moms they really are, especially from the historical perspective! And so, from that perspective, even if you always chose to sleep when Jacob sleeps, instead of cook, you’d still be a “super mom” in my book. But, of course, I’m also really glad you didn’t …this time. GREAT RECIPE, Deb! Thanks again so much for your super food, your super blog, and for always brightening my day.

  41. Rachel

    I laughed my butt off at your commentary. I have a 4 1/2 week old son — my husband and my first child. He was born on Sept 19. We’re living slightly parallel lives right now. Congratulations on your success in completing the recipe!

  42. Mmmm, cauliflower with buttery goodness.

    My friend has this recipe for to die for cauliflower, and it is super simple. A little steaming, buttery spiced breadcrumbs, and baking until browned. Delicious every time!

  43. Anne

    Wow, I just checked out that “what not to eat” list – holy moly! I’m with you, just eating to my heart’s content and blessing my little baby for seeming to make it through everything just fine. Especially now that my tastebuds have returned, postpartum. Congrats on your success in the kitchen thus far … my baby was Sep 14 and I have only cooked a couple times, way too tired (lazy) and the freezer is stocked by my mom :)

  44. Olga

    Good luck with fitting the pony into your NYC apartment. I do not understand cauliflower haters. I am however worried abotu the combination of capers and raisins. I like both (and cauliflower), but together? Maybe it’s time for a new culinary experience… And ignore the not-to-eat-list. It was designed by the same people that tell you that you’ll never have a minute’s rest again.

  45. TD

    You’re lucky that Jacob sleeps through the completion of a whole recipe. I remember very clearly being driven nea tears on the day I made myself a real lunch (lentils in viniagrette with tuna), and as I lifted the fork to my mouth, all ready to take that first blissful bite, one of my twins woke up, and promptly woke up his brother. Thanks, you guys! No, it’s OK–Mommy wasn’t hungry. Snarl, snarl, grr.

  46. Meg

    Oh my, I might be convinced to eat cauliflour if prepared like that.

    Have I told you how much I love your phood photos? Something about the light, and, probably, your awesome camera.

    You have the cutest baby ever… but I’m a sucker for a baby boy, having had three of my own.

    I can’t wait till you get to the part where you feel compelled to make your own baby food!

  47. I’ve always eatent it with butter and lemon juice. This jazzed up dish sounds divine. I say this blog crowd takes up a collection and buys that pony for Sweet Baby Jacob!!
    V ( But Jacob can call me Mumsie, like my grandkids do :)

  48. Liz C.

    I actually really enjoy cutting up nuts with sharp knives. but i also like using my mezzaluna. I’ve got one of those double-bladed ones. it was a kitchen purchase that I was sure I was going to regret, but it’s awful nice to use when I need to cut a lot of fresh herbs, or nuts.

  49. Way to take care of yourself and do what you want to do, not what you should do (namely put your feet up)! As a mom of 4 (ages 12, 10, 8, and 4-just typing that makes me tired), sometimes cooking, blogging, or doing something else that I really love to do is just as energizing as a nap of which I am also a big fan.

  50. bani

    I can totally see your point about a fussy recipe like this being oddly baby-friendly. Making gnocchi is not, I can tell you. Also, it’s not impossible to cook with a baby, but to blog about it? This is where I am impressed. :)

  51. Cindy

    Um?? I couln’t find a baby picture; there’s an ingredient missing in this yummy looking cauliflower dish!!! I could have sworn that he was an everliving ingredient!!

  52. acninee

    I’d say little Jacob is lucky to have a happy Mom who will be feeding him like a king. This looks delicious. If I find some nice cauliflower I’ll try it.

  53. Geri S.

    Each time I open your newsletter I can’t get over how you keep topping yourself with one great recipe after another. My mouth is watering for this great cauliflower dish. I know from the ingredients how tasty it is going to be. My keyboard is catching the drool! Just wanted you to know how I expect to see little Jacob in every entry…peeping from behind everything you make. Cauliflower and Jacob, Muffins and Jacob etc..etc…So happy your husband was able to be with both of you. You are indeed blessed and talented. Keep on keeping on you are a powerful woman! One last thought about cauliflower, when I was a child my mom like many moms prepared it with that popular cheese sauce and broccoli around it especially for guests. It’s great seeing it prepared in other ways that are a lot healthier. Enough from the mouth of the south. It’s mid morning time to get some zzzzz’s.

  54. absinthe

    Made this last night, and it’s sooo delicious! Popular with the 3 little kids, too. I thought the raisins plumped with vinegar *and* butter was pretty genius. Thanks for passing this recipe along!

  55. Don’t worry soon you’ll be able to pop Jacob in his bouncer and he can watch you in the kitchen, then later he can go in his high chair and “help” you. It all gets easier :)

  56. Jen

    This dish looks as good as I’m sure it tastes…looking forward to giving it a whirl. Things do get easier and are just different as kids grow up…when my daughter was able to hold her head up and be in a baby backpack…we spent many hours in the kitchen…me chopping, stirring and mixing and her peering over my shoulder the whole time! Now, she loves to cook and experiment with spices.! Enjoy, Jen

  57. I got a good chuckle from the vision of you swooping around your apartment in your Smitten Kitchen cape. Well done on this recipe. This is a great way to spice up cauliflower. I can never get enough of capers.

  58. deepa

    sounds interesting, but having read, tried and tasted sooo many cauliflower recipes, I think the Indians know how to prepare cauliflower best! Just try Aloo Gobi, Gobi mutter, or even Gobi manchurian(Indian style chinese starter – you wont find it anywhere in china, but it’s yummy!), gobi palak(spinach), stuffed gobi parathas or a dozen other cauliflower dishes we make you will know what i mean – btw,gobi = cauliflower in Hindi and happens to be my favourite veggie!

  59. Laura

    Looks good. Your post reminded me that my mother always served cauliflower with fried Grape Nuts, of all things. It was really yummy.

  60. Carla

    thanks deb! I made sans capers as I hate them.. and I loved it. Its nice to know that since going vegan you still have that power of me! because as soon as you posted (an essentially vegan) recipe I rushed home that day and made it! nom nom nom!

  61. Fatima

    I don’t usually like cauliflower but I tried this dish without the capers and with basil and lemongrass (instead of tarrogon and parsely) because that’s what I had on hand. Result: I am converted. Thanks Deb!

  62. Ah, this so reminds me of the first time I was left with my first newborn. I was terrified. And yes, there were days when I called his dad and told him that he has to come back home NOW before I go crazy with a baby who doesn’t stop crying no matter what I do. (A few weeks later he was on Soy formula, a much happier and relaxed little babe.)

  63. julieb

    This was absolutely delicious! I was wary of the raisins – but it added a wonderful burst of sweetness to complement the capers!!

  64. Hey Deb, thanks for reminding me how much I love this veggie! I have just reposted this recipe with a couple health admendments on my blog. I can’t wait to cook this up! what a great, and versatile dish to take us through the winter! Thanks again!

  65. Yael

    Thanks, this recipe looks delicious! I really enjoy your website and made your delicious challah recipe, although I’ve never posted here before.
    Regarding your comments explaining to your audience how you can continue pursuing your cooking passion, I just wanted to say as one mom to another, don’t do it. Motherhood is a balancing act and everyone does it their own way. You shouldn’t feel the need to “justify” to anyone how you are able to live your life and be a wonderful mom, because the assumption is and should always be that you are a wonderful mom. Period. No need to explain anything beyond that. Can you think of a man that would write a note at work explaining to his colleagues (or customers) how he manages to do his job while still being a good dad? I hope you will take this comment in the kind and respectful spirit that it is intended. It just struck a chord with me because I’ve been there and done that.


  66. dina

    I have made this twice now. I am not a fan of cauliflower but this is amazing. It is a family favorite now..3 people out of 5 constitute a favorite around here. Thanks for sharing this!

  67. Wow, this was delicious! I made it tonight for dinner, by myself, in my itty bitty apartment, and it was perfect. The perfect amount, the perfect dish, the perfect everything. I like cauliflower but this was wayyy better than any I’ve made before. I’m totally sold – anyone who doubts should try this recipe!!

  68. I made this tonight for supper and I really like it…except that it didn’t seem to have anything tying it together. There was the cauliflower and there were the nuts, herbs and fruit sprinkled on top, but nothing binding it. Maybe the problem could be solved by making a double batch of that sauce that is used to cook the raisins and then drizzling that over top. Just a thought…

  69. jill

    can’t wait to try this. I love cauliflower. my husband hates it. a recipe that’s meant to convert the haters calls to me. my mom also served steamed cauliflower with butter browned breadcrumbs. I think it’s what endeared me to the vegetable for life.

  70. I agree with the commenter who noted the lack of binding– when I was plating mine for a photo, I had to delicately arrange the topping so it wouldn’t roll off the cauliflower slices. The dish was also a little dry, so I think some kind of sauce would fix both problems. I did drizzle in some olive oil, which helped a little, but I didn’t want it too oily.

  71. That’s really delicious and the pics are really stealing the show, cauliflower when cooked as a curry, leaves a different aroma and this is what the taste buds all wanted, i have enjoyed your recipe too as almonds go very good with any recipe, thank you.

  72. Wowww just stumble upon your blog today..I am going home now to make this recipe for tonights meal this sounds tasty as well bulkie enough to serve as a main dish…

    Will be back! Thanks
    Cheers Rhonda

  73. Leoni

    You should also try roasting the cauliflower in a little olive oil, salt, pepper and cumin seeds (not ground). So delicious and simple. Thanks for the recipe, can’t wait to give it a try – cauliflower is my fave veg

  74. Jess

    Really nice recipe – we devoured it! Skipped the pan roasting step and just threw the cauliflower into the oven tossed with olive oil, s&p and it was fine. Just seemed like a lot of steps to me. I also used green olives marinated in garlic instead of the capers. Delicious! This will be a standard in our house. Thanks!

  75. Didi

    My Dutch mama used to serve steamed/blanched cauliflower with grated gouda and a pinch of nutmeg quickly broiled on top…really unusual, but a simple perfect combination–we’d beg for it as kids

  76. Katie M

    I had to try this, because I was curious by what I considered a very strange mix of ingredients. I loved it, and there’s something about it that seems special. You could serve it at a party and people would be intrigued by what’s in it. I found that no ingredient overpowered another. It all just worked really well together. I really like cauliflower because it’s really a blank canvas. You can adapt it to a lot of different cuisines and it’s so easy to cook.

  77. Laurel

    I have to third the binding issue. Maybe some lemon juice in the future? I liked the herbs a lot, especially the tarragon, so I might up those if I made it again. I do love veggies with nuts and raisins (it’s my preference). This just wasn’t as flavorful as I would have hoped. But I will try it again (maybe my cauliflower was too big in proportion to the other ingredients).

  78. Sarah

    I’ve made this as well, a few times, only I’ve used brussels sprouts instead of cauliflower (nothing against cauliflower, I just always have a ton of brussels sprouts around). I usually just pan-fry them, and substitute in place of the cauliflower, and the recipe ends up delicious. It’s the only way my boyfriend will eat brussels sprouts. I can imagine it working well with other cruciferous vegetables as well.

  79. Claire

    I made this for dinner last night, and it was great! Really liked the sweet and sour raisin mix, with the crunchy crumbs. Well worth the effort. The only thing I changed was to boil the cauliflower (which I usually do) because I really didn’t have the 45 minutes it would have taken to oven-roast! Oh, and it cut down on the butter content a little too…

  80. This recipe has intrigued me since you first blogged about it, but I only got around to making it last week. I can’t believe I waited so long. It is absolutely the best cauliflower dish I have ever had, bar none. I quadrupled the amount of bread crumbs the recipe called for, because what’s better than golden brown bread crumbs? Thanks for sharing something this unique, I can’t wait to make it for a dinner party! (Everyone thinks it sounds like an odd combo when I first describe it, but wait until they taste it!)

  81. laurie

    My cauliflower was huge, so I used only half, thinking that the whole head would overwhelm the other ingredients. Subbed pine nuts for almonds, scallion for chives and olive oil for all the butter. I doubled the vinegar and water, thinking it would make it a bit more saucy. Loved it. I streamlined the prep where possible like leaving the cauliflower in florets, oven roasting only, and mixing topping ingredients in one bowl. It’s resting in the fridge (sans bread crumbs)–I bet it will be even better tomorrow.

  82. Scott

    Thanks! Sounds awesome! Since I was a little kid my Mom and Grandmother made steamed Cauliflower and then sauteed 1/4 cup butter and 1/4 cup bread crumbs until foaming & golden brown. Pour the sauteed crumb mixture over the cauliflower while both are hot and serve immediately My absolute favorite way to eat Cauliflower!My kids love it too!

  83. This was just lovely! If you crave crunch, sweet, and tang all in one dish like I do, then this recipe is for you. I omitted the breadcrumbs because I didn’t think they were needed and streamlined the process by chopping the almonds first and toasting them in the pan for a few minutes with olive oil and butter then adding the remaining ingredients to all cook together. A delicious and quick side. Or add some bulgur or quinoa and call it a meal.

  84. deb

    The cauliflower is roasted in the oven in the third step. (P.S. It’s not just you. I just reread this recipe five times — it’s been a while since I made it — before finding where it went in the oven!)

  85. Denise

    I wanted something new to do with cauliflower and I have to admit I was a little skeptical but this recipe was really good. I do believe that it was a little “dry”, maybe I roasted it too long? Maybe would be better to not drain the raisins and add that liquid? I will try it again and see how it tastes.

  86. Sander

    Having it right now! Tastes really well. I was amazed by how easy it is to cut almonds AFTER roasting them (normally I cut them BEFORE throwing them in the pan) .Any suggestions of how expanding this into a full meal salad? (Adding a grain like couscous maybe? I need to do some experimenting on this !)

  87. Lorri

    This was delightful! I skipped the browning step and just roasted the cauliflower in the oven. I used a tip I learned from your Indian cauliflower dish – to put the pan in the oven while it preheats. It took a bit longer in the oven but I was able to do all the other prep while it roasted. Also, I chopped the almonds, capers, herbs and raisins in the food processor. fortunately, I doubled the toppings so it was easy to just roast some more cauliflower for dinner the next day!

  88. I made this with my toddler last night! Your cooking tips for parents with newborns totally worked for the 15 month old set. Toast breadcrumbs (with toddler tugging on pants, with toddler on tip, with toddler on breast), redirect toddler to reorganizing tupperware collection, soak raisins in boiling water and mulling spices (it’s delicious! try it! feed some to your toddler), take toddler to get the capers out of the high kitchen cabinet, take toddler to get cauliflower out of the fridge, give the cauliflower a “bath” with toddler, toast nuts while toddler thoughtfully removes the shoes from the shoe rack, obligingly put boots on when toddler brings them over for a little mid-dinner preparation walk in the hall, find a new cabinet for toddler to empty while slicing cauliflower…

    The salad was delicious and a good time was had by all.

  89. anitalotti

    Made this with Brokkoli instead – delicious! Fried the capers as I love that taste.
    As long as you keep the bread-almond mixture separate a whole bag of Broccoli will make this a meal for reheating in the microwave as well.

  90. courtneywucetich

    I just made this. Wow! That topping was crazy good! I splashed a little wine and sherry in with the raisins while cooking, absolutions heavenly.

  91. Barbara Uziel

    Liked this a lot. Baked it for longer than stated in recipe. We’ve been eating lots of cauliflower lots of different ways!