[Note: This recipe got fresh photos in 2019.]
It has been over one week since I told you about the Light Wheat Bread (and just as long since we’ve been out of it, sob), a post I ended with a promise to tell you about my new favorite sandwich next. But instead I told you about Clementine Cakes and then Mushroom Bourguignon and Chouquettes and do you know what happened? Not a single person griped that they were owed a sandwich. Because really, who does that?
I take issue with the banality of most sandwich recipes. I will actually change the channel if I see a food program that walks viewers through making one of any kind; it feels like the bar for cooking has dropped especially low. But it’s not the shows that are to blame, I think, or not fully: it’s the sandwiches. Most sandwiches are dull. Some sliced stuff and schmear between two uninspired slices of bread. Who can stay awake for that?
Now, now, before you write me off as some sort of unsettling creature that doesn’t even like sandwiches, it’s not the case. In fact, I do say I got my sandwich mojo back a couple years ago, the first time I tried a sandwich from Tom Colicchio’s ‘wichcraft chain. Grilled gruyere with caramelized onions, a slow-roasted pork with red cabbage and jalape?os, a now defunct but deeply missed salami with pickled cauliflower sandwich… is anyone else drooling?
But favorite has always been the simplest, or maybe the silliest to pay $7 a pop for: the lemony chopped chickpea sandwich, which is really a decontructed hummus and I have been long overdue to make it at home. I couldn’t believe how easy it was. I couldn’t believe how much better it was at home. I — the person who is so utterly bored by sandwiches, she would have stopped reading this post three paragraphs ago — have a favorite sandwich. I mean, salad. I mean… have fun with it.
One year ago: Fried Chicken
Two years ago: Grapefruit Yogurt Cake
Smashed Chickpea Salad
- 1 15-ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
- 2 tablespoons pitted, halved and very thinly sliced black olives
- 1 tablespoon finely chopped red onion
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
- Zest and juice from half a lemon (if you’ve got one of those sad, juiceless lemons, use both sides for juice)
- Couple good pinches of salt
- A few grinds of black pepper, and/or pinches of red pepper flakes
- A few glugs of olive oil
This is also awesome as a sandwich on toasted bread. Technically, it needs nothing else on it. But, if you want to doll it up, here are some ideas: A slice of roasted red pepper (‘wichcraft’s way), a slice of pickled garlicky red pepper (our way), and a few leaves of sharp greens, such as watercress or arugula. Or, as shown right above this recipe, on an open-faced slice of toast first schmeared with a tahini dressing. Make tahini dressing with a big spoonful of tahini, one minced garlic clove, a squeeze of lemon juice, and thinned with water to a loose but spreadable consistency. Season well with salt and pepper.
Three more delicious ingredients to add, if you have them: Harissa, mixed in, or dolloped on top. A small spoonful of minced, preserved lemon. A larger spoonful or two of olive tapenade, in place of the chopped olives.
That looks oddly delicious. Just as I’m looking for cheap meals to make. Bookmarking on Delicious now. Thanks!
Chick pea sandwich add proteins
Looks delicious!
I love chickpeas – I literally eat them every day… AND I love Tom Colicchio. I’m officially sold.
I’ll definitely give this one a shot. I love chickpeas and my hubby does too. What’s more–he’s a sarny freak! Anything’s better between two slices of bread, it seems! Thanks for giving us something new to try!
I agree, it looks oddly delecious, however I’m not a big fan of chickpeas, but my mom is so I’ll probably make it for her soon Thanks!
Sounds fabulous!
Oh my lord. It’s everything I love in a sandwich!
I’ve been looking for new ways to spice up my standard sandwich-or-salad-at-work lunch, and this looks like it’ll be a new favorite. Thanks so much!
Yum! This would be a wonderful dip, a chunkier hummus.
Now that’s coolness; a fresh looking and original salad that doesn’t make you feel like you’re eating rabbit food.
Love how it’s all piled onto a piece of bread ready for munching on.
This look so delicious and I’m definitely going to make it. I imagine you can eat it without the bread, right?
I should really stop starring your recipes in my google reader, because I star almost every single thing you post. Your blog should just be my homepage. This looks delicious! I was going to make hummus tonight, but I think I’ll try this instead!
I will have to try this. I made a chickpea salad last week with cherry tomatoes, feta, cucumber, red onion, olive oil, and lemon. It would have been great except the cherry tomatoes are wayyyyy out of season and the canned chickepeas were HARD. I think I will try this sandwich next time. Thank you for your blog. I love it!
At first look, we thought we saw cranberries in there…really those were the olives, and we think we made up cranberries in our minds. We were also just telling someone else that chickpeas make everything awesome. So now we have to try this sandwich. And perhaps we’ll just have to sprinkle the cranberries in too!
Sounds more like something you’d use as a condiment/dressing for a Muffeletta than use for the main filling! Sounds good though!
Grilled gruyere with carmelized onions from ‘wichcraft! *SIGH* It’s been a long time since I was there. My mouth is watering now. I may have to make some when I get home. Thanks for the reminder.
This lookss very mediterranean…very simple & delicious! Could be served as a side salad right?
The chickpea salad looks amazing! I can just eat it like that!
what a unique idea! I think I’m going to try that this week! :) If I use one of your recipes on my blog, is it ok if I link back to your original post and recipe? Thanks! :)
I’m sure you’ve come across this exchange from here:
NYMag: So do shaved heads make you a better chef?
Colicchio: That¡¯s just great. Men with shaved heads are always better. Just ask my wife. [To wife Lori Silverbush] Aren¡¯t shaved heads great?
Silverbush: Much easier on the thighs.
Colicchio: [blushing and laughing hysterically] That was off the record!
lucky girl.
And the chickpea salad looks delicious! I would make it right now, except I used the last can of chickpeas last night. :(
I hate sandwiches.
I’ve always had just one exception to that: peanut-butter-& sandwiches (be it jelly, honey, or banana).
I think you just revealed to me an exception #2. My first savory sandwich love! And it’s got chickpeas. I’m excited.
Yum Yum Yum, I eat sandwiches with smashed chickpeas, celery, onion and spicy mustard, but this looks waaay better.
mmmm! i had ‘wichcraft for lunch :D i’m definitely making this one at home though
I love chickpeas, and what a great idea to put them on a sandwich!
I have not tried Wichcraft yet, but the combos sound fabulous!
I love sandwiches and try to do a sandwich post every week.
What about pastrami on good rye with mustard Deb??? or a turkey sloppy Joe?
I can’t wait to smash some ceci!!!!!
I think I just figured out how to make a tuna salad sandwich I actually want to eat! (Although I’m still adding the bell pepper, too.)
Dear sweet Deb, you are going to make my daughter’s head explode. She is 6 and has already started getting hazed at school about her weird lunches, which she packs herself. She is struggling with packing pb&j, like everyone else, or going for the feta spinach dip with pita bread. She was born a foodie and this is not an easy question for her. Your sandwich will put her right, straight over the edge. I will capture on video.
You lost me at “Black Olives” I’m thinking you surely meant “Kalamata.”
Amy — I love the celery idea. I think celery is totally underrated in salads.
Rudy — There are a lot of different kinds of black olives — Italian Gaetas, some Nicoise — I didn’t want to be too specific. I figure people will grab the ones they like. I did use Kalamatas, but mostly because we already had them in the fridge. They’re generally not my favorite.
I did an internet dive before searching the comments to see if I could use Kalamata instead…turns out kalamata olives *are* black olives…in the way a square is a rectangle. Everybody wins!
Mmmmm…. yummy — I, like you, am not the biggest sandwich fan, but this is one I would like to try.
This would be fabulous with goat cheese, too, I bet. I’ve made a salad before with lemon juice, basil pesto, and olive oil (and goat cheese), but never smashed it together – such a genius idea to get it to fit on a sandwich.
I live for hummus, so I know I would love this! Thanks for the idea, I’d never thought to deconstruct it.
Mmmm. It is always a delight to have a few more vegetarian sandwich options tucked away in ye olde brain, especially since my pregnancy has rendered all cold cuts suspect, and tuna fish on the “try to stay away if you can” list. Sigh. And one can only eat so much egg salad before becoming a total renegade. This looks absolutely lovely!
Aah, so that’s what I should do with the stray can of Chickpeas I always seem to have in the pantry. I think I’d tuck it into a pita, though, helps control the “strays” that always seem to sneak out.
oooooooooo divine!!! Am a chickpea fiend and this sounds amazing!!!!
perfect lunch for a hot (38C) Melbourne summer day – thanks!
What a lovely use for chickpeas. It looks like a play on a hummus sandwich that is even tastier!
Yum. I used to have a really good recipe that was along the lines of smashed chickpeas, vinaigrette, and scallions that was served in pita. I loved it and wish I could find that recipe but I think this one looks like it might be just as good, if not better.
What a great post! I love sandwiches. Do you have a favorite brand of chickpeas. They do seem to vary a lot in quality.
Oh, Lord. Tom Collichio can perform any maneuver he wants on me, heimlich or otherwise. What a hunk. Junipie’s comment earlier actually made me blush at my desk and look around guiltily at my coworkers to make sure no one saw.
Oh, and the sandwich looks delicious too.
You named my ‘wichcraft favorites, and it’s not nice of you because I live in Cambridge now, where there IS NO ‘WICHCRAFT, and…..sigh. So sad. I am not a sandwich fan unless the sandwich is hot and delicious and ‘wichcraft is the only sandwich place I will schedule things around going to. Also those little peanut butter cookie sandwiches are killer.
ok… yum! Love hummus – can’t wait. My husband has told me to no longer buy turkey, it’s boring. Have to say I made the rice pudding two days ago after three days of no school, it is too cold out weather. Made it with skim and it was deeeeeelicious! Kids gobbled it up. Thanks for another good one.
hi debs, as usual another sensational recipe. i love how the colors simply jump out at you!
Love this idea! I need to share this recipe with my veggie BFF. I think she’ll love it.
Oh, thank you! I was just wondering what to do with the leftover chickpeas I made last night, and this will do nicely. I made my chickpeas from dried peas instead of canned for the first time, and while they took a long time, they were really good. I wonder if canned vs. dried makes a difference for this sandwich…
I’ve doubled this recipe twice now. It’s so good! Never lasts more than 3 days. I did add diced red pepper and celery just to increase the veggies. Thank you so much for this Deb?
Had to go google Tom, since I am not familiar with him or his sammiches. He’s definitely bald and hunky in a I-can-kick-some-major-ass kind of way. Plus, any man that can cook…
Recipe sounds interesting, although I’d probably eat it as a salad. Just discovered the hummus from Costco (who knew Costco had so many tasty things?), so I’m sure I’ll be gobbling this down too! Scoop it up with some tortilla chips and call it “lunch”.
OH YUM!!!!! This will totally be lunch tomorrow! Thank you :)
I absolutely LOVE sandwiches. I would probably eat them everyday if left to my own devices. In fact, I think I’ll go make one for dinner…
That looks so good! And I’m even more excited because all of these ingredients are available to mean unmolested through the dining hall. Yes, feel bad for me. I am a college student who yearns to cook, but has to eat … less than desirable food every day. And that was being nice.
This is the first time that I have stumbled across your site – quite impressive. I definitely agree with your comment about the food shows showing sandwiches – yuck!
I also like the idea of the roasted red pepper but I have a question – in the bottom picture it looks like it has the pickled garlicky red pepper you mentioned added – is that correct? It really adds to the look!
And your photography is spectacular it really adds to your story.
Yesterday I made Hummus.. My room mate made hummus.. and I posted on Free-cycle for a larger Food Processor (b/c I have the mini Cuisinart and have to make things in batches)
Today, I gave away some light bulbs to a fellow free-cycler who showed up at my door with a brown paper bag.. filled with hummus and pita bread.
And now, more chickpeas! Once I work my way through the hummus, I’ll try this recipe :)
There seem to be a lot of chickpea recipes floating around lately (which makes my husband incredibly happy because he loves chickpeas so much that he could probably eat them at every meal!) I will definitely be trying this soon. Thanks for posting!
This sounds soooo good, and also quite familiar. There’s a dish in Lynne Rossetto-Kasper’s cookbook How to Eat Supper. You should check it out. It’s actually just a big salad, made even better in the summer when fresh tomatoes and basil are plenty, but this sounds like a really wonderful substitute for the winter. Thank you!
Funny¡ªyesterday I made gingerbread, inspired by yours (different recipe since I had a different kind of molasses), and earlier today I made a simpler smashed-chickpea ~salad to eat with toast.
Yum! Since all the ingredients can be found in the dining hall, I think I’ll try making this instead of eating pasta :)
I made this tonight, and my boyfriend and I agreed that it lacked something. We tried the Tahini sauce idea, Deb, and it worked ok – but I should warn everyone to only use a little bit of tahini and really thin it out with lemon, water, and garlic. I think the next time I make this I’ll add some minced garlic straight to the mixture and omit the tahini sauce.
I love wichcraft. The only other place in Manhattan where I’ve found sandwiches as good was a tiny place on Greenwich Ave close to 11th (called the Sandwich Shoppe maybe?). I can’t believe it never occurred to me to try this one at home. Thanks for sharing your approach.
I am so glad you posted this! I have never been able to convince myself to actually buy it since I too thought it was a bit silly; and now i don’t have to! Now the marinated white anchovies with soft cooked egg and salsa verde…I’ll keep going back for that one, in all it’s overpriced glory.
I am so with you on the sandwich thing. I am a vegetarian and NEVER order sandwiches in restaurants because they just make me want to curl up on my chair and snooze and I never make them at home because I can’t think of a combo that sounds good to me. Problem solved. Thanks!
Thank You! Always looking for something different for lunch. This would be perfect on the light wheat bread! Love your site.
This recipe is similar to a chunky hummus I like to make – almost the same ingredients, but I do add a bit of curry powder. Spreading it between two slices of homemade, perfectly toasted bread – -> UN-patiently waiting for lunch time!
Chickpeas, hmmm! I could eat chickpeas every day and not get bored with it. I do prefer pitta bread with my hummus/chickpea salad though, but I must say your homemade bread looks mighty tasty…
Oh yum, I have only been to New York twice and both times I ate a wichcraft while sitting in Bryant Park (enjoying the people watching opportunities that fashion week brings). Last time this was the sandwich and it was so tasty so thanks for the recipe. We’ll be back in your amazing city later this year and already have a list of favourites to eat again as soon as we arrive!
The chickpea salad sandwich looks healthy and delicious. I would never have thought to use chickpeas in a sandwich. Will have to try it.
Sounds and looks delish. The salad by itself would be perfect food in our summer weather in Australia atm. I might try this in a multigrain sandwhich with some smoked ham!
Hmmm. I usually love your recipes, but this one reminds me of something we were served in college that caused a rebellion: kidney bean salad sandwiches. Total mush. One girl threw hers down the toilet and the student waitresses walked out. As I recall, the cook was fired shortly thereafter.
Just checked, have all ingredients.Will make this for lunch. Thanks!
My girls both LOVE chickpeas…absolutely terrific! Thanks I can’t wait to try it out!
The sandwich of my childhood was storebought goopy pimento cheese on the cheapest white bread possible. By the end of the sandwich, you couldn’t tell what was bread and what was cheese. Yeah, this is better.
Give me chickpeas any day of the week – deconstructed hummus, reconstructed hummus or any other way you like!
This sounds fabulous! And better yet, an inexpensive meal!
I too am not the hugest fan of sandwiches…for many of the reasons you listed. But I am certainly willing to give this a go…looks very fresh and bright tasting!
OMG the ‘wichcraft salami sandwich was fabulous and sorely missed. Though my fave has always been the goat cheese on multigrain.
Amazingly, I think I have everything I need in my house to make this…
This sounds awesome. No wheat bread for me, but the chickpea salad can go with anything from corn tortillas to teff bread or flax crackers. What a great “launching pad.” Thanks for the recipe. I will definitely save this one!
I feel like a total odd lot because I’m not crazy about sandwiches and sort of loathe chickpeas – I think it’s the texture.. However, I’m thinking of this as a lunch salad using that stray can of cannelini beans instead of the chickpeas! I use so many of your recipes as jumping-off places for my own ideas; the flavor profiles can easily be transferred to ingredients that one likes or has on hand!
Just read the news article where Tom Colicchio saved Joan Nathan’s life by giving the Heimlich Maneuver….I hope there’s a handy piece of chicken if I ever get to be near him! Just saying…
I never think to eat a sandwich. Even if it’s lunch time, a sandwich is my last resort. Since I’m a vegetarian, most meatless sandwiches are either full of mayo (like egg salad) or are just a bunch of flavorless veggies between bread. But this looks easy, healthy, cheap($) and full of flavor. As a chickpea salad or a sandwich, it would make for a great picnic addition.
Oh this is perfect! I love hummus and am very picky about sandwiches, but we’ve really been trying to be good about bringing our lunches from home to save some money. Thank you!
My turkey sandwich in the office now looks sad and depressing… But I have everything on hand and I am making this TONIGHT!!!
Love chickpeas! I make a version of chickpeas sandwich with Dijon mustard and mayo that it’s known as a “fake tuna sandwich”. Yum!
That’s how I like to make tuna salad. My mom always made tuna with olive oil, lemon and mint, an improvised salad from her Lebanese descent.
OMG fantastic :)
I have not made it to wichcraft yet since I live in the UK but have been drooling over the website in preparation for my summer visit to USA.
And oh yes Tom is VERY HOT indeed!
I just made the sandwich with roasted red peppers. DELICIOUS! and healthy! Thanks for the recipe
Damn, I wish I had this over my cracker now. Thanks for the recipe! *A*
Hi Smitten….I gave you an aware for a Fabulous Blog. I love your site and all your Fab recipes.
Thank you
Oops… that was AWARD not aware… sorry for the typo
now THIS looks delicious!
I am such a wichcraft fan but I really believe I can make most of them. The chickpea is one of my favorite’s. Thanks for the recipe. Can’t wait to make a quick easy lunch.
You beat me to it! Witchcraft’s chopped chickpea salad is my absolute favourite and I’ve been meaning to recreate it:-)
this was fantastic! i made a few variations. my favorite was with a chopped red pepper, no olives (just because we’re out), and chopped english cucumber, eaten as a salad without the bread.
Just made this for my work day tomorrow, so far so great! Bravo for you being able to recreate recipes :)
This is a wonderful looking sandwich. :)
YUM. I love chickpeas in any incarnation. I make a similar salad with the addition of yogurt and cumin. I highly recommend it! I’ll have to try it on a sandwich sometime.
Mmm that looks like a yummy sandwich. I have this weird thing now where I only like sandwiches not made by me… perhaps due to eating one too many that’s gotten soggy after sitting in my lunch bag! But oh, I’m definitely going to give this sandwich a try!
This looked so delicious I had to go buy the ingredients right away! I went with regulare onion instead of red (because I already had that) and added a bit sun dried tomatoes. It was amazing! Next time I will experient with other ingredients too. I want to make more today, so I can use the rest of the parsley and lemon instead of throwing it away :)
Oh goodness that looks good. I am such a huge chickpea fan–even my Guinea pig is named Falafel! :-) I’ve got to try this one out.
Like the other commenters, I enjoy hummus and was compelled to make a sandiwch at the the thought of using chickpeas when I came across a different recipe – this mediterranean chicken salad recipe from Cooking Light. http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=displayRecipe&recipe_id=1816343
It was decent eats for sure, but um, well, does anyone else have digestive issues eating this much chickpea?
I don’t have a problem with hummus, but anything else with a lot of whole chickpeas? Well, let’s just say that I shouldn’t be around people. :(
Hey! You stole my salad recipe! Just kidding. I make a marinated chickpea salad almost exactly like this, except without the olives and with garlic (although olives would be a lovely addition), and not smashed. Mine also uses a cumin-seed infused olive oil for it (made by just heating cumin seeds gently in olive oil for about 2 minutes and then adding that mixture to the salad). It makes a great dish for potlucks, and it gets better the longer it marinates. Anyway, thanks for the sandwich idea – its excellent!
i just made this and it’s effing fantastic!!
this looks like a better and more delicious example of ‘wichcraft’s chopped chickpea sandwich if you ask me (though i do love those breadsticks)….can’t wait to make it.
…wonder if editing it with black beans and cilantro and guacamole instead of tahini would give it a good mexican flare….
Hi Deb,
Do you know you are nominated for the Best Food Blog – Writing Award ? You should tell your readers so that they can vote…
I hope you’ll win!
I made this last night, and it reminded me of the Texas caviar you can get at a bunch of grocery stores around here (Austin… but I’m betting all over Texas) that has black beans or black eyed peas and corn instead of chickpeas. I didn’t have any red onion on hand, but I did have a bunch of pearl onions sitting around — this was helpful for the minimal amount of onion needed — it tasted great, too. Anyway, my girlfriend really enjoyed the recipe after adding it to some toasted bread with lettuce and leftover roast chicken.
You had me at chickpea.
I made this for dinner last night and am having the leftovers (because I FORCED myself to stop eating) for lunch. I added about 1/2 c of feta to the salad, and stuffed a whole wheat pita with it and roasted red pepper strips. Amazing amazing food.
I just had this, on a whole wheat wrap, for lunch – it was of course tastier last night on crusty toasted bread, but i didn’t think I could toast at work. Anyway, its fabulous – the acidity of the lemon really perks things up and the onion is in just the right amount. Thanks for a great suggestion – lunch is, for me, the hardest meal of the day!
yummm, I love chickpeas! This looks delicious! I think I’ll be making this over the weekend :).
This is an excellent find! Thank you for sharing!
I made this yesterday–LOVE it. I used kalamata olives and spread the mixture on toasted sesame ezekiel bread. It was divine!
Just tried this and wow this is fantastic!!! Thanks Deb
Dang it, Deb. I’m so backed up with work I’m starting to panic. Now I see this. And I’m starving. And I love chickpeas…and I actually have a can downstairs…..
Do I dare? A girl’s gotta eat sometime, you know….
That looks really good, and healthy!?!? Although, I’m not a big olive person, I wonder if I could skip ’em???
Looks heavenly. So glad I found your blog!
I just made up a batch and am having it for a (late) lunch and it is delicious! Thanks for the idea!
That looks totally so very yummy. I am heading to the store to get the ingredients. I might pick up some pita bread but your bread looks good.
I’ve got all of the ingredients in the house, so guess what’s for dinner? You bet. Mashed Chickpea salad. I think I’ll forgo the bread this time around.
Sounds delicious and nutritious. A great recipe for those trying to create a healthy lifestyle and create a healthier eating philosophy for themselves.
Thanks for the great recipe.
This was seriously yummy. I served it as a side on top of some salad greens, then finished the leftovers as a midnight snack.
I am so in love with the idea of this!
That looks so good! I am always looking for great cheap sandwich recipes! Yum.
This recipe mimics my tuna salad recipe, except I use kalamata olives instead of black and basil instead of parsley. I never thought I’d could just take out the tuna and still have a wonderful sandwich filler! Love the tahini smear idea instead of mayo.
FYI, I put all three votes in for Smittenkitchen, not knowing a single other blog and knowing full well I probably don’t need to. I’ve already found the golden ticket.
Good luck!
I just had this for dinner on homemade wholemeal seeded bread with some tahini and rose harissa – delicious! Love your blog xo
I tried it on winter wheat breadwith watercress, loved it, and will be making this on a regular basis. Delicious!
I made this salad for lunch yesterday and it was delicious! The chickpeas were oragnic and a little hard and unyeilding to the fork or even the potato masher, so I took 3/4 or the mixture and pulsed it a couple of times in my mini chopper. Perfect. It never got mashed to Hummus comsistency, but just broken down enough to help the sandwich hold together.
BONUS: This makes a yummy and guilt free late night snack. I got home last night very late and famished. I was so psyched to remember that I had this left over in the fridge. It was great on crackers. Thanks!!
Tonight I’m making the mushroom bourguignon.
Yum! I know this will become an all-time favorite!
Superb, brought a smile to my face and a chick pea fell out of my grinning gob.
Added coriander and used toasted pita bread and still tasted great.
So, it was a smitten kitchen weekend here, and many of the recipes came together in my daughter’s lunch today. We made the spelt crackers and combined some of the pickled red onions with the chickpea salad. She added a peanut butter cookie and had a happy day!
fantastically simple and so good for you-
glad I found you! fellow foodie
I read this recipe and needed to make it. Of course I didn’t have parsley or olives, but those will be acquired for the next time I make this. Not having a potato masher and lacking in the patience required for fork smashing, I just picked up handfuls of the chick peas, squeezed them and it gave the perfect texture. I recommend this technique strongly. My hands smelled like lemons for a while afterward which was a beautiful side effect.
I really enjoyed this and am looking forward to trying it with all ingredients next time.
This is sooooooooo yummy! I’ve already made it twice in the past 4 days. It’s great on it’s own as a side dish (I added some chopped roasted red peppers), or over a bed of mixed greens.
I made this and had it on the toasted Light Wheat bread. Both recipes are delicious. I ate it every day for lunch last week and actually made it again today for lunch…can’t wait to eat it! It takes all of 5 minutes to make.
Thanks for this one!
I’ve had this for lunch every day for three days straight, and it is consistently delicious. I hate olives, so I replaced them a with a fresh red bell pepper and had to squirt some lime (no lemons on hand) for a little acidity. It is perfect as a sandwich for a busy college student.
Made it with fava beans in place of chickpeas and it was terrific!
This sounds like the perfect thing to bring for lunch at work – thanks for the inspiration!
I added celery & then made a dip with the leftovers by pureeing everything with a half cup of fat free yogurt. It was reminiscent of hummus but chunky & with a brighter flavor.
I like the sound of this chickpea salad and that sandwich looks good!
just made this for lunch for my boyfriend and i. amazing. seemed soo gourmet with such easy ingredients (i had almost all of it in my pantry/fridge). thanks deb!!
yum, this is great. Hate olives (i know, i know, sorry) so omitted that and added some chopped garlic. Half a lemon was a bit much for me, so may not use quit so much next time. Delish though!
Well I made, um, not this. I hate olives too – hate them – and I didn’t have a lemon, only a lime. So, I used chickpeas, lime juice and zest, red onion, a little olive oil, some yogurt, sel fou, pepper and parsley. I ate it on a sandwich with spicy mustard and sweet apples. I had thought about putting the apples in the salad but wasn’t sure – now I’m thinking it’s a good idea. Yum Yum Yum. Thanks!
i made this without olives (didnt have any). i put it on wheat bread spread with hummus, and this was probably the best sandwich i’ve had since becoming vegan. normally i just have pb&j at school, but i’m DEFINITELY packing this a few times a week from now on. it is very delicious and i can’t wait to make it again!
i?ve just made it and it?s wonderful!!!
great recipe, i love it!
WONDERFUL and now a weekly staple. terrific on a wrap with a schmear of cream cheese or goat cheese, sundried tomatoes and spinach!
I didn’t have peppers, but I put a little HP Sauce on this delicious sandwich. Don’t mind me, I think HP tastes good on nearly anything.
As a first time SK poster this was is also the first completed SK recipe.
WOW. I mean, I didn’t expect to be wowed but… WOW.
I sprinkled a bit of cumin on mine and, because I have to work with what I have, put this on Thomas’ wheat english muffins, and spread Trader Joe’s Egglplant Red Pepper spread and some light mayo.
I think I might eat this every day. It is cheap and AMAZING. I’ve raved to everyone who would listen!
WOW this is fantastic. I had to put it in tupperware as fast as possible so that I didn’t eat it all in one go. I’m glad I made a double serving! I had this on toasted focaccia with roasted red peppers and, like other posters, I added minced garlic, which was the perfect touch. I look forward to trying other variations — especially adding cumin or feta.
I am in love. This is now one of my favorite sandwiches. I did not change the recipe except to add -as you suggested ¨C the little red peppers from the deli. I have to tell you that this makes a great pizza topping. I crisped a tortilla, added your tahini dressing as a sauce, added the smashed chicpea salad, followed by feta and a little extra oil drizzled over it all (since I did not use much oil in the salad). Put it in a 400 degree over until the cheese bubbled. AMAZING. ¨C Many Thanks.
This looks really tasty. And I like Larry’s suggestion as a pizza topping.
Question Deb – how long would this last in the fridge and do you think it would freeze well?
I would expect it to last several days in the fridge. I am not sure about freezing it. Theoretically you of course can, but I don’t know how well the bright, vibrant olive/onion/fresh lemon juice flavors would taste after being frozen and defrosted.
Made this last night for dinner (no meat on Ash Wednesdays) and it was delicious! I love chickpeas though. I used lime juice instead of lemon and threw in a bit of cilantro (which I can have in almost everything). It was HEAVEN and so filling. It will definitely be a staple.
Deb – I totally miss the marinated cauliflower sandwich too. Please figure out how to make it! And while you’re at it, the ‘wichcraft/craftbar cinnamon brioche coffee rolls that I dream about…
I froze it — worked fine!
I made this Sunday night and then made some more Monday night and it was AMAZING. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I accidentally bought dill instead of parsley and I have to say it is delicious. You might want to try that variety as well.
My girlfriend doesn’t like black olives… so I replaced them with artichoke hearts. It was FANTASTIC.
And yes, I think she’s crazy too for not liking black olives. :)
oh, we also added celery for crunch.
Yum, these look delicious! I want to make them for a light dinner for friends — how many sandwiches does the recipe fill? Is it just for one, and double accordingly?
Just ate this and LOVED it! Stuffed into a toasted wheat pita pocket. Might try with a nice tzatziki sauce on top.
Omg!! This was so delicious!!!!!! A friend of mine had made this recipe and posted the pictures on her facebook, I had to ask her what was the recipe and she kindly routed me to your site.
This was so easy to do, even my boyfriend loved it, and I have no confidence when it comes to cooking, but this recipe is getting my hopes back up.
First smitten kitchen recipe I’ve tried! And it’s delicious, not that I had any doubts. Husband agrees. :) I agree with Mel, tzatziki would be a great addition.
Your site just got bookmarked! What a fantastic find. Will try the chickpea salad tonight. Here’s one I make for every summer party that gets rave reviews: chickpeas, diced avocado, chopped cilantro, canned or fresh corn, diced cherry tomatoes, diced onion, salt, pepper, and a splash of lemon juice. Adjust the ingredients to your taste, and enjoy!
You just saved me! :) It’s Passover and it’s cold and rainy and I was dreading figuring out what to make for dinner, but this looks just about perfect. Thanks!
OK…your recipe and picture have helped me make up my mind. I’m gonna go ahead and give being a vegetarian a try – for my health’s sake! With recipes like yours, surely it won’t be too difficult :) Thank you for sharing with the masses. I’m a big fan!
I finally made this last night – it’s been on my list for months. I put it in a pita, and added a little feta. Yum! This is a keeper. So simple, fresh and tasty. Thanks for another fantastic recipe Deb!
I have a friend who lives in Manitou Springs, CO that turned me on to your site….thanks Ann!! I have added this to my favorites and will check in from time to time for tasty ideas!!!
Just to let you know, I’m currently eating this at my desk, and its lovely. Thanks for the sarnie inspiration! I was feeling bored of all my homemade lunch options, and wasting money at the expensive shops around the office. Now I’m back on track! Thank you!
I just finished this for my lunch. I made it and ate some with flatbread crackers that have poppy seeds and sesame seeds on them…that was yesterday. For today’s lunch, I added some Penzey’s sandwich sprinkle into the mix and threw in some remaining black olives (4 whole) to look pretty and then I put in a fair bit of spinach leaves. Most I tore into little pieces, but I threw in about 4 whole leaves. I started with the idea of a sandwich with Arnold’s multi-grain sandwich thins, but really, I just had to eat it with a fork because it is so good.
This looks fantastic! And creates so many possibilities.
We had this for a lunch side today. Very simply done. Enjoyable!
I made this this morning, simple and delicious!
This was soooo good. I put a little bit of tahini in the salad itself, and served it as an open-faced sandwich with sliced egg on top. Thanks for the inspiration!
I just got around to making this for lunch tomorrow, and I had to restrain myself from eating the whole bowl tonight! Totally by coincidence, I’m having it on light wheat bread, too, but that’s still in the oven.
I was clicking surprise me! over and over yesterday looking for dinner inspiration and eventually (after being tempted by the idea of gingerbread and layer cakes for dinner), I came across this and I LOVED it. I ate it on toast with italian cherry peppers and feta, and we made some sweet potato fries to accompany it. This will definitely become a regular thing, thank you!
This is amazing! I just made it for my husband’s lunch tomorrow and there may not be enough left for him – I’ve been snacking the whole way through and sneaking back to the fridge for sneaky spoonfuls. Absolutely delish! Will have to make this again tomorrow!
A word of caution: Watch the lemon. Remember, you can always squeeze more in but you can never take any out. I love healthy recipes like this. Thanks, Becky
I loved this salad. I was planning on sharing it with my husband, but instead I ate it until my stomach hurt. I’ll definitely be making this again. Thanks for all of the healthy veggie recipes you post!
I was looking for something meatless for dinner yesterday and craving falafel when I found this recipe – WOW, it was so delicious! I used shallot in place of red onion and had it on a toasted wheat pita. I wish I’d found this sooner, but I plan on making this every Friday for the remainder of Lent! Thanks a million!
I threw some pesto in this. It was in the fridge, it had to be used. It was fantastic!
I just whipped this up after scouring your site for a quick and tasty dinner option – nice! I added a minced clove of garlic and since I only had dried parsley I used a pinch of that and freshly chopped mint. Looking forward to having the leftovers for lunch tomorrow!
Just made this for the 3rd (I think) time since I discovered the recipe. A million thanks for posting it, as it has become my go to lunch during the week. I double the recipe and use the whole lemon, and figured out I can use the entire small size can of pre-sliced black olives without even measuring it (cheating, I know but soo much easier). Put a couple spoonfuls in a pita with baby spinach & maybe a little leftover feta, looks like lunch to me!
I loved this recipe. I’m starting to take my own lunches to work (trying to lose a few pounds and avoid too much restaurant food), and this is perfect for that. I always run out of ideas for a good brown bag lunch. Thanks for the inspiration!
Super light, fresh and filling. I spread spicy hummus from Trader Joe’s on mine, and used arugula and radicchio since I didn’t have any watercress on hand. Really enjoyed this and plan on seeing how I can stretch it.
Thanks a lot!
Alex P.
St. Louis, MO
Made this today and LOVE it. I might add artichoke hearts too next time. Just delicious and refreshing. My daughters and I enjoy your recipes, photo, writing, and the cutest chubola baby ever.
i’ve made this twice now, omitting the olives (not a fan of them) and adding in chopped tomatoes instead. super yum! i’ve found the finer diced the onion is, the better. it should permeate every bite. thanks, deb! can’t wait for your cookbook to come out!
Ate it. Loved it. Saved it. Eating again right now. YUM :)
Just made this. Delicious. I added a lot of feta cheese and harissa, and used capers instead of olives b/c that’s what I had on hand. Yum!
Thank you for this wonderful recipe! I make up a big batch and keep in the fridge at work with (as suggested) some tahini dressing and roasted peppers next to it. It?s complete bliss to sit down and have a proper meal when I?m on my -nth hour of overtime. Bliss!
Another REALLY good way to spruce up this sandwich is to put chevre on the slices of bread and then grated carrot… add the chickpea salad and OOO LA LA!! Octane Coffee on 8th in Atlanta does a great version of this.
Long time reader, first time commenter. Have been making this for a few weeks straight since I saw this recipe. I’m eating it for dinner tonight on 7 grain bread, avocado and feta cheese. I chopped sundried tomatoes into the smash, seasoned with oregano, cumin, red pepper flakes. Basically, everything I like I’m smashing with chickpeas and eating on toast any time of day!
Just made this today and LOVED it. It is super delicious, and so different from the usual sandwich suspects. It will be a regular on my table! Thanks for the great recipe.
This is soooo good! Thank you for a sharing what is now my new favorite samwich!!!
Quick and delicious. I’m enjoying it right now with toasted no-knead bread! I’ll be taking leftovers (if there are some) to the office tomorrow, for sure.
I just tried this recipe for lunch. Easy to follow and absolutely delicious!! I was eating it by the spoonful while my bread was toasting. Thank you for an easy recipe that is officially on the monthly menu rotation.
I skipped the olives, and added Dijon mustard. It was incredible! Might even convince me to slap it, chicken, and tomato between two bits of bread… and I *hate* sandwiches.
I found the amount of lemon too overwhelming. I’ll be adding more olives next time to balance the flavour. I guess i’m just not too fond of lemon. Great healthy recipe though, can’t get enough of beans/legumes/etc!
This is so yum, I make it all the time. I leave out the parsley, add ALOT of lemon juice and zest and add some plain tinned tuna in olive oil, YUMMO.
Just made this. Didn’t have parsley but did have cilantro. This was amazingly good and had absolutely no resemblance to hummus (pleasant surprise). I mashed an avocado quarter on a sandwich wrap and then spread the chickpea salad on top. Heaven! Thanks for the awesome recipe!
Interesting…but next time…more olives, more red onion. Like the tahini and will definitely have some roasted red pepper. I think that’ll do the trick! And…tomorrow, I’m making your beloved eggplant toasts…and roasted tomatoes. Thanks, Deb.
I did not miss the “smokin hot” comment and could not agree with you more – indeed SWOOOOOOOOOOOON
Made this today on rye bread and used green olives (do not like black) and green onions…..Wonderful!!!
…just found this recipe – have made it twice in the past week. First time, as written – was nearly perfect for my tastes. Second time, added just a touch of garlic and a pinch or two of basil. This really needs nothing more – hard not to eat the whole batch. Thank you…
Beautiful and simple recipe! It was suppose to be a side dish, but we ate all of it before dinner was ready. Fantastic – thank you!
Wow, this was so flavorful and so EASY! It’s the perfect10-minute meal. We added mashed avocado and roasted pepper strips (from Deb’s own recipe!) on toasted sourdough and it was perfect. Thanks!
Tried and pinned.
Dee-lish! I used chick peas, chopped red onion, chopped cucumber, parsley, and s touch of goat cheese :) Perfect easy dinner for one with ingredients I already had.
I made this for lunch today. It was scrumptious! I posted about it on my blog too on eatmoregreenfood.com! :) Also I searched #smittenkitchen on instagram today and found 71 pictures of food people have posted using your recipes! Cool! I love your site by the way. So inspiring!
I made this today, though I sort of just threw it all in the food processor and kind of made ultimate hummus and used a ciabatta roll with veganaise and sprouts. Omnomnom.
Deb, I’m late to this post by a couple of years at least but I made this today, and it was so delicious, a comment – however belated – was called for. I’m Indian and live in New Delhi and chickpeas are a meal staple but with strong Indian flavours. I would never have thought of them on a sandwich (though I love hummus) but what a revelation this was. I used a Greek yoghurt dip for the base (minced garlic, green chilies, cilantro, salt and pepper blended with the yoghurt) and added sumac and a dash of sweet paprika to the chickpeas but otherwise stuck to your recipe – divine. You’ve just given me a whole new approach to home-made sandwiches!
I made this for my housemates today and we all loved it immensely. Some minor alterations I made were to roast the onions with the bell peppers before adding them to the chickpea mixture. I also substituted the Tahini for a Tzatziki sauce, and topped the sandwiches with sliced avocados. Scrumplicious!
Oh so delicious!!! I tweaked this recipe a bit for ingredients I had at home. Pimento stuffed green olives instead of black, 1/4 c diced celery, 1 tsp cumin and extra lemon juice. I had to stop myself from eating all of this before making a sandwich from it. This will definitely a keeper!!! Thank you!!
Fantastic! I prefer it in a wrap with veggies (roasted red pepper, onion, cucumber, tomato, lettuce). Added a new option to lunch, for which I am grateful. One time I had some leftover brown rice, so I added this to it along with veggies (including a handful of your slow roasted tomatoes) and had an amazing chick pea rice salad. This is definitely part of the regular rotation!
Simple, rustic, heavenly…
Delicious. Even better with minced garlic.
Made this today. Quick and simple lunch. I added kalamata olives and roasted red bell pepper aioli as my spread.
Thanks for posting a great recipe.
Delicious! My chick peas were a bit dry so I added tahini along with the olive oil to help stick it together. It is a great lunch recipe. My son has been a vegetarian for more than six years now and I am always on the look out for easy, nutritious, delicious recipes. Thank you so much!
this was lovely. i added some garlic and a tbsp of dijon mustard¡..amazing!!
Had bookmarked this recipe since ages, and finally made it today for dinner. It was AMAZING! Thanks Deb, and don’t forget to include Melbourne in your book tour!
I made this for lunch today on a toasted whole wheat sandwich thin, with some arugula and a sprinkle of feta and it was delicious!!
Unbelievably delicious. Always looking for a healthy snack/sandwich filling! Just made it for the first time-left the olives out-totally incredible. I’m working on a weight loss goal and this is such a great recipe to help!! Thanks!!
I have to say I was a bit skeptical that I might not like this for some reason, but I made it tonight and it was so good! Thank you for this healthy recipe :)
This is exactly the kind of recipe I was looking for! I’ve been trying to eat healthier without sacrificing taste, and this is perfect for helping to forward that goal. I got rid of the olives (not a fan) and added a couple of cloves of garlic. I’m pretty sure I added more red onion than this recipe calls for, though I didn’t measure anything, and I went light on the olive oil. It was delicious on a pita with cucumber and roasted red pepper!
This was absolutely delicious! Substituted capers for olives and it was perfect. Thank you for the break from lunchmeat.
Love the recipe. I used Black Beans instead of Chick Peas. Less calories :)
Thanks for the great recipe. I added a mashed up avocado to the salad and served it with sliced tomato and roasted red pepper. I took a bite and felt it needed something more, so I added some basil leaves to the sandwich and MMmmm! Delicious.
Love it every time I make it! Lacking parsley, I added mints and a generous shake of cayenne peppers for extra kicks. Had it on toasted rye bread!
I just made this tonight and I must say, I adored it. My boyfriend loved it, too. We live in Mozambique and tahini is hard to come by, so we left it out and added more lemon right into the salad. We ate it for dinner on warmed pita breads and I sauteed some eggplant and zucchini for a side. Ah-mazing. Thank you so much for the recipe!
Perfect!! I was looking for something tasty to tuck into the kids’ lunch tomorrow and just so happen to have some pita – they love falafel so this is a natural hit! Yum! I bet it would be good on crackers, too. . . hmm I might just need to test it myself tonight.
I made this as a salad this week for my work lunch. I mixed it with romaine, feta and red peppers. It was fabulous and simple. Thanks!
Tried this tonight as an alternative to hard-ish boiled eggs on my salad with chopped carrot, tomato and romaine. Would def’ly repeat for a salad or sandwich.
Delicious and simple treat! Your Ideas of smashed-chickpea-salad is yummy. I tried this one and it is nice to hear praise from friends; when they appreciate your cooked food and its very rare, at least in my case.
I just made this today and it was so good! Thanks so much Deb! I’m new to the site and I’m enjoying it immensely. I love what you do.
I served the salad on lettuce cups to make it gf… Which by the way, the recipe is gluten free (technically), vegeterian & vegan, but not tagged as such.
Thanks again! Going to order the cookbook ASAP :)
This was good! I added a dash or two of cayenne, and used green onions (which I had on hand) in lieu of red onions. Its a little spicy but not too much!
I just made this for lunch. It was so simple and did not require lots of ingredients. I made it as written, except that I used Kalamata olives. I happened to have a bit of tahini sauce left over from middle eastern takeout that I put on the bread, but I think it would have been fine without it. Fortunately there will be enough for another lunch.
Infinitely adaptable for whatever is on hand, this has become a weeknight or lazy weekend lunch staple. Parsley has proven easily substituted for a handful of whatever herbs are ripe from the garden, or even some finely chopped sad arugula that needed used up. Terrific forumula, thank you Deb!
How can I put into words how much I love this recipe?! Thank you Deb. I love chickpeas and for some horrifying reason I never thought to pair them with these exact ingredients in smashed up form. I used just about 1 tablespoon of olive oil and that was plenty. Added a few extra olives and onions since mine just looked a little sparse. YUM. I put it over a bed of spinach but am dying to also try over some toast.
So I’ve made this a number of times with great results, typically eaten piled on top of rice cakes or with crackers. In my post-New Year attempt to eat ~*healthier*~, I scooped it into segments of an orange bell pepper, and it was FAB. All the awesome protein, healthy fats, and (!!!) olive-y goodness with some colorful veg. So good.
How have I followed you for seven years and never seen this recipe?!! Everything about it is right up my alley and currently in my kitchen, where I am heading RIGHT. NOW.
Beautiful – all you could dream of to put on bread, both quick and delicious! Served it to my family on grilled slices of whole meal bread with sunflower seeds, with a bit of sundried tomatoes and topped it with grilled red pepper and it just disappeared from our plates! To repeat today (and again, and again…) – thanks for this lovely recipe!
I made this with cilantro, on accident, instead of parsley. It is delicious!
Just discovered this on your site! Might I suggest you add the vegan/vegetarian tag so it is easier to discover? Thanks!
I like to make this using finely diced pickled celery and red onion from some of your other recipes. So yummy. Even better with home-cooked chickpeas using Instant Pot!
I’m not very imaginative – any suggestions for a substitute for olives in this recipe?
Capers might be good. Maybe some marinated mushrooms. I sometimes add marinated artichokes to my sandwich.
I’ve been in a lunch rut, so I decided to try this recipe that I printed a month ago. I used 2 tsp. lemon juice. I had to use yellow onion, as I do not have red onion right now. Instead of olive oil, I used Ken’s Simply Vinaigrette. I tried the chickpea salad on a slice of homemade spelt sourdough bread–ah, wonderful!–and also with crackers on the side. I will definitely make this recipe as part of my lunch repertoire.
I love love love this salad, make it every week as it has become a staple, whether a meal or on sprouted bread. I use more red onion, a personal preference but it is perfect as is, truly a genius way to have a meal without turning on the oven.
I made this for what turned out to be an indoor picnic. We ate tartine-style, open-faced on ciabatta bread. Took Deb’s suggestion and put over a roasted red pepper and drizzled with a lemon-garlic-tahini sauce (I was pressed for time and used jarred peppers, though I can’t wait to try those garlicky peppers!). I soaked my red onion in vinegar not water to give it a slight pickle. These sandwiches were a huge hit with my crowd and I will absolutely make again.
One hiccup with this recipe–when I smashed my canned chickpeas, the skins separated from the chickpeas, so I was left with the slightly tedious task of picking out all those skins. Any tips, Deb?
I just eat the skins! Not pretty maybe but I don’t really notice when it’s just for me.
With Deb’s hummus recipe she takes the skins off first – I have done this for other recipes and it’s a bit tedious but not terrible. Should work here too; easier on the front end than once it’s all mashed.
Hi Deb! How many sandwiches does this make?
This looked like it would be good, but it ended up being addicting! I was eating spoonfuls out of the bowl and couldn’t stop! I ended up topping salads with it. Thank you for the great recipe! I can see making this often.
Oh, new pictures for one of my favorites, yay!!
I like to chop the onion first, then zest and squeeze the lemon juice over them next. That way they get lightly pickled while I’m getting everything else ready.
Just the best over toasted buttered bread. I usually make a double batch because I can’t stop eating it!
Yummy!! Just made this served on thick toasted bread with a smear of boursin cheese. Perfect dinner dinner.
This looks divine ?? I adore chick peas but cannot abide olives (and I am a salt fiend). Is there anything you can think of as a substitute? Thanks, you are awesome ??
This looks stupendous ? unfortunately I cannot abide olives (despite being a salt fiend)- any ideas for substitution? You are awesome ??
Just skip it, or use capers.
I don’t think it’s fair to comment on recipes if you’ve made changes in the recipe. But I made this, subbing in white onion instead of red, and capers instead of black olives, and it was gloriously lemony and complex and altogether delicious. I served it with bread squares for an appetizer one night, then enjoyed it for lunch the next two days (having doubled the recipe). What a winner of a recipe! It’s going into my rotation for sure.
Ah, capers. I’ll try that. Great sub for olives. Loathe olives. Thanks.
I love to come to the “I Made This” comments for sub’s because life doesn’t always have all the ingredients in the fridge, but you still might want to make the recipe. Or as here, you might not be a fan of an ingredient. The comment section is always very respectful I think, and I never get the impression someone posts sub’s because they’re trying to make the recipe better, they’re just playing, or adapting to their palate, or using up some orphan ingredient in their fridge.
Have had this for lunch every single day this week, stuffed in a toasted whole wheat pita with some lightly dressed coleslaw and slices of bell pepper. Addicting!
I agree – I love to read how people adapt or alter a recipe. I don’t take it as an insult to the recipe but quite the opposite.
this is amazing!!! I added in some very small dice celery, a larger amount of olives, and dressed the top with chopped hard cooked egg, diced tomato, and a sprinkle of cotijo cheese.
I served this as a summer salad without bread and it was a hit. I mixed in the harissa as suggested and it was delicious.
This has been a regular for years. I often adapt based on what’s in the fridge/pantry. I’ve done it with white beans instead of chickpeas, capers instead of olives, mixed in some mustard…today I had some kale sitting in a lemon vinagrette that I wanted to use up so I added that it. It’s very good and such a great template for a quick, oven- and stove-less meal.
I made this last night and it was a great side to spicy chicken. I doubled the recipe, added red wine vinegar and some chives. While I didn’t put it on bread, I think it is refreshing just as it. Thanks for the recipe as it will be on rotation in our house!
If you’re lazy like me you can make it even easier: I just threw all ingredients in the food processor and pulsed a few times. No chopping stuff or smashing chickpeas! The texture is probably a little different but it’s delicious this way too. I ate it on toast with tahini spread straight from the jar.
Fantastic! With a sesame allergy, this is my new hummus. Usually double the recipe, use minced Castelvetrano olives, whatever onion I have, sprinkle with smoky paprika, cumin and eat with saltines or flat bread. We don’t really measure the ingredients, just taste and adjust as we go. Cheap, easy, fast, vegetarian. Checks all my favorite boxes.
OMG! I made this 3 days ago & just made a double batch tonight. Amazing what a little mash will do to keep it on your fork, toast, pita. I added some Zataar seasoning and dill because I love them. Thanks so much for this new salad.
Deb, you are a genius! I’m stuck inside because of the COVID-19 shutdown, and am running dangerously low on groceries. I dug deep into your archives to find things I could make with the few ingredients I have left, and struck gold when I found this recipe. I served the salad on toasted french bread (which had been hiding in my freezer) with the tahini schmear, and it made a phenomenal lunch. Thank you!
Perfect for a quick summer meal!! Thanks Deb, I can always find a recipe here that makes cooking seem more fun than take out
This was so easy to make, and I had everything nearby. With rarely a few minutes to make something, let alone eat it with raising a 3-month-old and 2-year-old, I am happy to say I made it and ate it within a few minutes!
I wasn’t happy with the results with a fork or my potato masher. Tried it with a sturdy pastry cutter (I use this one: https://www.oxo.com/dough-blender-with-blades-663.html) and found that was perfect. I also add about 50% more onion, parsley, and olives. I like it served on naan or inside a pita. And always double the recipe–these are the leftovers that you dream of finding in the fridge!
This is a lovely, delicious salad! I¡¯ve made it many times. No red onion today, so I subbed in some finely minced shallot.
Ahhhh YUM! Several years ago I worked in Rockefeller Ctr where ‘wichcraft was located & yes, this chickpea sandwich was my favorite. Well, the grilled gruyere & caramelized onion was also my favorite. I’d pick up lunch there a few times a week, get a sandwich & a cup of soup – very filling & comforting. I’m on the west coast now, missing so many NYC things, and will make this recipe today!
Thank you for your great recipes & entertaining descriptions
I just made this for dinner. It took less than 3 minutes. Super easy and delicious! I added the harissa and am so glad you suggested adding it. Thank you!
This is transformative! So simple and packed with flavour. I’ve made this a few times. I don’t have a potato masher and the fork against bowl was getting annoying, so today I microwaved the drained chickpeas in a pyrex measuring cup for 40 seconds, which softened them a bit, then mashed roughly with a wooden spoon. So much easier (I prefer fewer whole chickpeas). Perfect lunch at home or, I imagine, to bring on a hike. Thank you.
OMG, why did I wait so long to try this? First time I made it as written¡ªdelicious especially with a glut of red wine vinegar as I like the acid. Have now used other veggies like celery, pickled red onion, leftover pickled veggies from take out. All terrific o bread, crackers orin it¡¯s own. Thanks for this menu staple that my whole family enjoys.
Made this subbing olives and parsley for capers and coriander. I ate the whole bowl before the bread was toasted. A triumph. Thank you again, Deb.
Thank you for this recipe and the ‘doll it up’ suggestions. I’m a plant based, sandwich loving person and in dire need of a great sandwich. I’m making it today!
I made a variation for lunch – hummus, tomato, shallot, spicy sprouts, & black olives (why black?) on a toasted potato roll (it was what I had).
Very good – thanks!
I¡¯m always looking for bean/legume recipes. I¡¯m surprised I hadn¡¯t seen this until now.
My goodness! How can something with so few (and very common) ingredients taste so delicious? I¡¯ll be making a LOT more of this, and only wish I had tried it at the beginning of this long hot summer!
This is one of my favorite things. It comes together in a flash, tastes amazing, and checks the “healthy” box. I use chopped dill pickles instead of olives, skip the oil, and add lots of crushed red pepper flakes to mine — heavenly! As others have noted, you can use this on a salad, in a wrap, on bread, on rye crackers, with rice or quinoa…. it’s always good. Thanks, Deb!
I¡¯ve made this before but today, in the middle of Labor Day weekend, I had a stroke of genius. I made this chickpea salad as I usually do (subbing capers for olives) and took some of Alon Shaya¡¯s lutenitsa I had in my fridge, smeared that on the toasted sourdough first, then piled on the chickpea salad. *chefs kiss* perfect mid-weekend lunch before friends come over. ??
Just made this for lunch and it is perfect!!! I added capers and had on toast with goat cheese- thanks for a lovely easy recipe!
Addictive. Even for my meat eating men-folk.
No olives? I used olive tapenade. Lots. Super yum.
Toasted sourdough and homemade focaccia are my favorite bread options.
Great vegan option for potlucks.
Adding Penzey¡¯s ¡°sandwich sprinkle¡± is amazing too.
I keep hearing Deb’s recipes are endlessly riffable and am happy to realize i am learning how. By necessity one day, I had to try to replicate this dish without the recipe in front of me. I forgot the olives. Thought I remembered parmesan cheese so put that in. Even thought I remembered arugula in there. So since I had a
pre-washed ton of that from my CSA, dumped in a ton of it….practically based the salad on that and the garbanzos….and it was STILL delicious! Of course you’d have to like arugula. But I think my favorite, most used Smitten Kitchen recipes are Deb’s hearty salads. They can easily be meals in themselves.
I’ve been eating this a lot lately (I like to top Good Things crackers with it.) Something I discovered is that it’s much easier to mash the peas if you mix them in a flat bottom dish like a small Pyrex casserole. Otherwise it’s so hard to effectively smash in a bowl!
I was having a rough time falling asleep and scrolled past this recipe on Instagram.
This isn¡¯t very like me, but I realized that I hadn¡¯t made lunch for tomorrow and that I had all the ingredients in the fridge.
I got up, whipped up this salad and obviously had a bedtime snack size portion. Delicious. I have no regrets.
Now I can go back to bed with something to look forward to tomorrow.
This was delicious, I had to use basil instead of parsley as my parsley had gone to seed, but it was great with basil!
This was perfect for lunch today with some cold leftover Spanish tortilla! I had basil instead of parsley as that was to hand.
Spectacular! I made it with chickpeas, red onion, parsley, garlic paste, lemon juice and homemade harissa, which took it over the top. I loaded it on a toasted bagel and could have eaten a dozen of them. Next time I double the recipe!
YUM! This is so fresh and delicious! What a great summer salad! I used a shallot and lots of lemon. Having it over a bed of watercress and radishes for lunch on our boat today… I almost polished it off for breakfast as I was making it :)
this is a great recipe! can you tag it as vegan, please? i used your blog as a starting point when i went vegan. i wonder if there are maybe some other stellar vegan recipes that aren¡¯t in the tag?
Thank you — will do! And I bet there are as I added the category only a few years ago and the site is… 17!
I made this the other day. I can¡¯t believe how absolutely delicious so few simple ingredients can be. Highly recommend. I ate it as a side salad, and plopped it on toasted sourdough. Absolutely delish!
Can’t believe this recipe is from 2009 and I only just discovered it a few months ago. I’ve been making this on the regular for a not-sad desk lunch and it’s incredible. Sometimes I add avo and/or feta. This is an absolute BANGER of an every day recipe!
I know it’s summer when I get a craving for this tasty salad/dip/sandwhich filling. So easy and quick to make. Didn’t have lemon on hand so I used a splash of red-wine vinegar instead. It was still delicious. This keeps for a few days in the fridge, so I make a double batch and use it for wrap sandwiches or salad toppers for the week. It’s a 10/10 for sure.
I’ve made this so many times! I always sub capers for olives because I just don’t like olives. You could easily switch out the herbs with whatever you have on hand too. My favorite way to eat this is on an open face sandwich with toast, the suggested tahini dressing or hummus and a poached egg on top. I also double the recipe every time because it goes quickly